• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 1,557 Views, 50 Comments

"Is that you, my love?" - Hopefullygoodgrammar

Can a human, a showmare, a chaos god, a changeling and the Elements stop an evil that shakes the foundations of the earth? Amnesia:Justine crossover

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Conference Crasher

Author’s Note: I don’t own MLP or the brilliantly freaky Amnesia series.

Conference Crasher

“I can’t believe this!” whined Rainbow Dash, “It’s only been a day and now we’re back on the stupid train!”

“Once again I concur with Rainbow Dash.” said Rarity, “But may I ask what She’s doing here?”, she pointed to Trixie, who was sitting next to Alois and trying very hard not to be noticed, at Rarity’s words she pinned her ears back and hung her head in shame, “I’m sorry.” she muttered, Rarity snorted.

“To answer your question I brought her along because she has information that I think could be helpful to us if our enemy is who I think it is.” said Alois sternly.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I've been having nightmares about a creature that looks a lot like him” here Trixie indicated Alois with a hoof before continuing, “ except this one was completely insane.”

“Ah think y’all are gonna need ta explain this in better detail.” said Applejack.

Alois put a hand around Trixie’s hoof to stifle any retort that she may have had, “I think I’ll take the explaining from here, Trixie.” he said calmly before turning to the spot where he assumed Applejack sat.

“As I told you before, Justine kidnapped and tortured me, Basile and Malo, what I didn't tell you was that each of us had a different reaction to the torture: Basile became so consumed by anger that he couldn't be reasoned with, I became miserable and obsessed with finding her at any cost, but Malo had the worst reaction…. he was never to stable, you see, but Justine’s experiments turned him into a monster.”

“Wait, wait, wait” said Rainbow Dash, “You mean he actually turned into a monster? Like, not human?”

Alois shook his head “You don’t need to look like a monster to be one… although, if he looks anything like I do, then I’m pretty sure the phrase doesn't really apply to him.”

A shudder passed through everypony at his words, Fluttershy in particular looked like she wasn't going to be getting a good nights sleep for a few days at the very least.

For a while after the cart was as silent as the grave, nopony had anything to say after Alois’s explanation, but most of them had come to a single, grim conclusion: the situation had become far more serious than they had first thought.

It was Trixie who broke the silence as she cleared her throat and, though she didn't say it, Rarity was pleased that the silence was ending, even if Trixie of all ponies was the one to end it.

Trixie got down from her seat and approached the Mane 6 with a nervous twitch in her step, her eyes didn't meet theirs and she has adapted a submissive, slumped posture in the hopes that she would get her sincerity across better, It’s only three steps to their seat, but it feels like a mile she thought as she neared them, when she was close enough to be seen clearly, but far enough so she could scramble back if one of them attacked.

“Um… hello?” asked Fluttershy.

“H-hello” said Trixie, “I…. I have something to say, I know that I've done some bad things, I've boasted and bragged and I've h-hurt you.”

Here she paused and bit her lip, trying to fight the lump in her throat, she was honestly surprised that none of them had spoken against her; she continued after clearing her throat again.

“ So I want to say that I’m sorry, I am so, so sorry for being so mean to you, I've been feeling guilty about my actions for a long time and I just need to apologize for my mistakes, I don’t know if you can forgive me, but I’m sorry nonethle-URFF!!”

She was cut off suddenly by a sobbing Pinkie Pie wrapping her in a big hug.

“Oh you poor mare!” she wailed, “I forgive you, even though I wasn't there when you made goofs outta my friends! You’re so sad that it’s making me sah-ha-ha-had!” she continued to sob as she squeezed the stunned showmare harder.

Suddenly she broke the hug off and stared into Trixie’s eyes with a determined expression, “What can I do to make you smile?” she asked, then she began to stroke her chin in thought, then a pink light bulb popped up over her head and exploded into confetti just as she gave a loud “Ah-Ha!”, Pinkie turned to Trixie, who was moving back, sweating profusely.

“I know what’ll make you smile!” she said just as she pounced upon a now terrified Trixie.

This is it, Trixie thought I’m done for, I’m going to be thrashed to death by a crazy, pink, poofy-maned mare who never stops smiling. Why does it have to end like this/ Why me? Why-

Her thoughts were abruptly cut off when Pinkie reached out and began to tickle Trixie’s taut stomach, Trixie’s “final scream” devolved into a torrent of helpless laughter as Pinkie went to town with the precision of a tickling master.

“Tickle, tiiiiccckklllee Trixie-Wixie” cooed Pinkie as she ran her hooves up and down her ribs, which produced a xylophone sound, “C’mon, smile! You know it is… your destiny!”

“HeeheHAHAAHheHA… I AM SMILIhihihiING!!” Trixie howled, showing off a big smile to the pink party pony.

Even as she kept on with her tickle attack Pinkie was able to locate a pair of super-ginormous glasses in her mane, she used her tongue to plop the glasses on her muzzle, then she leaned in and examined the grin, “Hmmm….. 10 inches wide, 9 inches from upper lip to lower lip, all teeth shown. Yep, it’s a genuine smile!”

