• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 7,159 Views, 18 Comments

Illegal Heritage - ZhaoZoharEX

My name is [NAME CLASSIFIED]. I used to belong to a powerful organization that effectively controls Equestria, albeit unofficially. Then I was approached by a journalist. Heh. Why not? I feel the need to get this off my chest.

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File 02



My apologies for calling you back here on such a short notice this early in the morning. Please understand that I have an appointment later with an important client that takes priority over your interview. I won’t have any time later in the day for this.

“I understand. I’m honored you took the time to meet with me at all.

I shouldn’t complain.”

Now then, where shall we start today?

“Well, I was wondering what the first year of life in Canterlot was like for you? Did you know anyone here?”

No. Other than Aperture, who herself was new to the city, I had no friends to speak of when I relocated here. I did, however, meet a couple agents during my first week who helped me set up my new home. Among them was a Pegasus stallion; one who would later become an important chess piece in our operation. Over the course of my stay, he became what I would consider my first outside friend.

“How did your meeting go?”

He was informed by the Head Mistress that I would be arriving with Aperture so he came to find me. I expected him to be professional and courteous, just like the agents of the clan are taught to be. I didn't expect him to be so friendly and charitable.

Aperture and I rented an apartment on the outskirts of the city; we wanted to keep ourselves away from our target until we had a sensible MO. She and I were going undercover as students studying abroad, her in fashion and me in writing; with my antisocial behavior at the time, it was easy to pass me off as a grouchy student. To an extent, this was actually true; I always had an interest in writing and wanted to become an author sometime down the road. But the mission came first.

After we moved our essentials into the apartment, I decided to take a look around the city. You know, surveying the customs and plan accordingly.

“Going for a walk Pan?”

“Yeah, I just want to stretch my legs after that train ride.”

“Okay. Can I count with you for lunch?”

“Maybe. If I’m not back by noon, just go ahead without me.”

I took my time drinking in the sights. Some of the architecture was actually interesting all things considered. Sure, it’s nothing impressive now, but when you’re just seeing it for the first time, it was pretty interesting. I must have been too focused on the castle as I walked because I bumped into a guard.

“Sorry.” I said with a monotone.

I looked up from where I had fallen and the stallion offered me a hoof.

“It’s alright. You must be new here? Taking in the sights?”

“Yes, thanks.”

He was an interesting pony. A lavender pegasus with a rather…. interesting mane and tail, for a guard at least. He was strong and intimidating, but I could tell from the sound of his voice that he had a soft heart. I have to admit, I was kind of attracted to him at first, but I wasn't going to let that get in the way of why I was in Canterlot. After the mission was over, I expected moving back home.

“You're a student I see. College?” referring to my uniform.

“High school. I just moved here from, uh, Manehattan.”

“Manehattan eh? That’s quite a distance. I’m from Cloudsdale myself, but I moved here to become a royal guard.”

I ended up making small talk with him longer than I wished. I didn’t realize at the time that he and I were one in the same, members of the same clan. Looking back on it, I’m not surprised; I wasn’t the most social of ponies so it’s not like I would have cared if he did know. Not once during the entire conversation did I ever think to ask his name, though if he was an agent, he wouldn’t be using his real name anyway so I guess that’s kind of moot.

Nevertheless, I managed to pull myself away and continue my site seeing. My walk seemed longer than it really was as by the time I got back to the apartment, they were still moving stuff in. Aperture was chatting excitedly with a rather bulky stallion who I could tell that I was going to hate him just by looking at him. Guess what? Apparently, I can predict the future.

“Hey Pan, you’re back already? Great timing, we were just about to get some lunch, wanna join?” she said to me out of earshot of the stallion.

I didn’t really want to bother with them, but my stomach had other plans.

“Sorry to interrupt you but I don’t really need to hear every detail. I would rather hear some more important parts of your life if you don’t mind.”

Ah fair enough. Shall we just skip ahead a tad then?

“What was it like attending a public school in Canterlot? Did you ever see that guard pony again? Did you ever find out his name?”

Yes, I did see him again and I did indeed find out his name, but for the sake of his family, I’m going to be referring to him as “my guard friend”. In fact, he helped me deal with a very annoying fly that wouldn’t buzz off.

During my first year attending the school, not much really changed for me. I was still the same antisocial mare I had always been. Whenever somepony tried to make friends with me, I always shrugged them off rather callously. I wasn’t overtly mean or anything, but I did not want to make friends because I intended to move away again once everything was over. I did make an exception for that guard pony though. He seemed to be the only one, besides Aperture, that seemed to like me and I, in turned, befriended. I would always see him on patrol after school hours were up and I would chat with him before walking home. Not long chats mind you, he was still on duty.

At some point, it was clear to me that I had a suitor in school. That same bulky stallion I saw talking to Aperture on the first day. His name was Jetstream, but I just called him an assortment of words that I wouldn’t dare repeat in front of my children. He was a suave, self-important ass who I could compare to a certain prince. Anyway, around the Fall Formal Dance or whatever it was called, he decided to ask me, out of all the other mares that would go with him in a heartbeat. I wasn’t impressed though and I gave a very blunt response that was clear and straight to the point.

