• Published 6th Sep 2013
  • 1,860 Views, 41 Comments

SPAT [Special Ponies And Tactics] - JustDing

One-shot stories, MLP / S.W.A.T 4 crossover

  • ...

23 Solar Avenue Castle, Hostage Rescue / High Risk Warrant Service

Alternate... stuff for parasprites fimfiction 'Every Night is a Night of Nightmares', with a few changes. Read his story at first.

Thanks to Sneaky Breeze previous work, I did not have to do much.


(No Briefing Audio due of intern-planned mission.)

BRIEFING: A few weeks ago, the signs of Nightmare Moon return became apparent. A civilian named Twilight Sparkle notified Princess Celestia about this, but she sent the mare to Ponyville to let her run some errands. On the same day at afternoon, Princess Celestia prepared for an visiting in Ponyville, but Nightmare Moon attacked her and after a short, one-sided fight, she lost against the dark mare.

She then proceeded to cast eternal night in Equestria after she had announced her plan in the Town Hall of Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle and some citizens of the town were then walking to the Old Ruins to gather the elements of harmony, but something went wrong and she and her friends have been captured by Nightmare Moon. After a while she realized that eternal night was not such a bright idea as she casted her own little sun on top of the sky.

Strangely enough, almost all citizens of Canterlot were put into a strange hypnosis. We immediately asked Queen Chrysalis if she has her hooves in this, but she swore she has absolutely nothing to do with this.

We smuggled in a undercover agent mare named Midnight Blosson, so she could deliver us intel about the castles ongoing and what Nightmare Moon planned. She is a batpony and was instantly accepted in the Night Guards. Still, we needed a few weeks to figure out a plan how to infiltrate the castle, but now, we proceed to action. Today, we will neutralize Nightmare Moon if it's necessary.


Rescue Twilight Sparkle
Set Princess Celestia free
Neutralize Nightmare Moon
Bring Midnight Blossom home
Bring order to chaos


Twilight Sparkle (21), she was the first who noticed the signs of Nightmare Moon's return.

Midnight Blosson (25), undercover batpony. She has more helpful intel. Might be spooked when encountered so be cautionous.

Princess Celestia (age unknown), she lost the fight against Nightmare Moon and was unable to gather the elements of harmony.

A unknown amount of imprisoned vitals.


Nightmare Moon (age unknowN), a possible ancient evil or only an stupid, but mighty mare.

A unknown amount of hostile vitals, all of them might be Night Guards, since the Royal Guards fled in fear.


23th May, 16:31
23 Solar Avenue
Canterlot Castle
Rapid Deployment / Hostage Rescue


The forms of five black-clad unicorns were barely seen sneaking through the back alleys and empty streets of Canterlot. The stealthy maneuvers were not really necessary, since the sun had turned to a frightening shade of red, many ponies were hiding inside of their homes or barricaded inside of buildings. They were too afraid to so much as even look out an open window, let alone actually go outside.

One would wonder why Celestia had allowed such a thing to occur, but it was not Princess Celestia’s sun that now hung menacingly over Equestria. No, it belonged to another, it belonged to one who should have been banished permanently.

This new sun belonged to Nightmare Moon.

Just a few weeks ago, the signs of Nightmare Moon's return were prevalent. Twilight Sparkle was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia to make friends.

Nightmare Moon gained her full might and after a fight against Princess Celestia, she took over the throne.

Silver Vest was equipped with a pepper-ball gun, a Glock 18 sidearm, two flashbangs, a pepperspray, a door wedge and an optiwand.

Golden Plate was equipped with a less-lethal shotgun with beanbag ammunition, a taser gun, a sting grenade, CS gas and a breaching shotgun. Aside from the breaching shotgun, he only had non-lethal weapons.

Iron Steel was equipped with a pepper-ball gun, a M1911, pepperspray, a plier set, a flashbang and an opti-wand.

Ferrum was equipped with a GB36s with Full Metal Jacket ammunition, a taser gun, CS gas, three bags of C2 and a door wedge.

Quick Scope was with them, a magical cloak over him which made him blend in with the environment, not invisible but a little harder to see. He had to find a perfect place for sniping but until then he would be with the group. If the mission failed then Quick would split away from the others and find a spot to hide until nightmare Moon made a speech, if he survived that long.

