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chapter 1

One day Fluttershy was in the middle of a grassy feild thinking to her self.

"All the ponies her seem so happy and all of them are my friends...it's odd."

"They treat me like such a true and honest friend here for who they think I am but they don't know who the fuck Fluttershy really is!"

Fluttershy let out a laugh.

She then flew out of the fleid and back to Ponyville.

She saw Rarity outside of her house so she landed infront of her.

"Hello Rarity, its nice to see you out here!" said Fluttershy very calmy.

"Why yes it is, by the way Iv just made a new peice of clothing so would you like to come into my house and try it on?"

"Yes I would just love to."

Both of the ponies walked into the house. Fluttershy locked the door behind them.

"Why did you do that?" asked Rarity.

"Because its always better to be on the safe side!"

"...Ok then."

Rarity went to get the new cloths from a room and Fluttershy went to the kichen. She looked around until she found what she had been looking for, a huge, shape knife.

She then went behind the door to the room that Rarity was in so she would not see her.

Rarity then walked out of the room with the cloths.

"Fluttershy I have the new cloths!"


"Fluttershy where are you, I have cloths for you to try on!"

Rarity looked around the room.


Then she looked around the room some more when she was facing behind Fluttershy start to walk up towards her.

"Fluttershy where did you go?" Rarity said not knowing that she was right behind hind her.

"Im right here!" said Fluttershy.

Rarity turned around then Fluttershy tackled hard her to the ground!

"Hahaha you little whore! Tonight we are going to have some fun... lots and lots AND LOTS OF FUN!" screamed Fluttershy.

Fluttershy then stomped on Rarity's forhead with her left front hove hard.

Rarity's vision started to become dark and then she fainted into blackness.






"Wake up!"



Rarity's head was throbbing in pain, she could not open her eyes but she could hear and smell what was around her.




Rarity finaly found the power to open her eyes and she did. See saw she was in a dark room with only Fluttershy and strapped down to a medical desk. She could not move her arms or legs. Fluttershy then walked up towards her.

"Hehehe... your going to have a very good time here so just sit down and relax!" said Fluttershy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ME FLUTTERSHY.. I though you where my best friend."

"You though you knew me the whole time you bitch... but now you shall see the real me!"

Fluttershy then walked towards a table with a jar full of red liquid in it.

"Do you know what is inside this jar?" asked Fluttershy while holding it up.

"Ummmmm... Starwberry juice?"

"Strike one, try again!"

"... Red paint?"

"Strike two!"

"... Blood?"

"YAY, you got it right but this is not just any kind of blood?"

"What do you mean? Is it the blood of ponies you killed or something?"

"No, this is all the blood from my Period that I have been saving in here for a few years!"

Rarity felt a little sick hearing this.

"But now I will make this a little better for you!" said Fluttershy who put the jar on the ground.

She undid the lid on top of the jar. Then she squatted down over top of it. Then a huge wet shit came out from her ass and it went into the jar. She then moved back a bit and then started to piss in the jar too.

Then she picked up the jar and got out a wooden spoon and started to mix the period blood,wet shit and yellow piss together.

"Are you feeling like you need a drink or something Rarity?"

"No" Rarity whimppered.

"Well tough shit for you!"

She then went up to Rarity and put inside a peice of metal that forced Rarity's mouth wide open.

"Remember to always say thanks to the people who make your food and drinks for you!"

Fluttershy then poured the Shit,period blood and piss into Raritiy's mouth and she started to gag.

Then Rarity threw up orange puke with chunks of shit and dryied period blood all over her self.

"Hmmm looks like I will clean up your little mess there Rarity!"

Fluttershy then got out a spoon and started to put the orange puke into the jar along with the brown wet shit,piss and period blood. She mixed the puke,shit,piss and blood together. Rarity looked in horror at the mixtur.

"Now tell you what, if you can finish this whole think with out throwing up I will let you go free!"

"Ok." whimmered Rarity who would do pretty much anything to get out of there.

Fluttershy then poured the shit, piss, puke and period blood into Rarity's mouth. She made gargling noises but swallowed the drink. Fluttershy kept on pouring into Rarity's mouth and Rarity was trying as hard as she could to hold back the puke. Then she had finished the wet shit,piss,orange chunky puke and period blood drink atlast!

"I finished it NOW LET ME OUT!" she said but it sounded a bit scracty because the acid in the puke burned her mouth badly.

"I was just kidding you fucking little dick sucking fucktard!"screamed Fluttershy.

"Just please let me go I won't tell anyone about what happened!" cried Rarity

"Hehehe the night has just started and first I will show you what you may look like at the end of this."

Rarity thrusted up but the straps kept her down.

Fluttershy walked in the darkness and then came back with a dead body of a pony she had killed in the past.

"This little whore's name was Sunnyday, I killed her about nine months ago."

Rarity looked in horror the body. The eyes had been poppped out and where hanging outside of the sockets by the muscles and fleash that where supost to be behind them. Her mouth was slit from ear to ear and dried blood where below the cuts. On her side her cutie marker was off and only the rotting fleash behind it could be seen and there where cuts all over her body some where just little ones but some where huge gashes with bits of rotting fleash falling out. One of her legs was skinned so much that in some places you could see the bones inside it. The top of her head had been smashed in and you could see bits of rotting brain and chunks off bone coming out of the hole.

"I think you might even look worst then this little fucking whore by the end." said Fluttershy calmly.

She dragged back the body to the darkness and came back. Rarity was paralized with fear after seeing the body and could not speak anything besides little mutters of nonsense.

Fluttershy then went to the table that had a powerful heater on it. She got out a nail from the table and put it in some tongs she had. She then put the nail in the heater and when she pulled it out it was bright red. Rarity just looked in fear at the nail. Then Fluttershy came over to her with the nail in the tongs.

