• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,857 Views, 41 Comments

SPAT [Special Ponies And Tactics] - JustDing

One-shot stories, MLP / S.W.A.T 4 crossover

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St. Faust Hospital Ponyville, VIP-Rescue / Rapid Deployment

What if... a group of ponies don't accept a new princess....

"Element to fimfiction community, be advised, this story is dark."



"Commander 139 Silver, here's Central BCC."

"Yeah, I listen."

"You on, TAC ONE; A SPAT team is requested by Princess Luna at Command Post to St. Faust Hospital in Ponyville for Rapid Deployment and VIP-Rescue. After Princess Twilight's coronation, she has been attacked by a group of well armed unicorns at her library at Horsepath 21 in the late afternoon. Her Guards could save her, but she was hurt during the process. She was brought to Sankt Faust Hospital in Ponyville, but her Guards left her alone in there. Then the propably same group of before got in the hospital and shots were heard. Then nothing after."

"Ok, we're on the way."

BRIEFING: Today, a new Princess was born, namely Twilight Sparkle. She had formed a new magic, the magic of friendship and she was raised to alicornhood by Princess Celestia. The coronation of her had been hold successfully, without any disturbances. However, as she was in front of her library with some Royal Guards, they have been attacked by a well armed group of unicorns.

The bad thing is, they were not equipped with crossbows and casting some advanced offensive spells. We did not get a concrete information at this moment, but we had assumed they had advanced weaponry since the magical shields could not held back the attacks for long.

She has been injured during the process (injured foreleg), so she was brought to St. Faust in Ponyville. They have the best equipment there and it was believed that she could left the hospital in a few hours. But it never happened, as a closed chariot stopped in front of the main entrance and many unicorns rushed into the building around midnight.

Due of the, how we can say it, incompetence of the Royal Guards, there was nothing that could make up her safety - she was left alone in the hospital without any guard.

Shots were heard -no question anymore, they have firearms- and nothing after. A few civilians informed Princess Luna about this incident. She instantly called us. We surrounded the complex and locked it up. Nothing can come in and nothing can come out without being spotted by our eyes.

We assume that the attackers are belonging to the New Equestrian Army For Democracy (NEAFD). They always had sent blackmails to Princess Celestia.

Rescue Princess Twilight Sparkle
Rescue all civilians
Bring order to chaos

ENTRY: West entrance of the complex.

SUSPECTS: Unknown amount of well armed unicorns. We think all of them are belonging to the New Equestrian Army For Democracy. They wear bullet proof vests made by the same manufactured from where we get our stuff.

CIVILIANS: Unknown amount of doctors, nurses and ill patients.


15:35 Princess Twilights coronation

19:08 Initial attack in front of her library

19:15 Princess Twilight was brought to St. Faust. Nopony made up her safety there.

00:20 Second attack

00:22 Princess Luna informed

00:25 SPAT arrives

00:30 Tactical entry


6th September, 00:30
Hospital Lane, Ponyville
Sankt Faust Hospital
VIP-Rescue / Rapid Deployment


"We do not accept such an vile act against a princess, and mainly, under the starry sky of ours!" Princess Luna shouted in her own anger.

"Relax, princess. My stallion will bring the situation under control.", Sunny Bonds said, trying to calm Princess Luna down.

Silver Vest jammed the door with a door wedge after the last of his teammate came through the doorway. They were in St. Faust Hospital now, to rescue Princess Twilight and civilians from dangerous beings.

Silver Vest activated his radio "Begin of mission."

"Commander 139 Silver, here is Central BCC. Silver, Stallion, chariot unit one are responding to code three at Sankt Faust Hospital in Hospital Lane for VIP-Rescue and Rapid Deployment, please stand by.", the mare from the dispatch, the pegasus Miss July, announced the start of the mission for the protocol.

It was night time and Luna's moon hung from the top of the sky, as the red and blue blinking lights from the SPAT chariot shone through the windows of the entrance, creating a slight creepy light effect.

Silver Vest was equipped with a GB36s, loaded with Full Metal Jacket ammunition. Despite the fact of a hostage rescue situation, it was necessery because the suspects wore bulletproof vests. His sidearm was an taser gun if he decided to go less lethal.