Silver stopped the squad at an intersection where there were many burning carriages, the smoke obscuring the way to the Canterlot Castle courtyard.

“Hold your breath.”, He said and ran forward with the squad, ducking and moving past the flames until they were all in the courtyard and a large crowd of ponies standing still. The entire crowd was mumbling something, all of them were nearly frozen stiff with their eyes glowing a faint sickly green color. They didn’t seem to notice the SPAT ponies.

Silver gave his team a hoof sign to not speak. He looked around and pointed Quick Scope to a tree which wasn’t burnt and could give him a good view of things, it was as good a place as any right now.

The SPAT held their position to cover Quick as he ran over to the tree, climbing it up without using his magic to prevent attracting attention. The team used this moment to watch the crowd. They were still and didn’t move anything beyond breathing and a random blink. Silver wondered if they were all under some sort of mind control spell or if they were changelings that just hadn’t noticed them yet, but that was unlikely since Queen Chrysalis promised she was out of everything.

But it didn’t matter, they had a mission to complete and had luckily brought non-lethal weapons for just such an occasion. Suddenly, shouts of pure anger start rised from every pony in the crowd.

“Watch them, let’s not take any chances.”, Silver said and watched as many ponies pointed upwards. He let his gaze follow the direction and caught sight of the one who had started this whole insurrection.

Nightmare Moon was standing proudly on a balcony of the castle, her jet black form darker than the void of deep space as she stood proudly before the crowd, holding a little lavender unicorn above the crowd of ponies with her magic.




“Tyrant’s pet!”

"You and Celestia can burn in the sun together!"

The crowd shouted as their anger seemed to reach a boiling point.

Twilight seemed to be very frightened as the ponies start to throw rocks and eggs at her.

“Sir, we have to do something.”, Golden Plate whispered.

“He's right sir, if we don’t do something this could get ugly for the civilian.”, Ferrum replied while Iron Steel grunted an affirmative.

Silver clenched his teeth and shook his head.

“We have a mission to do. We don’t know if that’s the real Nightmare Moon or if she might have an enchantment up. We can’t fail, we have to make sure we get Nightmare.” Silver said, knowing the others were giving him looks but they would understand eventually.

“Sir, I have a shot. Permission to fire?” Quick Scope asked, hoping to save the civilian's life right now.

“No…stand down and regroup, that’s an order.” Silver finished and soon the squad was running to get way from the mob and not think about the civilian. Their heavy hoof fell echoing around the abandoned streets and pathways while they double timed it to the main gates of the castle, only stopping or slowing down to avoid Night Guard patrols.

Soon they were standing in the bushes nearby the main gates of the Castle. But a set Night-guards were standing in front of them. They almost looked like the evil twins of Celestia’s solar guard. Menacing vampire like fangs, reptile eyes and leathery bat wings.

“How are we going to get past them sir? If we fight them we risk alerting other patrols and blowing the mission. Should we try to find another way around?”

“Theres no time, for all we know we might be the only team to survive, she might have conquered the world by now.”, Iron steel said and an argument was about to break out before Silver suddenly shushed them all.

A plan was already forming in his mind. It was a longshot but it just might work.

"Alright, I need you all to trust me on this. It may sounds strange but just follow as I do. Iron, get your tazer ready and keep it hidden.", with that he went away from the gate a few hooves and then went out, his weapon holstered as he trotted up to the gate. A noticeable amount of pride in his step as he walked as if he owned the place, but his eyes a stone cold gaze.

The guards noticed the SPAT's and prepared themselves to raise the alarm, one of them shouted “Identify yourselves!"

"At ease Night Guards. We are the guards which have been called upon by her majesty, Nightmare moon, ruler of all that is and shall be, empress of the eternal night." he replied in as best an imitation of the Night Guards as he could manage. He almost thought they had made it when he was within a hoof’s distance of the guards.

"Show me your authorization and then you will be allowed in.", The guard said suspiciously.

“Very well, we have it right here.” Silver said, reaching magically into a saddle bag and drawing his taser out in a flash, firing it into the guard in front of him while Iron jumped out and did the same. Silver then seizes the moment to try and capture the Night Guards.

