• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 7,159 Views, 18 Comments

Illegal Heritage - ZhaoZoharEX

My name is [NAME CLASSIFIED]. I used to belong to a powerful organization that effectively controls Equestria, albeit unofficially. Then I was approached by a journalist. Heh. Why not? I feel the need to get this off my chest.

  • ...

File 08

The day of reckoning was drawing ever closer. Many months of careful tracking and planning were about to be put to use. Nopony said anything as they did not want to jinx it; tensions stretched high above the clouds themselves.

Pandora was well ahead of schedule with her paperwork, her mind running on autopilot the whole day. She just finished the last few pages in the final stack, yet she did not leave her office afterwards. No, she was waiting for a visitor, one she wanted to talk to before her day was over.

After patiently waiting, a knock finally echoed through her office door.

“Enter,” Pandora simply ordered.

The door opened and in came the pony she was waiting for. The young stallion, a royal guard, stood with proper military posture. Yet underneath that stoic exterior, Pandora felt a sense of nervousness and uncertainty, if only by the small beads of sweat running down his muzzle.

“You sure took your time, boy.”

“My apologies ma’am.”

Pandora stood up and looked out the window behind her desk, gazing at the evening sunset as its golden rays illuminated the recently cleaned room.

“Ordinance, right?” she asked without turning around.

“Yes ma’am.”

“You seem jittery, boy. Then again I guess given the circumstances, that’s not exactly rare in this manor.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“I understand you wanted to become a part in this operation.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Is that all you can say?”


“Nevermind. Look, I normally would dismiss your kind of request, especially since you’re a novice agent with little more than a few weeks under your belt. However, in light of a certain piece of information, I am willing to see if you can add anything to this operation. Have you been briefed on the mission specs?”

“Several times and I’ve gone through the tactical layout enough to sharply remember the details. If I have to I will go through it again as many times as you see fit.”

“Hm… then I will have to have a serious talk with our tactician about maintaining secret information.” Pandora glared. “Do you know the target by any chance?”

The young guard hesitated and swallowed a heavy lump in his throat before giving his answer. “Unfortunately, I believe I know him better than anypony else.”

His answer made Pandora raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “I see. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage.”

Ordinance’s ears perked up, having not expected what he heard.

“That’s all I need, Ordinance. You may go now.”

“Yes ma’am.”

The stallion turned and was about to walk out the door, but before he touched the knob, he was stopped by his boss.

“Hold on a second, boy.”

“Uh, ma’am?”

Pandora turned around. “I want you to understand that I am taking a chance with putting you on this operation. I know you are determined to see this through, but you absolutely MUST be sure that you can take the chance when it presents itself to you.”

“Yes ma’am, I will-”

“But understand this also: If you are against us, remember…” Pandora used her magic to levitate the assorted decorative weapons from her wall. “We have many eyes, many ears, and many arms, good for silencing those who say too much. If I you decide to betray us, I will personally skin you alive and mount your wings on my living room wall. Am. I. Clear?”

Ordinance quickly nodded nervously.

“I want to hear it from your mouth. Am. I. Clear?”

“Y-yes ma’am!”

“Good.” Pandora placed the decorative weapons back where they belonged. “Forgive me if I seem overly hostile. This operation hinges on the decisions I make and I do not want to fuck this up. I am taking a decent risk adding you to this, you are a possible liability, but I feel it will be rewarded in the long run. I’m putting a lot of trust in you, boy. Do NOT make me regret it.”

“I have no intention of it, ma’am.”

“Excellent. Now that said, get some rest. We are going to be very busy tomorrow and we’ll all be needing the energy.”



I have to admit, I’m kind of lethargic this morning, and not because it’s earlier than I’m used to waking up. I’m dealing with a touch of flu as of the recent week. *coughcough* Sorry.

“I’m just going to stand back a bit if that’s alright.”

