• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 5,221 Views, 506 Comments

64 vs. The Underground - Jman9877

Now in the employ of Princess Celestia, Project 64 must come to terms with his new life and what it will bring, but how will he do that with the visions and memories of the past coming to haunt him at every corner? What new enemies will he face?

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26

64 POV

It was nighttime by the time I arrived in Appaloosa, so everypony was obviously asleep. We landed among the Apple grove and I was simply looking at the case file for Appaloosa. In this city, it was a Pegasus filly and an earth pony colt that were kidnapped, with the parents of both still being alive.

I needed to find out if there could be any clues here to tell me who the hell wanted to make sure I didn’t leave that sewer. There was no reason for anypony else to be in that sewer, meaning that they had to be connected to the foalnappings somehow.
I decided that I needed to rest before I ended up running my mind ragged and burning out before I even got started.

“Hey, wake me up at Celestia’s first crack of dawn, I’m gonna get some rest.” I ordered to the Lunar Pegasi, who nodded and stood at attention. I laid back in the chariot and sighed, closing my eyes and allowing myself to travel into my dreams.

Princess Luna POV

I felt 64 once again fall asleep, and I was scared to take a look and see what was lying in the dark recesses of his mind. The last dream was so surreal that it ended up expelling my forcibly, something that only ponies with years of practice in the art of the Dream could manage. He obviously still harbored fear about the Discord incident, and was having trouble dealing with it.

“Luna… now is not the time for us to be scared of your domain… you are in charge of the dream realm.” I assured myself, before sitting down in my throne and allowing myself to enter the Dream Realm. All around me, bubbles with pictures within them surrounded me, creating the portals to so many different dreams.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find the missing children in my realm, as if they were being blocked off from magical signals. I easily found 64’s dream, because its image looked red and distorted. I found myself incredibly nervous to enter, not wanting to experience another extreme nightmare like last time.

“This is your domain…” I whispered to myself, before entering the dream. Unlike last time, this dream held no foul stench, no horrible images. I saw nothing but a bright green forest, with smoke rising from a small camp in the distance. I flew to the camp and looked around, seeing nopony around. There was a small sleeping bag and a still burning campfire, but no one around.

“Hello? Project 64? Are you there?” I called out, looking around. No one answered, so I sighed in frustration. I looked to the fire and knew it would be a hazard to the forest around me, even though that all this was only a dream.

I moved to stamp out the fire with the dirt surrounding it, but recoiled when the fire seemed to snap out at me. I glared at it before enveloping it in my magic, before cutting off all of the oxygen to the flame. It began to flicker and burn away, until it was finally gone. I nodded and turned away, wanting to find where 64 was.

YOU CAN’T SMOTHER THE SUN!!” A voice yelled from behind me, before I felt my entire right side being burned.

“AHH!” I yelled out, jumping away from my attacker and turning towards them, my eyes widened at the assailant. Super Nova was standing where the flame that I smothered was just burning, her eyes burning with a murderous fire.

LEAVE THIS PLACE NOW LUNA! 64 WILL BE OURS! HE WILL SUCCUMB TO THE FLAMES!” Super Nova yelled, firing a bolt of magic at me. I blocked it using a shield spell and fired back, before jumping up into the air and taking off into the sky. It was difficult with the feathers on my right side being burned, but I managed to soar into the air above the campsite.

Super Nova followed closely as our dogfight began, with me being forced to flee from Super Nova’s flame attacks. I tried to change the landscape around me using my dream magic, but only managed to turn the light of day into pitch black darkness, allowing me to camouflage in the night sky.

I looked behind me and saw that Super Nova was indeed having trouble locating me, growling and searching the skies blindly. I had to find 64 and wake him up before he got hurt in here, if not physically then mentally.

ENOUGH OF THESE GAMES!” Super Nova yelled, before exploding in a large flash of blinding light. It illuminated the sky and revealed my location to Super Nova, who came rocketing towards me at an unbelievable speed. I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to turn, so I closed my eyes and awaited the impact.

“Luna!” I heard a male voice yell, before I felt a tendril of magic wrap around my leg and pull back down to the Earth. When I reopened my eyes, I saw Project 64 standing in front of me, the scar on his left eye looking as if he had just gotten it a few hours ago. “What the fuck are you doing here!? Get out of my dreams!”

I recoiled at his harsh tone, but didn’t have enough time to respond. Super Nova came dive bombing towards us, with 64 pushing me out of the way of danger. He then stood up and focused his magic, as I saw something amazing happen.