"SPECIAL PONIES AND TACTICS! ON YOUR HAUNCHES!" he and Iron Steel were releasing the electricity at each of the Guards. They were jumping around in pain as they were shocked. It proves too much for them as when were shoved on their by Quick Scope, Ferrum and Golden Plate. They were easily subdued, their hooves and wings being ziptied as they were then knocked out with one or two swift punches to to keep them from shouting at any guards that would pass by.

"Start of mission.", Silver said to the dispatch while securing his taser and pulling out his non-lethal paintball gun.

Back at HQ things were hectic with the remaining guard commanders trying their best to keep everything under control. Miss July had to shove a hoof against one ear to hear the SPAT team.

"This is central BCC, multiple SPAT units are responding to 23 Solar Avenue, Silver, Ferrum, Iron, Plate and Scope are at Canterlot Castle at 3:13 pm for hostage rescue and high risk warrant service,” she replied to Silver, mostly stating the obvious for the records when this was all made public, if ever.

"Found a good place.", Quick Scope said as he looked to the house that has a roof just poking out over the treeline leading to the main gate. The house had a flat roof which should allow him to see what is happening in front of the castle and could give him a chance to fire through any windows if needed. Silver ordered Ferrum to cover him as he went to his position. He bucked the door of the house down and together the two cleared the house. Once they find it is abandoned Ferrum allowed Quick Scope to set up on the roof before he trotted back to join the others.

Silver Vest took out the empty cartridge of his taser gun and replaced it with a new one. Then he took out a sheet of paper from his saddle bag with his magic. On it are the crudely drawn lines of the castle's ground plan. The first two floors were on it, but the castle had way more floors plus a deep dungeon which were not on the paper -there was far too much ground to cover.

"We have to go through the Royal Garden into the Castle.", Silver decided and directed the squad to follow him as they kept down low. They nearly hugged the walls of the castle, decreasing their chances to be seen by Guards who are probably watching through the windows.

-Stealth Music-

"Stop!" Ferrum whispered when they were nearly at a door. The group quickly dropped and kept low, looking for what Ferrum saw. He had spotted two other night guards. They were chatting to each other about things, specifically the new sun... which was not very bright. At all, it looked like a setting bloodred sun.

"Use the non-lethal weapons," Silver Vest commanded and he switched to his pepper-ball gun. It was a standard Paintball gun, but instead of firing paint balls and ruining a ponie’s coat with it, it fired little balls filled with cheyenne pepper. It was just as good at causing pain as it was making the user relieve stress.

"HOOVES UP!" Iron Steel yelled, aiming with his pepper ball gun at the Guards. They two guards were turning around, a little bit too calmly, but were not getting down or lifting their hooves.

"You won't stop us and our majesty..." one said of them with an all too smug smile, but a pepper ball stopped him in the middle of his sentence as Silver fired two balls into his chest. He started to cough and sneeze heavily as his body screamed in protest to the pepper.

Iron Steel had waited long enough for them to surrender, he had learned in his apprenticeship when a suspect don't comply in around three seconds after receiving an order, he had to be demoralized with tasing or pepper.

He fired at the other Guard, who could not help but yell "AAH! It hurts!" while sneezing and gagging the whole time.

"Get on your haunches and hooves up!" Silver Vest commanded.

The two guards were sitting on their haunches. The SPAT team could do this all day. They have more than enough pepper balls.

"Suspects complied.", Ferrum said, with a smile as he restrained the hooves and wings of the night guards. Silver Vest helped him drag them into the bushes while the others keep an eye out. Silver marked on his map where these two were to be arrested later, he did not want to use the radio too much unless necessary. He was worried that Nightmare Moon might be listening in with her magic.

Silver Vest trotted up to the garden door of the castle and switched to his optiwand. He put the camera end under the door and looked at the screen carefully.

"Mixed crowd of armed and unarmed suspects, pegasi and unicorns..." he checked the door after he drew back his optiwand, "...damn, it's locked, but we don’t have a lot of time to find another entry."

"Orders?" Golden Plate asked.

"Breach, Sting and Clear!" he said and noticed the smile through Golden Plate’s balaclava.

