• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 1,742 Views, 22 Comments

Black Pony of the Family - JusSonic

Applejack's cousin is coming to town. Ponyville better beware because he got one bad temper that only a few can tame!

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Chapter 3: Tough vs. Bullies

Chapter 3: Tough vs. Bullies

In a part of Ponyville is a new restaurant owned by the new ponies. It is already filled with ponies, old and new, buying food and such from the owner.

"Order up!" Cherry Pie calls out happily as she gave some pies to Flitterheart who flies over to give some to the customers.

"Okay, that will be 10 daisy sandwiches and soda." Roseluck, at the cashier, said as she takes the customer's order. The pony gave the order to Plumsweet who got to work on making the meal in question.

In the back, Feathermay and Firecracker are working on getting the supplies onto the shelves. The unicorn sighs as she said, "Feathermay, you have to go and push Tough Apple's buttons yesterday."

"Come on, I was only teasing!" Feathermay insists with a frown. "Is it my fault that the big guy couldn't take a joke?"

"Well, you went too far, sadly."

"Okay, fine, I will apologize. Seriously though, does Tough Apple think I'm cute?"

Firecracker blinks a bit, remembering what Tough said yesterday. She comments, "Probably...I don't know if it was an accident or intentional. Why? Do you think he's cute?"

"Me? Thinking that about the Green Mane Head? No, no way, absolutely not," Feathermay insists though she blush a bit. "Well, maybe a bit...but...come on, I only just met him."

"Well, who knows; Maybe when you know him better and lower the teasing, perhaps you two may became friends...or maybe more."

"Yeah, probably..."

"Hey, darlings," Cherry Pie calls out from the kitchen. "I need more cherries in here."

"Coming," Firecracker exclaims as she use her magic to get some cherries off a shelf. "Listen, if you want to take the rest of the day off to talk to this guy..."

"What, and miss the rush hour?" Feathermay protests to Firecracker in concern. "I mean, you ponies need help."

"Trust me; we can handle this, Plumsweet will be happy to help. You just go out there and talk to Tough Apple. Apologize for the teasing and get to know him."

Feathermay watches as her friend leaves the supply room. The red Pegasi sighs a bit. Her friend can't be serious but...what if it's true? Does Feathermay like this guy? He's dangerous and seems like a time bomb ready to go off!

So why does Feathermay feel otherwise?


"So basically that's how Equestria was made." Spike said as he reads a book to Nyx who listen in interest.

"Yes, but where does the computer come in?" Fluttersy ask, preferring to the play that was mentioned in a Hearth's Warming Eve book that the ponies planned to do during Hearth's Warming Eve itself later.

"Actually, I don't know..."

Twilight is finishing up organizing the books that was returned to the library. She glances at a clock and said, "I got to go pick up Nyx from school. Fluttershy, do you want to come with me?"

"Sure, I'm game." Fluttershy said as she got up. Spike decides to join too, not wanting to be left out.

As Twilight closes the library temporarily, her group heads out a bit. Spike asks Fluttershy, "Tell me, why did you hung out with Tough Apple the other day? I mean, the guy is a time bomb ready to go off! You saw what he did when we met Feathermay and the ponies."

"Oh, that's because Feathermay went too far with her teasing. He is soft, deep down, the pony was upset of being bullied or made fun of."

"Yeah...like another colt that I know." Twilight said, looking down in sadness as she thought of Ben Mare, a colt that was spirited off years ago by the Demon Pony.

"What's that?" Fluttershy ask Twilight puzzled, hearing what her friend said.

"Nothing, nothing; so...you think that Tough Apple isn't all bad, really; and he lived a rough life?"

"Yes. If we can get him to control his temper and treat ponies nicely, he would have a nice life here."

"I don't know." Spike said in concern. "That pony looks like he can lose his temper easily. You even drop stuff on him or tease him too far, boom!"

"I know, I know." Fluttershy said with a nod. She then saw a familiar Pegasi pony landing, "Feathermay?"

"I got the rest of the day off if you're wondering why I am off work. Listen; do you know where Tough Apple's at?" Feathermay ask her new friends in concern. "I need to apologize for going too far the other day."

"Well, probably at the Apples' farm. Listen, we're going to pick up Nyx at school. We can head to Sweet Apple Acres from there if you want." Twilight said to Feathermay with a smile.

"I think I will appreciate that."