Two burning wings with burning feathers of flames came out of his back, before he turned around and glared at me.

“Get out of my dream before something else happens! She’s been doing this since I’ve been in the damn coma! I can handle this!” He yelled before shooting off into the sky, a large blade in his hands as he began to attack the flame monstrosity that was Super Nova.

I wanted to stay and see what was going to happen, but I felt compelled to obey 64 and exit the dream. I closed my eyes and focused on returning back to my physical body, before I slowly began to feel sick and dizzy. I fell onto my stomach with my eyes shut tightly, my head hurting too much to open them.

“Princess Luna? Do you feel well?” A monotone voice to my right said. I opened my eyes to see that it was one of my Lunar Stallions who was guarding my court, and I nodded to show that I was fine.

“Yes I’m alright, thank you for your consideration.” I replied authoritatively, making the Guard go back to his post. I shook my right wing to get the phantom pains of the fire out, but it did nothing. 64 had that thing running around inside of his head and he acted so normally around us? What possible reason could he have for doing that?

64 POV

I opened my eyes slowly after I felt Luna leave my dream. Luckily Super Nova decided that I had had enough torment for one night and let me wake up, not letting me slip into another coma. I didn’t say anything last time I felt Luna enter my dream because I was fighting against another one of Nova’s creations, an image of Discord.

My time in the coma was filled with dreams like that, all courtesy of Super Nova now that I realized it. I should’ve known when she used that image of Vi to wake me up the day I came out of the coma, what with her foreboding message and everything.

“Sir, it seems you have awakened without our assistance, we will wait here amongst the Trees until you require us again.” The lead Guard said, before performing the same strange act of covering his entire body with his wings like a cocoon. The other guards followed along leaving me confused. I got out of the carriage and stretched out a bit, popping a few tight joints.

I flipped my notepad open to a blank page and labeled it Appaloosa, before walking through the apple tree towards the small Western Town. It resembled Dodge Junction in a lot of ways especially with the friendly town’s people. I remember the first time I had come here they welcomed me with open hooves, but a few altercations in the Salt Block Saloon painted me in a bad light after the Sheriff started prattling off that I was a wanted criminal on the run from Celestia.

After that I left without argument, knowing that it was best for everyone that I left before something happened. I was excited to see how the town had been doing since then.

I emerged from the tree line and saw the bustling city, with ponies and buffalo alike walking around the town. After Twilight and her friends successfully bonded the two feuding populaces, a few of the buffalo decided to make the city their home.

The Sheriff apparently already had his posse looking around for clues, but I think they needed a bit more perception if they were going to find anything, rather than going out looking for trouble with gunpowder weapons.

I walked through the town and saw the faces of a few ponies that recognized me, waving at me happily. I waved back and continued through the town, before I felt a shivering sensation at the back of my neck, telling me I was in danger.

My vision turned red as I turned to see a Caplock Revolver being aimed at the back of my head, before I reached out the grabed the hoof holding it. I pushed it into the air and heard a loud bang as the ponies in the scrambled for cover, before I wrenched the Revolver out of the hoof of the attacker. I brought my free fist down onto the attacker’s muzzle, knocking him out.

“Who the hell do you think you… are?” I whispered, seeing the Sheriff now unconscious at my feet. Many ponies began to peek out of their hiding places, with a walking up to me.

“Did tha’ Sheriff try ta’ attack ya?” A stallion asked, walking up to me.

“Yeah, but do you have any idea why?” I asked, taking the bullets out of the Revolver and pocketing them.

“Well ah remember ya from yer last time here! Sheriff was awfully sore ‘bout ya ‘deceiving’ us like that. Don’t worry ‘bout it none, nopony else here think any less of ya fer not tellin’ us. Welcome back to Appaloosa! Remember me from last time?” The stallion asked, as I smirked.

“Yes, Braeburn. I remember you. Please don’t give me an over exaggerated introduction of the city like last time.” I said, shaking his hoof. I remembered why I was here and looked down towards the Sheriff. I lifted him onto my shoulder and looked to Braeburn.

“I’m here to investigate the foalnappings that happened here about a week and a half ago, and I would like it if the Sheriff didn’t open fire at me.” I told Braeburn who nodded and scowled.

“He insisted on gettin’ a few of those things about a few months ago, but ah thought they were nothin’ but trouble. Bring weapons here, then ponies will only want those weapons to do bad things.” Braeburn replied, as we began our walk to the sheriff’s office.