Pinkie stopped the tickling and helped a panting Trixie to her hooves.

“Why…*pant…. why did you *wheeze* do that?” asked Trixie between deep breaths, Pinkie smiled at her, “Because you were sad and I can’t stand to see my new friends get sad!” she said happily, Trixie’s jaw dropped, “F-friend? I’m your friend?”

Pinkie nodded, “Yuh-huh, It’s obvious that you’re really sorry for what you did and, since you apologized, that makes you okay in my book!” she reached into her mane and pulled out a massive, rainbow-colored book with the title Pinkie Pie’s Super Awesome Friends, then she pulled a quill out of her tail and wrote something down in the book, she turned it around and showed Trixie the page, the showmare saw her name written right under Alois’.

Twilight got down and came forwards next, when she spoke her voice was gentle and full of pity.

“When I was tending to you I saw all of the cuts and bruises, I also saw how thin you were.” she cantered closer to Trixie and placed a hoof on her shoulder, noting the slight flinch as she did, “You've had a pretty bad time, haven’t you?”

Trixie averted her eyes and nodded weakly, Twilight reached out and gently pulled her into a hug, Trixie didn't protest, the memories of all of those lonely nights spent in her wagon and of the sickness preventing her from using magic, made her eyes well up with tears. She leaned her head against Twilight’s shoulder and silently let her tears stream down her cheeks, she was faintly aware of the sounds of shock coming from the other ponies, but she didn't care.

A second later she felt Pinkie’s fore hooves wrap around her, then a third pair wrapped around her as Fluttershy joined the group hug.

“I forgive you.” she said as she began to rub circles on Trixie’s back, wincing in sympathy as she felt the bumps of her spine.

Fluttershy looked at the remaining three, who wore uncertain looks, she gestured for them to join her, Applejack came forwards first and added her own limbs to the hug, “Ya seem mighty sorry for what ya did, so I forgive ya too.” she said in a kind voice; Trixie began to cry softly.

The sound brought out Rarity’s maternal instincts and she rushed forwards and added to the hug, “Hush now, deary, I forgive you as well, there’s no need to cry.” she cooed as she levitated a silk handkerchief and dabbed at Trixie’s eyes.

Rainbow Dash looked at the group hug with deep uncertainty etched on her face, Should I forgive her, too? I mean, she was pretty awful to us both times she came here… but sweet Celestia does she look sad! What kinda stuff happened to her? She really DOES look like she’s tellin’ the truth, so….

“Aww buck it!” she exclaimed, flying over and finishing the hug, “I forgive ya, too.”

Trixie was overwhelmed to say the least, all she could do was cry and hug her one-time rival harder, saying “Thank you.” whenever she could, Alois, who had been listening to the entire thing, stood up and came over to them.

“It appears as though you seriously underestimated their kindness, Trixie.” he said with a smile, Trixie could only nod happily as she let the body heat of the others warm her.

“Why don’tcha join us, Ally?” asked Pinkie.

Alois bent down and wrapped them all in a hug, his arms were long enough to almost completely encircle them, Fluttershy looked at his face and was glad to notice how much better his face looked now that the scars had faded somewhat, I’m also glad he kept his blindfold on, those big, black void where his eyes were are just so… scary. She felt guilty for thinking it, but she knew that it was true, it was also probably what the others were thinking, she once again felt a surge of anger towards this “Justine” person and her cruelty.

Trixie didn't want to break the hug off, but when the train arrived in Canterlot she found that she had no choice, she was halfway to the door when Twilight stopped her.

“Are you gonna be okay?” she asked, Trixie turned, readying a retort, but she stopped when she saw the genuine concern in the lavender unicorn’s eyes, “Trix- I mean I’m fine.” she said, smiling slightly, Twilight smiled back and the two walked off the train together.

An hour later the whole group were sitting in Celestia’s conference room, awaiting the Princess of the Sun to make her entrance.

Alois sat to the left of Celestia’s seat, to his left was Trixie, followed by the Elements of Harmony, each of the ponies wriggled and shifted in their seats, they exchanged worried and uneasy looks between each other, but none of them said anything. Alois tapped the tip of his cane against the marble floor, the sound echoed off the marble tiles.

“Sooo… when was the Princess supposed to be here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“She didn't say.” said Twilight, “But I’m sure she’ll be here any minute now!” she added happily.

After a minute had passed Rainbow said, “Nope, no Princess.”

Twilight heaved an annoyed sigh and shot a look at the cyan pegasus, “What? You said a minute, it’s been a minute and still no-”

“I’m terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, I hope none of you were kept too long.” said a voice, they all turned to the sound, Celestia walked through the doors, looking tired and frazzled, Twilight was stunned beyond words, she knew that the Neighagra Falls incident was bad, but she hadn't realized how bad until she saw the dark bags under her mentor-turned-peer’s eyes.

“I-it’s fine, Princess- I mean Celestia.” said Twilight with a smile, Celestia smiled back and took her seat, Luna followed in her wake, her features brightened considerably when she saw Twilight.

