• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 860 Views, 2 Comments

Apples: A Love Story - Mod On Death

It's Cider Season again! The Apple Family has everything set up for another successful year, but come into a problem when the Flim Flam Brothers return. Now, Twilight and her friends must go forth to find the money to save the farm!

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Day 4: Date of Destiny


Bob had just woken up to find that everypony around him was still sleeping. He looked to his right and left and noticed that he was surrounded by the sleeping mares. Because of this, he couldn’t help smiling just a little bit, knowing he was a very lucky changeling.

“Ugh, what happened?” Twilight said as she woke up. Bob noticed that he was right on top of the mare and managed to get off her. “Did all of us really faint at the same time?”

“I think so,” Bob answered. The rest of the group was starting to come to as well.

“How long were we out?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Let me check my clock,” Pinkie Pie said, taking a wall clock out of her pack. “Well, we either slept for a few minutes, or twelve hours.”

“We spent the entire rest of the day asleep?” Twilight said, surprised that she’d be that tired from their journey. “Look, we need to get a move on. Only a couple days are left and we don’t know how far this tomb goes.”

The group ate the last of Fluttershy’s food and ventured forth into the tomb. Twilight tried to use a glowing spell to help them move through the dark halls safely, but saw her magic failing to activate.

“Huh. Wonder if that spell I cast yesterday really did take more out of me than I thought,” she said to her friends.

“Doesn’t matter. I actually brought some matches just in case,” Rainbow Dash told them. “This really is awesome! It’s just like a Danger Do book, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. I wonder if we’ll come across any traps.” Twilight said before catching her tongue. For a moment she expected something bad to happen when she said that, but was surprised to find nothing go horribly wrong.

“Oh my. I really hope we don’t,” Fluttershy said, taking very small steps.

“Don’t worry babe. I’ll take on anything that comes your way,” Bob boasted. “Just stay close to me and things will be fine.”

“Oh, um, that’s alright. I’d rather stick with my friends. NOT that you aren’t my friend. I just mean that I don’t like you in that way,” Fluttershy said quickly, trying to not upset Bob with her rejection.

“Well, that didn’t work,” he said to himself.

The group continued their trek through the halls of the tomb, not encountering anything that seemed like a trap. The closest thing that seemed like a problem for them was a puzzle that was blocking the door.

“What is this?” Rainbow Dash asked while lighting a new match.

“It’s a puzzle. It looks like it’s asking questions about magic,” said Twilight as she examined the markings. “The answer is Levitation,” she said, poking the tablet that had a strange symbol.

The door slowly rose, revealing a chamber. Rainbow Dash saw a torch on the side of the wall and lit it. Through some sort of magic, other torches leading in a straight path lit up as well. They soon led to what seemed like the center of the room, revealing a coffin. It wasn’t ornately designed or anything; just a simple stone box.

“Alright! Let’s get the head and scram! Rainbow Dash said, zooming over to open the coffin. She pushed the coffin lid off and saw the skeleton. “Now to grab the head and, huh?” she said, surprised.

“What’s wrong?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It’s not budging,” she told them. She tugged again and again, the skull staying in place. “Come! On!”

“Let Cranky handle this. He’s pretty strong,” Twilight told Rainbow. Rainbow backed off and Cranky gave it a try. He kept pulling on the skull, putting his back into it. He stopped pulling and shook his head.

“EVERYPONY PULL!” Pinkie Pie yelled out. Everypony gathered around the skull and grabbed some portion, trying to lift it up. After a while the grunting became ridiculous.

“Oh dear, I’m actually sweating worse here than in the desert,” Rarity complained. “Now my coat is absolutely ruined.”

“Really? It looks absolutely stunning. It glistens off of you giving you a radiant glow.” Bob was impressed at how well that line was.

“My goodness! You are quite the charmer, Bob,” Rarity complimented. “I’m sure the mare that falls for you will absolutely go wild when she hears how you talk.” Once again, no luck for Bob.

“Looks like it’s magic time, girls,” Twilight declared. She tried to use her horn, but she couldn’t get any magic out. “Come on! Why isn’t this working?”

“I wonder about my magic,” said Bob. Bob’s horn glowed and the skull was lifted up easily. “Huh. That was easy.”

“Wait,” Twilight said, realizing something, “Rarity, use your magic.”

Rarity tried using her horn, but nothing was happening.

“Huh. That’s odd. I haven’t used any of my magic recently. I certainly don’t feel tired either.” Rarity’s remark let Twilight knew that something was wrong.

“Hey! Which one of you is using magic on me!?” a loud voice roared. Everypony looked around to see where the voice had come from. “You guys can’t tell? Come on! Hopefully the one that solved the puzzle can answer.” Nopony said anything, and then Twilight broke the silence.

