• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,857 Views, 41 Comments

SPAT [Special Ponies And Tactics] - JustDing

One-shot stories, MLP / S.W.A.T 4 crossover

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Manehattan West Bridge, VIP-Rescue


"Commander 420 Silver, Central BCC!"

"Go ahead!"

"New mission. Several heavily armed griffons attacked Prince Blueblood in his suit in Manehattan Grand Inn Hotel and took him as a hostage. The leader of the griffon group could be identified as Hargen Claw. They threw him in a truck and drove him to the Manehatten Bridge, where the Manehatten Police Department surrounded them. A gunfire begun and there are still alot of civilians on the bridge. Princess Celestia is already contacted."

"Understood! We are'en route!"

BRIEFING: Prince Blueblood took a journey to Manehatten to live his life and to go to parties. He received several threatening letters from a mysterious group of griffons, but ignored them.

At 1200, a group of griffons broke into his suit, armed with firearms and literally beat the shit out of him. For what reason, this is still unknown. They disabled his magic by securing his horn with a Anti-Magic-Ring and put him in a transporter. A employee of the hotel called the police and gave intel. The Manehattan Police Department blocked the main bridge and surrouned the transporter. There are still a lot of civilians in the busses and taxis, so caution is advised when it comes to use of firearms.

The MPD has the situation under control, but they can not confront the armed griffons.

The sniper team secures the bridge, Sierra One will position himself at one of the supporters with a AWM. Princess Celestia was contacted about her nephew's state as the briefing audio was out.


MPD: "Manehattan Police Department, how I can help you?"

Civilian: "HELP! They've got Prince Blueblood! They are armed! And they hit my friend!"

MPD: " Please stay calm. Can you say me your name and your location?"

Civilian: "Quickserve and I am at the Manehattan Grand Inn Hotel!"

MPD: "I heard you said 'They've got Prince Blueblood'. Who are they?"

Civilian: "Griffons! Heavily armed griffons! They just came into the hotel, shoot like madponies and injured some of the personnel, and KILLED the princes Royal Guards. It was insane! Please, we need help, my friend got a shot in the stomach and he's bleeding!"

MPD: "Medics are on their way, but I need more information. Where did they took Prince Blueblood?"

Civilian: "They threw him in a transporter and head to the main bridges direction. It just took a few minutes... but my friend! Oh, Page, please stay with me! *LOST CONNECTION*"

MPD: "Miss? Miss?!"

East side of the manehattan main bridge.

Rescue Prince Blueblood
Neutralize Hargen Claw
Bring order to Chaos

Prince Blueblood (37), Royal Prince and nephew of Princesss Celestia.

Hargen Claw (29), Griffon and leader of the terrorism group Eaglestrikers.
An unknown amount of heavily armed griffons (equipped with MAC-10s and AK-47s)


12:00 Prince Blueblood gets ponynapped

12:01 911 called

12:08 MPD barricaded the main bridge and surrounded it

12:09 Contacted Princess Celestia

12:12 SPAT arrives

12:15 Tactical action begun

Main Bridge
25 May, 12:15
VIP-Rescue / Rapid Deployment

-Music- (This OST is quite fitting for this chapter)

The hell broke out on the bridge of Manehattan. Busses and Taxis crashed together as one transporter suddenly stopped in the middle of his drive. Both roads of the bridge are barricaded by the Manehattan Police Department.

Motorized vehicles are common in Manehattan. If you walk more from the centre to the coasts of Equestria, the more modern the cities are getting. For an instance, Ponyville and Canterlot are almost lacking completely of electricity, while Manehattan and Las Pegasus are only working when they have it.

Suddenly, the backside of the truck opens and one griffon steps out, holding a whining stallion in a choke hold in his arms. Additionally, he points a Colt Python at the stallions temple. The poor white unicorn tries to force magic through his horn, but all what he is capable of are just a few harmless sparkles from the tip of it.

Three more griffons are coming out from the transporter, holding AKs in their claws. They somehow learned to walk on their hindlegs permanently, that gives them a advantage because they have two appendages free for use. Although they have wings, they can't use them when carrying a firearm. The recoil of the gun would disturb the balance while flying.

More griffons are coming out from crashes taxis, holding more firearms. All of them are wearing bulletproof vests, but they have no anti-magic effect.

"If you try to escape, you little baby of a nephew, then I will blow your brain out!" roars the griffon.

"Boss, we need to blow these vehicles out of our way!" says one of his minions in a broken Equestrian.

"Use that fucking C4!"

"Why are you doing this to me?" whimpers Prince Blueblood.

"That is normally personal, but you will die anyway so I tell you," he whispers the words with his bark next to Bluebloods ears, "Because you are at first a poor excuse of a prince, and secondly, you humiliated the griffon country in your interview of that horseappled magazine!"

