• Published 29th Sep 2013
  • 1,558 Views, 50 Comments

"Is that you, my love?" - Hopefullygoodgrammar

Can a human, a showmare, a chaos god, a changeling and the Elements stop an evil that shakes the foundations of the earth? Amnesia:Justine crossover

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The Patient

What’s this? Why, it appears to be another Author’s Note!

I don’t own Amnesia, Amnesia: Justine or Amnesia: A Machine for Walking Bacon Monsters (Though I wouldn't want to own that stupid-ass game anyway.) and I don’t own My Little Pony.

WARNING: This is a rather… dark chapter, it has some references to things that might offend, so be warned.

The Patient

What am I doing here? thought Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence to her friends and husband, as she trotted down the sterile corridors of the hospital, she had never liked hospitals, she detested the stink of antiseptic and the fact that it was, despite all the hard work of the doctor and nurses, often a place of death.

Cadence shuddered at the mere notion of death, It’s alright Cadence, just breathe, nothing bad is going to happen while I’m here… I hope. her thoughts returned to Shining Armor and the issue that had only recently began to plague her thoughts, I need to see Celestia as soon a possible, I have to know...

She paused at one of the doors and looked in at the young foal sleeping soundly, the sight drove away the dark thoughts to be replaced by the warm feeling of happiness at seeing the peaceful face of a sleeping foal, she made a mental note to visit the little guy after her business was done, she had a feeling that he might like a visit…. or maybe, considering who she was visiting, it was she who needed the visit.

Cadence sighed and continued onward, the patient was in room 208 and she was just passing 189, so she had a few more minutes to think.

What does Aunt Celestia think she can accomplish by having me talk to i-her? Last time I checked changelings were our enemies and the doctors said that something was very wrong with this particular one, though they didn't say what. Could this be a test? That definitely seems like my Aunt’s style, but a test of what, exactly?

Cadence sighed and turned a corner, she passed a nurse wheeling a rather thin stallion in a wheelchair, Cadence smiled as the two exchanged looks, when they saw her they both blushed furiously, Cadence winked at them and continued on her path, she heard the sound of lips meeting as she passed out of sight.

The first thing that Trixie felt upon reawakening was the pain.

Wha- where am I? she thought as she opened her eyes, she tried to raise her head, but the shooting pain in her horn made her reconsider that option.

What happened? Wait…. it was….. it was Twilight and that-that creature! Oh Celestia, they've captured me! T-they’re gonna kill me! Trixie began to whimper and struggle, which caused the muscles in her limbs to twinge painfully, then she heard it: the sound of breathing now two feet from her.

Fear paralyzed her and she quieted down, then, with a barely perceptible tremor, she turned her head to see if she could get a look at the pony sitting near her and instantly regretted it, because it wasn't a pony, it was that thing, Malo. He was sitting in a chair, his thin frame not quite filling the space despite his size, his chin was touching his chest and his hands were folded across his lap and the cane that rested on his knees.

Oh thank Celestia, he’s asleep. she thought with a sigh of relief, a sigh which she immediately and unsuccessfully tried to stifle, she silently prayed to both Celestia and Luna that Malo wouldn't wake up.

His breath hitched and then he continued to snore, Trixie closed her eyes and thanked the princesses for showing some mercy, Even though I've not exactly been the best pony I can be. she thought sadly, she shook her head to clear away the dark clouds forming in her mind, No, I can’t let fear get the best of me, not now, I have to get out of here!

She began to slowly tense her muscles, trying to work out the pain, after a few shoulder rolls and a couple of hoof-clenches she was feeling slightly better, she placed a hoof on the floor and tested her weight, when she was certain she wouldn't collapse she placed the other hoof down and began to maneuver herself off of the couch.

“You know, it’s extraordinarily rude to barge into someone’s house and magically tie up their guests.”

Trixie froze and turned to see Malo’s grim face leveled at her.

Any bravery that Trixie was mustering disappeared and she began to whimper anew, “P-please d-don’t hurt m-me, please…”

Malo sighed and leaned back, it was then Trixie noticed how tired he looked, “I’m not going to hurt you and I am NOT Malo, Miss Trixie.”

Trixie did a double take, “How do you know about me?”

The creature sighed, “I assume the same way that you know about Malo: through your dreams.”

Trixie blanched and the creature continued, “ I know a few things about you Trixie, I know that you arrived in Ponyville a year or so ago and you made a mockery of the elements, then your bragging nearly got several ponies killed by a massive eldritch beast from the Everfree. After being utterly humiliated you left and lost your audience, then you have the utter gall to take over and enslave Ponyville to your whim using dark magic.”

Trixie lowered her head as the guilt resurfaced with a vengeance, “ You know about that?”

