• Published 19th Nov 2013
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The Doctor and the Pegasus - RandomHamster33

The Doctor, The Oncoming Storm, the last Time Lord. . . whatever he is called, there is one thing he will always be: someone who needs a companion. Whatever species it is, they are special.

  • ...

What's Happening to Me?

Rainbow Dash flew over the layers of clouds, doing a simple morning routine that she did everyday. It was almost time for flying practice; not hers, but Scootaloo's. She was getting so close to actually flying that she could hold herself off the ground for about a minute at the most. Which is a huge accomplishment, especially for a filly that can't fly at eleven years of age.

So, nearly every other day, Rainbow Dash helped Scootaloo develop her wing muscles to fly. She had about, say, ten minutes, so she could complete her exercises. The light blue pegasus finished her spinning motion, and landed on a high cloud. As her last warm-up, she always finished with a show. And that was exactly what was going to happen now.

Rainbow Dash stood at the edge of the fluffy white puff, looking down. She turned around, and positioned her back hooves where they were barely on the cloud. The wind rippled her mane. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. A sense of calm washed over her, which was quickly replaced with adrenaline as she dropped off the edge of the cloud. The pegasus fell, her wings pressed firmly against her sides. She went into a streamlined pose, still upside down. She burst through the layers of clouds as she descended. Then, she started spinning. Her signature trail followed her every move, making DNA looking swirls. She was getting close to the ground now. She could feel it.

Pegasi have their own special abilities, like those of unicorn and earth ponies. One of them is the well-known ability to walk on clouds, and control weather. But there are several others. The ability to tell how close they are to the ground is one. Pegasi can feel the change in air temperature, and the level of oxygen in the air. They have to be focused though, which is hard for some pegasi. Rainbow Dash was fairly good at this, when she was thinking about it, anyways.

Rainbow Dash focused. Her breath slowed as everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She pictured the ground in her mind, making a mental map of where she was. And now it was time. Her eyes shot open, and her wings flared out, as she twirled along the very tip-top of the blades of grass underneath her. She held her pose, hooves in front of her. She corkscrewed through town like a bullet. Being so agile, it was easy for her to weave among the crowds of ponies, even at the speed she was going. But she really didn't fell like stopping. She could pull it off. So Rainbow Dash angled her wings so she went into the air. The barrier formed, pulling her cheeks back, and sending her eyes watering. As she climbed higher, frost started forming on her body. She usually never went this high, but she hadn't been going the speed she needed to when she was down at the ground. But she still did it. The sound barrier broke, and she carried the color through. Dash quickly doubled back, going into a quick dive as not to strain herself. She slowed as she reached the last layer of clouds. The cyan pegasus folded her wings in upon hitting the ground; it was time for her lesson with Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash trotted around the small little park. It was a nice place, perfect for picnics and games with the family. Or in her case, teaching her favorite fan how to fly. The few ponies there waved at Dash, smiling and commenting on how they loved her performance this morning-even better than the one yesterday. With a thanks and nod, Rainbow fluttered her wings, carrying herself away from the others to wait for Scootaloo. The pegasus settled down on a rather large tree branch and pulled a pillow and blanket out from the leaves. (She kept them lots of places, in case of nap emergencies. Pinkie Pie taught her that). She fluffed the pillow and set it under her head, then got comfortable. Might as well catch up on some sleep that she doesn't need while she's waiting, right? Within a few minutes Rainbow was snoring softly, hooves tucked under her head.

All the while, the sun was sinking in the distance. No eager little filly turned up.


"Sweetie Belle! Come downstairs for breakfast!" Rarity called, her face lifted up towards her sister's room, eyes closed. The white unicorn waited at the bottom of the stairs patiently. After a few minutes of just standing there, she sighed. "Sweetie Belle! Time for breakfast!" No reply. Huffing, Rarity traveled daintily up the stairs. She swung her younger sister's door open and looked around.

It was empty.

