• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,973 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Glen's Luna Part 4

Glen sighed as she looked into the crackling fire. It was her fifth and final night in the Everfree forest. A pair of manticores had destroyed their campsite on the first day, causing them to lose half of their supplies and forcing them to scrounge and gather resources in order to survive. The second day had been worse. Timberwolves had attacked in force and caused one of their members, Lockheart a red headed stallion, to require field stitches after a particularly nasty bite.

The third things had been quiet. The fourth however... had been much worse. Parasprites, and not the mutant ones that Glen was used to from the Wasteland, had swarmed through the campsite, eating every crumb of food and antagonizing each and every member of the group. Glen had killed several dozen of them. Day five... well... poor Lockheart had mentioned how awful it would have been to be a mare trapped out in the middle of Everfree all alone... right as he walked through a clump of blue flowers. Needless to say that Lockheart was currently speaking in a much higher pitched voice and none of the mares really felt inclined to help her find a cure.

Glen was tired of it. More importantly, she was just getting annoyed at the whole idea of being stuck out here with only her hooves to defend herself. It just wasn’t right and she didn’t freaking care if the moral of the lesson would be lost.

Of course... she was able to at least escape from all of this in a way. Every time Glen went to sleep, she used her dream magic to conjure other places to relax or vent her frustration. However, Luna never showed up nor would, since the alicorn had suspended their lessons until Glen was done with her ‘camping’ trip. While Glen understood, she just felt her dreams were less... interactive without Luna around. In a way, it kind of bugged her even more than spending a week in this bloody forest.

“This is so annoying,” Lockheart whined from where she was sitting across the fire from Glen.

The earth pony glanced up and gave the mare a hard flat glare. “You don’t say,” she said, a bit agitated by Lockheart obsessive whining.

The rosy maned mare shot her a glare. “I don’t see you walking around with a penis, one-eye. So mind your own damn business!”

Glen’s eye narrowed on the mare. “At least I haven’t been whining every single fucking day like a filly,” she remarked.

“Yeah, I guess you’re too ‘perfect’ for that aren’t you?” Lockheart said with a roll of her eyes. “Oh look at me ‘I’m Glen the most badass mare in the world, I eat meat and fuck the princess every night’,” she said mockingly.

The brown mare continued to look at the other mare dangerously. “If you like your jaw to remain in one piece, you better shut it now,” she said, dead serious.

“Oh like you have the-”

Without warning, Glen got up and pivoted around, unleashing her back hooves into Lockheart’s face. Lockheart’s head recoil as she was knocked to the ground and slid a couple of feet. The other three recruits who were also sitting around the campfire looked at Lockheart’s downed form and then all but one, shrugged simultaneously.

The last who actually moved, was their ‘team medic’ Cross Heart. She was a black unicorn with a white mane and a doctor’s bag on her flank as a cutie mark.

“Well, it’s a good thing it’s our last day out in this pit,” the medic said as she got up and walked over to the loudly whimpering form of Lockheart. With a single gesture she lowered her horn to Lockheart’s jaw and it began to glow. “I don’t think I could stand living with Lockheart much longer.”

“Join the club,” Glen muttered as she turned around and lay on the ground once more. “He’s bloody lucky to be alive...”

“Well, you did crack his jaw, in three places along with a handful of fractures,” Cross Heart replied nonchalantly, her horn still glowing. “So that counts for something.”

“Was aiming for a bit more than that,” the earth pony replied.

“I wouldn’t worry about him too much,” a blue pegasus stallion, Swift Wing said with a small shrug of his wings. “He’ll be out of here once we get back to Canterlot.”

“Am I the only one concerned that Glen just admitted to trying to kill him?” the last member of their group, a smallish earth pony mare with a light yellow coat who went by the name of Daisy asked. “Not that he doesn’t deserve a bit of it... but that’s extreme.”

“I don’t think Glen really wanted to kill him,” Swift Wing stated. “She’s not that type of pony, right Glen?” he asked, looking over at the mare.