The creature nodded, then his features softened, “I also know that you tried to make amends, but the others wouldn't listen to you, you got sick and now you’re here, trying to redeem yourself.”

He straightened up and turned his head to her, she had the feeling that, if he still possessed eyes, they’d be firmly on her, “I’m not Malo, I assume that you've seen pieces of my past, I am Alois Racine.” He held out a hand.

Trixie looked at the hand, “I-I’m not sure that I can trust you…. how do I know that you’re not tricking me? You looked the same, you were both bloody and bald and e-eyeless.”

The creature leaned in, “ Because, if I was Malo, you’d already be dead. You've seen him, so you know what he was like. I am who I say I am. I promise.”

Trixie looked at his face, the lack of eyes made it hard to tell if he was being sincere, but his features were soft and calm, not drawn and hard like Malo’s features had been, Trixie looked down at the still-proffered hand and cautiously shook it, ready to take her hoof away if he tried anything.

Alois smiled and then relaxed his grip, “Thank you for believing me, Trixie.”

Trixie nodded, For now… she thought as she watched him get to his feet.

This is it, room 208. thought Cadence with no small amount of trepidation.

Room 208 had been magically fortified due to the nature of the occupant, although most of the doctors didn’t think that she’d be a problem in her current state. They didn’t even bother with giving her bodyguards, Either that or they knew that I could handle myself. she thought with a small smirk; Alright, the time for procrastination is over, time to face my fears. Cadence breathed deeply and then went in.

She had mentally prepared for the worst: she expected the changeling to hurl herself at her with snapping jaws and malicious hissing and curses, instead she was met with a sight that shocked her to the core.

The changeling was sitting on her bed, her lank, green hair hung over her face like a shroud, her thin legs were drawn tightly over her body and her blanket was draped around her shoulders, when she heard Cadence enter she looked up and peered at her with one frightened eye showing through her bangs.

Cadence cantered forwards, trying her best to put on a smile, “Hello” she began “I'm-”

“You’re Princess Cadence, yes I know.” interrupted the changeling, Cadence was shocked at how tired the changeling sounded, No…. not tired…. empty… she thought, she opened her mouth to continue speaking, but the next words out of the changeling’s mouth stopped her cold.

“Are you here to kill me?”

Cadence’s jaw, which had been only slightly open, dropped completely at the words, “I-I beg your pardon?” she said when she found her voice, the changeling looked at her solemnly, “I asked if you were here to kill me, I am a changeling after all, aren't we all your enemies? And no, I won’t tell you where my hive is, as if that matters anymore.”

Cadence resisted the urge to step out and do more deep breathing, Why does she want to die? What could possibly make somep-somechangeling give up like that?

Cadence approached the changeling and sat down beside her, What are you doing?! screamed a part of her mind, Have you forgotten what they did to you and Shining? And here you are getting cozy with one of those bugs, what what your husband say?

He’d say that I’m fulfilling my duties as Princess of Love. she thought determinedly, I can’t be prejudiced to who I help and she definitely needs my help even if she is a changeling.

“Can you tell me your name?” she asked sweetly.

After a brief silence the changeling turned to face her, “Mantis.” she said, her voice so quiet it was almost a whisper.

“Alright Mantis, can you tell me what happened? The doctors said that some farmers found you in their fields, they said that you had a lot of wounds, is that true?”

Mantis nodded silently, Cadence’s brow furrowed, “Can you tell me how you got to be like that?”, when Mantis didn't answer Cadence began to get a bad feeling that whatever had happened to her was worse than she thought, Cadence inched a bit closer and gently lifted a hoof to turn Mantis’ face to meet her own, “Did you get assaulted by somepony?”, Mantis shook her head.

“Were you attacked by one of your own?”

Another shake.

“The doctor’s say that you had scratches all over your back, were you attacked by some kind of animal?”

A pause, then another shake, the bad feeling grew stronger within Cadence’s chest, I guess I have to ask the question that I’ve been dreading. she thought sadly. She took a deep breath and then asked, “Mantis… were you raped?”

Another shake.

Cadence almost sighed in relief, rape was a very, very rare thing in Equestria, so rare, in fact, that the act was considered almost legendary and any who committed the act were considered to be among the most vile of villains. Even though Mantis was a changeling she was still a sentient being with feelings and a soul, and Cadence would never in a million years wish that kind of fate upon even her worst enemy.

Cadence cleared her throat and leveled her gaze at Mantis, who was looking more uncomfortable by the second, “So, what did happen to you? How did you get so battered?”

Mantis looked down at her chitinous hooves and said, in a low voice, “I was… I was tortured… by a monster.”

Cadence’s blood went cold, swallowing deeply she leaned in and asked, “What happened?”