"But it was only a joke! I just said something bioligically!" exclaims the prince.

"BUT SAYING GRIFFONS ARE POOR BASTARDS OF BIRDS AND LIONS ISN'T A JOKE, YOU BRAIN-AMPUTED SON OF A [EXPLICIT]!" shouts Hargan into the pony's ear, making it ringing. Then he pistol-whipped the prince, making the pony howling once more.

At the other of the bridge in Manehattan, a black truck drives to the barricade made by the MPD. The rear side of the truck opens and four black-clad unicorns are stepping out in a big hurry. The leader of this team, Silver Vest, runs up to the Chief Inspector of the MPD, who stands at the barricade, a earth pony with brown coat and a browner mane.

"Commander 490 Silver, this is central BCC. Multiple SPAT units are respoding code four to Manehattan Main Bridge for VIP-Rescue and Rapid Deployment," comes to Silver Vests headset; every SPAT member has a headset.

"Officer Vest, we were trying to start a treat with the griffons, but they are declining every time!" says the Chief Inspector, "Then we sent some unicorn officers, but they took fire and now they are scattered in the perimeter."

"Are they okay?" asks Silver calmly as the rest of his team takes position behind him.

"Yes, they confirmed that they all are okay, but they are pinned down behind various vehicles. The griffons are opening fire when the officers are trying to get out from the cover."

"That was a stupid move, you had to wait for us... gold follow me!" commands Silver to his team and gallops up to the other track of the bridge, which leads from Manehattan to the coast. This track is empty.

"Sir, the SPAT has arrived!" reports a Griffon worried.

"Oh, buck, why they have to come when the party is just starting?!" Hargan faceclaws with his pistoled claw, "Okay, they want actions, so they get it! Give me the vest... you know what!"

"Yes, Sir!" says the same griffon and brings a vest out of the truck. It is full with wires and bags, reading 'High Explosive!'. The griffon straps his AK on his back and walks to Prince Blueblood, who is still in the same chok grip like before. He yanks the vest over the stallions head and straps it on. Then he taps someting in a black box and holds something in front of Bluebloods face. It is a remote.

"Open your mouth!"

Blueblood shakes his head.

Hargan whips him again with the Colt Python "DO IT!"

Blueblood opens his mouth hesitantly. The griffon places the remote in the open jaws and closes the snout forcefully.

"If you release the remote, then somepony have to wipe your remains from the bridge," grins the griffone widely. Hargan snickers, before he drops Blueblood on the ground and unlocks his AK. Then he proceeds to spread around the bridge, far away from Blueblood, preparing an attack against the SPAT.

"Sierra One to entry team, hostage spotted along with some targets... horseapples, they had wore him on a bomb vest!"


New Objective received: Disarm the bomb vest


"Cover his back, we are on route! Fire when they turn hostile!" says Silver Vest as he continues crouching at the crash barrier of the bridge, on the empty track.

Prince Blueblood tries to run away, not loosing grip on the remote in his mouth. He senses that something terrible will happen when he opens his mouth. He runs back to the direction of Manehattan.

"POLICE! DROP THE WEAPON!" shouts Ferrum as he jumps over the crash barrier, aiming at a very surprised griffon with his M4 Super 90, loaded with twelve gauge ammunition. At first, the griffon seems to comply by holding his MAC-10 in the air, but then he takes off "Run!"

Ferrum has to swallow down a chuckle as he sees the griffon running on both hindlegs. It looks kinky and clumsy.

"STOP!" yells Iron Steel as he jumps over the barrier in front of the griffon. He has a HK UMP45 SMG, loaded with Full Metal Jacket ammunition.

"I give up! Don't shoot!" says the griffon as he drops the smg on the ground, then falling on his haunches and holding both claws in the air. His moral was very low.

"Tie up that idiot," commands Silver to Iron Steel as he helps Golden Plate over the barrier. Iron Steel straps his UMP45 on his side, then he pulls both claws behind the griffons back and secures them with a anti-magic hoofcuff. It works on griffons, too. For example, pegasi and griffons need magic to use their wings.

"I want a lawyer!" says the griffon angrily.

"You have nothing to say!" says Iron Steel back firmly.

"Entry team to TOC, suspect restrained and secured, ready for transport."

"Roger that, please proceed with your objectives."

Suddenly, Golden Plate feels something zipping nearby his head, breaking the soundbarrier. Some griffons aimed their weapons at the group of SPAT unicorns and opened fire. All of the SPAT find cover behind various cars and Silver Vest unzips a stinger from his pocket. He pulls the pin and throws it over the car to the griffons. It is already to late for them to react.