That’s fine. I don’t blame you. Ugh, I don’t know where I got it from but geez. So, what’s today’s subject?

“There’s something I’ve been wondering for awhile. I was wondering if your organization had anything to do with the banishing of Nightmare Moon. I used to believe that story around her, but after hearing all these things from you, I’m not so sure anymore.”

Is that so? Well, *coughcough*- scuse me- as a matter of fact, there was something I can tell you. I’m afraid I don’t know the full story as this was back in the Order’s early days and we didn’t have an organized record system. I will try my best though.

I’m not going to lie, I’ve never liked the royal family very much, Celestia especially. It’s no secret among my inner circle. Sure, she is a mother to her subjects. But I take issue with the way she rules, not to mention her questionable influence on my family.

And yet, I can’t help but appreciate the tragedy concerning that incident with her sister. I actually do feel kind of sorry for her.

Back then, the Order only consisted of Equestria, and a limited number of Zebras. We didn’t start expanding our horizon until much later. Princess Celestia allowed us the castle in the area that is now Everfree to use as our base of operations. At the time, only our kind and certain others were allowed into their castle. Our protocols were new, but our members were only semi trained. We simply didn’t have the personnel to monitor everything that happened and in the end, we had to trust Celestia to handle her sister’s problems.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t prepared for what was to come.

Things eventually became very heated and we had to give her a choice. Either she regulates her sister’s behavior, or she punishes her. If she did neither, we would have to do it. And you may or may not know that our methods are less merciful.

“You mean they would…”

We had no desire to go that far, but like I said in our first interview: we regulate and maintain nobility and political stability of the nations we live in. By any means necessary. It sounds cruel yes, but you understand the reasoning behind it. I know you’re not an idiot.

“Please, you give me too much credit. So where do the Elements of Harmony fall into this?”

They don’t, at least not directly. It’s not clear what happened exactly, but it is commonly believed that Luna had access to one of the artifacts within the castle. Our first Grandmaster brought it back with him from his overseas travels. If I’m not mistaken, we never did find out what happened to it after the castle was abandoned. I believe it attributed to the growth of the Everfree Forest and the unusual behavior of it.

“Reeeally. This was the same castle where Nightmare Moon was defeated recently, right? I don’t suppose you know anything about the castle ruins? You know, for further reference.”

Of course I do. Though, I wouldn’t bother going there. Not much of value is left there and whatever was there is likely gone thanks to scavengers. Though strangely, the ruins are in unnaturally good state, despite being one thousand years old. I hear there’s even a library in perfect condition too. One of these days, I’d like to go there myself to see it. No particular reason, just want to see what it was like. *coughcough*

“You seem a bit too sick right now. Maybe I should come back some other time. You should see a doctor.”

Yeah, I’m thinking I should as well.

“Before I do go, I would like to ask one more question: Did you ever consider quitting the Order or your job?”

Many times. When I got married, when I had my children, when the Edens died, many things made me consider it. I love my family and I thank them for everything I’ve done.

“What keeps you going?”

You know, I don’t really have an answer for that. I suppose when you do something for as long as I do, you just can’t get used to the easy life. I always get started on a big project, saying I’m going to quit right afterwards and then… I dunno, I never do.

But you know what? That’s life…


Several hours came and went as Pandora sat tense in her office to hear about the operation’s status. Her wish was granted when Ordinance walked in the room with a look of anticipation.

“Ma’am? Your presence is requested in the cells.”

She nodded and followed him to the sub basement levels. Once she was directed to the cells, she grinned when she saw a familiar face. Her journalist friend was restrained and waiting behind the bars.

“Well now, I can’t believe you actually fell for that! I thought for sure you would’ve seen that coming.”

“I… I have no idea what you're talking about,” the journalist responded nervously.

“Don’t be coy. Despite how easily you fell for that trap, you’re smarter than this. As a former agent yourself, you should be well acquainted with the likes of us.”

