• Published 10th Nov 2013
  • 1,520 Views, 15 Comments

Twilight Sparkle in the Pokémon World AKA Probably a Pretty Unoriginal Idea - maxdoss

After a teleportation spell gone wrong, Twilight Sparkle is teleported off into a strange world; The World of Pokémon!

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Chapitre 5: Combattre Types pour Twilight (AKA Fighting Types for Twilight!)

Twilight and Calem both woke up with a good's night sleep, even if they had been interrupted the night before. "C'mon. Let's hurry out of the Santalune Forest," Calem said. "I got a Holo Caster message last night from Serena to meet us at the end."

"Holo Caster? Serena? What are they?" Twilight asked. She knows that Serena is a name, but doesn't know what a Holo Caster is.

"I'll show you." Calem took out his Holo Caster, which was a small, circular metallic device. He pressed a button, and it started ringing. Soon, a hologram of a female trainer appeared.

"Hi, Calem!" The trainer said, who was presumably Serena.

"S'up, Serena. I got your message last night. I'm just about to pack up my campsite and leave. Also, I have a special friend I want to show you." It seemed that Calem always loved to brag.

"Can't wait! Bye!"

"Cya!" Calem hung up the Holo Caster, and put it back into his bag.

"Wow!" Twilight enthused. "We have some technology in Equestria, but nothing like that! The closest we probably have is the Flim Flam Brother's Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000."

"The what?"

"I'll tell you later. Anyway's, lets pack up and get moving." Twilight picked up the blanket she slept on, and put it on her back. Calem folded up the tent, which revealed Fennekin still sleeping.

"Fennekin looks to be a heavy sleeper. Just like Rhyhorn!!" Calem said.

"What's a Rhyhorn?" Twilight asked. "Is it a Pokémon?"

"Yeah. My mom used to be a champion Rhyhorn racer. I'll have to show you the next time we have the chance to stop at my house. Anyway's, should we wake Fennekin up?"

"Nah. Just let him get some sleep. Here," Twilight showed her back, which was covered with the blanket. "Put him there." Calem gently picked up Fennekin and set him onto Twilight's back.

"Let's go." They both started walking, eventually reaching the end of the forest. Serena and three other trainers were waiting with her.

"Hey!" Serena shouted out, alerting the other three.

"Serena! Tierno! Shauna! Trevor!" Calem started running towards them, with Twilight Sparkle closely following him.

"The gangs all here!" Tierno said, who was a tall and chubby trainer with a black shirt with an ice cream Pokémon on it.

"And someone extra. I'd like you all to meet... Twilight Sparkle." Calem moved out of the way so they could all see her clearly.

"Oooo. What Pokémon is that?" Trevor asked, pulling out his Pokédex. He seemed to be the smallest one, with ginger hair. "Huh? It's not registering."

"That's because I'm not a Pokémon!" Twilight yelled. "I'm a pony! From Equestria."

"Equestria? What's that?" Shauna asked. She had darker skin from the rest, with brown hair and a pink skirt to complement it.

"Sit down. Let me tell you." Twilight said. She told the story about all of her friends, their adventures, and how she came here, with the occasional Fennekin snore interrupting them.

"Ahhhh," Shauna whimpered, tearing up.

"That's so sad!" Serena added.

"Don't worry about me. Just focus on your journeys, and making the memories you want to," Twilight said.

"How about we have a picnic," Tierno said. "Y'a know. To lighten the mood?"

"That's a great idea, Tierno." Calem said. "Twilight picked some fruit last night. We could eat those."

"Let's do it!" They walked out of the forest, entering Route 3. Twilight folded the blanket on her back onto the ground, for them to sit on. Calem took out his bag and got out all of the fruit, and there were 15 in total.

"That's two for each of us, and the rest for the Pokémon!" Twilight said. They all sat down on the blanket, and grabbed a fruit.

Fennekin was still sleeping, snoring on the ground. "Fennekin, time to walk up," Calem whispered. Fennekin barely turned over. "There's food......." Fennekin opened his eyes, and quickly sprang towards a fruit, swallowing it whole. The whole gang laughed.