"Shucks, darn nation, why must 'dis happen?" Applejack groans a bit as she looks at the time. Apple Bloom is going to be let off school soon...but the sister is busy with her chores, "Big Mac? Can yew go pick up Apple Bloom fro' school?"

"Nnope! Sorry, but I got to work the fields with this here plow." Big Macintosh said as he prepares to put the plow on himself.

"Dang; Hey, Granny Smith, how..." Applejack stops as she saw Granny Smith in her chair, sleeping a bit with her pills nearby. "Darn, Ah forgot 'dat once she has her medication, Granny Smith would be out fer hours. Ah don't know who else 'ta git."

"Uh, how about Cousin Tough Apple?"

Applejack and Big Macintosh glances to Tough Apple who kicks a tree too hard, knocking it down along with the apples. The stallion grunts as he works on putting them in his basket.

"No, no, no, no! No!" Applejack exclaims to Big Macintosh in concern. "Forget it! Ah ain't sending him 'ta pick up mah sister!"

"Come on, this is his chance to socialize with the locals and probably try to redeem himself further." Big Macintosh explains. "Besides, what other choice do you got?"

"Ah can get one o' mah friends 'ta..."


Applejack groans a bit, knowing the stern tone of voice that her brother gave. Well, she has no choice. Turning to Tough Apple, the filly calls out, "Hey, Cousin Tough Apple!"

"What do yew want?" Tough Apple snaps to Applejack right back.

"Don't give me 'dat attitude; Listen, Ah need yew 'ta pick up Apple Bloom fro' school."

"School? Where?"

"Look fer 'de only schoolhouse in Ponyville o' course." Applejack said with a frustrated sigh. "Come on, yew ain't doing much around here. Just pick up Apple Bloom an' come back."

"Fine, but Ah want some apple cider when 'dis is over." Tough Apple grunts as he trots off to go pick up Apple Bloom from school.

"An' try not 'ta lose yer temper or pick fights on 'de way!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Applejack sighs a bit as she watches Tough Apple. The pony hopes to Celestia that her cousin will behave himself this time. He barely could the other day.


Later, at the Ponyville Schoolhouse, Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were hanging out together at the playground, trying to figure out how to get cutie marks (besides Nyx and Twist, being that they already have their own).

"Man, I can't believe you got a cousin who is like a rough house." Scootaloo commented to Apple Bloom in concern.

"Ah know! Whenever he hangs out wit' 'de family, he's a monster!" Apple Bloom exclaimed in fright.

"Come on, I don't see what's the big deal." Nyx said. "I mean, yes, he acted like a monster...but I think your cousin is getting better."

"Sure, ponies used to be scared of Nyx when she was Nightmare Moon." Sweetie said in agreement. "Perhaps if Tough Apple were to control that temper of his and calm down, he can be a good pony to hang with."

"Ah hope yew're right..." Apple Bloom said.

"Well, well, look at this, it's my favorite group of blank flanks and freaks." A familiar voice taunted. The CMC frowns as they see their two least favorite fillies in school: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Uh, hi Diamond." Dinky Doo said in concern.

"What do you want now? We're cutie mark hunting here." Scootaloo said dryly.

"Oh, want a cutie mark?" Diamond taunted with a laugh. "Try getting branded with an iron! Ha ha ha," She pauses then snaps, "Silver, that's your signal to laugh!" Feeling a bit startled, Silver then started laughing.

"Oh, nice, very nice; did you come up with that joke yourself?" Nyx asked dryly. "Or did your daddy came up with it?"

"Watch it, Nightmare Nyx!" Diamond snapped to Nyx in annoyance. "You're lucky daddy will be picking me up soon. Heck, you don't even have one; just your mother and your deadbeat dragon!"

"Ay! Making fun o' us because o' our lack o' cutie marks is one thing but don't make fun o' Nyx 'dat way!" Apple Bloom snaps as she growls at her. Diamond and Silver smirked as if challenging her to do something.

"Come on; let's not fight, especially near the end of the school day." Sweetie said to Apple Bloom in concern. "Besides, what your brother or sister say if they see you like this?"

"Ay, Apple Bloom!" A familiar voice snapped. The fillies look startled as a familiar purple stallion appears.

"What are yew doing here?" Apple Bloom asked Tough in surprise and concern.