Rarity started trembling. "S-Sweetie Belle? Are you here? This isn't funny." She took a step forward, the floor creaking slightly under her hoof. Using her magic, Rarity lifted the edge of the comforter off the ground, revealing what was under the bed. Just a bunch of old boxes and forgotten toys. The fashionista dropped the light green blanket, stepping back. "Sweetie? Are you playing another trick on me?" Rarity's voice cracked. She threw back the sheets on the bed, uncovering a few stuffed animals. She tossed the pillows off the bed. A journal. Rarity looked at it, biting her lip. She pondered looking at the latest entry, wondering if she would perhaps find something about her sister's whereabouts. She levitated the faded blue book up to her face, flipping through the pages. As she did this, she heard a shuffling sound. Rarity froze, heart pounding. She dropped the journal, looking with the corner of her eye. The closet door squeaked. The shaking white unicorn turned around. Her blood ran cold. She got a gentle grip on the handles. . . and pulled.

A large amount of papers fell out, covering the fashionista, who jumped and stifled a scream. Rarity gave a small sigh of relief. But there was still no sign of her sister.

"Sweetie Belle? Please come out. If this is about making you eat your peas, I'm sorry!" Rarity checked the rest of the room again. Nothing. Glancing once more at the journal laying flat on the floor, Rarity swallowed. Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps Sweetie Belle just went and stayed at her friend's house without telling her again. Maybe. But still. It floated up to her height, and she found the last few entries.

Dear diary,

today is gonna be great! I'm going to hang out with Applebloom and Scootaloo after school today. We're going to try and get our cutie marks in spying. Gotta go. Bye.

Sweetie Belle

Dear diary,

today was weird. We met this wacko stallion. He calls himself the Doctor. He talks to his box. He called it 'dear'. I guess it's a girl then. He's really odd. I like him. (He has sideburns)! I wish I had sideburns. :) There's one thing that makes me kinda worried, though. His box just appeared. It made a weird noise. It's blue. Oh, and another thing: Rainbow Dash wants to hurt him. Really bad, I guess. We stopped her before she could explain all she was going to do to him. He also wears a tie and says weird words. He said something along the lines of allenzy and I don't know what it means. Did I mention he didn't know where he was?

Applebloom and Scootaloo and I are going to be cave explorers. We're going to ask to use Applejack's old cave stuff. I don't know why she has it, but I guess she had a friend or something.

Sweetie Belle

Dear diary,

OMG! I found this thing under a bush. I think it's alien. I think it's connected to that Doctor. We're alien hunters now. Wish us luck!

Sweetie Belle

Dear diary,

he is! The Doctor is an alien! He admitted it! I was right! :D He said not to tell anypony because it would get them killed. He also said we shouldn't talk to him anymore or we could get killed. He said to forget he was even here. But how could I forget if I just met an alien!

We're leaving now. Cave exploring!

I'm so glad we stopped by the boutique so many times so I could write in here.

Sweetie Belle

Rarity dropped the journal, frozen. She took a deep breathe. Then she screamed.


"Hey, Big Mac, have you seen Applebloom?" Applejack asked as she came up behind the large red stallion. He shook his head.

"Nope," was his only reply. The southern mare pawed the ground, gritting her teeth.

"Great. Well, Ah better go find her. Seeyah later." She trotted off, heading towards the entrance of the farm. Applejack walked the dirt road all the way to Ponyville like she did nearly everyday, going at a fairly easy pace. She knew Applebloom usually was gone by the time she was done with apple bucking, but usually not so long. Speaking of it, she hadn't even seen the filly come home the previous night. . . She'd just assumed that her little sister had gone to bed, tired from the day's events.

Deciding to stop at Carousel Boutique in case Applebloom was hanging out there, Applejack turned down a different road and ended up at the door of the fashionista's store. As she raised her orange hoof to knock, a scream cut through the air.

"Rarity! Hold on, Ah'm comin'!" The earth pony threw the door open and raced up the stairs, searching for the unicorn. Rarity stumbled down the steps, her face one of pure panic. She didn't see the other mare coming up the stairs, proceeded to run into her. Applejack, being quick, grabbed Rarity's waist and pulled her back to her hooves before she fell down the stairs. The unicorn held onto her friend, breathing heavily. She then looked up.

"Oh! Applejack, darling! Have you seen Sweetie Belle?!" Rarity exclaimed, placing her front hooves on the earth pony's chest and pushing her face a little farther away from her.