“Stalfos?” she asked, not really sure by what she meant.

“Correct! You must be the one that answered the riddle. Didn’t make it too difficult, but made sure that you had to know magic before coming in. Sweet, sweet magic. No wonder the Changelings do what they do!” Stalfos started to laugh. How he did so was anypony’s guess. “Also, that was some very delicious magic you two girls had. I think that it’s just about enough to get me moving again. See, what I’ve been doing is luring smarty magic users like you into investigating my tomb and then sucking your magic out. If I really felt hungry, maybe just a bit more than that, like their life energy.”

“So you just like eating? Why couldn’t you just have some pie?” Pinkie Pie yelled out, angered that somepony had the gall to eat life force over a dessert.

“Well, that’s on account of me being dead. I’m using that life force to finally get up again and continue my little quest to get all the magic power I can. Too bad I wasn’t able to defeat that Changeling Queen and get her abilities. That’s the main reason why I can’t absorb their magic,” he explained. “I can absorb pretty much any other creature except for changelings, so HOW DID ONE GET PAST MY SHIELD?!” he roared, shaking the tomb.

“You really underestimate my capabilities,” Twilight told the voice.

“Ah. So one of you opened it up. Very well. I’ll just have to crush you all and then I’ll be on my merry way.” The chamber soon lit up, revealing the bones of different species covering the sides. Everypony, even Cranky, screamed in terror as they saw the bones lifting up into the air and joining together. What were formed weren’t any creatures that existed in nature, but horrific abominations fused by magic to create bone monsters. “Have fun!”

The bony creatures started their assault. Pinkie Pie somehow had her cannon with her, Rarity had curling irons she could use, Rainbow Dash her speed, Fluttershy her ability to somehow not get noticed, and Twilight improvised with her book. Cranky didn’t seem to do much at first, but after being bit several times by the beasts, he got real mad. He started braying like crazy, breaking the beasts with his hind hoofs. Bob was using his magic to break the beasts apart. It didn’t matter though, since the bones would just be put back together as soon as they broke.

“Hah! You can’t beat me! I’m a dead mage! That’s pretty much the ultimate in magic! Once I get a body that can actually handle my magic put together, I’ll be having a real good time.” Stalfos was right; they wouldn’t win at this rate.

“What can we do?” Rarity asked as she performed a Coup de Grace on a bone beast.

“I have no idea, but my magic is starting to wear thin,” Bob answered. While he was distracted, one of the beasts managed to hit him straight in the gut, causing him to spit up some green goop. The goop landed on the bone beast, making it somehow fall apart.

“That’s it!” Twilight yelled victoriously as she just figured out how to stop Stalfos. “Bob! That goop absorbs magic! Spray on Stalfos so he can’t use his to make any more beasts!”

“On it!” Bob flew to the skull of Stalfos and let loose a stream of green goop. Stalfos’ skull was splattered with goop, making everypony feel just a bit queasy.

“Agh! Gross!” Stalfos yelled out. The bone beasts started to fall apart as the skull was covered in more goop. His magic was now being shielded.

“Hand me an empty sack!” Bob yelled out. Fluttershy tossed him one of her empty snack sacks and he spat some goop into the sack before putting the skull in there. He then filled the rest of the sack of with enough goop that it was dripping.

“I guess that settled things,” Twilight said, putting her book away.

The tomb started shaking, several blocks in the ceiling falling to the ground. It appeared that without Stalfos’ magic the place would collapse. Without a word the seven of them ran out as fast as they could, managing to get out just before the entrance collapsed on itself. They were outside and noticed that both the shield and sandstorm had disappeared. Both had apparently been caused by Stalfos’ magic.

“I guess the trip home should be pretty easy now, huh?” Bob pointed out. He looked worn out after spitting out so much goop.

“You okay, Bobby?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah. As long as I can see your pretty face my heart’ll keep beating,” he said, trying one last time to get lucky.

“Hahahaha! You’re funny!” Pinkie Pie said, laughing.

“Geez, Pinkie. If you’re gonna let him off, at least don’t laugh in his face,” Twilight told her.

“I’m sorry girls. He’s just too hilarious!” she said, squeezing him tight. Maybe it was better off this way.

The trek back to the Changeling Stronghold was much easier now without the storm. Within an hour they had returned to Chrysalis, victorious.

“My Queen,” Bob said, bowing toward Chrysalis. “We were successful in attaining the skull of Stalfos. He was still magically active and attempted to defeat us, but I used my green goop to suppress his abilities,” he told her, handing over the bag. “Sorry about the mess.”

“That’s alright. You have done well, Bob. You too, girls and Cranky.” Chrysalis then walked over to what looked like a headstone that was behind her and took the skull out of the bag.

