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Chapter 9

Fluttershy then woke up with sweat all over her body.

"Oh my goodness that was a horrible nightmear!", said Fluttershy to her self.

She sat on the side of her bed to think.

"I wonder why I keep on getting such horrible nightmears?", she said to herself.

"Maybe they are telling me something... maybe I must obey them!".

She walked around the house thinking to herself about this.

"I must obey them... no I can't... but maybe they will go away if I do.".

She walked outside and looked up to the bright blue sky.

"Well I better follow my dreams, no mather how horrible they are.".

She went inside to get some stuff and then flew off into the sky and went to the Apple family's farm

Big Macintosh and Applejack where out side working on the farm and then Fluttershy landed infront of them.

"Hello Fluttershy, what brings you 'round these parts?", asked Applejack.

"I just need to ask you and your brother something.".

"What would that be?".

"What do you think about dying?"

"Why would you ask that?".

Fluttershy then pulled out a knife and stabbed Applejack in the chest. Applejack fell of in pain with blood leaking down her body.

"Hey Big Mac, did you ever thing you'r sister is a bit hot?".

"Why would you do that you sick twisted pony!".

"Have you ever though about fucking her? Because you can do it now while she is helpless and weak!".


"Come on give in, she will die shortly anyways, so this is you last chance to fufill you dreams.".

Big Mac turned to Applejack who was crying and screaming in pain while blood leaked from the stab wound.

"Well, I guess you right Fluttershy, I better make my dream come true while I can.".

Applejack was looking in horror as Big Mac walked up to her with a hard dick and a smug smile.

"NOOOO DON'T!", Screamed Applejack.

Big Mac just kept on walking and then Pinned Applejack to the ground with on of his strong front legs and then shoved his penis into her vagina.

"Oh your so tight, so good..", said Big Mac in pleasure.

Applejack screamed and weakly tried to get Big Mac off her but she was no match for the strong red pony.

Big Mac pumped in deeper into Applejack's pussy and shuttered in pleasure.

"Oh man, you like nothing else that I have ever fucked.".

He spead up as the pleasure builded up more and more in him. Applejack kept on screaming in horror and squirming as her brother fucked her hard. Big Mac went faster and faster and then he blew his load into Applejack's tight pussy.

He got off as bits of cum dripped from his dick and onto Applejack's body.

"Oh man that was fucking awesome!", said Big Mac.

"Now I will finish her off!", said Fluttershy.

Fluttershy went up to Applejack who was squirming in the puddle of blood and then slashed her neck. A curtan of blood spilled out and then Applejack made weak gasping and moaning noises. She coughed up blood on herself and then fell over into the pool of blood and did not move.

"Now that is done, so now it's your turn, Big Mac!".

Fluttershy lunged at big mac and stabbed him in the leg, he fell over in pain. Fluttershy then went back to Applejack's body and then ripped opened her chest and smashed her ribcage with her hoof. She then cut out Applejack heart and went over to Big Mac. Fluttershy cut a big bloodly chunk out of the heart and ate it. She then went over to big mac and kissed him. She then puked up the heart into Big Mac's mouth. Big Mac gagged and coughed and then threw up all over his body.



Fluttershy then hit Big Mac in the head with her hoof which knocked him over and then stomped on his mouth. Blood came flowing out and a loud crack from Big Mac's jaw was heard. Fluttershy then went up to Big Mac's dick and then put her knife up to it.

"I hope you like this you sick fuck!".

She cut open his penis and blood went out. She pushed the knife deeper in and it went all the way though. Big mac made gargling noises from the blood in his mouth and his broken job. Fluttershy then slashed open his ballsack. Then she cut the rest of it off and his white testicals where hanging out. She then slowly cut his right testical off. Then she cut off his left on. She laughed at Big Mac as he garggled with pain. She then went up to his face and stabbed the knife deep into on of his eyes. She pulled the knife out which had the blood soaked eyeball stuck to it. She then ripped the eye out of the socket. She then placed on of the testical in the bloodly, empty socket. She then did the same to the other eye.

Big Mac was not moving now and just twitching once in a while. Fluttershy then stabbed the knife so hard into his forhead it went though the skull and into his brain. She left the knife in as it ran down Big Mac's dead face. She then flew off.