Ferrum was planting a bag of C2 at the door while Golden Plate pulls the pin of his sting grenade with his magic.

After succesfully planting the bag of C2 on the door, Ferrum held out a little remote in his magical grip and waved weakly three times with his right forelimb. At the fourth time, every SPAT member turned his head away from the door.

Ferrum felt the wind and concussion from the detonation. The door swung open at the same time, nearly being shattered to a million pieces as it did.

Now it was Golden Plate turn. He threw the sting grenade into the room with his magic and all of them took cover as they heard it clattering to the floor.

*BASH!* and the sound of bouncing rubber balls on stone, wood, and bodies were heard.

"Move in, go go go!" Iron Steel yelled as he sprinted inside.

The stinged ponies were stumbling around in the room, some holding themselves and shouting in pain or groaning. A guard tried to escape but he missed the door and trips, smashing his own face into the wall next to it. Two unarmed mares -one blue, the other is white- were holding each other in shock. The white coated mare has bloodshot red marked eyes -she was blind. Her horn glow weakly, so weakly most would miss it, as she scanned her surroundings magically.

"EVERYPONY ON THE HAUNCHES!" Silver Vest shouted and pointed his pepper-ball gun at the guards. They were holding their forelimbs in the air and one of them said "I give up! Please stop shoving your weapons in my face!"

Silver Vest drew back his pepper-ball gun and cuffed up the hooves of the guards. Then he aimed at a Night Guard who was a pegasus mare. The mare held herself on a spear as she tried to regain her balance.

"Drop the weapon and put your hooves up.", he commanded.

As the mare realized what happened, she immediately dropped the spear and held her forehooves in the air as she sat down on her haunches "Undercover agent Midnight Blossom! Don't shoot!"

"Any intel?", Silver Vest said as he lowered his weapon.

"Nightmare Moon had commanded me to bring her Twilight to her. I assume that you saw her on the balcony... well, she has invited her for a dinner."

"TOC, we have rendezvous with Midnight Blossom. She reported that Nightmare Moon has Twilight in her hooves."

"Roger that, entry team. Bring Midnight Blossom home."

"Sorry, beauty.", Silver Vest said as he proceeded to restrain Midnight's hooves. She responded only with a quiet giggle as she was being called 'beauty'.

The two unarmed mares were still holding each other. Ferrum went up to them and commanded "Get on your haunches and put your hooves up!"

The white unicorn mare followed his command. She sat on her haunches and held her forelimbs in the air. Ferrum instantly restrained her hooves with the anti-magic plastic hoofcuffs. This caused her magic to shut off and the spell to end.

"I... I can't see!" she whimpered.

"Don't worry... it'll be all over," says Silver Vest, then he turned to the blue unicorn mare, who tilted her head to the side "I won’t follow your orders!”

"On the ground, now!" commanded Silver Vest, his voice firm and demanding.


Silver Vest fired one pepper ball at her and watched her fall back coughing and with her eyes and nose running. “You shouldn't have made it difficult.”, he said.

The restrained Midnight Blossom whistled in surprise as she watched the scene in front of her.

Silver Vest almost regretted it but it's for their own safety as much as the safety of him and his team. He pulled out his hoof cuffs and tried to secure her.

"Where's my moon-damned lawyer?" the blue unicorn coughed as she held her forelimbs in the air. He instantly secures her hooves and reports.

“Keep it quiet.”

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspects have been secured in the entryway to the royal gardens and are ready for transport when everything has been handled."

"Copy, notifying trailers. Be advised Griffon Mercenary Company known as ‘The Fire Feathers’ have joined in on our side, so be on the watch for friendly Griffons.”, Miss July said as she wanted to gag at the thought, despite this was beyond briefing. The once great Equestria having to cut a deal with Mercs, promising them freedom to do their business in Equestria for ten years in exchange for their help. But thanks to them the Royal guard were already retaking land from the lunar rebels.

“Understood, over.” Silver said and made sure to check that every member of his team knew it.

"It's just for your own safety...," Silver Vest said to the restrained mare as he double checked her restraints and grunted when he felt her spat on him.

“Have a nice day.”, he said with teeth clenched as he rejoined the team. They were stacked up against a door as Iron Steel Mirrored under it.