"No. In fact, Ah was just searchin' for Applebloom. Ah wanted to see if she was here," Applejack explained, letting go of the unicorn.

"Applebloom's missing too?! Oh dear! Quick! We must find Rainbow Dash!" Rarity shot down the steps and out the still open front door. Applejack took off after her, finding it hard to catch up at the pace the unicorn was going.

"What's goin' on, Rares? Sweetie's missin', and Applebloom, so why go to Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh, Applejack, you're so thick! Don't you see?! Scootaloo is always around Dash! Maybe she'll know where they are!"

"Oh, Ah see. But there was no reason to call me thick."

Rarity didn't respond as they saw a cyan blur flash overhead, rainbow trailing behind. "RAINBOW DASH!" The pegasus looped around and landed expertly beside them. Her face was sweaty, and she was breathing heavily.

"R-Rarity! AJ! Oh, man, please tell me that one of you have seen Scootaloo! I've looked everywhere! And I know she'd never miss one of our flying sessions," Rainbow Dash said breezily. Her head dropped as she tried to get more air to her lungs.

"No. And we have our own problems. . ."


"THAT SORRY EXCUSE FOR A STALLON! I'LL RIP HIS HEAD OFF! I'LL KILL HIM UNTIL HE'S DEAD!" Rainbow Dash roared. Her eyes flashed red as if tiny fires were igniting within them. In a flash, she vanished, a cloud of rainbow smoke telling them she was once there.

"We better tell the others," Applejack said with a sigh, shaking her head.

"Agreed," Rarity replied. The two mares ran off, going to gather the other Elements.


"This makes no sense," Twilight Sparkle said, refusing to believe anything the other two mares were telling her. She simply could not accept this. "There are no such things as aliens, and why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would one come here?"

"We don't know. But that's what Rainbow Dash told us. And even the fillies know. They said he admitted it. But he also said that they would get killed if they told anypony. So that makes it very likely that he is responsible for the disappearance of our sisters," Rarity explained. She was barely keeping calm, and she was really dying on the inside. If her precious little Sweetie Belle was really gone. . . she didn't know what she'd do.

"No. Illogical." Twilight crossed her arms defiantly.

"Oh, for Celestia's sake! Twilight, Ah don't care if you believe it or not, and frankly, Ah still don't know if Ah believe it, but mah sister's gone! And if this pony is responsible for takin' the fillies, then consarnit! Ah'm gonna help in anyway Ah can!" Applejack exclaimed. She stomped her hoof on the floor.

"Come on Twilight! We have to get those kids back!" Pinkie Pie burst out, hopping in place.

"Yeah, I agree. I just couldn't bare to think about it if they were hurt," Fluttershy squeaked. Twilight looked around at the mares, and the looks of hope on their faces. She sighed.

"I guess. . . I guess I can put my science aside. But as of the moment, we need to find Rainbow Dash and help her!" Twilight shouted, jumping up from her spot on the carpet. The ponies all clapped hooves in the middle, cheering. "Let's go!"


The Doctor popped his head up, angling his ears forward. He couldn't risk anybody seeing him. He was dangerous, and he knew it. Death and destruction followed him wherever he went. Even in a quiet place like this, he knew anything could happen. Something bad was going to happen; he could feel it. The TARDIS sensed it, using her telepathy to send little distress signals to him. She never did that, well, not very often at least. The last time she had done it was. . . he didn't want to even think about it. The Time Lord shuddered, feeling a particularly strong pulse come from his ship. She was very distressed. And to make matters worse, something was happening to him. He wasn't supposed to be a pony. His DNA was altering; he wouldn't even be alive anymore if he was here long enough. The change was killing him.

He had first noticed these symptoms yesterday evening. Small things; the way he thought, his hearts-the beats were slightly off. Even his memories. They were dissolving. Some things. . . Rose. Rose, yeah. He was forgetting. Who was he before? He was Ten, right? Wait, Nine? No, that was fantastic. . .

He was broken from his memories as the TARDIS prodded him with her telepathy."Don't worry, old girl. I'll do what I can," he whispered into the air, not to her, but to reassure himself. This was going to be bad, whatever it was. The Doctor's one and a half days here weren't giving him any information. There were no clues as to what was wrong. No strange occurrences, well, except for him. He had questioned several ponies. They hadn't reported anything odd.