Mantis looked at her and Cadence could see the terror in her eyes “We were evacuating Neighagra Falls on our King’s orders, me and my two friends, Stinger and Pedipalp, we were the last ones to leave and we hadn't had very much love, we were flying over the forest when Stinger sensed some strong love, we followed him and we stumbled across a castle”

Here Mantis paused and drew a shuddering breath, Cadence felt her heart go out to the poor changeling.

Mantis continued.

“The castle was…. wrong somehow, the doors were too high, the ceiling was too big, the hallways were too long, but we didn't even notice, we were so hungry. We decided to split up, Stinger and Pedipalp went to a room on the bottom floor and I went to the top, I followed my nose and ended up in a room made entirely from metal…”

She trailed off and Cadence saw tears begin to form in her eyes, “There was s-something under a s-sheet a-a-and I t-took if off and…. and- oh Celestia it was awful!” Mantis really did begin to cry then, Cadence couldn't take it anymore and she leaned in and wrapped the sobbing changeling in her forelegs and held her tight.

“Th-then HE came to m-me” she said through her tears, “ HE was eyeless and tall and hairless and his face was full of t-teeth, oh so many teeth, he caught me, cut me, burned me, he told me things… things that he couldn't have known and… and…”

“Shhhh… it’s alright, I’m here.” whispered Cadence, rubbing Mantis’ back and using her magic to calm the poor mare’s nerves, “Whoever or Whatever hurt you isn't here and will not hurt you ever again.”

Mantis was silent for a moment, then she said two words that brought a genuine smile to Cadence’s face.

“Thank you.”

Then Mantis fell asleep, still wrapped in the other mare’s warm embrace, after a few more minutes Cadence gently laid the changeling down on her bed and bundled the blankets around her.

Then she left as quietly as she could, she didn’t want to, for she knew that Mantis still needed comfort, but she had to tell Celestia what had happened, she had a feeling that it was going to be very important, she also made plans to have Mantis transported to Canterlot to receive some much-needed healing.

She thought back to the ghastly description of the thing in the castle that Mantis had given her, Mantis must have been subject to some kind of fear spell. she thought At least I hope so, because if not... She shuddered at the thought of something like that being flesh and blood.

She stopped by the door that led into the foal’s room and looked in to see him being hugged by his family, all of whom bore happy and relieved grins, I guess I’m not needed after all. Cadence thought with a smile, Then again, I do need to relax a bit.

Keeping her smile on Cadence politely knocked on the door, the parents looked up and, upon seeing who it was, very nearly tripped over themselves to open the door.

“Princess Cadence! It’s an honor, it really is!” said the mother of the foal with an excited smile, “Yes indeed, a great honor.” the father said, parroting his wife’s smile.

“Thank you, i was just passing by and I noticed this little guy all alone, I wanted to stop by and keep him company, but I see that you've beaten me to it.” Cadence said, the mother and father both blushed and looked down at their hooves bashfully.

The colt peeked around his parent’s forms and smiled up at the princess, “Hello Princess Cadence!” he said happily, waving a bandaged hoof at her.

“Hello, little one.” said Cadence, waving back, the colt’s smile grew and he struggled to sit up, only for his parents to rush to his side and gently coax him back down, “Now, now, lay back down son” admonished the father “ you don’t wanna irritate your burns. Maybe you can see the princess later, okay?”

Cadence looked at the colt and nodded, “Don’t worry, I’ll come and see you soon, alright…?”

Taking the hint the colt said, “Puff Pastry, Miss. Princess.”

“Alright Puff Pastry, I’ll visit you in a day or so, how’s that sound?” she asked.

Puff pastry nodded and beamed at her, she returned the smile and turned to go, then she stopped and turned back to the colt’s parents, cantering over she leaned in and whispered in the mother’s ear, “I don’t mean to be nosy, but how did he get burned?”

“He was in Neighagra Falls when the fire started, we were lucky enough to be on the outskirts of the town when the fire started.” said Puff’s mother in a low voice, “ I haven’t been able to sleep since that day. It was terrible, all the fire and ash, I can still hear the screaming…. and the laughter.”

“Laughter?” asked Cadence, feeling a ball of worry form in her stomach.

Puff’s mother nodded slightly, “Yes, we heard it on the wind, it sounded so loud, so… so gleeful, like the laughter of a madpony.” she shuddered, Cadence laid a wing over her shoulders, “Don’t worry, nothing will hurt you here and I promise you we’ll bring the monster that did this to justice.”

Puff’s mother smiled at her and Cadence removed her wing and headed for the door, despite the cheery attitude in the room, Cadence still felt that ball of worry writhing in her gut, she knew that Mantis’ story had to be related to the burning, and she wasn't liking the theories that were popping into her mind.

Author's Note:

Alright, another one down, sorry if this disturbed you.

Next Chapter: A plan is set in motion...