• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 3,548 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria Girls: The New Doctor - zZ Sky Ninja Zz

The 11th Doctor is a little different than he is in the show, when he lands in a new (but familiar) universe. With his companion Twilight Sparkle, he saves the universe from evil (Cliche much?) Equestria Girls universe, possible Doctor/Twilight

  • ...

Fish Custard and the Crack in the Wall

"Ah." The boy thought. "It's great to be in this world again, been such an age since I was here last."

"This guy is so weird." Cadance whispered to Shining Armour.

They had brung the boy, who calls himself 'The Doctor' inside the house. He was..... special, but Twilight was keeping close to him, believing he could put an end to her problem.

The purple skinned girl gave the Time Lord an apple. "Tell me this, if you're a doctor, then why does that box of yours say police?"

The Doctor bit into the apple and spat it back out, while the others just looked at him.

Coughing, he asked. "That's disgusting, what is that?"

Twilight frowned in confusion. "An apple."

The Doctor turned away. "Apple's rubbish, I hate apples."

Twilight stuttered. "B-but you said you loved them."

The Doctor shook his head. "No, no, no. Uh, I like yoghurt. Yoghurt's my favourite."

Twilight handed him a yoghurt, to which he just spat it back in the cup. "And I hate yoghurt. There's stuff with bits in."

Night Light placed a hand to his forehead. "This will be a looong night."

After rejecting many foods. (The others laughed at how he chucked a piece of toast outside.) The Doctor settled for fish fingers and custard. The others got some food too since the option was presented to them.

Twilight got some cookies and just blurted out. "You're weird."

The doctor raised an eyebrow. "Weird? Good. Weird's good in a way. So what's your name?"

"Twilight Sparkle."

The Time Lord grinned. "Oooh, that's a great name. Like a name in a fairytale."

He then leaned back and smiled that he was in this world again. The Doctor was no stranger to this universe, he was attached to it as he was in his own universe and most of his previous forms have been here too. He even got into a relationship with someone here in his last form. Ditzy Doo her name was.

"So, these people your family?"

Twilight nodded. "My mom is Twilight Velvet, my dad Night Light and there's my BBBFF and his girlfriend Cadance."

The Doctor smiled widely. "Does that stand for Big Brother Best Friend Forever?"

Everyone just stared at him. "How did you know that?"

"Just a hunch."

Velvet took a sip of her coffee. "You must have a name, surely? I don't believe you were named 'Doctor'."

The Doctor looked down. "I DO have a name, but I don't use it, it's not important I've become attached to the 'Doctor' anyway."

"Well, don't you have a family?"

Everyones hearts dropped when he shook his head. "You poor thing, how old are you?"

The Doctor shrugged. "I dunno, nine-hundred, eleven-hundred. I lost count ages ago."

Night Light just frowned. "Oooookay, well you look..... seventeen."

"Alright, go with that then."

The Doctor looked at Twilight. "You know, you are a brave girl."

Twilight frowned. "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

"I mean that a box falls from the sky, man comes out, eat and spits your food and is eating fish custard. Your family look at me like I'm a mental patient and yet your not batting an eyelid."

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not really scared."

The Doctor nodded. "Must be a hella scary crack on your wall."

Everyone just had serious expressions.

In Twilight's room

The Doctor whistled. "You've had some cowboys in here. Not actual cowboys though, though that can happen. Long story, forget I mentioned it."

Velvet crossed her arms. "So you know what the problem is"

"It's a crack."

Shining Armour rolled his eyes. "We know that."

The Doctor shook his head. "No no no. This wall is solid and the crack doesn't go all the way through. So here's a thing. Where's the draught coming from?"

He took out an object to which everyone stared at it. "What the heck is that"

"Sonic Screwdriver."

He scanned the crack and put a hand to his chin in thought. "Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey."

Twilight looked at him. "So you know what it is?"

The Doctor nodded. "It's a crack, but here's the fun part. If you knocked the wall down, the crack will just stay put."

Cadance frowned. "Why?"

"Because the crack is not actually in the wall."

Everyone just had confused looks. "Gonna have to explain more."

The Doctor ran his hand around it. "This crack is everywhere. It's a split in the skin of the world."