"AJ told me 'ta pick yew up. Come on, we ain't got all day." Tough Apple remarks to Apple Bloom sternly.

"Awww, go on home with your dumb loser cousin, blank flank." Diamond Tiara laughed as Silver Spoon laughs with her.

Tough Apple glared at her while saying, "Yew picking on mah cousin, yew filly brat?"

"Come on, she's a blank flank who can't do anything right." Diamond remarked with a scoff. "Why shouldn't I?"

"Because yew will end up getting a bit upset like Ah have when Ah was young." Tough said to Diamond sternly. "It ain't nice."

"Please, I don't need to be nice!" Diamond remarked with a scoff while showing off her cutie mark. "My cutie mark say it all."

"Right, so does mine." Silver Spoon said in agreement, showing her own cutie mark, "Nice, eh?"

"Well, did they tell yew 'ta shut up an' refrain fro' picking on mah cousin?" Tough growled to the filly bullies in annoyance.

"Hey, you can't tell us to shut up, you big ape!" Silver Spoon snapped at Tough in defiance.

"Look, leave mah cousin an' her friends alone." Tough said to Diamond and Silver sternly. "Trust me, yew don't want 'ta see me git mad."

Apple Bloom looks surprised as is her friends. Tough Apple is defending her?

Tough left for a moment to wait for Apple Bloom; Sweetie said to Apple Bloom, "Wow, he defended you."

"Yeah, who knew?" Apple Bloom asks in amusement.

"No one did, but then again, no one is smart enough!" Diamond Tiara taunted the CMC, believing that Tough Apple is nowhere in sight. "But then again, he's brainless to leave you alone here!"

"That pony is smelly! Where did he come from? A zoo," Silver Spoon laughed madly with her friend.

Suddenly, the two fillies yelp as two familiar hooves grabbed them by the dresses, dragging them into the air. Tough said dryly, "Ah warned yew."


A while later, Filthy Rich is leaving the schoolhouse with Cheerilee, the teacher said, "Thank you for donating supplies to our school, Mr. Rich."

"You're welcome. May as well make up for how my daughter was rude to Miss Smith the other day and..." Filthy stopped as he and Cheerilee notice a commotion happening. "What's going on by the flagpole?"

Suddenly, screaming is heard. Filthy and Cheerilee gasps in shock as they saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...both are on top of the flag pole, hanging by their dresses, screaming and freaking out.

"Diamond Tiara; how did you and Silver Spoon get up there?" Cheerilee asked in shock and confusion as Filthy Rich is gasping in alarm.

"Get me down from here!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed in fright and alarm as Silver Spoon just yelped in fear.

Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike and Feathermay show that time to show up, all of them are stunned by this sight.

"Whoa, dude. What happened here?" Spike asked, a bit surprised by Diamond and Silver hanging on top of the flagpole like that.

"How did...what?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

Tough, meanwhile, chuckled as he dusts off his hooves in satisfaction. The stallion did a job well done in hooking those brats on that flagpole and pulling them to the top.

"Wow!" Apple Bloom exclaimed with a happy squeal. "Yew defended me, Cousin Tough Apple!"

"Shucks, no one picks on mah cousins like 'dis." Tough Apple said proudly.

"Mommy, did you see that?" Nyx giggled while trotting up to Twilight. "Tough just taught those two brats a lesson for picking on us and name calling!"

Twilight looks stunned. Tough Apple actually went and defended Apple Bloom? Of course, what he did was probably a crazy way to do so.

"Come on, Apple Bloom. Time 'ta take yew home," Tough Apple said to Apple Bloom with a nod.

"Comin', Tough Apple," Apple Bloom said happily.

"Wait until I tell on your cousin, Apple Bloom!" Diamond yelled out angrily at Apple Bloom as Cheerilee and some students works on getting her and Silver Spoon down. "You haven't heard the end of this!"

"Actually, I won't do anything, especially when I'm getting one Tartarus of a wedgie." Silver Spoon groaned a bit.

Fluttershy and Feathermay flew after Tough Apple and Apple Bloom, the yellow one exclaimed, "Tough Apple! Did you really do that to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?"

"Eeyup. They deserved it fer makin' fun o' me an' Apple Bloom along wit' her friends." Tough replied.

Apple Bloom said happily, "Wow! Ah can't believe 'dat yew did 'dat...an' for me!"