"Sierra One to entry team, main target spotted in what looks like a dining hall, side one level two. The hostage from earlier is with her.", Quick Scope said, ignoring the clash of Griffon, Solar and Lunar Guard swords and spells above him. He just hoped the cloak he had brought with him kept him hard to see and everyone was too busy to notice him.

"We'll meet her there!" Silver Vest commanded as he tried to open the door, but it was locked. "Typical!” he yelled, letting his emotions get the better of him for a moment.

“Breach it."

Golden Plate switched to the breaching shotgun in a flash, pointed the muzzle at the lock and pushed the trigger. There was a possibility Nightmare Moon enchanted every lock when she took control of the castle, a plier wouldn't have worked on it.


"Door's open," he said as he switched back to his Nova Pump. The pellets blew away the lock of the door. The lock was still enchanted, but it was not in the door anymore.

"Follow me," Silver Vest commanded to his team. They cleared the room quickly before walking slowly through various hallways, but they did not meet any guards.

“I don’t like this, it’s too quiet.” Iron Steel said as they look around. On the walls were paintings that show Nightmare Moon above a map of Equestria, with a new title over Equestria.


"This psycho should be ruling? That’s a laugh! She’d probably go crazier and burn it all." Iron Steel determined before someone tells him to shut up.

(Stop Music Here!)

After several minutes of searching they heard the faint sound of Nightmare Moon monologuing about her glorious victory. They heard noise but it was far too muffled for them to make out clearly. The team followed it to a large door. Silver Vest switched to his own opti-wand and mirrored under the door.

The hall behind the doors was large. In the middle of it was a large table, filled with the best fruits and vegetables of Equestria but only two chairs, one for Nightmare Moon and one for Twilight. At the rear end of the table sat the dark princess of the night. Her flowing, sparkling mane resembled the night sky if viewed from space, and a lavender colored unicorn mare lied in front of her while she pushed down a hoof on her head. The mare was sobbing in pain.

"Oh horse apples, she's trying to kill the hostage!" Silver said as he put back the optiwand.

"Breach the door and gas it, followed with clearing."

"...I can do whatever I want to you, Twilight, and no pony can stop me. Not you, not Celestia, NO PONY!" Nightmare Moon grinned as she added more force upon the unicorns head…

Twilight quivered in fear and weeped even more. Nightmare Moon had brought her to the dining room for dining, but then Nightmare Moon decided to show how much might she has and Twilight would be nothing against her. When she had refused to eat, Nightmare simply grabbed food with her magic and shoved it down Twilight’s mouth, using wine to make the trip somewhat easier.

The pain was incredible, no matter how much magic she tried to use or how much she struggled, nothing seemed to get Nightmare Moon away. And now the pressure on her head made thinking hard. Twilight had tried, she could now barely keep her eyes open as she thought that it was the end of her life, her will to live fading. The thought of simply letting her spirit leave her body seemed more and more comfortable by every second of pain.

‘This is it, its over, princess Celestia im….im so sorry.’ she thought as Nightmare added more pressure...

The door then bursted open with a bang as a load of shrapnel blew the lock clean off. Then a black clad unicorn stallion threw magically a tin can on the table. It rolled across until it stopped in front of Nightmare Moon. Twilight instantly knew what this is, she read it in a book about a significant Equestrian Special Forces Unit. She wasted no time and backed away from it after Nightmare drew back her hoof from her head, having never seen such a modern thing before.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS INSOLENCE?" Nightmare Moon used her Royal Canterlot Voice as she literally leaped up from the chair, only getting closer.


The contents of the CS grenade were suddenly leaving the little piece of metal. Nightmare Moon inhaled a lot of it due to being closer to the grenade. She started to cough heavily, more than she would with pepper.

Twilight sadly has it worse through. Nightmare Moon filled her up with so much wine that she was drunk. The combination of smoke and alcohol having a bad reaction.

Twilight was unable to put up even the smallest bit of resistance and vomited on the ground, while coughing from the smoke, the once pristine and well-polished floor now ruined.

-Action Music-

"Keep it moving, go go go!" Silver Vest yelled out at the top of his lungs as the team moved in to surround the dark princess.