The one good thing was that Rainbow Dash or the fillies hadn't found him. Yet. That probably wouldn't last much longer.


His streak was over. The Doctor looked up. He saw a bright blue bullet coming at him. "Oh no, not her again!" He turned around and galloped away. But this time Dash wasn't playing any games. The Time Lord was bowled over in a matter of moments. The pair rolled a few yards before Rainbow finally got him pinned down. She had a rope in her mouth. He struggled, but without his sonic screwdriver, he couldn't do much. This pony was strong. Usually he was against humans or aliens that didn't tackle him. And especially not from the sky. The pegasus, once the Doctor was tied up nicely, picked him up in her arms and took to the skies again.

"You've got some explaining to do, pal," Rainbow Dash hissed in his ear as they flew.

"Well, fine, if it's information you need," the Doctor said. "Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"The library?"

"Well, yeah, but-" She stopped. Then, smiling smugly, she looked right into his face. They stopped flying.

"What are you doIIIINNNNGGG!" He was dropped. He was now free-falling, tied up, and nearing the ground. "Hey, second time falling to my death in two days! New record!" He made a note to give himself a treat for this one. If he survived. He doubted this pegasus was a killer, but she did say she was going to kill him. He pulled against his ropes in vain. Suddenly, Dash was hovering next to him. She casually flipped over onto her back, hooves behind her head.


"Would you be so kind as to stop me from plummeting to my doom!"

"Why should I?"


"Nope." She did a lazy flip. Then she held her wings stretched out, parallel to the ground, and just glided in wide circles around the falling stallion.




"Okay, okay, fine. Come on." She shot down to near the ground and hovered under the Time Lord. She caught him in her arms and flashed a smirk at him, winking. She then tossed him into the air.

"AAAHHHH!" Dash lazily went up and plucked him right out of the air. "WILL YOU STOP?!"

"Yeah, only 'cuz we got somewhere to be." And in the blink of an eye, they were off again.


"So, we ready?" Twilight asked, surveying the small group of ponies in front of her. Applejack tossed her apple in the air and caught it in her hoof again, grinning. Pinkie Pie grabbed her party cannon from her mane and smiled happily. Then she gasped.

"Almost forgot!" she giggled, putting a bright white-and-baby-blue helmet on Fluttershy's head and sticking her in the cannon. Her pink hair puffed out as it was stuck on. The pegasus squeaked, her hooves holding the lip of the cannon. Rarity was busy shining her hooves. . . with a nail file that turned into a knife.

"Whoa, Rarity! Where'd you get that?" Twilight exclaimed, pointing at the weapon. The ponies started at it, appalled.

Rarity shrugged. "Just a little shop downtown. But never mind that! We have a filly-knapper to catch!" She smacked her hooves together. The group roared in determination, even Fluttershy getting up to a loud whisper. Twilight lit her horn, preparing to open the door (which she had fixed), when something fell in through the ceiling.

"Sorry! Lost my grip!" Rainbow Dash shouted from outside. Five pairs of eyes went to the pony that had fallen in. The brown earth pony stallion groaned, breaking some of the ropes that were restraining him. A few had been cut when he'd been dropped.

"Being dropped through a library ceiling by a blue pegasus when I'm a pony. . . That's new," the Doctor commented, sitting up as he shook the remaining ropes off him. The surrounding ponies stared in shock, mouths open. The Time Lord glanced around, nodding as he stood up. "And now I'm surrounded. By. . . magical ponies. Also new."

"Hiayh!" Rainbow Dash let out a shriek as she kicked the door down, knocking the Doctor off his hooves and sending him slamming into a wall. The Time Lord slumped over, unmoving. Dash sniffed, cracking her neck. "That's how we do it." She turned to her friends. "So, there you have it. Alien. Boom!" She jumped into the air on the last word, pointing her hoof down at him.

"He looks like a regular pony to me!" Pinkie Pie announced after a few moments of surprised silence. She bounced over to the motionless stallion and proceeded to poke him. Repeatedly.