Glen’s head was tilted downward, however her eye glanced up at them giving a humorless expressions to her face. “Lockheart is one lucky pony, that’s the only merit he’s got to him.”

Silence reigned for around the campfire as the other three ponies, sans Lockheart who had drifted into unconsciousness, stared at her.

“You’re one tough bitch,” Swift Wing stated, though there was no maliciousness in his voice.

“That’s one way of saying it,” Daisy said with a slight roll of her eyes. “Homicidal is another.”

“He’s fine,” Cross Heart said, getting up from where she’d been crouched beside Lockheart. Then she glanced at Glen. “I know that he’s annoying and this week has been a pain in the ass, but try not to kill him. We’ve only got a night left out here and I’d rather not have us be the first batch of recruits with a casualty inflicted by a teammate.”

“Sorry, old habits die hard,” Glen stated with a bit a scoff.

“Where in the hell did you pick up that kind of habit?” Swift Wing asked her with a raised eyebrow.

The brown mare frowned a bit as she lifted her head up at the other ponies. “The Equestrian Wasteland,” she replied.

“Wait... I thought there was just the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave one...” Daisy said, speaking up. “I mean... I know that we’ve got badlands to the south... but I’ve never heard them called the Equestrian Wasteland.”

“That’s because I’m from a version of this world that is fucked up just as much as the Capital Wasteland,” Glen commented. “A world where I was born, raised, and taught how to kill since I was a filly.”

There was another moment of loud silence before Swift Wing broke it.

“So... that explains how you made it out of that maze first every single time... it was all old to you,” he said very slowly.

“Yeah,” Glen answered with a small shake of her head.

“I thought there was something off about you,” Cross Heart said with a small nod, then waved a hoof in front of her. “Not in a bad way, just off. You didn’t seem like the everyday Equestrian.”

“Well now you know,” Glen said a bit sarcastically, though her voice lacked any humor.

Daisy frowned and then gave Glen an inquisitive look. “So... you lost your eye there? No offense... but that’s not a common thing here in Equestria... our Equestria anyways.”

Glen frowned and shook her head. “No... that was something else,” she replied. “And I would rather not talk about it,” she added, cutting Daisy’s question before it could be ask.

Daisy looked like she was about to ask another, but Cross Heart cut her off. “Leave her be Daisy,” the medic said, further silencing the mare.

“So... uhmmmm... what are you fillies going to do first when we get out of this forest?” Swift Wing asked, looking around.

“Shower,” Cross Heart answered with a small distasteful frown at her fur.

“Read a book,” Daisy said. “And then take a shower.”

“Shoot something,” Glen replied half heartedly.

“But... we don’t get guns until next week’s training starts,” Swift Wing said in confusion.

“You don’t, I already have a battle saddle waiting for me when I get out of here,” Glen answered. “And I want to shoot something with it for a while.”

“Well... have fun shooting stuff,” Swift Wing said. “Let me know if you’re in the mood to go out and get shots sometime.”

“Will do,” the mare replied, though she wasn’t really paying attention to the group anymore.

The group quieted down and settled in for the night. Glen let out a sigh as she began to fall asleep, at least she’d be out of the bloody forest tomorrow.

Glen stood in her room back in the castle, finally out of the freaking messed up forest. She let out a small relieved sigh, but her mind was still moody and tense so she still was a bit grouchy.

I really want to shoot something, Glen stated to herself.

As if on cue, there was a knock on her door. The mare’s ear perked at the noise and she trotted over to the door and opened it. To her surprise, Ethan stood there looking down at her with a grin.

“Hiya Glen, heard you just got back from ‘fuck you forest’ week and thought you’d be in the mood for some stress relief,” Ethan said, beaming at the mare.

For the first time in a whole week, Glen smiled. “Oh, I’m way past the mood and into the area of just finding a good excuse to let loose.”