The journalist looked up in surprise. “H-how did you-”

“Please. I’m in charge of this nation essentially. I know the in’s and out’s of everything this wonderful organization has to offer. I also know that your real name is Khamsin, or at least that’s what it says on your record. Now, why don’t you get out of that ridiculous disguise, changeling.”

Pandora’s horn erupted with a bright light, and in a twitch of pain the unicorn journalist’s true colors were revealed.

“I’m not going to lie,” Khamsin began. “I had a feeling this would happen from the day we began. So tell me, what tipped you off?”

“I’m a magic prodigy, remember? I could sense your magic was different and I knew just from seeing you the first time that you certainly weren’t a normal unicorn. I didn’t actually figure it out until our sixth interview. After the little incident with the changeling queen, it wasn’t hard to figure things out although I didn’t confirm it until just recently.”

“So you’ve known for a long time? Interesting. I guess I’m not as sneaky as I thought. By the way, you’re not really sick today, are you?”

“Correct, that was an outright fabrication. You seemed to have picked up on that fairly quickly. Might I ask how?”

“Heh. At the start of the interview, you said you picked up the flu during the week. Yet, our last interview was less than four days ago and you were perfectly fine.”

“So it was my own tongue that slipped. I’ll have to work on that.”

“Now let me guess. You’re going to execute me for committing treason, right?”

“Not exactly. You may have committed such an offence, but I’m willing to make a plea bargain with you. Information in exchange for a lighter sentence.”

“Information? On what?”

Pandora frowned before opening the cell door and went inside, Khamsin still restrained and unable to move. She leaned down and placed her face frighteningly close to his with the most menacing look of seriousness she could muster.

“A location…”

It was late in the evening the day after Khamsin was apprehended and interrogated. With a careful timing and precise planning, Disciplinary agents stormed inside a place all too familiar to Pandora: her mentor’s old manor in the Frozen North. Their coordination was put to well enough use and their targets could not escape. While many of the suspects were taken away to face trial, one in particular was led to the foyer of the rundown manor.

In this room, Pandora and her posse waited for him. Upon seeing him escorted in, Pandora noticed her young companion Ordinance staring daggers at the stallion. She didn’t have too long to dwell on it though as she had to speak up to the traitor that stood before them.

“Well, by the stars themselves! Howitzer, is that really you? You’ve grown so old since the last time I saw you. How very awful to see you again, you’re looking grotesque as usual.”

“And you’re acting bitchy as usual.”

“Hmmp! Say what you will, but the fact remains that you’re caught. And there’s nowhere to run.”

Howitzer grinned. “Is that so? Well, may you should che-”

Before he could finish, Howitzer was pinned to the ground by Pandora’s magic. As he was forced down, he dropped what he had in his hoof: his trademark garrote wire.

“Come now Howitzer, I’m not going to fall for that same trick again. I’ve improved since the last time we met and that smokebomb fakeout has lost its effectiveness.”

Pandora held him in place as other agents placed restraints on his wings and cuffs on his hooves. They also placed a steel chain around his torso and bolted it to the ground. Once they were certain he had no way to escape, Pandora slowly, yet ominously walked up to Howitzer and stood tall and proud before him.

“I hope you're well aware that you won’t be making it out of this building. Normally we hold a court trial for somepony of your kind, but we’ve all agreed that you’re as guilty as they come. You are hereby charged with seventeen counts of first degree murder, one count of attempted murder, and high treason.”

Pandora leaned closer to the accused and held the most frightening scowl she had in her arsenal. If it were anypony else, her target would cower in fear as to what she was going to do. However, Howitzer defiantly grinned.

“I also have a personal vendetta against you. You see, I happen to know that you are fully responsible for the death of my mentor, my beloved father figure. His terminal illness was the direct result of chronic poisoning via a specific amount of arsenic administered during certain intervals. A coroner’s report discovered a specific isotope of Thallium only found in the water in, and around Horseshoe bay. And what do you know? You’re the only navy captain I know of who regularly went boating in that specific area.”