"I love to write stories in my free time you know, I think I will write a very short on right now." said Fluttershy.

She lowered the nail towards Rarity's stomach and Rarity started to let out scratchy screams.

"Scream all you want Rarity, no one will ever hear you fucking screams!"

Fluttershy lowered the nail even more then it hit Rarity's skin. Rarity let out a loud scream of pain but Fluttershy kept on pushing the nail on the skin.

"Stop moving so much you fucking bitch you are messing up my writing!"

Fluttershy had writin a "I" with the hot nail on Rarity's stomach. Then she wrote a "A" then a "M" then a "A" then a "W". Then Rarity passed out from the pain.



Rarity could still feel the hot nail burn her skin even though she had fainted. She could only let out mutters as she felt the burning on her skin.



Rarity woke up and Fluttershy was looked at her.

"Aww looks like you missed out on all the fun!"

Rarity was in extreme pain from the burns and then she looked down at what Fluttershy had wrote. Rarity was cring from the deep pain of the burn.

"Wow you are already crying now? Well its about to get worse!"

Fluttershy got out a large knife and held it up to Rarity.

Then Fluttershy started to cut off the burn marks. Rarity screamed and cried as Fluttershy slowly cut out her skin and exsposed her mucles and fleash. She kept on cutting out the letters burned onto Rarity's body one by one. Rarity would not stop going side to side and screaming loudly from the pain. Soon all of the burned skin had been cut away and Rarity saw spots of throbing fleash and mucles that where bleeding badly.

"Hmmm you look a little hungry Rarity, well I have some food here and it's already cooked!"

Fluttershy then put the metal thing back into Rarity's mouth that forced it wide open. She kept on screaming in pain and watching the blood slowly come out of her cuts. Then Fluttershy put Rarity's burned skin into Rarity's mouth and forced her to swallow it. She gagged and puked the skin up all over her self. The acid from the puke made the cuts burn badly and Rarity let out even more screams of pain. She saw the cut throbing badly.

"Hey you should thank me for giving you free food you fucking bitch!"

She then dipped the skin that was all rolled up into one roll in the puke and shoved the roll of puke shoked skin down into Rarity's mouth. Rarity swallowed the skin as fast as she could just to get it over with.

"Now thats what I like to see Rarity!"

Fluttershy took the metal thing out of Rarity's mouth and Rarity only let out small whimpers of pain.

"Now how about we have a little "lemon party"!

"NOOO NOT A LEMON PARTY!" Screamed Rarity with her acid burned voice.

"Oh no not that kind of lemon party, we are going to have my kind of lemon party!"

Fluttershy went into the darkness where Rarity could not see her and she came back with a jug full of lemon juice and acid.

"Inside this is pure lemon juice that I squeezed my self and a bit of acid too just to burn though your skin, but the acid is not strong enough to kill you it will just hurt you!"

Rarity started to scream in horror again as Fluttershy slowly came over with the open jug while having a slasher type smile on her face.

She then tipped the bottle and the lemon juice and acid went onto Rarity's body where the cuts where. Then she screamed out extremely loud as the acid burned though her skin and the juice burned her cuts. The cuts started to bubble and make little popping noises and Rarity kept on screaming in pain.

"I just love the sound of your screams Rarity, it reminds me of when I killed a little baby by putting it in a huge blender!"

Rarity kept on screaming at the top of her lungs and watched as the acid burned her skin and exposed her fleash to the juice.

"You know I like that horn of yours!" said Fluttershy.

So Fluttershy got out a saw and started to saw off Rarity's horn slowly.

"Stop moving you bitch you are making it hard for me to saw!"

Rarity heard the cracks of the bone in her horn deep into her skull. It was like hearing hell it self like its trapped inside of your head.

Then when Fluttershy had saw though about 2/3 of the horn she just broke it off.

"Hehe I think this looks both pretty and a bit like something else now what could that be?" said Fluttershy.

Rarity was only screaming and crying in pain and could not answer.

"Well it looks a bit like some odd kind of dildo!"

Then Fluttershy shoved Rarity's horn into her vagina. It tore the walls inside of her vagina and a little river of blood flowed out under where the horn was shoved.

"Hehehe looks like your having a bloody hell!"

Fluttershy then pushed the horn deepper into the vagina and more blood slowly leaked out.

"You know I have always though of your eyes being very pritty Rarity!"

Fluttershy then got out a small knife off the table.

"I sure want to keep them because they shine like diamonds!"

Fluttershy pinned down Rarity's head with one hove and had the knife in the other. She then slowly slit Rarity's left eye out of the socket. She went behind the eyeball with the knife and popped it out. Blood leaked from the socket and the eyeball it's self. The eye was popped out of the socket and being held on by the muscles that where once behind it. Then Fluttershy cut the muscles and held the eye up in her hand.

"It still shines wonderfully even when its not in you!"

She looked at Rarity who socket was bleeding extremely badly and the mucles in the back of it where throbing and blts of mucles hanged outside of the socket.

"Man it feels a little cold in here I better get some heat going."

So Fluttershy went back to the shadows and came back with some matches and a can of gas. She sprayed the gas all over Rarity's white blood soaked body. Rarity was only twitching a bit and letting out little whimpers.

Once her whole body was soak Fluttershy lit up a match and threw it at Rarity. Rarity lit up and she started to twitch from side to side and her toungue darted in and out of her mouth. Once the fire was out Fluttershy looked at the burned body and smiled.

"All in a hard day of work!"

She then unstrapped the body and cut it up. She then cooked bits of the body up and made some hamburgers out of it.

"These burgers look very tastey, maybe I shoud share it with someone!" she said to her self.

Then she walked out of the dark house.