“Yeah, Sparky’s training tends to do that,” Ethan agreed, ruffling her mane. “I also got a surprise for you too.”

“A surprise eh? It wouldn’t be a wearable surprise?” Glen asked, her smile growing a bit.

“Yep, Cassie helped me with it,” the man said with a grin. “Wanna see?”

“Oh yes,” the mare answered eagerly.

“Well then, follow me,” Ethan replied, unfurling a golden scroll which he tossed in the air, creating a portal which he promptly stepped through.

Glen smiled as she followed the man through the portal and stepped into a large room which was clearly an armoury. There were dozens if not hundreds of weapons and suits of armour on stands or against walls, amongst them were many suits of power armour, plasma weaponry, and even some thing that Glen couldn’t immediately identify.

The mare let out a low impressed whistle as her eye gaze around the room. Then her eye turned to where Ethan was standing beside a large battle saddle mounted with what looked like a blue tube filled with crackling energy on one side and a large multi-barreled minigun on the other. Beside the saddle was what looked like a suit of the armour that the Dusk Guard normally wore... except Glen could immediately see several differences, like a drop down HUD and a mouth grip along with a place on its back for the saddle to hook up to the main suit. There were also what looked like small tubes emerging from the sides of the back hooves.

“Well, whatcha think Glen?” Ethan asked her with a grin.

A wide, enthusiastic, grin split the mare’s face as she walked up to the armor and the saddle. “Like it? I LOVE IT!” she said, her voice heavily filled with thrill. Glen glanced up at the man with her cheery grin. “This is more than I could’ve asked for!”

Ethan grinned. “You’re very welcome Glenny,” he told her with a laugh. “I’m just glad that you’re happy with it, was worried that it would be a bit much.”

“A bit much?” the mare questioned with a small chuckle. “I know ponies who give up a hoof for armor and a battle saddle like this,” she stated as her eye glanced back at the set.

“Well then, what are you waiting for? Get it on, and let’s go kill some shit!” Ethan exclaimed with a grin.

The mare did so immediately, and with some guidance aid from Ethan, Glen put on and fastened her armor and battle saddle. It felt... incredibly light and fit her body like a glove... not that ponies wore gloves. More than that, but a sense of strength and power flowed through Glen with every step she took in it and the room around her became... more clear.

“Let’s see, Cassie told me that the Tesla Coil has an internal solar recharge built in so you’ll never have to worry about it running out of ammo so long as you make sure it gets plenty of sun, and the minigun has an internal ammo supply of a thousand shots,” Ethan listed off as he helped her get it on. “The ammo is apparently kept in a pocket dimension hooked up to the feed, don’t ask me how, Sparky went on for an hour about it and the most I got out of it was ‘it’s magic and can be refilled’. Other than that, the armour is rated for temperatures just under dragon’s fire, can take the explosive force from a high explosive rocket, and the penetrating power of an armour piercing .50 caliber round.”

Glen let of a low whistle as she examined the armor. “That’s a lot of stopping power.”

“Yep,” Ethan agreed. “The rear hooves have been hooked up with what we call ballistic fists which transform every punch into a shotgun sandwich, except in this case it’s going to be you bucking people in the crotch. Don’t worry about the ammo for a while, it’s on the same principle as the minigun and should last you a while.”

“Nice,” the mare said with a grin. Could’ve used it last night, but meh. “Anything else?” she asked.

“Yes actually,” the man said. “Your armor has been enchanted to raise your strength considerably, which is why you can actually wear the saddle without collapsing under the weight.”

“Ah, was wondering about that bit,” the mare mused but shrugged as she glanced up at the man with a grin. “So any more spiel or can we go out and shoot something?”

Ethan grinned and tapped her on the helmet because her mane was inaccessible. “Yeah, I’ve got a report of some raiders operating out of a cave to the south. Kind of surprised they had the balls to try and muscle into the Mojave with Cassie’s policies in place... but why don’t we go see why that was a mistake on their part eh?”

