• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,861 Views, 41 Comments

SPAT [Special Ponies And Tactics] - JustDing

One-shot stories, MLP / S.W.A.T 4 crossover

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2191 Northfield Road Canterlot High, Rapid Deployment

Author's Note:

And again, pray to Sneaky Breeze for his awesome edit and including of something else. This is a surprise!

Rescue all civilians: In progress
Neutralize attackers: In progress
Bring order to chaos: In progress
Rapid Deployment
2191 Northfield Road Canterlot High
20th August, 21:15

"Commander 20 Adam, this is central BCC. Multiple SWAT units are responding code three to CP at 2191 Northfield Road Canterlot Highschool for rapid deployment," reported the dispatch officer to Adams, the leader of his SWAT team. The squad consisted of the officers Girard, Reynolds, Jackson and Fields. They had just arrived with their truck at the back entrance of the Canterlot Highschool. Co-principal Luna called the police as a student, named Sunset Shimmer, had apparently begun threatening other students before the line went dead and explosions were reported soon after.

This was being treated as a School shooting, SWAT was moving in immediately since not many students had escaped, leading the officers to believe many were trapped inside. The presence of explosives also complicated things but there was no time to wait for the bomb squad.

"TOC to entry team, you are cleared for action. Go when ready." Said a male voice on the other end.

"Entry team to TOC, we're beginning mission right now." Replied Adams after he and his team had jumped out of the van and started moving as quickly as they could while keeping their weapons trained on windows and doors in case they were spotted by the shooters.

"Elements, stack up on the door. Check the lock," Adams commanded while holding a GB36 in his hands. He has a Glock 18 as his sidearm, two flashbangs, an optiwand, a door wedge and a breaching shotgun for the rest of his equipment.

"Copy boss," Reynolds said as the team stacked up on the sides of the door, two on each side. Officer Fields grabs the handle of it and turns around, making sure he was ready to jump back if one of the shooters had placed a bomb or something. The door is already unlocked and a quick look showed there were no trip wires.

"It's open. Orders?"

"Open and Clear. Keep it moving. We have some kids to save."


The officers take positions around the door, one or two of them holding their breath. Then Fields opens it in a swift motion and shouts "Inside, go!" and runs inside, followed by the rest of the team. They enter into a now empty lunchroom. Officer Reynolds walks to the left side of the room with Fields "Clear so far!"

"Moving forward!" exclaims Officer Girard, looking into the kitchen where it seemed the schools janitor had gone to take a nap and smoke some weed, a lot of weed.

“Civilian Sighted. Sir!...sir?” Girard asked and gently kicked the janitors shoe before taking a look at his name tag. ‘Discord’. Girard then cuffed him and made sure to cataloge the weed before moving back to the others.

"Area's clear! No one else in the perimeter!" Officer Jackson lowers his HK UMP.45, loaded with JHP ammunition. The lunchroom is empty, the team could now move forward and had a good insertion point for the paramedics and other officers. But they still had a lot of ground to cover, the school is large and the suspect(s) could be anywhere.

Officer Adams takes the lead as he moved to one of the doors of the lunchroom "Stay behind me. I’m taking point."

"Here's Sierra One. Civilians spotted in the courtyard of the school."

Sierra One positioned himself on the roof of a nearby building and looks through the scope of a HK PSG-1, a semi-automatic sniper rifle, at the front side of the school where an Armored van had parked and other officers were waving the students to come to them, an ambulance waiting to take any emergency cases to the hospital.


The team moved into one of the school’s hallways, papers were scattered everywhere, forcing the officers to step carefully. For some strange reason the lockers of all the students are open, the contents are lying scattered across the tiled floor like a carpet. It looks like something or someone scared the living shit out of the students and they all left the school in a big hurry and then decided to force open every locker. Something wasn’t adding up.

"What the fuck happened here?" mutters Officer Reynolds. He has a pepper ball gun, a taser gun, in case of students who would not comply. He also had two CS gas grenades, one stinger and a pepper spray. For breaching doors, he has three bags of C2.

"TOC to entry team, we noticed some kind electrical interference in the courtyard of the school, be advised."