Golden Plate was equipped with a Benelli M4 Super 90, loaded with Twelve Gauge Slugshots. Slugshots are not ordinary buckshots, they are just consisting of a massive round rough of the size like the barrel of the shotgun, but slugshots were not very accurate so he had an Glock 18 with JHP ammunition as a sidearm.

Iron Steel was equipped with a HK UMP45, loaded with FMJ ammunition. Since he was the oldest, he chose an old gun, namely the M1911, loaded with JHP ammunition.

The last one, Ferrum, was equipped with a grenade launcher which could be loaded with batons, flashbangs, stingers or cs gas grenades. He decided for flashbangs. This weapon was also a new gadget in the inventory of the SPAT. For going lethal, he had an Glock 18 with FMJ ammunition.

They were in a corridor that led to another door. As Miss July announcment ended, Silver Vest stepped forward "Follow me, I take point."

"Roger that."

As they trotted through the door quietly, they were immediately confronted with a gruesome sight.

"For Celestia's sake..." Golden Plate muttered.

-Stealth Music-

Right next to them stood a bed of a patient. The patient, a elderly mare, was still inside, but several holes were stamped in her body, mostly in her chest area.

"TOC, this is entry team. We have a DOA here."

DOA meant Dead On Arrival, a victim (or even suspect) had been killed before the entry team arrived.

"Copy, proceed with caution."

In front of the reception lied another pony on the floor. A large pool of blood surrounded it. The SPAT turned their heads away from the sight, as Golden Plate reported.

"Entry team to TOC, got an DOA here..."

A few gasps could be heard from the radio.

"Understood, notifying the EMT's."

Suddenly, a tv which hungs at the wall went on and a reporter earth pony mare appeared on the screen. She seemed to stand in front of the hospital as she began to spoke...

"Thank you Flywell. Today, Princess Twilight has been attacked after her coronation and was brought here to the Sankt Faust Hospital in Ponyille where appearently gunponies entered the building around midnight. According to a reporter, SPAT have just entered the building to bring the situation under control..."

Silver Vest shook his head, this mission was going to be a total bust...

"TOC, the TV's are on and those damn reporters are giving intel about our entry. Get them off the air!"

"Consider it done, entry team. Cutting the cable connection."

The reason for his command came from the fact that there are more activated TV's in the hospital and the suspects could get the knowledge of the SPAT presence in the hospital.

Outside, Sunny Bonds placed his headset on the table and trotted to a reporter team. The same mare from the TV stood there, talking into the camera which was held by a griffon. Sunny Bonds took out his pliers and grabbed the cable with his hoof. With the other, he cutted the cable with the pliers...

"Hey, what are you doing?! We were on air!" the reporter mare exclaimed shocked.

"The real question is, what are YOU doing? You endanger the mission of my team." Sunny Bonds stated flatly. Princess Luna, who witnessed this scene, chuckled shortly. The SPAT captain trotted back to the command center and put his headset back on his ears, like nothing happened.

As the SPAT entry team proceeded to walk to a door, leading to the library of the Hospital, they could hear faint whispers and sobs.

"Oh, please don't kill me..."

"Quit whining! I'ought to kill you right now!"

Silver Vest mentioned his team to stop before he took a glance through the window of the door into the room. A armored unicorn with orange coat and a short-cut red mane, equipped with a Gal submachinegun, was cornering a white nurse with a red cross cutie mark.

Silver Vest instantly knew how to deal with this "Open, Bang with launcher and Clear!"

"Harley Hooves movin' up!" Ferrum said smirking through his balaclava. The rest of the team took position around the door. Iron Steel opened the door and Ferrum fired immediately a flashbang into the room.


"Move in, go go go!" Silver Vest shouted before they headed inside. The poor gunpony rubbed his eyes, but he was smart enough to not fire his weapon spasmatically. Silver Vest was the first who stepped in the room so he secured the east side of the room. Ferrum was behind him and secured the north side as he pointed his glock at the suspect. Golden Plate and Iron Steel surrounded the pony.


The gunpony dropped his weapon immidiately, too shocked to react to anything. It all happened too fast for him.

"I'm down, don't shoot!"

"Suspect has complied.", Golden Plate said, but he kept the sights on the pony. Silver Vest put out an pair of hoofcuffs, before he pointed at the nurse "Zip her up."