Glen nodded her head. “Let’s waste some raiders.”

Luna smiled as she watched the pair climb onto a blue hoverbike, Glen hesitant to get on it, and ride off into the desert. The alicorn kept up with them from above, keeping her eyes on the unknowing object of her affection.

The week without Glen had been... surprisingly torturous for Luna. She hadn’t realized how important to her the nightly lessons with Glen had become. Without them... Luna had nothing to look forward at the end of every day and the Lunar Princess had become deeply depressed.

But that was in the past now, Glen had been returned to her safety and their lessons were set to restart that very evening! Now... she just had to make sure that her mare was not injured during Ethan’s planned escapade. Luna frowned at the idea of Ethan making off with Glen... his adventures had an unfortunate habit of turning into things that were much worse than they’d originally intended on being. Luna didn’t want to take the chance that Glen could end up lost to her due to unforeseen circumstances.

So, it was to that end that Luna kept pace with the speeding hoverbike as it ate up desert ground.

“So this is the hole the rats are hiding in?” the mare inquired as she walked into the opening on the side of a small mountain.

“Apparently,” Ethan replied with a shrug. “I figure I’m just going to let you take most of them if that’s alright with you.”

“Most appreciated,” Glen replied with a small smile. “For a whole week I had the itch to shoot something, time to finally get rid of it,” she stated as she walked into the cave.

“That’s why Sparky spends the next week on weapons practice,” Ethan said with a small chuckle. “It’s a good way to let the newbies blow off all the steam they built up over the first two weeks.”

“Yeah... but there’s one problem,” Glen said glancing back at the man. “I’m not a newb,” she said. She jerked her head down causing the HUD lens to flip down and she walked deeper into the cave.

Ethan just shrugged and continued walking beside the mare. Within minutes they’d come to a wide open cavern, to Ethan’s slight surprise, there appeared to be a small army of raiders. There were at least a hundred of them, all of which were now staring at him and Glen.

“Well, that’s unexpected,” Ethan said aloud.

“OH FUCK!” one of the raiders shouted. “IT’S THE FUCKING WANDERER!”

“KILL EM!” another shouted, bringing up a laser rifle to focus on Ethan.


Glen’s minigun whirled to life as it spat out a stream of bullets onto the raiders. To her surprise, several of them blew apart as the high caliber bullets blasted into them. This only only caused a small grin to form on her lips as she began to sweep her bullets to upon other raiders. The raiders returned fire on her, the bullets bouncing ineffectively off of her armour and even a missile which streaked down at her did nothing more to stop the mare than from firing only to get out of the way.

Glen smirked as she bite down the trigger for the tesla-coil and unleashed a blue streak of crackling electricity. The streak hit the raider with the missile launcher in the chest, and the launcher exploded while the raider was turned to a pile of ash. Meanwhile, Ethan just stood back and watched, a happy smile on his face as his friend enjoyed herself, seeing no need to help her.

The mare’s rampage continued for quite some time, bullets and missiles pinging or exploding ineffectively off of her armour while she began to gallop down towards the raiders, a big grin splitting her muzzle. It didn’t take the raiders too long to stop shooting at her and just begin to run screaming away as she charged them. One unfortunate man with a shotgun stood his ground at the charging mare and she pivoted to deliver a kick into his chest. The mare’s body vibrated as the ballistic hooves discharged, the raider’s chest cavity split open as the dual bursts of 12 gauge buckshot smashed into it and he was sent flying away from her.

Glen began to giggle bubbly as the adrenaline coursed through her like a pleasing drug. She looked at the rest of the raiders with a overzealous girn. “Well, who’s next?” she asked.

Luna looked on with widened eyes as Glen obliterated her way through the raiders. It was, for lack of a better word... rather terrifying, even to her. Not that she pitied the wretches which Glen was taking out what must have been a week’s worth of frustration on... but the look in the mare’s eye was that of a barbarian locked in a blood rage. The alicorn frowned... perhaps she should recommend that Twilight skip several steps of Glen’s training... she surely didn’t need any more combat training.