The four unicorns quickly sprinted across the hall, aiming their weapons at the fallen Alicorn sister.


"TOC, this is Sierra One, entry team spotted." Quick Scope said, magic preparing to take a shot if necessary, sighing in relief that things had calmed down around him.

Nightmare Moon, still coughing, looked at them in utter surprise at this act against her. Her surprise then changed to pure rage and she summoned a very deadly magical blast in her horn. The air started to vibrate due of the immense dark magic.

But three stings in her face broke her concentration, both the impact and something else. A very familiar scent.


Silver Vest had shot three pepper balls right into her face, the pepper was already kicking in.

She could not help herself from coughing and sneezing, her horn stopped glowing, her eyes ran with stinging tears and her nose leaks snot from her agitated sinuses.

In any case, Ferrum moved up with his GB36, switched to the two-shot-burst mode and aimed at Nightmare Moon "ON YOUR HAUNCHES! DO IT NOW!"

"Surrender or suffer dismemberment..." a voice said behind them. They were turning around, only to spot a group of four Night Guards stepping in the dining hall through the broken doors, equipped with swords, spears, axes and a crossbow.

Quick Scope spotted the Night Guards through his scope and aimed at them as he reported "TOC, this is Sierra One. I have visual contact with four suspects, side one level two."

But the SPAT unicorns were not really phased since they hold way more advanced weapons. Silver Vest quickly ordered Iron Steel "Secure the main suspect!" before turning with Ferrum and Golden Plate to the attackers "Guys... we don't want any trouble. Just drop your weapons and give up. There doesn’t need to be any bloodshed."

"And why we should we surrender?" a Night Guard snickered, rising an axe and preparing to throw it at the black-clad unicorns.

Instead of answering him, Silver Vest fired four pepper-balls at him, making him drop his axe and sneezing madly as he tried to rub his eyes, only rubbing the pepper in deeper. Another Night Guard charged at Ferrum with a sword, but he fired a burst at his front limbs. The night guard yelled in pain and dropped the sword and himself onto the cold ground. Then Ferrum drew out his taser , stunned the other still sneezing Night Guard and yelled to the others "DROP YOUR WEAPONS!"

The Night Guard twitched and his colleagues were dropping their jaws and weapons in shock.

"I give up! Please don't shoot!" another Night Guard who was equipped with the crossbow, sat down on his haunches and held his fore hooves in the air.

"Empty hooves! I'm unarmed!" the last Night Guard shouted, showing he was not carrying a weapon.

Bring Order to Chaos Completed

"Filthy excuse of ponies..." Nightmare Moon snarled, who stopped sneezing. Iron Steel approached the mare and yelled loudly "Hooves in the air and give up!"

"I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!" Nightmare Moon screamed as Ferrum restrains the hooves of the once so proudly and loyal Night Guards.

"She won't comply..." Golden Plate said and aimed with his less-lethal shotgun at her.

Then he pushed the trigger.

A loud roar from his shotgun echoes through the hall, mixed with Nightmare Moons yell of pain as a beanbag round hit her right wing.

The SPAT learned during their apprentice ship that the wings of a Pegasus or Alicorn were the most sensitive, and easily damaged, parts of their bodies. Even a light punch causes a lot of pain. So when a beanbag round hits a wing, the pain cannot be described in words. A beanbag round or less-than-lethal round consists of not more than a little cushion made of rubber. When it hits a target, it doesn't injure or even kill him. It causes extreme pain and disorientation though.

Nightmare Moon was clearly not used to pain, this much was obvious to the SPAT unicorns as she sits down on her haunches and started to cry, while rubbing her madly aching wing which was twitching with a bad bruise. Golden Plate slided the pump of his shotgun back and forth, ready to deliver another beanbag round if she tried to do something wrong.

Iron Steel walked up to her and cuffed up her hooves and wings with the anti-magic hoovecuffs. Immediately, her ever-blowing mane and tail were quickly losing their flowing ability and were soon left hanging by her side.

Her wing was not injured in any way beyond a bruise, but it was hurting her a lot.

"You won't get away with this," she tried to intimidate Iron Steel, but without her magic, she was as helpless as a worm in the desert. She was not even a physically strong pony, not even able to cause pressure on Twilight's head without her magic. She used her magic to bolster her movements because she lacked a good amount of stamina and muscle mass from all her time on the moon.