"Pinkie Pie!" Twilight exclaimed, using her magic yank the earth pony back. The unicorn then studied the Doctor, rubbing her chin with a hoof. "She's got a point. He looks normal. Are sure the fillies weren't just imagining things?"

A look of doubt flashed across Dash's face. "Well, I. . ." She looked away.

"So he's probably a totally regular pony. He's just from a different town." Twilight sighed. "Should've known."

"Oh, the poor, poor, little baby," Fluttershy cooed, sitting next to the Doctor and holding him. She had climbed out of the party cannon, flung off her helmet, and approached the stallion. "You should've known better, Dashie. He looks so sick." It was true; he was paler than he was than when he had arrived. His hearts weren't in the right beat. The changes were becoming more prominent by the minute. Rainbow Dash messing with him earlier hadn't helped things.

A small groan escaped his lips, and suddenly he jerked away, hitting his head on the floor. The Doctor was gasping for breath, lungs weak. "Oh, no, stay still, please." Fluttershy looked up at Twilight. "Can you get me an icepack? He's burning up." The pegasus laid her hoof on his forehead, pulling it away as she felt the heat.

"Yeah. Here," Twiight said, making one appear and giving it to Fluttershy. As she tended to him, the five other mares spoke quietly among themselves on the other side of the room. "Great. Now we've got a sick pony on our hooves."

"But-" Dash started.

"No. Rainbow, the fillies were wrong."

"But where are the fillies? They're. . . still gone!" Rarity exclaimed, starting to cry. Pinkie Pie let her cry on her shoulder.

"I don't know." Twilight shook her head.

"We've gotta find them! We should contact the princess," Applejack suggested.

Before Twilight could say something, a shout from Fluttershy made them go running to her side.

"Girls, he's talking nonsense. It looks like he's been sick for a while," the timid pegasus told them. The Doctor laid on his back, muttering.

"One, no, Seven! No. . . Ten! Ten! Gah!" He shuddered violently as he cried out. "Fantastic! Allons-y! Bananas. . . are good. . . Captain Jack Harkness. . . TARDIS. . . Sarah Jane. . . Who am I? Not. . . human. . . Never. . ." His eyes opened suddenly and he sat up. The ponies shrieked and stood back. His heart beats returned to normal and his color came back. Gasping, he pounded on his chest to help himself breathe. "Oi! That was bad! Not good. Not good. Very not good. Something is wrong. Always wrong!" He leaped up began examining the shelves, closely observing each one. He licked the wood, tasting it. "No. . . no. Nothing here. No sonic. . . hmm. Interesting." He jerked around, a grin on his face. "Now, what's this I'm hearing about missing fillies?"

"What the buck?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, looking in confusion at the stallion. "What happened to you?!"

"I don't think you would ever begin to understand, but I'll put it in simple terms-" The Doctor paused. "Stuff." He spun round, going up to Rarity. He looked into her eyes. "Okay, so, what happened to Sweetie Belle?" He glanced at Applejack. "And Applebloom-" Then Dash. "-and Scootaloo?"

"They-wait a second! How do you know their names?!" Applejack asked. "Was Rainbow Dash right? Did you take them? And for the love of Celestia, why were you all wacko and sick a minute ago and now you're all good?! What is goin' on?!"

The Doctor grimaced. "Long story. Would involve lots of talking. Thankfully, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's talking." He nodded, opening his mouth. "But, 'for the love of Celestia', I won't talk. Time to get down to business." The Time Lord hurried out the once again broken door and headed for the TARDIS. He would need her. Unfortunately for him, the six ponies followed. "Yeah, I don't need help, thanks."

"I know you're an alien, and I plan to prove it," Dash said determinedly.

"Great. No wonder you're part of this. Those fillies told you what they know." He kept walking. The pegasus didn't say anything else as the group continued along. They soon arrived at the TARDIS. The Doctor took out his key and opened the door, preparing to slam it in their faces. A blue hoof stopped it and pushed it open on the Doctor. "Don't come in here! Stay out!" He shoved them out and locked the door.

"What are you doing in a box?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Doing stuff! Bye!" The rising and falling sound of the TARDIS filled the air, and soon the blue box was gone.

Five ponies turned to look at Dash. "Yeah, I told you," the pegasus said simply.