• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 1,384 Views, 19 Comments

The Return of Twilight Sparkle - Cameron Nightshade

Sunset Shimmer crosses the portal to bring Twilight Sparkle back into the human world for some much needed help. *If you have not seen Equestria Girls, you may not get some references*

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At School

Twilight had gotten very little sleep that night. She had dreamt that Princess Celestia closed the barrier on her, making it so she could never return, even in another 30 moons. She had woken up groggily, to the smell of coffee drifting upstairs into the guest bedroom. Even though Twilight had never particularly liked coffee, the smell always woke her up and kept her awake. Twilight stumbled down the tan carpeted stairs and walked into the well lighted kitchen.
“Hello, sleepyhead,” Sunset Shimmer chuckled. She poured herself a cup of coffee, only adding sugar. If Twilight had known this before Sunset changed her ways, she would have thought that she kept her coffee the way her soul was, black.
“Oh shut up. So what’s the plan for today?” Twilight asked, still trying to wake up.
“Well Rarity got Celestia to make an assembly to help me. I have no clue how she did it, but I am not one to question how people do things. No one asked me how I turned into a demon-monster thing, so I think they should get the same respect back to them,” Sunset sat down, sipping her steaming cup of coffee.
That morning, the girls had a video chat telling each other what to wear. Since Twilight didn’t have any clothes, and most of Sunset Shimmer’s did not fit her, Rarity decided that she would bring Twilight some clothes to wear, since Twilight and her were the same size.
Later that day, an assembly was called. The girls shuffled with the rest of the classmates. All except Twilight, for she didn’t even have a school schedule. She just kept to herself in the library, researching everything she could about the human world. The 7 girls stepped onto the stage, and whispers circled around the room when they all saw Sunset Shimmer among the small group. “Oh look, its Sunset Shimmer!” “Isn’t she the one that tried to take over a fake land with all of us? I heard she is crazy, I don’t even dare near go her anymore.” When Principal Celestia stepped up, the whispering ceased.
“Good morning students. I have called you today to go over some facts that happened about a fortnight ago.” Puzzled looks was shown through the audience. Celestia sighed. “2 weeks ago, one of our fellow students stole a magical crown from another world, and tried to use it to take us all over. Princess of the Fall Formal, Twilight Sparkle, stopped her, when she and her other friends joined together unexpectedly and stopped Sunset Shimmer. I have heard that you are not accepting Sunset Shimmer. She needs to learn the magic of friendship. When you are over there just shying away from her, she feels like no one cares for her. She called on Twilight, from the other world, to come back and help her. She feels so bad, she goes as far to go to another world to get this resolved. These girls each have something to say.” Principal Celestia gestured over to the girls, and they all stood up.
Twilight walked over to the podium, with the seal of the school on the front of it, “Hello everybody. A few weeks ago, I stopped Sunset Shimmer. To help her, I suggested that she make friends with you all, so she understands what friendship is. Only a year ago, I did not know of the magic of friendship. All of you take it for granted, thinking that the more friends you have, the better you are,but thats not true. You just need a few friends.” Twilight was stopped abruptly by a hand on her shoulder.
“I think I can do this, Twilight.” Sunset Shimmer commented. Twilight stepped down. “Guys, I know you think that I am crazy, and I can’t have friends. But honestly, you still voted for Twilight even though you had no clue who she was. I think that you should all give me that chance. Be like true Wondercolts, and accept everyone, despite of their differences.” Sunset Shimmer concluded her on-the-spot speech. One student stood up from her speech and clapped. Little by little, more and more students joined in. A wave of relief escaped Sunset Shimmer.
Twilight fell on the floor. “TWILIGHT!” the girls yelled in unison. Twilight looked like something just kicked her.
“Something’s wrong. I can feel it,” Twilight gasped. “The portal! I think Princess Celestia closed it.” Twilight pulled herself up and dashed towards the portal. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew behind Twilight, wondering why she wasn’t using her wings as well. Twilight approached the portal, and reached out her hand, praying that the portal wasn’t closed. She put her hand on the barrier, and it didn’t go through. Twilight collapsed on the ground. “No, no, no, no; this can not be happening. She closed the portal on me. She couldn’t. No, please Celestia, no,” Twilight cried out. Tears were slowly streaming down her face. She didn’t know how to call on her magic, like Sunset Shimmer did.
Students gathered around, trying their best to see what all the commotion was about. Of course, Apple Bloom, Sweetiebell, and Scootaloo found their way to the front, just like they did at the Fall Formal,
“Oh, sugarcube, I’m sure that you are gonn’ get back to ‘Questria. You’ll find a way,” Applejack commented in her thick country accent.
“No Applejack, you don’t understand. I think i’m gonna have to be the one to open the portal, not Sunset Shimmer. I have no clue how to get my magic working in this world. Without a horn, I don’t think that I can. What if the portal doesn’t open like it should in 30 moons.” Twilight said in a very rushed manner.
“Darling, you will be fine. You are a Princess! Princesses always find a way out of a sticky situation, so don’t you worry, dear,” Rarity consoled Twilight.
Twilight stood up, trying to keep her tears from falling down her face. She couldn’t believe that her best friend, her mentor, would close it on her. She couldn’t fathom why she would even do that! The rest of the day was like torture to Twilight.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long! I have been stressed out because for one, I had some serious writers block, this was all typed this morning on the bus, and two, Benchmarks are this week so I have been studying like crazy!! I hope you like this chapter guys!