"Copy." Responded Adams. The team made their way to the front of the school, wanting to make sure it was not booby trapped for any students who might want to escape that way. They found nothing but then again hey weren’t the bomb squad. They then moved into the Principal’s office. They could hear the sounds of movement inside, so Adams made a hand sign for no talking.

"Red team," the red team consists of Officer Girard and Reynolds, "Check ,behind the door." Adams signed with his hands so that anyone in principal Celestia’s office would not know they were there.

"On it, sir," says Reynolds as he straps his pepper ball gun on his chest. “Youre in my way sir.” He said in a very low voice and Adams rolled his eyes as he moved to give Reynolds some space.

Reynolds drew out the optiwand from his back and mirrored under the door.

"Blue team," the blue team consists of the Officers Fields and Jackson, "Cover that area." He signs, pointing to the way they got in, to prevent them from being ambushed

"Copy, boss."

"One civilian," says Officer Reynolds as he switches back to his pepper gun, "Orders?"

"Red team, open and clear." commands Officer Adams as he takes position at the wall. Officer Girard opens the door and they rush inside "POLICE! SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!"

Principal Celestia is clearly shocked by their sudden break-in in her office, she hides behind the desk instinctively. But as she recognizes the men as SWAT, she stands up and says "Oh thank god youre here, but I have to make myself sure that my students are safe!" and takes a few steps to the door before Reynolds gets infront of her.

“Youre in my way officer!” Celestia yelled, she knew she should have done what they said but she couldn’t live with herself if her students were hurt.

"Lady, this is our job. Get down, now!" instructs Officer Reynolds and reluctantly aims his pepper ball gun at Celestia. He respected what she was trying to do but she was putting herself in danger and if she doesn’t comply with the orders of the SWAT team, she would need to be peppered.

"Okay, okay, my hands are up!" she says as she sits down on her knees and holds her hands up.

"Civilian complied," says Reynolds and Officer Adams takes out handcuffs to zip her hands up.

"Hey, not so... ouch... tight!" she protests, but Adams just answered " Sorry ma’am. Just hang in there, you will be evacuated soon."

Then he reports "Entry team to TOC, civilian secured and ready for an evac."

"Copy, we will come in when it's clear!"

"Sister, are thou alright..." says Luna as she walks in through another door in the room. Celestia’s office having always had a door to Luna’s office.

She cuts herself off as she spots the SWAT members.

"Oh, the police..." she sighs in relief.

"On your knees, now!" exclaims Officer Reynold.

"No problem, I know the procedure," Luna instantly complies, almost with a smile, she was more relieved than anything that help had finally arrived. She goes down on her knees and places her arms behind her back, not doing much to resist as the officers cuffed her.

"TOC, this is entry team. Civilian has been secured and ready to be taken into custody," says Officer Girard as he helped her move closer to her sister.

“How do you know police procedure?” Celestia asks her sister suspiciously and frowns when she sees her blush.

“Oh uhh no reason. Just watch cop shows…a lot…..tis all.”

The team regrouped and made sure to secure the doors as they moved back into the hallway and heard some strange shouts.

"Gold... follow me," with 'Gold', Officer Adams means every SWAT member, both red and blue. They double timed it to find the source of the noise and were surprised to find themselves getting closer to two teenage boys.

One of them is a little bit chubby and is wearing and a black t-shirt, his friend is thin and taller and wears a green pullover with a yellow stripe. As these two teenager spots the SWAT team, they let out a crazhy shout and start running at them. The officers are confused, they had rarely seen something like this before in their carriers. Except Reynolds, he came from a shitty neighborhood and was used to seeing weird things. But two unarmed suspects running at them was in the top 5.

“Fields, your up.” Adams said.

"GET THOSE HANDS UP! DO IT NOW!" shouts Officer Fields as he aims with his weapon, a less-than-lethal shotgun at the boys, but they are unfazed and keep approaching. Fields doesn't know if these boys are high on some kind of drug but he has to take them down... so he aims at the littler one and pushes the trigger.


A loud roar echoes through the hallway mixed with the howling scream of unrestrained pain and the sound of a body dropping to the ground. The taller boy comes to a screeching stop and turns for his crying friend "What did you do to him!?" He yells and jumps as the officers come down the hallway to him, suddenly looking like giants to his terrified eyes.