“No. Go away.”

He was expecting a different answer than what I gave him. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer so he tried again…


And again…



“What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”

I finally got fed up with it and decided to try a new tactic.

“You know what? Fine. If it will get you to shut up then I’ll say yes!”

“Good. I knew you’d come around. Pick you up at eight then?”


I never planned on going, as you could probably guess. I just wanted to make him stop. So around the eight o'clock point, I snuck out of the apartment and tried to pay a visit to my guard pony friend, which I would have done anyway regardless of the dance as I had no interest in going in the first place. He was off duty at a donut shop, a rather nice one by the way if you ever get chance to visit it, and he apparently was expecting me since he reserved a seat right next to him. As the days went by, we made that place our regular hangout, that is the guard pony, Aperture, and myself.

“Hey glad to see you Pandora. Have a seat, take a donut.”

“Don’t mind if I do.”

“App not with you tonight?”

“No, she’s at the Fall Formal with another stallion so it’s just us.”

“Oh. Well I suppose that’s not so bad. Cheers to friends then?”

“Amen to that!”

Of course, it didn’t last long as someone at the dance seemed to have tipped Jetstream off as to where I went after school each day. He walked through the doors with a fake grin on his face, but it was clear he was either mad or embarrassed about being stood up.

“Yo babe! What’s the deal?” he said trying to keep the anger out of his voice while still trying to sound cool.

“Who is this?”

“Just some punk with a damaged ego.”

His eye seemed to twitch in anger. “Come on hot stuff, we got a dance to go to. Or, perhaps we can skip that and go to my place instead?”

“How about you turn around and walk out of here? The young lady clearly doesn’t want to be with you.”

“Buck off man! She agreed to go with me,” he said dismissively, unaware he was talking to an off-duty guard.

“Actually, if you recall, I just said I’d say ‘yes’. I never agreed to anything.”

“Ooh, a mare with an agile tongue. I like that. But there’ll be time for that later.”

At that point he tried to pull me out of the shop, but he was smacked away by the guard. Even though Jetstream was an Earth pony and physically stronger, he could not take on an elite royal guard. That didn’t stop him from foolishly trying though. He threw a haymaker which was effortlessly countered and the guard had him pinned on the ground. The guard was eventually thrown off, but there was little Jetstream could do against the guard’s superior martial arts. I swear, he had to lacked a brain because with how many blows he took to his head, it would have splattered across the wall. He was able to get a lucky hit which disoriented the guard and he thought he got the upper hoof. It was a good thing no one else was at the shop. What happened next, we wanted to keep quiet about.

“You must have one hell of a death wish!” I shouted as I decided I had enough.

This distracted Jetstream momentarily enough for me to activate my magic. His confusion turned to fear as his entire body was lifted off the ground. The guard got up and alerted other guards while I just held him in place in the air.

“Put me down this instant you stupid bi- AGH!”

Anytime he tried to talk or insult me, I simply used my magic to choke him. At one point he struggled so much that I choked him for a long time. Once he was almost out of air and about to pass out, I loosened my grip. He seemed to understand I was perfectly capable of killing as he started pleading with me to let him go and that he wouldn’t bother me again. But I had other plans for him…

“Uh… I… What did you do with him?”

Oh! Look at the time. Seems it’s almost time for me to meet my client. If you don’t mind, I’m ending this session today. Talk to me later and we will schedule another appointment.



One hour later…

“Enter. Well, if it isn’t my favorite former guard pony.”

“Long time no see Pandora. How’s your husband doing these days?”

“Very good Mars, very good. He’s every bit as sweet as the day we married. What about you? How have things been since your wife died?”

“I think we’ve been able to move on now. It was hard, but we can’t be tied down by it.”

“I see. So anyway, what did you want to meet about?”

“Well you see, my daughter was recently involved with a stallion of her own. A member of the Wonderbolts if you can believe it. He asked my permission to date her.”

“Yes? What about it?”

“I personally have no problem with it. He makes her happy and he seems like a nice enough fellow. However, I know the rules of the clan and want to make sure you’re okay with it.”

“Is he an agent?”

“Yes. My daughter is unaware of the order and I thought it was for the best if she was kept in the dark about it. He has not told her anything.”

“Well, I suppose he can’t cause any trouble. If anything, him being romantically involved with your daughter would probably boost his morale and make him a more reliable agent. Just one question: Which Wonderbolt is he?”

“I believe his name is Soarin’, wingpony of Captain Spitfire if I’m not mistaken. He and my daughter met at The Best Young Flyer Competition.”

“Let’s see, Soarin’.... Soarin’.... Ah here we go…. Yes, he is a dependable agent. No offenses to speak of, has 2 successes under his belt, and certainly him dating the Element of Loyalty would prove useful in the future. And if he fails to meet our expectations….”

“Yes I know. He will face a whole…. ‘Spectrum’ of punishments.”