"Well, uh...aren't you worried about getting in trouble?" Fluttershy asked Tough Apple meekly. "Granny Smith's jam apple did help Filthy Rich's, Diamond Tiara's father, business and either won't be happy."

"Bah, let them." Tough Apple remarks with a scoff. "Ah done did 'de right thing fer mah cousin an' her friends."

"Well, Tough Apple, what you did back there was..." Feathermay began to say.

"Ay, git off mah back." Tough Apple groans to Feathermay in annoyance. "Ah came..."

"...cool. You did the right thing though in a rough kinda way. Nice work." Feathermay said while looking down at her hooves.

Hearing this got Tough Apple surprised. The Pegasus pony who insulted him the other day just complimented him?

"And...sorry for teasing you too much the other day." Feathermay said with a chuckle. "Went too far."

"Well, uh..." Tough Apple said, blushing a bit. "Err, come on, Apple Bloom. Gotta git yew home; Ah may be in fer some yelling when Ah do."

Apple Bloom giggled as she followed Tough Apple. Fluttershy smiled as she said, "I think he likes you, Feathermay."

Feathermay paused to think, then brushing her mane back while saying, "Yeah...maybe..."


Back inside, Apple Bloom giggles a bit while saying, "An' how yew freak Diamond an' Silver wit' 'dat scowl. Those brats look like they will wet themselves!"

"Yeah, glad yew liked it." Tough Apple said with a secret smile.

"Tough Apple," Applejack snaps sternly as she and Granny Smith were in the living room. "Granny Smith an' Ah want a word wit' you!"

"Awww, let me guess: it's about what happened at 'de school, right?"

"Did you hang Mr. Rich's daughter and her friend on top of a flag pole? Tell me the truth!" Granny Smith demands angrily to Tough. The stallion nods nervously. "Dang nabbed it, what are you trying to do?"

"But Granny Smith..."

"Dang it all, Ah have 'ta listen 'ta Granny Smith git yelled out by Filthy Rich over 'de phone!" Applejack groans, slapping her face with one hoof. "He is done threatening 'ta withdraw working wit' 'de Apples over 'dis! Ah done warned yew about yer temper..."

"But Applejack, Granny Smith; Tough Apple was only sticking up fer me an' mah friends." Apple Bloom explains, much to the surprise of Applejack and Granny Smith.

"Beg yer pardon?"

"Diamond Tiara an' Silver Spoon were picking on us...Tough Apple told them 'ta stop...an' he defended us. Those two ended up gitting on his bad side...so 'dat's why they were hanging on 'de flag pole. Don't be mad at Cousin Tough Apple. He was sticking up fer us."

"Is this true?" Granny Smith asks Tough Apple in surprise and disbelief. "Were you sticking up for Apple Bloom and her friends?"

"...yes. Ah know Ah did wrong...but Ah felt good o' doing 'de right thing in mah own way." Tough Apple said sheepishly to Granny Smith. "Ah am ready 'ta take 'de consequences."

The Apples, even Apple Bloom, looks speechless. Tough Apple is willing to take the consequences, something he isn't willing to do before. Has something happened to this bad tempered pony that they know of?

"Well...regardless of sticking up for Apple Bloom or not, you end up doing so in a bad way." Granny Smith grunts a bit as she leaves the room. "I will apologize to Filthy Rich on your behalf and hope that he is still willing to do business for us. But that's still not excusing you from your work on the rampages the other day."

"Yes, Granny Smith." Tough Apple said meekly as Granny Smith took her leave.

"Tough...yew done embarrassed me an' Granny by what yew did...but...yew did good fer sticking up fer Apple Bloom even if it was in a crazy way." Applejack said to Tough with a sigh. "Thank yew."

"No problem. Now Ah gotta git to mah room..."

Tough Apple head upstairs, the Apple sisters watch him go. Perhaps there is hope for him yet.


Tough Apple sighs, sitting on his bed while playing his banjo, a bit softly. He ponders what made him stick up for Apple Bloom the way he did. The stallion is still mad at this side of the family, not because of him being picked on as a colt, but for something else...

Was it because Apple Bloom reminded him of what happened to him when Tough himself was a colt? Or was it because of Fluttershy; Or Fluttermay, his...

"Dang, 'dat Feathermay sure is cute. Ah wish 'ta see her again, Joe." Tough mumbles as he begins to play his banjo some more, preparing to practice a bit some more.