"GET DOWN NOW! SHOW ME YOUR HANDS!" replies Officer Reynolds, not answering the boys question and quite frankly not giving a shit.

"Okay! My hands're up!" says the boy, annoyance in his voice.

"I've got my eye on you, punk," says Officer Fields as Officer Adams approaches the boy, taking out handcuffs and ready to restrain him. The smaller one already calmed himself down as the pain subsides. "Hands in the air kid." says Officer Jackson firmly.

The boy follows suit and sits down on his knees, holding both his hands up.

After Officer Adams restrained the hands of the two boys, he reports "Entry team to TOC, suspects secured and ready for pickup."

"Copy, notifying trailers." TOC replied when suddenly the ground shook beneath the officers feet and they could hear gunfire and shouting at the courtyard.

“Back to the main entrance!” Yelled Officer Adams, taking the hallway to the right with his team as the noise continued but slowly decreased in volume.

Soon they walked through the main entrance into the courtyard of the school... just in time as a red gnome thing with wings and a fluffy tail flies above their heads, knocking over an armored Van while a few other officers who were left conscious were firing at it.

It's eyes are plain black with poison green irises. The ears are long and have some scars in it, possibly from the other officer’s efforts. And then its hair, looked like someone had used an entire truckload of hair gel to make it stand up straight like a mountain. And in its strange hair was some type of crown.

All students that had made it out through the front entrance are running in panic across the whole schoolyard, screaming all the time.

The strange being laughs menacingly "Haha! You fools. You all can't hide from me!" Before swooping down and punching other officers unconscious for fun, sometimes moving so fast the eye couldn’t keep up.

"Good Lord! What the hell is that?" exclaims Officer Adams as he aims with his GB36s at the flying creature, but he doesn't let his guard down and reports to the dispatch "TOC, be advised, a supernatural being is ghosting around here!"

"Uuuhm... copy! If this is a fucking joke, theres going to be some serious consequences!”

"TOC, this ain't no fucking joke! Look for the helmet cameras!"

"My god... please proceed with caution! Backup is on the way now."

"I hope we get some kind of hazard pay for this.” Says Reynolds out loud as Girard crossed himself.

Each SWAT member has a camera mounted on the helmet. It is always connected to the screens in the HQ to watch how the SWAT is proceeding in their missions, but at the moment someone else was also watching.

“Gold, we need some lethal weapons, move.” Adams said as the team ran like the devil was right behind it. By some luck they managed to make it to where the other unconscious officers were. The Swat officers grabbed M4’s and the downed officer’s handguns before they noticed how it was almost silent, too silent.

“Sierra one where is that..that thing?....Sierra one? Sierra one do you copy!?” Adams yelled into his radio, as on the rooftop where Sierra one was, the sniper had been knocked unconscious when Sunset Shimmer blasted him with some kind of blue energy beam, it didn’t hit him but the force of the blast knocked him back and unconscious.

“Dammit, we need to take that monster down.” Adams said and looked to see where it was. He finally caught sight of the creature when he saw it circling a statue in front of the school. Six teenage girls are standing at the statue and shouting something to the red gnome. Its hands glow blue and then it shoots a beam of pure energy to them. The teenage girls all duck, just barely dodging the beam as it knocks the statue back, the gnome just keeps flying around and shooting energy beams to the student’s direction.

"TOC, the shit just hit the fan, the supernatural being is about to finish off some civilians! Tell that backup to get here now!" he reports, then he and his team are approaching the teenage girls, who have hidden behind the remains of the statue. The officers all have their weapons at the ready. To their surprise, the teenagers have equine shaped ears and tails. Even three of them look like they have wings.

"I…I don’t know what to think anymore.” mutters Officer Jackson as he wonders if this is all a fever dream. But they have a job to do, tails and wings are not changing anything from their standard procedure.

"Look, more police!" says a girl with a cowboy hat, perking her head out from behind a pillar.

"Police? What good will they do!?" asks the girl with a pair of lavender colored wings on her back confused, "Whatever you are intending to do, stay away and seek cover. We're already trying to transform Sunset Shimmers to the way she was!"