“Hello Luna.” said Twilight “It’s good to see you.”

“It is good to see thee as well.” Luna said, she turned to Alois, “Greetings, Sir Alois, how goes thine recovery?”

“It goes very well, thank you for asking.” he said with a thin smile, “Might I enquire as to your well-being?”

Luna giggled, “We- I am doing much better, thank thee for enquiring.”

Celestia cleared her throat to stop any more chatter, “Now I’m sure that you all know why I've called you here today, we must address the horrible incident that occurred at Neighagra Falls, at first I thought that it was merely an accident, but after hearing an eyewitness account from two ponies by the names of Dusk Sky and Bronze Medal, who were vacationing there at the time.”

Celestia sighed and continued, her voice now low and filled with an emotion that none of them could quite pinpoint, “They said that a massive castle appeared, walking on insect legs, they heard someone shouting something about “making the world bleed” or some such nonsense, then…. then that same someone conjured a fireball the size of the city, then they used it to burn the whole city to the ground. Out of the 9,560 ponies, griffons, diamond dogs and, I suspect, changelings that were living or vacationing there, only 2,003 escaped.”

It was then that each and every individual at the table realized that Celestia was angry.

“Some… monster, some beast has murdered my subjects!” she said, slamming a gold-clad hoof onto the table with enough force to cause a latticework of cracks to spread across the surface, everyone present moved back, or in Trixie and Fluttershy’s case, jumped back as Celestia continued.

“7,557 lives is 7,557 lives to many! Already the papers have gotten ahold of the story, now there is a storm of pure mass hysteria brewing and very, very soon it is going to be upon us! Now, Mr. Alois, Ms. Trixie, I believe that you both may have some clues as to who did this, correct?”

The two nodded and Trixie spoke first.

“Ever since the Alicorn Amulet was removed I've been having nightmares, at first they were just bits of my past that had been corrupted or some fear that I have brought to life, y’know: typical nightmare stuff. But then I started having dreams about….. about Alois’ world: I saw him with two other humans, I saw them argue and fight over one mare- I mean woman, I saw what they became, I saw them, eyeless and naked and bloody.” Trixie shuddered and both Twilight and Alois placed hoof and hand on her shoulder, using that comfort she continued.

“Then I dreamed- no I saw Neighagra Falls burning… I was in a field and there was a big pond on one side of me, a forest behind me and the city in front of me, it was so real I could feel the grass under my hooves…” she then proceeded to tell them about her dreams and their unnatural nature, all the while Alois and Twilight stayed close to her in case she faltered, which she didn't do nearly as much as she would have thought.

When she was done all of the ponies present were stunned, it was Twilight who broke the silence.

“Oh Trixie, I had no idea that you were suffering so much, I’m so sorry.” she said sympathetically.

“Why didn't ya use yer magic ta stop it?” asked Applejack with a raised brow, Trixie looked down and muttered something, “Ah’m sorry, what?” asked the farmpony, leaning in to hear better.

“I said ‘I can’t use magic without getting sick, so I don’t use magic anymore’,” she said, close to tears, Twilight and Rarity exchanged deeply pitying looks while Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash gasped.

Only Luna saw the sudden change in her sister’s expression, Celestia went from looking interested to concerned, there seemed to be a faint spark of recognition in her eyes as well, Luna didn't need a mirror to know that she was wearing the same expression: she too recognized the symptoms of one who has wielded the Alicorn Amulet.

I had hoped that the damned thing would have been depowered after Sombra’s defeat, I guess I was wrong. she thought, saddened that the corrupting artifact had claimed another victim and more than a little guilty that she hadn't taken better precautions to make sure that the amulet didn't cause more pain.

She made to speak, wanting to ask Alois if he had similar dreams, when every light in the conference room went out, everypony present tensed up, Twilight, Rarity and the princesses lit their horns, Alois had stood up and was now cocking his head, listening intently, he could hear the ponies breathing, the faint rhythm of their hearts and the muffled groan of wind against the windows.

Wait… that’s not wind… that sounds like-

Alois didn't see the sudden flash of light, but the others did and they were shocked to see the cause of it.

Discord lay on the cracked surface of the table in a tangled heap, his mismatched limbs sticking out in all directions, Rainbow Dash flew closer as she prepared to give the draconequus a piece of her mind, then she saw how filthy his coat was, the many cuts and bruises on his body and the lack of fanfare that the chaos god usually gave himself, Fluttershy noticed, too.

“Discord!” she shouted, flying out of her seat and landing next to him, at the sound of her voice Discord raised his head and gazed at her with eyes that weren't his own.

“Red… Alert.” he said, giving her a weak smile, then his eyes rolled up and he slumped forwards and passed out.

Author's Note:

Yay!! Another is completed, meanwhile I've also been plotting out another story, my semi-hyped Gilda story, "Plummeting Through Worlds ".... so that's good too... I hope.

Please leave me a comment and I'll get the next chapter out... sometime... so-uhhh...bye?