"This makes no sense."

"I wouldn't expect it to make sense from humans. It's two parts of space and time that should never have touched. Pressed together in this very wall."

He then turned to Twilight. "Tell, me do you ever hear-"

"A voice? Yes. It's been scaring me for months now."

The occupants in the room then hear a growling from somewhere. Cadance squeaks and latches onto Shining Armour's arm. The Doctor then takes an empty cup placed on Twilight's nightstand and presses it against the wall, he then listens in.

"Prisoner Zero has escaped." A voice says fom the other side.

The Doctor frowned. "Prisoner Zero?"

Twilight's eyes widened. "That's what I always hear every night and day when I'm in here. What does it mean?"

"It means that on the other side is a prison aaaand someone (or something) escaped."

Velvet rubbed her head. "That still doesn't explain how this crack got here in the first."

The Doctor closed his eyes in thought. "Hmmm... the only way to close it is to open it all the way. If I'm correct (Which I always am) the forces will invert and it'll snap itself shut or....."

Twilight looked nervous at the Doctors tone. "Or....?"

"You when you were little and your parents tell you everything is okay even when you know they're lying?"

Twilight frowned. "Yes?"

The Doctor grinned at her nervously. "Everything is gonna be okay."

Everyone just deadpanned at that.

The Doctor aimed his Screwdriver at the wall and the crack opened flooding the bedroom in a bright light.

"What did you do?" Night Light yelled.

"Prisoner Zero has escaped. Prisoner Zero has escaped." The voice repeated.

The Doctor leaned and forward and said. "Hello? Anyone out there?"

"..... Did you order a pizza?"

Twilight smacked her forehead. "Are you serious?"

"Okay, YOU try something."

Twilight gulped. "Ahaha, I'll leave that to you."

A giant eyeball looked through. Everyone except the Doctor yelped in fright.

"W-What the heck is that?"

A bolt of light came through and hit the Time Lord, to which he doubled over. The crack then closed.

The Doctor got up and grinned. "There, see? What did I tell you? Ah yes, good as new. You would never tell the difference."

Cadance was still shaking. "W-was that Prisoner Zero?"

The Doctor reached in his pockets. "No, it's possible that was his guard. In any case, the eye sent me a message. Psychic Paper, really handy little thing."

He frowned when he read it. "Prisoner Zero has escaped. I don't understand why he would tell US of all people. Unless....."

"Unless what" Twilight asked.

"Unless he escaped through here. But I'm pretty sure you guys would have noticed that."

What they didn't know was that there was a door right next to one that shouldn't be there, next door to Twilight's.

The Doctor rubbed his head. "This is hard, brand new body. Nothing is working right, and yet I feel there is something I'm missing. Something from the corner of my eye-"

A sound of a bell made him snap his head up. "Oh no, don't do that now."

"Do what?" Twilight asked as he ran past her to go outside. "Doctor wait!"

The others followed her as she ran outside chasing the Doctor. "I have to get back, the engines are gonna phase out and the whole thing will light up in flames."

Twilight frowned. "How can a box have engines?"

"It's not a box, time machine is the real term."

Twilight glared at him. "That's not possible, the science behind it would be too much."

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Believe what you want, but if I don't get her stabilised soon, I won't have a time machine. A quick
hop into the future should calm it down."

"Well, I wanna come."

Night Light glared. "Oh, no you don't missy."

"But dad-"

The Doctor shook his head. "Your father is right Ms Sparkle, it's too dangerous."

"Give me five minutes, okay? I'll be right back."

Twilight folded her arms. "I don't trust you, this could just be an act."

"Trust me, I'm the Doctor."

He then jumps into the TARDIS and they hear him say. "Geronimo! No, don't like that, have to come up with a new catchphrase because I do not see that catching on."

The door closes and everyone stared wide eyed as the TARDIS dematerlialises. Shining Armour frowned. "I don't like that guy."

But Twilight just stood there, eyes wide with shock. "Will he really be gone for five minutes?"

Author's Note:

Stopping point, decided for most of this to do some improv on the lines so you aren't reading the show line for line. Anyway,
Favourite, Follow, Review.
Safety and Peace and may the Gods of budder protect you.