"This is Miss Shimmers? What the fuck happened to her? Some kinda gene drugs?" asks Officer Reynolds. He heard in television from genetic but he never thought that they could be real, but then again he wasn’t sure he was watching the science channel when that happened. But the officers wouldn’t have known the difference between super advanced science and the dark magic controlling Sunset.

"LOOK OUT!" exclaims Officer Adams as he spots a beam approaching them. They sprint in different directions. The girls are running inside the school house, while the SWAT team hides themselves behind some pillars at the front of the school. The energy beam crashes in the ground in front of them. The officers brace themselves from the concussion of the blast before leaning out of cover and firing at Sunset. She moved slightly as the bullets smash against her body, but her new scales are too strong. The bullets actually shatter against her and she is covered in sparks and shrapnel as she gets hit without any damage

“HAHAHAHAH idiots, do you really think guns can hurt me know? Let me show you my power!” She said and moved so fast that Reynolds didn’t notice her behind him until she grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall, knocking him out.

She then grabbed onto officer Fields and threw him to the line of police cars with immense strength. He slammed into a car, denting it as Twilight and her friends ran over to help him.

“woah!” said Adams as he ducked a swing from her, falling down the stairs as he heard the shouts of pain of the rest of the team. Adams grunted and forced himself to get up.

“Guys!” He yelled and jumped back when he saw Sunset suddenly teleport in front of him. Holding the crushed helmet of one of his men.

Adams let out a shout of anger and slams the barrel of his rifle against Sunset Shimmer’s belly and held the trigger down, firing into her stomach in a full automatic blast. Sunset groaned as she held her stomach in discomfort.

“Don’t touch my squad.” Adams said, and pulled out his sidearm, suddenly ramming it into Sunset’s open mouth, she looked up at him in fear as he pulled the trigger. Sunset’s head shot back and she went limp in his grasp. Adams let her go and limped away, noticing a pain in his leg. He was about to get onto his radio and call for every ambulance in the damn state to show up before he heard someone yell.

“Behind you!”

Adams turned, holding up his pistol as Sunset stood back up with a smile, she looked curious for a moment and looked like she was using her tongue to pick food out of her teeth before she spat out the bullet that Adams had fired into her mouth, it clattered to the ground as sunset licked her lips.

“You know, I was almost scared for a moment, almost.” She started walking towards Adams. Adams didn’t know what to do, nothing they used could even scratch her, it was then however he heard a loud rumbling sound.

Sunset shimmer was about to turn to face the noise when there was a loud bang and she was blown back, smashing into a wall of the school.

“Officer move away!” Said Adam’s radio as an Armored Personnel Carrier appeared, soldiers running out the back. Only they wore uniforms from some unit that Adams had never seen before. He moved away as Sunset came back, looking more enraged than ever. The soldiers all fired at her, their more powerful weapons actually looking like they were hurting her, until she lifted a foot and slammed it down onto the ground, creating a small sonic boom and miniature earthquake that knocked all the soldiers back, knocking Adams down as well.

The APC however, just turn its turret to her and fired, the round hitting her and sending her flying back, she slammed into a fire hydrant as the APC fired five more rounds at her, but she blasted it with an energy beam, melting the barrel of the turret.

“You..all of you! You’re nothing but ants to me!! I am a bucking god now!” Shouted sunset as the fire hydrant she slammed into released water, as nearby there was also a broken telephone pole where live wires were crackling with electricity.

Adams groaned as he looked at the wires. “Please don’t let this kill me.” He said and started running to the wires, his legs hurting worse than anything he had ever felt. Luckily Sunset didn’t notice him as the soldiers continued firing on her.

All attention was on Sunset as she laughed and started to monologue.

“I will show you. Il show you all. My power.” She began charging the beams in her hands to be so powerful that it turned them all to ashes.

“My unlimited power!!! AAH!!!!” Her words turned to a horrendous scream as Adams threw the electric wires into the water Sunset was standing in and she was electrocuted.

She fell to the ground, panting and huffing as steam actually came off of her body. Sunset gasped for air as she felt nothing but pain and crawled away from the puddle of water she was in, the soldiers slowly moving up and taking this chance to reload their weapons.

Adams came out from where he was hiding, curious as to what would happen. But before anything else could happen there was a bright flash and what looked like a rainbow that washed over the entire area. Adams watched as all the damage that was done was repaired, the pain he felt in his legs faded away and all the officers who were down before suddenly started getting back up. Even Sunsets crown was somehow gone, as twilight came to the decision that they didn’t need the crown in the first place, the elements were inside of them all along.