The rubber balls blasted against the griffons coat and feathers. Too distracted and disorientated from the pain, they don't notice the unicorns jogging up to them.

"DROP THE WEAPONS! DO IT NOW!" shouts Golden Plate, aiming with his Pepper Sting Gun at the griffons. Two of the three are complying immidiately.

"Empty claws!" the first griffon places his AK carefully on the ground.

"I surrender!" the second griffon looks at the SPAT unicorns as he drops his MAC-10 on the ground.

"NO!" shouts the third griffon and aims at Silver Vest.

Ferrum instantly reacts. He pushes the trigger of his semi-automatic shotgun, sending a load of shrapnels into the griffons armored chest. The twelve gauge pierces through the vest and finally connects with the chest of the griffon. The impacts throws him backwards as he falls to the ground, dead.

"Suspect neutralized!" exclaims Ferrum.

"Entry team to TOC. Suspect killed."

"Eh, roger that. EMTs notified."

The two griffons are letting yelps out of fear.

"Stay quiet, you!" says Golden Plate as he restrains the claws of the first griffon. Silver Vest ties down the other griffon.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspects taken into custody."

"Understood, keep it up!"

"Sierra One to entry team, bomb-ified prince is just a few cars ahead. Main target walks up to your position."

"Render him incapacitate. Do not hit a vital spot, we need him alive," says Silver Vest to Quick Scope via his radio.

"Can't do that right now, smoke is blocking the visual contact!" replies Quick Scope. A burning car is on the bridge and the smoke flies high to the air. And right behind the smoke is Hargan, along with a few griffons.

Golden Plate spots something moving behind a bus. He raises his Pepper Gun and shouts "GET OUT!"

"Officer Blinky! Don't shoot!" says the unicorn mare as she steps slowly out from behind the bus, holding a Glock 18 in her magic grip.

"Find cover, we are settling this down," Silver Vest commands to the mare.

"The other officers are behind us, I was pinned down by suppressive fire from the griffons," says Officer Blinky as she climbs over the crash barrier, to walk on the empty track back to Manehattan.

The SPAT unicorn are approaching Prince Blueblood position. Soon they meet Hargan with his remaining crew of griffons.


"SPAT!" shouts the griffon next to Hargan and raises his AK.

"Shoot, shoot!" exclaims Hargan and fires a short burst at the SPAT unicorns. A bullet finds unfortanely it's way into Silver Vest right shoulder. He let out a whine of pain as the impact of the bullet pushes him back a little. Ferrum grabs him by his healthy foreleg and pulls him behind a car.

Iron Steel jumps behind a taxi, peeks out from the edge of it and opens fire at the griffon left to Hargan with his UMP 45. The .45 ACP FMJ bullets are piercing easily through the griffons body vest and chest. Another bullet crushes through the griffons head.

Two or more shots in the chest and one shot in the head is the safest way to end the life of a suspect who endangers the life of others.

"I'm out!" shouts the griffon right to Hargan, drops his AK and leaps up in the air. Silver Vest has already recovered from the pain and just sees in time the griffon flying up in the air.


The griffon does not respond, he just flies higher and higher...

Silver Vest takes carefully aim with his cocked M4A1 Carbine. Normally, the recoil would bash out the weapon from a unicorns magical grasp. And holding it in a stronger magical grip would leave the unicorn fatigued after a short amount of time. So magic experts like the well-known Twilight Sparkle found numerous spells to enchant parts of objects that works like a magic-magnet. It amplifies the magical grip around a object and holds it steady. The enchanted parts of his assault rifle are the handle and the grip under the muzzle.

A short burst echoes through the air. The M4 bucks wildly in Silvers magic, but he manages to hold it with little effort.

The second sound is from the griffon, who howls in pain. The bullets hit his right wing and parts of his legs. But he is alive.

"Entry team to TOC, Suspect hit and in need of medical attention.!"

"Roger that, notifyng EMTs!"

"Buck!" yells Hargan as he sees his minions either neutralized, secured or incapacitated. He runs to a bus and with a short burst of his weapon, he shoots down the glasses of the doors and slips inside. There are still civilians in the bus

The passengers of the bus, a school class, are clearly frightened of the presence of a armed griffon. Hargan grins widely, he still has some cards in his life-threatening game. He switches his weapon to the Colt Python, grabs the nearest filly and points the weapons at the filly's temple. The filly starts to weep bitterly "I want to go to my mommy!"

"Please do her nothing!" shrieks the mare teacher fearfully. She slips from her seat and approaches the griffon.

"One more step and she will die!" Hargan let his claw slip at the trigger of his weapon. Then he spots the SPAT unicorns approaching the bus. He shoots once at a window, breaking it. The ponies are screaming in terror of the loud noise.