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect secured, ready for arrest."

"Copy, trailers notified."

"Why tying me up? I thought you were going to rescue us! Don't leave me here!" the nurse protested as she was tied up by Ferrum.

"Entry team to TOC, civilian secured and ready for evac."

"Understood, Night Guards come in when it's clear."

"Area's clear now."

They left the room and back to the corridor, to proceed the clearing. Ferrum reloaded his grenadelauncher, he pushed the barrel open and rejected the empty cartridge with a swift move before he pushed a new, full one in.

As they trotted silently, they could hear steps from around the corner. Without saying any word, they pressed themselves against the wall next to them.

"I thought I heard something..." a voice came. The voice belonged to a unicorn with black mane and red fur.

Just as the pony walked around the corner, he stared in the muzzle of a readied and unlocked GB36s, a blue aura surrounded it.

"Freeze. Drop the weapon or I will put you down.", Silver Vest said calmly.

The pony did not have any other option as to drop his own weapon, a Benelli M3 Super 90. He sat down on his haunches and held his forehooves in the air.

"I dropped it! I give up..." said the pony just as he was restrained by Silver Vest.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect secured and ready for taken into custody."

"Well, keep it up."

"Nopony was supposed to get hurt..." the pony muttered, saying out that he did not expected that his friends were going to shoot innocent ponies.

The SPAT members were not responding to his statement, instead, Silver Vest commanded to mirror a room to Iron Steel. He did so like he was commanded.

"Two armed suspects and a hostage, male, seems to be a doctor. The hostage seems to be in a safety place, so we could sting the room."

Silver Vest glanced on Iron Steel's optiwand screen. The threatened pony crouched behind a bed, while the armed ponies were chatting to each other "And when we can outta here?"

"When the boss have killed the princess of friendship."

"And why he needs so long?"

"Ask him. Maybe he want to make this process unforgetable for him, you know, that happens not every day."

Silver Vest shuddered after what he just heard. Those ponies just want to murder a princess? But why?

"TOC, we've just found out that the suspects will be trying to exile Twilight Sparkle with death."

"Mygosh... copy, stay sharp."

"Open, Sting and Clear!" Silver Vest said as he took out his own stinger grenade. Ferrum took position at the handle of the door, Silver Vest positioned behind him, stinger grenade in his magical grip. Iron Steel and Golden Plate were standing at the other side of the doorframe.

With one swift move, like a well-oiled machine, Ferrum opened the door and Silver Vest threw the grenade immediately into the room. It landed some metres in front of the gunponies...

...where it exploded.

There was the sound of bouncing rubber balls on the rooms surfaces. The balls hit also the unicorns and one of them dropped instantly his weapon in pain and shock. However, the doctor pony just screamed in fear after the device went off, but no ball had hit him.

"Get in there, guys!" Silver Vest shouted.

"GET DOWN ON YOUR HAUNCHES AND HOOVES UP!" Iron Steel shouted with his powerful voice, while Ferrum covered the situation with his loaded grenadelauncher.

"I give up! Don't shoot!" one of the unicorns dropped his weapon, a MP5, and sat down on his haunches.

"No mercy!" the other pony shouted, but he was rubbing his stomach area, already recovering.

"DROP THE WEAPON! DO IT NOW!" Silver Vest warned, but to no avail, as the unicorn raised up his weapon, a scorpion smg.

"He won't get down!" Golden Plate warned.

The SPAT leader curled his lips in a wicked smile as he unholstered his taser gun and fired it at the suspect.

"GAAAH!" the unicorn fell on his stomach, his body convulsing with electricity. He dropped his weapon during the fall.

"HOOVES UP!" Silver Vest shouted loudly as he reloaded his taser gun. The tased pony writhed on the ground, but holding his forehooves in the air. He feared more of the taser gun. Silver took out a pair of hoofcuffs and restrained the pony.

Some say that less lethal weapons are more gruesome than lethal weapons, because they can cause a lot of pain or bring the order of somepony's organism into chaos, for example, CS gas.

"TOC, this is entry team. Restrained suspect ready for arrest."

"Understood. Be careful."

Iron Steel's gaze wandered over to the bed. A sign was placed on it.