“What the hell?” Adams asked, he was so shocked by all this he failed to notice Twilight wave goodbye to her friends after a heartfelt hug and disappear into the statue’s pedestal while her friends took this chance to escape.

Sunset was left to sniffle and cry as the soldiers grabbed her arms and tied her up.

“I…im sorry.” She said, as the soldiers placed a bag over her head and quickly moved her to the APC, she couldn’t believe that this all happened, that she could do all of this. The elements of harmony had not just removed her powers and the stolen crown, but also removed the years of anger and hate that had built up inside of her.

‘I deserve whatever punishment they give to me. Whatever punishment a monster deserves.’ Sunset through to herself as she was forced to sit down in the APC and felt a needle in her arm before she suddenly felt very sleepy.

Adams walked out from his hiding spot to find the rest of his team, seeing out of the corner of his eye the APC suddenly driving off while some of the soldiers stayed nearby. One of them even walked up to Adams.

“You handled yourself very well out there until we arrived. Here, we could use someone like you.” The soldier said, his face hidden by his own balaclava, as he handed Adams a card. Adams looked at it. The card had no phone number but some words on the front.

‘F.E.A.R. Don’t call us, we will call you.’

Adams put the card away and decided it might be a good idea to keep it. It was then that Adams realized how draining all this had been and took a seat by a cop car, he wasn’t sure what to do until he saw his squad running towards him, they were all okay.

After a quick reunion they set about talking, trying to figure out just what the hell had happened. They didn’t come to much besides that the paperwork was really going to suck on this.

Neutralize Sunset Shimmers Completed
Bring order to chaos Completed
Rescue all civilians: Completed.


Sunset Shimmer remained silent as she sat in a dark concrete room, a guard in the room had some kind of gun at the ready. Not that he needed it. Sunset was powerless now and chained to a metal table. She didn’t even have a desire to resist.

The door creaked open as a man in a blue suit with official looking hair and a briefcase walked in. Sunset was about to make a comment about how ugly he looked before she realized it wasn’t right.

The man placed the briefcase by his feet and took a seat in front of Sunset.

“You caused quite abit of trouble young lady, I do hope you realize that.” He said, his accent strange and hard to identify.

“I…I do sir. And im sorry.”

“Youre only sorry because you got caught.” Said the man quickly, oddly enough getting angry didn’t seem to suit him.

“No…im sorry because I wasn’t in the right state of mind. What I did was wrong and if I had been thinking clearly I never would have done it. Please il take whatever punishment oyu have. The chair, hard labor I don’t care. I want to make up for what I did however I can.” Sunset said, feeling so ashamed and disgusted at what she had done, all those people she almost killed and the officers she ended up beating up.

She was awoken from her thoughts by the man before her as he chuckled.

“Well then how appropriate.” He said and opened up his briefcase, pulling out some paper work and sliding over some contracts for her.

“You did quite a nasty piece of work last week, truth be told I was impressed. That’s why I’m here Miss Shimmer. I have recommended an idea to my employers. They have agreed with me and have authorized me to offer you a job. They agree with me that you have limitless potential that could be used for the benefit of mankind.”

The man then reached into his blue suit and pulled out a fancy and expensive looking fountain pen and handed it to Sunset.

“So far we have seen you prove to be a decisive person and you should have no trouble decideing on what to do. Help us with your knowledge of the arcane and help us unlock your abilities for the benefit of mankind. Of course you must follow the restrictions of the contract.”

“Otherwise your other option is to spend the rest of your life in a cell for your crimes. Rather an anticlimax from all of these events.” The man said as Sunset read the contract in front of her.

It took her a few minutes to decide Sunset spoke up. “Il sign it, but I want a credit card that I can use to buy expensive things whenever I get time off.” She said.

“That can be arranged.” The man said and smiled as Sunset signed the contract, handing it back to him and shaking the man’s hand.

“This will be the beginning of a very good friendship between you and our organization miss Shimmer.”

“I like the sound of that.” Sunset said as her chains were released and she was led out of the room, on to bigger and better things.