"Why don't you give some food to Fletchling?" Twilight suggested.

"Good idea!" Calem took out Fletchling from his Poké Ball, and handed him a fruit. Fletchling started pecking at it, and ate it slowly.

Twilight was about to take a bite of her fruit and a small, but humanoid looking Pokémon jumped out from a bush. It grabbed Twilight's fruit and took the rest of the fruit that hadn't been eaten. "Hey!" They all yelled.

A trainer soon came out from the bush. "Have you seen my Riolu? It ran away from me, and I can't catch up to it."

"Yeah," Twilight said. "In fact, it took our food! I'll go get it, if you don't mind."

"Thanks. I need to have a word with it. Also, my name is Garret," he said with a stern sound in his voice.

Twilight stood up, and ran through the bushes that Garret's Riolu ran through. "Riolu! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Twilight was never the best with animals, or in this case, Pokémon. That was always Fluttershy's job. Eventually, after walking around for about 5 minutes, she found it, grubbing on the berries like it hasn't been fed in weeks.

"Can you come back with me?" Twilight asked. The Riolu shook it's head no. "Is it because you don't like me?" Riolu shook it's head no, again. "Is it because of Garret?" Riolu finally nodded his head.

"Don't worry," Twilight assured. "I'm sure everything will be all right. Riolu stood up, and gave Twilight Sparkle his last fruit. "Thank you! Let's get back." Twilight quickly gobbled up the fruit, and walked back to the picnic.

"There you are!" Garret yelled. "Get over here, now!" The way Garret was treating Riolu made her feel uncomfortable. "Don't you ever do that again. Do you understand?" Riolu put his head down, and walked away with Garret. "Do you understand?" He continued to yell as they walked away. He put his hand up, and he was about to hit Riolu. He started to swing down, but was fortunately interrupted.

"Stop!" Twilight yelled. "No person or Pokémon has the right to be treated that way, no matter what they do!" Riolu started running towards Twilight, with tears streaming down it's face.

"Fine! Let's have a battle! The person who wins get's Riolu."

"Deal. Since I don't have any of my own, I'll use Riolu. Is that okay?" Riolu nodded.

"Uh.. fine. Go, Butterfree!" Garret threw out a Poké Ball, which contained what was a Butterfree.

"Calem, what moves does Riolu have?" Twilight asked.

"Uh... Quick Attack, Counter, Feint, and Endure."

"Got it. Riolu, use Quick Attack!" Riolu ran towards the Butterfree, and jumped up into the air to hit it.

"Dodge and use Confusion!" Butterfree aimed a small beam of energy on Riolu, knocking it onto the ground.

"Don't give up! Use Feint!" Riolu jumped up again, this time being able to knock Butterfree onto the ground. "Now use Quick Attack!" Riolu dived onto the ground, landing right onto Butterfree, knocking it out.

"No!" Garret screamed out. "If you want Riolu, you can have him!" He returned Butterfree, and took out Riolu's Poké Ball, and dropped it onto the ground. He stepped up, and smashed his foot on it, smashing it.

Everybody gasped. Garret soon ran away. "So, Riolu, are you ready to join my team?" Twilight asked. He nodded. "Calem, hand me a Poké Ball," Calem took out a Poké Ball, and gave it to Twilight. She threw it up in the air, and Riolu jumped up. He touched the button on it, and entered the Poké Ball. It shook all three times, then locked up.

"Yeah! Wait a sec, I don't have a place to put it. I guess you're staying outside for now!" She picked it up with her mouth and threw it back on the ground, and Riolu emerged. He jumped up onto Twilight's back. He pulled out something, which looked like a wallet.

"You took his wallet!" Calem noted. "I think he can go without it for a while, if you know what I mean," Everybody laughed.

"I think that's enough drama for one day," Serena said. Riolu cheered.

Author's Note:

I like Riolu a lot.

Twilight get's a Riolu.

Don't judge me.

And as always, point out my mistakes.