Silver Vest and Ferrum were cuffing up the hooves of the remaining Night Guards while Golden Plate checked on Twilight.

"Entry team to TOC, we have multiple suspects and the primary hostile, all are restrained and ready for transport."

"Roger that, proceed with your objectives." Miss July said and yelled behind her that Nightmare Moon has been neutralized and then had to hold her ears as the cheers nearly deafened her.

Neutralize Nightmare Moon Completed

Silver Vest trotted up to Twilight and said "Sorry, but it's just for your own safety," and he cuffs up the hooves of hers.

"And shyou will take me out of thissh?" she asked slurring, but tears were welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, of course. Because of that we're here."

"They shaid that... there wash a jailbreak a few weeksh ago... led by my very brother... they took all but they left me here," Twilight muttered, the world feeling like it was spinning.

"That was a bucking lie, Shining Armor is in the dungeons like everypony else. And by the way, we're the jailbreak and we will set everypony free," Silver Vest said. Then he spotted the ring around Twilights head. It was a anti-magic ring that blocks the magic of the unicorn who has it around it's horn.

"Iron, I need you and your pliers," he said firmly. Iron Steel trotted up to the unicorn mare, took out his plier set and with one swift magical move, he yanked off the ring from her horn.

"You'll never set Princess Celestia free. I am now the sun," Nightmare Moon said as she fought against her hoovezips, but they were too strong and she is too weak now.

"Hey, nopony, really nopony want your useless futile excuse of a light emitting diode on the top of the sky. We almost had to use night gear for walking up here," Iron Steel said at which she winced heavily. A strange sound escaped her muzzle. It sounds half-way between a sob and a growl.

"Come, we have to save the princess of the sun.", Silver Vest said and trotted out from the hall, followed by his squadmates.

After a few minutes, they have found the entrance to the dungeons and Silver Vest commanded "Elements, let’s play it safe. Mirror under the door."

"Swap with me," Iron Steel said to Golden Plate who trotted up behind him. Iron switches to his optiwand and did the mirroring.

"Nopony in sight," he said as he draws back his optiwand.

"Open and Clear."

They try to open the door but found it locked, none of them wanting to admit the embarrassment of not checking the door. The locked door was an indicator that a pony locked up himself in the dungeons. Or somepony locked it up, possibly Nightmare herself. But a lock, with whatever locking spell on it, was always no problem for the SPAT unicorns.

"Sir, it's locked. Orders?"

"Breach and Clear.", Silver Vest said after he sighed at this little mistake they made.

Golden Plate took out his breaching shotgun, aims at the lock and with a push on the trigger with his magic, he blew it away.

"Door's open, now go!" Golden Plate said as he switches to his less-lethal shotgun and galloped in the dungeon. His squad mates were following him. Soon they were in front of Princess Celestias cell. The lock of it is enchanted like any other lock, too, and it needed to be blown away with a bag of C2 or the breaching shotgun.

"Deploy breaching shotgun!"

"Copy," and Golden Plate drew out said weapon.

As before, he blew away the lock of the door. The door swung open, revealing a sight inside of the cell.

Princess Celestia was secured with two large magical chains on the opposite wall. She was in a pretty bad shape, her normally white fur was dirty grey and have red scratches. Her crown and jewelry were gone and her mane did not float. The magical chains were blocking her magic, similar to the anti-magic hoofcuffs. But the hoofcuffs were much lighter and easier to use. When a suspect did not need them anymore, the SPAT just cut the plastic with a simple scissor and it loose its anti-magic ability. But these chains were not made of plastic. They were made of very special iron, a quick scanning spell by Ferrum revealed it has been enchanted with an anti-magic AND paralyzation spell.

Outside, a door of a cell opened. A darkblue Night Guard unicorn trotted out, holding a crossbow in his magical grip. He heard the shots and hid himself in one of the cells, to give the unwanted intruders a unwanted surprise...

"Hey, your majesty. Are you awake?" Ferrum asked. He prepared to blast the chains away with his two remaining bags of C2.