“You can’t-”

“Prove that? Of course I can’t, but you can. See, the funny thing about thallium poisoning is that hair loss is a common symptom. You suffer from premature balding for your age, not just in your mane and tail, but you are missing patches of your coat. Likely from repeat exposure to the Thallium no doubt. You seem to have a reputation of coating your garrote in the stuff too and if you want hard evidence, during your attempted murder of former Headmistress Aroma, her neck gained an irritated rash from such exposure. Lab tests proved it was indeed that specific isotope of Thallium. And I’m willing to bet that if we run test on your hair, we will see the built up of the toxin. While it passes through the blood and urine, heavy metal toxins like Arsenic and Thallium can be found in the hair. Shall I go on?”

“You seem convinced about this.”

“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t be.”

“How about this?” Howitzer spat on Pandora’s face.

Everypony was expecting her to start beating him to a bloody pulp right then and there. She certainly had the justification and reason to. But instead she simply wiped her face of the spit with a wet hoofkerchief.

“You know, I could very well kill you right now. I really would like to, trust me. Buuut…” she gestured Ordinance to step forward, causing Howitzer’s eyes to grow wide and lose his defiant grin. “I know somepony who wants in on this.”

Pandora stepped to the sidelines and left the young stallion to his business with the traitor. Howitzer lost his defiant nature and confidence and stared face to face with this royal guard.

“Well, Ordinance, is it? I see you’ve been busy.”

“I guess you can say that,” Ordinance said sourly.

“How have you been the past two decades?”

“Just fine, not thanks to you… dad.”

At that last word, most of the heads in the room turned to Ordinance. Hushed whispers started among the agents and Pandora raised an eyebrow at the revelation.

“Father huh? I figured as much,” Pandora said to nopony in particular. “But if that guy is his father than that would mean Raptor… I see what this is about. Good grief, what have I gotten myself into.”

Ordinance calmly picked up his father’s garrote as he continued his talk with him. “You know, dad? I’ve put up with so much thanks to your actions. After everything you did, what’s coming shouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Look, everything I did was to make sure you were brought up disciplined and strong.”

“Oh? Discipline? What do you know of discipline? You didn’t grow up with so much social stigma from your peers, being judged by something your family did. You know what you are? A hypocrite, that’s what.”

“Think rationally here boy! If you do this now, you’ll be all alone.”

“I’ve been alone for the past twenty-one years! I’m not as dumb as you think I am. Even as a small colt, I knew what you were doing and I knew it was illegal. You just up and leaving to go on the run didn’t help me at all. How dare you write that off as ‘tough love’! If you really cared about me or mom, you would’ve thought your actions through and been more a part of it! But no, you only care about your greed and bloodlust. Why else would you systematically murder the leaders of the Order?” As he talked with his father, Ordinance had the garrote clutched in his right hoof circling around him like a shark ready drag its prey deep under. He eyed Pandora, his eyes pleading for permission to finish things. The mare in question gave a slow nod.

“And now you’re going to kill me because of this? Now who's the hypocrite? You talk about me killing out of pettiness and yet you seem perfectly willing to disregard this for your own revenge!”

“Not revenge,” Ordinance said stretching the wire with his hooves. “Justice.”

“Really son, don’t you think this is a bit much? What do you honestly expect to accomplish here?”

“Other than the false sense of satisfaction, not much…”

Suddenly, Ordinance wrapped the wire around Howitzer’s neck and criss-crossed his hooves tightly to maximize the choking. Howitzer could only try to cough and frail as he lost breath, trying to get free. But to no avail. Not long after it began, Howitzer became nothing more than a limp body, having been strangled by his own son with his own weapon. After making sure he was dead, Ordinance released his grip on the wire and let the limp body drop.

“...But for now, it’s enough.”