Princess Twilight Sparkle


Injured foreleg

A giant cake was placed next to the bed and Iron Steel commented "Anypony want a piece of cake?"

"I'm not touching that piece of horseapple.", Ferrum said, he had a dislike for cakes since he went once to Sugarcube Corner and the cake he ordered exploded... it was a prank cake, but this was enough for him to never go again to Sugarcube Corner or to eat cakes.

"Looks like they called the big guns..." the doctor stallion said as he calmed down.

"Get down and hooves up!" Golden Plate commanded.

"But... I didn't do anything!" the doctor protested as his hooves were placed on his back and restrained by Iron Steel.

"Entry team to TOC, civilian is okay, restrained and ready for evac."

"Copy, notifying trailers."

They went further through the first floor and checked every room, but there were no suspects or civilians anymore. Except for...

"Entry team to TOC, we have a DOA here."

A young doctor pegasus stallion, propably a apprentice, lied under a table, dried blood on his lips and several empty holes in his stomach.

"Roger that, proceed with your objectives."

A last look in a opened room with the optiwand -mirroring a room- but there were no further beings.

"First floor clear, we are continuing to the basement floor. We haven't found Princess Twilight Sparkle yet, so we assume she must be there."

"Understood, proceed with extreme caution."

They found the basement door, thanks to the map they had, and trotted down the stairs. As they trotted, Silver Vest could hear faint scared whispers. They were coming from under the stairs.

"Get out!" Silver Vest commanded loudly as he lined up the sights at the pony under the stairs.

"Oh, thank the police...", the horrorfied beige unicorn mare stated, before she pointed with a hoof at the corridor which led deeper into the basement, "They went that way, Twilight was with them!"

"Was she alive?" Ferrum asked, worrying for the sake of Twilight.

"Yes, aside from her injured foreleg, there were no other injuries present...", the mare said.

"Okay...", Ferrum said as he walked up to her, to restrain her hooves "No hard feelings, okay? You'll be safe soon."

"I hope you get us out of here..." the mare sighed. The last times were filled up to the brim with chaos.

"Follow me.", Silver Vest said as he walked down the corridor. Around the next corner, there were the loud and rough words from a stallion...

"...you are unworth for a princess. Do you know what? Princess Celestia just made you to a alicorn, because then she has more time for herself. And which country you should rule?" the black unicorn said.

"Princess Celestia made me to an alicorn, because I found a new magic, namely the magic of friendship. That fulfills the harmonic balance of Equestria and-" this voice belonged to Twilight Sparkle... who was held by another unicorn in a choke hold.

"Blah blah yadda yadda, can your magic of friendship protect you of that what is to come? Namely a .357 full metal jacket ammunition round? Through between your eyes? In your head? Shredding your useless brain to more useless rubbish?"

"No, you wouldn't...!" Twilight's voice changed to a whimper of fear.

"I'm gonna show you!"

"Team, we have to move fast.", Silver Vest ordered and mentioned via hoofsign for a very special tactical action...

Twilight tried over and over again to use her magic, but everytime she tried it, the unicorn who held her punched her horn hardly, which end painful for her. And the stallion in front of her already unholstered his weapon and brought it to her forehead, which made her hyperventilate. She could feel the cold iron on her skin...

*POW!* *POW!*

Twilight opened her eyes.

-Action Music-

She was not dead. The stallion who was holding her lied on the ground, whimpering painfully. The other one stumbled a little and held his foreleg, whispering incoherent curses under his breath. Twilight heard a whistle behind her, so she turned around.

Silver Vest peeked around the corner, silently waving his hoof to himself; mentioning to made her way over to him. Two bulletcasings were lying on the ground next to him, smoking. Twilight trotted over to him slowly, she was under a heavy shock. She stumbled, but Silver Vest catched her.

"Ferrum, bring her to highground.", he commaded to said teammate. They could not confront the stallion as Twilight had been with him, they could have risked her shot by him.

Ferrum strapped his weapon at his side and wrapped Twilight's healthy foreleg around his neck "Hold thight, I bring you out of here."

With that, the two made her way up, leaving Silver Vest, Iron Steel and Golden Plate alone.

Rescue Princess Twilight Sparkle Completed

"TOC, we have Princess Twilight. She is okay, but she needs a haul of an relaxing time. Ferrum will be at Highground in any second with her."