As terrifying as the destruction Glen was reaping was, Luna could not deny that it was... sexy. The alicorn had always enjoyed combat, and the prospect of killing the raiders around her did seem like a fine way to pass the afternoon. Glen however was not just killing them... she was making the killing into an art form and as Luna watched, she found herself more and more attracted to the mare while she blew through the raiders.

That sealed it... Luna was going to join in this revelry, it had been several years since she had last participated in the like, and the lunar alicorn could contain herself no longer... else the raiders would all be dead.

Glen was in the middle of bucking another raider into a pile of bloody chunks when Luna suddenly appeared to her right, and decapitated a raider who’d been sneaking up on Glen from the right with a glowing silver sword. She then went on to slice her way through another three without missing a beat.

A surprised look of shock cross Glen’s face at the sudden appearance of Luna, but after watching the alicron slice through four raiders a smile grew on her face. The mare turned away and went back to firing her minigun, the bullets tearing through some of the cover the raiders were hiding behind.

Luna leaped through the air and landed amongst the raiders Glen had just forced out of cover and within the blink of an eye the mare had decapitated them and sent the bodies flying away from her. Then the mare appeared beside Glen with a wide grin on her face as blood dripped from her silver sword.

“A most enjoyable battle, is it not?” Luna asked Glen.

“It couldn’t get any better,” Glen replied before firing a mini lighting bolt into a fleeing raider. Luna let out a crow of excitement and a cord of magic grabbed onto several of the raiders.

“Pull!” the alicorn shouted before she threw them into the air. Glen traced them and both her telsa-coil and minigun fired onto the soaring raiders, dicing or frying their bodies. “Nice shots!” Luna commented enthusiastically before she charged ahead and smashed a raider to pieces with her bare hooves, leaving nothing but bloody imprints on the ground.

This continued for some time until the raiders were all dead or dying, the last ones were killed by Ethan as he walked amongst them with his magnum.

Glen, whose armour was covered in blood, looked over at Luna who was also covered from hoof to chest with blood began to chuckle and pant. “That... was... fun!” she exclaimed.

“Indeed!” Luna agreed with a grin, then she looked down at herself. “Though I believe I will need a rather long bath... as will you,” she said, looking at Glen and smiling slyly.

The mare looked at herself, her eye widened a bit of all the blood over her but she chuckle in agreement. “Yeah, it looks like it,” she said glancing back up to the alicron. “Kind of got carried away in all the excitement, huh?”

“Looks like it,” Luna agreed with a small chuckle. “Perhaps we could share one?”

“Share one?” Glen inquired.

“A bath,” Luna clarified. “You know, so that we may become quicker cleaner?”

“Yeah... I know that but-”

“Then it is decided!” Luna crowd triumphantly.

Glen blinked blankly and opened her mouth to say something but Luna continued speaking.

“We shall bathe together and wash away the blood of our battle while becoming closer to each other!” the mare continued, happy to finally be making some kind of headway.

The mare continued to stared at Luna a bit blankly. “Okay...”

Ethan, who was watching all of this and had heard of Luna’s frustrations from Twilight, facepalmed in the background. Then he shook his head.

“Well if you’re here Lu then you can get her home right?” he asked the happy alicorn.

“Oh yes, that should be no problem,” Luna answered.

“Alright, well I’ve got to get back to Cassie, tell her that she had an infestation,” Ethan said with a shake of his head. “See ya Glenny, glad you enjoyed your new stuff.”

Glen waved a hoof goodbye. “Yeah, thanks for making it fo-”

She didn’t have a chance to finish as Luna’s horn flared up and flashed once, transporting them to a lavish bathing chamber.

Author's Note:

Omega_code: For a bonus, listen to this and re-read the fight when Luna joins.

Ed2481: Next chapter: Bubbles!