• Published 10th Nov 2013
  • 318 Views, 0 Comments

Last of the Elders - tubeku

A stranger appears before Twilight and her life changes forever.

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Chapter 7: The Misunderstanding.

Spike hobbled down the road from Pinkies house, his head still swirling around from the cider last night. Small purple legs swaying over the cobblestone road, making the small dragon walk in an irate path. Bumping into stalls and passing ponies Spike hastily apologized, focusing hard on getting into his warm bed. Seeing bricks and stones lying all around the tree he called home, Spike pushed all thoughts besides sleep out of his head.

Ponies gathered around the site, all of them chattering back and forth about what could have caused such damage over night. Stalls laid in ruin, shattered into splintered wood chips. Many buildings showed signs of damage, their shingles ripped off the siding. Several roofs had collapsed; fortunately no lives had been lost that night. The well was devoid of water but that was the least of their worries at the moment. There was no sign of the creature that had caused all of the damage, not even the stains where its blood had been spilt on the road. But Spike paid no attention to them.

Pushing the wooden door open, he continued his stumbling walk inside the tree before slamming the door closed rather rudely. A fury of rustling from the bedroom upstairs barely caught his attention, Spikes head throbbing horribly from the noise of the door closing. Groaning from his hangover, he made his way over to the closest thing that he could make out as a bed. Collapsing onto the soft red chair that Twilight had insisted on buying, he curled up into a tight ball and fell asleep.

Spike’s snores echoed softly through the tree, Twilight’s breathes could be heard from upstairs, but Aphirion could be heard quite clearly from the basement. The dragon’s eyes flickered open from the sound from the basement, not from annoyance but from fear. He bolted out of his temporary bed and sprinted as fast as his short legs would let him. Throwing open the doors to his hidden closet, he franticly searched for his bat. Spying it under a pile of his prized possessions, a secret he kept well from Twilight, Spike yanked on the handle with sharp jerking pulls. Being thrown back from the sudden and unexpected release of the bat from the pile, he jumped to his feet and began taking cautious steps towards the basement door.

Opening the door a crack, he peeped through the opening to see nothing. Pushing the door open all the way, Spike crept along the wall while keeping his eyes on the lower portion of the room. Hearing the snoring coming from between the unicorn’s strange machines, the dragon stepped down the stairs, holding the bat up high as he jumped out in front of what he expected to be a horrible, vile and evil monster. But only found a slightly larger than normal stallion lying quite ungracefully across a pile of old clothes and other fabrics. Sound asleep and snoring loudly, the pony laid oblivious to the small dragon standing in front of him with a wooden baseball bat. Rearing back, Spike brought the bat down with all his strength.



Twilight fell out of her bed from the shout, crashing onto the wooden floor.



Twilight tumbled down the stairs, catching herself with magic before slamming into the bottom. Teleporting over to the basement door, she threw it open.



Rushing down the stairs, she saw Spike with a wooden bat running around her delicate instruments and Aphirion chasing after her number one assistant. Seeing Spike take a wild swing at the stallion, she made her move, but Aphirion leapt back before charging right at the dragon. Spike also spun around and started running straight at the charging stallion with his bat raised above his head. Twilight quickly forced a rush of power propel herself between the two combaters and willed her magic to condense the air around her into a shield. Her eyes closed but she heard the sound of heavy impacts against her protection spell. Within seconds she forced the air molecules within her shield to expand wildly, causing her shield to shatter and throwing the two fighters away.

Aphirion hit the ground rolling regaining his footing, faster than the dragon, but stopped when he saw Twilight standing between him and his target, glaring at him. Bowing, he stopped his attack in full and didn’t move. Spike, however, leapt back up and dove at the stallion, bat swinging madly. The soldier sidestepped the attacker with ease, a bored expression on his face as he leaned away from each attack.


Spike appeared on the other side of the room but continued his attack on the stallion.


Spike appeared again on the other side of the room but yet again jumped at Aphirion, who stepped out of the bats way.


“Darn it Spike, Stop attacking my friend!” Twilight snapped

The young dragon, again appearing on the other side of the room, stopped mid sprint, his mouth gasping for breath, and his eyes staring suspiciously at Aphirion. Dropping the bat down, he folded his arms across his chest.

“Who is this Twilight?” Spike asked, “And what is he doing in the basement?”

“He’s my friend Spike and that’s all you need to know for now.” Twilight said more harshly then she meant. Spike winced slightly from her tone but bounced back to his former self.

“Fine, but I’m keeping my eyes on him.” He stated before storming up the stairs and slamming the door shut. Watching Spike go through the door, Twilight sighed before turning on Aphirion. Glaring at him again, she did what she did best.