The eyes of Princess Celestia were opening weakly. She did not eat for days…

"We're here to rescue everypony. I'll blow the chains away with C2 but you need to turn our head away on three, okay?"

She did not seem to understand at first, but then she nodded.

Turning away their heads from C2 was just for their own safety, in case a piece of wood, metal or stone found it's way into the face of somepony. Ferrum planted the first bag of C2 on the right chain.

"C2 planted, prepare for the blast," he said as he takes out a little remote. He waved weakly third times with his right forelimb. At the fourth time, they all turned their heads away from the bag.


"Prepare for the second blast," and he planted the last bag…

Suddenly, a unicorn Night Guard appeared at the door of the cell and fired with a crossbow at the group of SPAT. The flechette, more than a simple arrow, pierced right through Iron Steels stomach, the unarmored section.

"Serves you right!" the Night Guard shouted.

He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. He is not dead, but he was now rendered immobile, heaving and gasping as he bled onto the floor.

Like a clockwork, Ferrum cancelled his planting and turned around, just to shoot a short burst in the attackers head with his GB36s. The Night Guard did not even grunted in pain, he just fell to the side, not moving and not breathing.

"Suspect down!" Ferrum stated.

"Bucking dammit!” Silver Vest muttered, angry at himself because they did not checked the cells. He examined the unicorn’s injury, then he reported "Entry team to TOC, Officer Steel is injured and in need of an evac. Tell me someone is coming I don’t know how bad this is.”

He said, helping Iron Steel to put pressure on the injury.

"Copy, notifying EMT's, they might be ponies or Griffons so be careful.” Miss July felt a knot in her stomach at the thought of one of her friends being seriously injured, but the best she could do was help coordinate things and stay strong.

EMT is the simple word for the ambulance chariot. But in an emergency something so simply could make fear fade away.

“Don’t worry I got him.” Ferrum said and stood beside Iron, casting a few first aid spells to help out.

Silver got up and walked over to the dead Night Guard. He did not need to look further at the corpse, a hole in its head confirmed death. It was not really necessary, the SPAT were always trying to save the lives of everypony and were always trying to take non-lethal action. But this suspect was far too dangerous and had to be taken down.

"TOC, this is entry team. Suspect killed."

"Roger that. Proceed with your objectives."


The last magical chain shattered in thousand pieces as the C2 exploded. Princess Celestia fell on her legs, but she kept her balance. Her mane gained back its flowing nature.

"Entry team to TOC, Princess Celestia is free and secured."

"Good work entry team! Go back to HQ for debrief."

Set Princess Celestia free Completed

"Shit... we almost messed this up.", Ferrum muttered, "So, your possessed sister is in the dining hall, restrained and secured... we had to be a little rough to her."

"How much?" Princess Celestia asked curious and worried for her sister, despite what she did, Luna was still Celestia's’ little sister.

"Beanbag round at her wing..."

She screwed up her face, she could imagine how much that must have hurt "...I know you probably had no other alternative, you have my thanks for the rescue but I will take care of Nightmare Moon... and your friend here. Really, just go home to your families, you deserved it.", she says softly to them.

"Uhm... okay, your majesty. But don't remove her hoofcuffs until the elements of harmony balanced her. Then let's go home," Ferrum said and turned around. They all strapped their weapons to their sides, walking out of the dungeons and out of the castle, but only after they watched Celestia use her mighty magic to stabalize and fully stop Iron’s bleeding .

On the town square, everypony looked around in utter confusion. They eyes were not green anymore but the real reason for this is still unknown. But to find out what it caused was not the SPAT problem.

They felt very nervous under the eye of so many armed Griffons but so long as they didn’t break the law there wouldn’t be a problem.

The team and several others received a standing novation once they were back at HQ, but their job was far from over. The rest of the week was filled with re-establishing order and stopping riots around Canterlot. It took a while and a lot of work but eventually everything went back to the way it was supposed to be.

Iron Steel even received a medal from Celestia herself. And while Iron did not wanted a medal, he did not turn it down either so as not to appear rude. But Iron, like the other members of SPAT did his duty not for the glory or the paycheck. But for saving lives, and when he was done recovering, Iron planned on doing just that.

Author's Note:

And that's how it's done!