Firearms began to spring up about 3 months ago, being a new weapon for earth ponies who managed to get their hooves on them. I personally didn’t like them, they weren’t very stealthy. I remember when I was younger I always thought how the hell ponies were able to hold things without appendages to grip, but I soon after found out that all ponies had an inherent magic within themselves, allowing them to create a near vacuum in the space between their hoof and the object and ‘grip’ them.

Ponies simply manipulated this vacuum grip and were able to pull the trigger, allowing for the projectile to shoot out of the gun. Of course with my hands and fingers it would be a perfect weapon to have, but I didn’t see a need for a pistol, unless it was a life or death situation.

“So are ya gonna talk ta the parents of tha’ foals yet? Ah’m mean ya should talk ta them before ya do anythin’.” Braeburn suggested, as I shook my head no.

“Not just yet. I need to find out what the Sheriff has gathered before I start looking for anything myself. Hopefully there’s something good that they’ve found, and I won’t have to look hard for anything else.” I told him, as he nodded in understanding.

We made it to the Sheriff’s office and I threw him onto his chair unceremoniously, as he slowly began to come to. I decided to try something and placed the Revolver onto the desk, just to see what he did.

“Hey, Sheriff. Up and at ‘em, I’m here to help investigate the recent foalnappings.” I called out, as his eyes widened.

“YOU!” He shouted, reaching for the gun and aiming it at me. He fired multiple times, but all that was heard was an unsatisfying clicking sound. He looked at his gun before growling at me, as I pulled the .44 bullets out of my pocket.

“I think you need these… I’m not here to try and do anything bad like you think I am. Look last time I was on the wrong side of the law, this time I’m working for Celestia, and she sent me to help this town personally. Now I’m going to set on of these things on the table, and I’ll let you make your choice. Let me help you in finding these foals, or you can try and kill me. Your choice.” I explained, set 3 of the 6 bullets I had taken from him on the table between us.

He looked down at the bullets before looking up at me, before growling and taking the bullets.

“You mind giving me the other 3...?” He asked harshly, obvious mad at my ultimatum. I grinned and set the rest of the rounds onto the table, as he slowly loaded them back into the chamber of his gun. “I think we have everything down here under control, there’s no need for some freak of nature to show up and take everything over.”

I dusted his insult off of my shoulder and crossed my arms, bringing out my notebook. “What have you found so far?” I asked, ready to write anything new notes down.

Sheriff looked at me with a scowl before huffing a bit, and pulling a few things out of his desk. A bag with a small tuft of dark red fur, a small knife that was stained with blood, and a map with a trail marked in red.

“This is what we got so far. This fur was found stuck to a cactus which was on this trail, along with signs of a struggle. Seems the two foals decided to fight back, and knocked him into the prickly thing.” He said, walking over to another larger map on the wall.

“Two foals? They were taken at the same time?” I asked, making him nod.

“Eyup, both disappeared after they were playing together in one of the apple groves. There are hoof prints that lead Northeast, along with magic residue all being used to teleport a few times. The trail ends about 3 miles from the city limit, and these items were found all within a mile within of each other. There was a blood trail leading from the same cactus that we found the tuft of hair on, but we haven’t found out if it belongs to the kids or the foalnapper.”

I wrote down all of the extra information I was gathering, and was glad that there was some actual evidence here.

“Alright… I need to make a quick call… give me a moment…” I said, grabbing my charm necklace and channeling magic into it.

“Celestia, I need a forensics’ spell book, think you can spot me?” I asked nonchalantly, as a large book suddenly teleported in front of me.

Please take care of this, lest Twilight catch wind that you allowed a book from the royal Archive be harmed.” Celestia warned me, as I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t worry, It’ll be fine. Hopefully Appaloosa had a bit more clues than Las Pegasus did, trail’s gone cold there.”

I have faith that you will bring the children home safely. Good luck 64.”

Celestia signed off after that, leaving me with the Forensics’ spell book. I flipped to a page with the blood scanning spell, while Braeburn walked up to my side.

“Watcha got there partner?” He asked curiously, as I lowered the book a bit to let him see what was on the pages.