"Here's Sierra One, visual contact with main target. He stands in a b-"

"Incapacitate main target immidiately!" commands Silver Vest through his radio.

It is a big surprise and shock for every pony in the bus as suddenly a sickening crush sounds through the bus, before Hargan's arm let loose of the filly and his body falls backwards at some seats. The bullet pierces right through his leg, breaking through the femur. But Hargan is to proud to scream in pain. He breathes the immense pain away.

"Target incapacitated!"

Golden Plate walks to the bus and heads inside. He looks at the ponies in the bus. All of them are wearing terrified expressions in their faces.

"We are the good guys, but please stay inside the bus until we cleared the bridge," he says calmly to the ponies to relax them a little. Then he looks over at the quivering form of Hagan. Golden Plate picks up the weapons the griffon dropped.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect hit, secured and ready for transport.."

"Roger that, continue mission."

Neutralize Hargan Claw Completed
Bring order to chaos Completed

Golden Plate walks out from the bus, and readying his weapons.

"We are rendevouszing with Prince Blueblood... my goodness!!" says Silver Vest as he and his team finds the quivering form of Prince Blueblood, he still holds the remote in his mouth.

"Pleaff doffsn't hurff me!" whines the prince. The once so snoble and proud nephew of the solar princess is transformed into a waterfall of tears and whimpers.

"Calm down, prince, and hold still. We will get you rid off your vest!" says Ferrum and he straps his weapon on his side.

"TOC to entry team, request a sitrep!"

"The griffons wore him on a bomb vest." reports Silver to the dispatch.

"Stay where you are and secure the area. We will send a bomb team to your position."

"No time for that, TOC! We are going to disarm the bomb by ourselves."

Meanwhile, Ferrum takes out his plier and opens the box where buttons are placed on it. His eyes widens as he sees the insides. A counter is inside, instead of wires and logical circuits. The counter shows the number twenty and it is counting down. That means he can't just cut through the blue wire and it ends.

"Horseapples, that thing is ticking! Twenty seconds. I'll use magic!" exclaims Ferrum worried. He drops the plier and his horn begins to glow. A stream of light comes from the tip of it and streams down to the box.

"Tffenty fescondf? Fhat are fu talkingf about?" asks Prince Blueblood more and more worried.

Unfortanely, the whole vest is enchanted with a anti-magic spell and it rejects Ferrum's magic.

10 seconds...

"Boss, what we can do now?" asks Golden Plate quivering.

"That bomb has a large effect radius! 50 metres, at least! If we just cut him out, the bomb will explode. If I try to disarm it, it'll explode, too! And if we try to teleport him out... boom, too!" exclaims Ferrum. He knows the types of bombs, the apprentice of SPAT includes recognizing bombs, the type of explosive, explosion radius and disarming them. This bomb is rarely to find and difficult to make. But every try to disarm it in any way can trigger it.

Silver Vest looks around, at the bus filled with little fillies and colts. If he does not make the right decision, all of them are going to die.

"I HAFF A BOMBFF!?" shouts Prince Blueblood through his theeths.

"Help me with throwing him over the bridge..." says Silver monotonously as he straps his M4A1 on his side.

5 seconds...

"WHFAAT?! NO! NO NO NO!" repeats Prince Blueblood over and over as the SPAT members are grabbing his legs with their hooves, lifting him over the fence...

...and with a little push of magic, the white stallion falls from the bridge, screaming through his theeth. Two metres above the surface of water, the counter hits zero.

A flash of light occurs where Prince Blueblood were once before, before a loud deafening roar makes all ears of ponies ringing in a radius of 2 square miles. The pressure wave makes the bridge shaking once, throwing the SPAT unicorns from their hooves. The fillies and colts are screaming in horror as the bus shakes violently. Some windows of cars are breaking, sending thousands splitters of glass in the air.

Then everything goes silent...

For a few seconds...


"Entry team to TOC, we are okay. I'm injured a little, but it's not serious." says Silver to the dispatch. Golden Plate looks over the fence. Not even a piece of vest remained after the explosion.

"TOC, this is entry team. Blueblood didn't make it out..."

Recue Prince Blueblood Failed

"TOC to entry team, there is nothing more to do... come back to HQ."

"Yes, Sir...MPD officers can now take all restrained suspects into custody."

"Celestia rests his soul..." says Iron Steel as he walks to the fence of the bridge, before he takes off his helmet and holds it at his chest in a sorrowful matter.

"We have to report Prince Blueboods death to her majesty..." Silver hangs down his head.

His first failed mission...

Author's Note:

Inspired by the pre-alpha gameplay trailer for Rainbow Six Patriots