• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 1,383 Views, 19 Comments

The Return of Twilight Sparkle - Cameron Nightshade

Sunset Shimmer crosses the portal to bring Twilight Sparkle back into the human world for some much needed help. *If you have not seen Equestria Girls, you may not get some references*

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That Night

Back home in the pony Equestria, Princess Celestia sat up with a jolt. She accidentally fell asleep during her lunch time. Princess Luna looked at her curiously.
“Sister, what is wrong with you? You could barely rise the sun this morning, and now you are falling asleep in your salad,” Luna noted.
“I, I just feel so bad for closing the portal on Twilight. She doesn’t even know why I did it, and the worst part is that I can’t even tell her why. I just wish she never went back into that portal. She was like a little sister to me. Why did she have to leave me? She is to move the stars, and ever since she left, the stars have stayed in the same place they have before she left. Please tell me what i’m doing wrong,” Celestia concluded.
She looked solemnly at her salad. She barely at dinner the night before, and couldn’t eat her breakfast. Using her magic, she put it on the edge of the table, symbolizing that she was done with it. “I’m going to go to my bedroom. Please do not send guards after me. I will be there the rest of the day. Have my dinner sent up to me please. I will set the sun from my bedroom. Have a nice day, Luna.” Princess Celestia trotted off towards her bedroom. She spent that night searching through her library, looking for a way to get Twilight back without opening the portal. After searching for hours and hours, books upon books, she could not find any spell to help her.
“There must be some book on cross-dimensional magic!” Princess Celestia cried out. “I know I read one once about it. I need to get Twilight back before she does something stupid,” Celestia rushed across to the other side of her library, hoping she would find the book. After searching through all her books, she could not find even one spell about cross- dimensional magic. She looked around in defeat. Her sun was shining down on the young ponies walking the streets of Canterlot.
Celestia paced her large bedroom. Whites and yellows covered her walls, completely the opposite of her sisters blacks, dark blues and dark purples.
“How can two sisters be so opposite, but still get along well?” Celestia wondered aloud. A knock on the door pulled Celestia out of her deep thought.
“Princess, I have brought you your dinner,” the guard said, standing tall, but showed fear in his eyes. Most guards did not like the size of Celestia, for it scared them.
“Oh, thank you, Dawn Shadow. Please place it on the table.” Princess Celestia prided herself in remembering all of the guards names. She watched the food being placed on the table, and when the guard and chef left, she walked over to the food. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. She lifted the soup up to her mouth and ate. The warmth of the soup warmed her, she didn’t even realize she was cold. When she finished the large dinner, she moved to the overly large window. Calling on all the magic she could muster, she moved the sun below the mountains. She noticed Luna rising her moon above the mountains, then walking back into the castle.
That night, Twilight had tried to connect to her magical abilities, failing each time.
“Hey, Twilight, do you want some help?” Sunset Shimmer stood in the doorway, watching Twilight’s failures, and felt bad for her.
“How did you do it? Without a horn, it’s not possible!” Twilight asked. Once more she tried, and felt a surge of magical energy, but it soon faded.
“Once you do it once, voluntarily, you can do it forever. The first time it happened to me, it was involuntary, so it didn’t stick, but I still had the energy in me. I spent a good half hour sitting on my bed, searching my head for the magic. When I finally reached it, I put all my thoughts into it, and tried many different types of magic, until I was certain that I could open the portal again. I beg of you, please do not try it. I do not wish to see you get hurt, and the spell hurt so bad. Everything felt wrong about me doing it, but I needed to it. You will be left with the worst guilt of your life,” Sunset begged.
Twilight looked around the room, and then back at the fire haired human. “I must. I need to get back to my world, and move the stars, and fulfill my duty as a princess. I’m very sorry Sunset, but I have to do this.”
The doorbell rang. Sunset Shimmer got up, as well as Twilight. Twilight tried once more to get her magic in her. “Ah!” Twilight yelled. She looked towards the pillow, and moved it. She rushed downstairs to see who was at the door, Sunset Shimmer trailing her closely. Using her magic, Twilight looked through the door, and saw Princess Luna? Luna rang the doorbell once more, and Twilight opened the door. “Princess Luna?” Twilight stared in disbelief.

Author's Note:

Hehehehe another cliffhanger!!!! I do it because I love you guys. I don't know when the next one will be posted, because of school and such, but lets hope for the next one by the end of this week!!! :)