“I’m going to try and find out if the blood on the knife is from the fillies, or from the suspect. Let me see that tuft of hair and the knife.” I said, studying the runes to do the spell correctly. Sheriff reluctantly took the evidence and hoofed it over to me, as I studied the book a little bit more.

sanguine gentis aetatis…” I muttered, as a glow of red flowed out of my hand. The blood on the knife glowed a bright green color for a few seconds, as I cast the same spell onto the tuft of hair. It didn’t glow green.

“Sorry to say this… but it looks like that blood is the foals blood…” I said grimly, as Braeburn’s face suddenly contorted into shock.

“Lily Wing coulda gotten hurt by that son of a bitch?!” He yelled loudly, obviously enraged.

“It might have been Stomper, we all know that the colt and filly were a s thick as thieves before they got kidnapped. He might have tried protecting Lily and gotten cut in the process.” Sheriff suggested, trying to calm Braeburn.

“The blood stains on the knife suggest that it was a slice instead of a stab, due to the amount of blood on the blade. I suggest that that I take the trail that you’ve scoped out and extend my search a few miles outwards, to try and see if there’s anything else out there.” I said, getting up and walking towards the door.

“Woah there, where in the sam hell do you think you’re going?” The sheriff called out, as I saw his hoof go towards his holstered Revolver. “If you are gonna go pickin’ at the desert, then I’m goin’ with you. I‘ll be damned if you are running around out there by yourself.”

He got up and donned a poncho onto his body, to help with the sweltering heats which would come from the desert sun later. It was still fairly early in the morning so the temperature was a bit cool, but when the sun started shining, it would probably become blistering hot.


3rd Person POV

Sheriff and 64 were walking through the harsh environment that was the Appalosian Desert, with the sun leaving heat waves across the surface of the earth. Sheriff was walking behind 64 as the human used his enhanced eyes sight to try and locate anything that could be classified as a clue.

After a few hours of patient searching through the desert, the search had brought up nothing for the two, with 64 scowling as they walked along.

“Shit… there’s gotta be something out here…” 64 muttered to himself, scanning the floor to try and find anything from a hoofprint to a drop of blood, which no doubt would have already dried up on the desert floor.

“I’m tellin’ ya, there’s nothin’ out here that we already didn’t find. This was a Unicorn doin’ these things, using their freaky magic to teleport away. I’ve heard stories of unicorns goin’ from one end of the world to the other using magic, so this Unicorn could probably go pretty far with two kids.” Sheriff suggested, using his ignorance of magic to try and discourage 64. Although the Longshot Teleportation Spell could go pretty far, there was no record of a Unicorn going across the globe in one go.

“That’s pretty unlikely. If what you said about finding magical residue out here is true, then we know that it was definitely a unicorn. But that’s all we know…”

64 kicked his foot once and growled, feeling helpless. He was chasing ghosts who had been leaving plenty of evidence, but without somepony to pin it to, it was all worthless. Sheriff saw him in his downtrodden state and grunted, not really caring about 64.

“Well looks like there’s nothing’ out here for us then. Maybe… we should head back…” Sheriff said, looking at the opportunity he had. Out in the desert, with 64’s back turned, with his Revolver cocked and loaded. He had an uneasy feeling about 64, and anyone who he felt was a threat to his town, was something that needed to be put down.

“One shot…” Sheriff whispered to himself, reaching for the gun on his side slowly with his right hoof. He grabbed it and was about to unholster it, before a quaking sensation was felt in the ground. He looked up to see that Chief Thunderhooves was running full speed at him and 64, before they jumped out of the way of danger.

“YOU DARE TAKE THE BLESSED FOALS OF THIS LA— Oh, Sheriff, it’s only you… and… your companion...” Thunderhooves said, looking at 64 with curiosity.

“We aren’t the foalnappers… we’re looking for them, but the trail has gone cold. We were just about to head back before we burst into flames for just standing here.” 64 said sarcastically, as Chief Thunderhooves laughed.

“We are doing the same things tall one, searching for the ones known as Stomper and Lily Wing.” Thunderhooves boomed, “We have found a small tunnel at the edge of the Appalosian Gorge, and were about to investigate. Perhaps you would like to join us?”

64 smirked and nodded, putting his hand out.

“You got a deal partner.”

Author's Note:

And yes, 64 knew the Sheriff was going for his gun.

Although a lot of people are a bit sore when it comes to the idea of guns in Equestria, I say that there is no way that firearms don't exist. There's already DJ booths, Strobe Lights, Arcade's and fucking skyscrapers in Manehatten, so why wouldn't technology advance to gunpowder weapons?

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