"Copy, we'll waiting for them."

The injured stallion looked around, before he let out an yelp of anger as he found Twilight nowhere. Silver Vest walked around the corner and commanded "Drop thr weapon and get down on your haunches!"

"No!" the unicorn yelled as he pointed his colt python at Silver Vest.


The sound of a massive slugshot leaving the muzzle of a shotgun echoed through the hospital. The unicorn fell with a grunt to the ground as the twelve gauge slug round pierced right through his shoulder, incapacitate him with unrestrained pain and agony. Of course his shoulder was covered with the bullet proof vest, but the slugshot had not any problem to pierce through it.

"Suspect down!" Golden Plate said aloud. Silver Vest trotted up to the pony he injured at first. The FMJ ammunition pierced through the muscle, but no vital spot has been hit.

"Entry team to TOC, suspect injured and ready for pick up."

"Copy, proceed with your objectives."

Golden Plate trotted to the other pony, while Iron Steel covered the situation with his UMP45. The slugshot pierced through his shoulder and grazed the lung. It was not exactly necessary, but he threatened the life of a officer, so he had to be injured before things could get worse for the entry team.

"TOC, this is entry team. Injured suspect secured. He's in a pretty bad shape."

"Roger that, EMT's notified."

Bring order to Chaos Completed

"I think we should look for other remaining civilians.", Silver Vest said. They did not checked the laboratorium in the basement.

One of the doorsigns read 'Laboratorium', so they headed inside. The room had a giant table in the middle, and a lot of test tubes and destilation tubes were on it.

"I always hated chemistry..." Iron Steel said, remembering the bad times in school as he made his table exploding in a chemical lesson.

In a corner of the lied a injured earth pony on the floor, whimpering. The green mare with blonde mane held her hindleg in pain. Silver Vest examined carefully her wound and casted a first aid spell to stop the bleeding.

"TOC, this is entry team. Civilian injured, but alive. Notifying the EMT's."

"Copy, got it."

Rescue all civilians Completed

"Basement clear. We have cleared the hospital, Night Guards may come in and take all restrained ponies to transport." Silver Vest said into his radio.

"Good work entry team. Go back for debrief."

They strapped their weapons on their backs, safety switched on, before they walked upstairs. As they went, they met some Night Guards, taking the restrained ponies out from the building.

"I know how this works now. The SPAT come in and bring order to chaos. And after that, we come in and bring everypony out of the building." a Night Guard mare said.

"Yeah, the SPAT pretty awesome." her friend, a stallion replied.

As they headed outside, more Night Guards were waiting outside in front of carriages which bring the suspects and civilians into custody.

In the command center, Ferrum was talking to Twilight Sparkle, to calm her down with questions about born alicorns and ponies raised to alicornhood; what is the difference?

"Well, I won't get older than normal unicorns and I'm not immortal. If I would have found out that I'm immortal then I don't want to be a princess." Twilight explained.

"Yeah,", Ferrum said, scratching his chin, "That would suck, seeing the own friends dying and so on..."

"Thank you...for saving the life of other ponies, including mine.", Twilight whispered, before she leaned forward and kissed Ferrum quickly on his right cheek. His cheeks went immediately red in emberassment. Princess Luna trotted up to Twilight and embraced her with her forehooves, the new princess returned the hug by her own. Ferrum's job was done here as he went to his squadmates who were talking with Sunny Bonds.

"And how many bullets did you 'used'?" Sunny Bonds asked.

"One flashbang round, one taser gun cartridge, two 5.56 and a slugshot round.", Silver Vest answered. The captain asked for rounds, not for thrown devices.

Sunny Bonds clapped his hooves together and pointed at him "That's exactly how I want to get a mission done! Thoughtful and efficience use of firearms, and less lethal force comes to first place. A damn good job you four! You made me proud! We meet at the headquarters."

"Thanks, sir.", the four said in one unison. They felt proud of themselves. Sunny Bond turned off, to talk to the night princess about a fair punishment to the suspects. The entry team went back to their carriage, to drive back to HQ and to write the reports.

The paperwork is the most nerve-wracking work in SPAT.

Author's Note:

I hope you like this chapter. If you have ANY idea for the next, then feel welcome to write it in the comments.