“NO!” they all yelled out.

“Gah! That was messy.” Stalfos said as his skull was plucked from the bag. “Hey, is that the little changeling girl I saw all those years ago? You’ve certainly grown up. Guess you needed to after my fight with your mum left her-“ He was cut off as Chrysalis dropped his skull onto the ground and stomped on it. At first it was just once, but then twice. She kept on stomping on the skull and its remaining bits to the point her hooves resembled a jackhammer. The skull that was just there had been reduced to a fine dust. At that point she plopped down on the dust and rubbed her behind on it.

“That’s for my mother, you meat eating, horn prodding, bag of a bone,” Chrysalis said, panting after she had finished. She suddenly turned her attention to the group, their faces shocked at what they just saw. “I will give you your crysalids now.”

The group cheered as they had finally reached their goal. Another cavern wall opened up, revealing the crysalids that they would now be able to take home. The smiles soon faded from their faces when they saw that each crysalid was approximately the size of half a pony.

“Uh, Chrysalis, how exactly are we supposed to carry these back to Ponyville?” Twilight asked.

“Don’t you have a plan, smarty pants?” she responded. Twilight had no idea of how big the crysalids were. Even Cranky would have a hard time lifting them back. The trip to and from Ponyville would be several days to get them all to the dragon’s cave.

“Could you have some of your changelings help us carry them to Ponyville?” Twilight had never heard Chrysalis laugh so much. After a moment she stopped.

“Oh, wait, you’re serious. Let me laugh even harder!” And then she did. “Anyway, you expect my subjects to risk flying to someplace where everypony hates them and to carry this load for you? I’m sorry, but our deal was for the crysalids. Shipping would cost extra.”

“How much is ‘extra’?” Twilight asked.

“Well, I have another little task that you and your friends could do. See, several subjects of mine were going to put on a play, but they’ve come down with something. If you can find replacements and have them perform several roles in the play, I’ll give you two thousand strong changelings to help carry these crysalids to Ponyville. Deal?” Chrysalis could make very odd demands.

“Sure. What’s the play?” Twilight asked.

“The Beast of Notre Dame. Unfortunately the stage manager is sick as well, so one of you will have to make sure things are ready. We really like our plays.” Once again, Twilight has learned something new about Changelings that she never would have read in a book.

“I think we can do that. I’ll need to look over what roles need to be filled though.” Chrysalis showed Twilight the list of characters with actors. Several of the names were crossed out, needing replacements. Twilight saw the list and immediately knew which ponies to play the roles. “Alright. I’ll just need to bring in some outside ponies to fill some of these roles, so I’ll need to contact them. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” The two bumped hooves, signaling the agreement for what might be the most chaotic play ever.

Big Mac wore his tuxedo and for once wasn’t wearing his yolk while he trotted over to The Rosewood. Flim and Flam decided to join him as well, feeling that it was only right to act as guides in tonight’s dinner.

“So, Big Mac, you feel ready for tonight?” Flim asked.

“Eeyup,” he replied. Truth is Big Mac was actually overwhelmed with nervousness. That was probably the main reason he accepted the brothers’ aid tonight.

“Don’t you worry fella! We know exactly what we’re doing. After all, our little song was such a success that we had to beat them off with sticks!” Flam boasted.

“Yes. But brother, you do realize that the point was to have Big Mac require to beat them off, remember? I’d have to say that the guards that were summoned weren’t supposed to beat them off with sticks either, but after that mob formed that’s what happened,” Flim pointed out.

“Then we did even better than expected!” Flam declared, missing the point. “Anyway, we’ll be sitting at a nearby table and helping you out in case things aren’t going smoothly. Remember your signs, alright?”

Big Mac nodded as they stood right outside the restaurant. Taking in a deep breath, the three of them entered the establishment, hoping that Big Mac’s night would go well.

“’Ello, and welcome to The Rosewood. ‘Ow may I ‘Elp you?” the host asked in a painfully exaggerated accent. He was a pony trying to speak in the same accent the griffons spoke.

“Big Mac,” Big Mac told him.

“Ah! So you’re the one Miss Carrot’s been gushing about! Sorry about the accent. The guys here really want us to sound griffon, but it’s just plain awful to speak like that.” The host then turned his attention to the Flim Flam Brothers. “And what about you two?”

“We’re here to help things go smoothly for Big Mac on this little outing of his,” Flim explained. “We’ll need a seat where he can clearly see the two of us.”

“Sorry fellas, but there’s only one other seat available for the two of you, and that’s in the next room over there,” the host pointed out to them. It appeared that they wouldn’t be able to help out Big Mac after all. “Follow me, big fella”. Big Mac was shown his table and given his spot. It was facing away from the kitchen and looking out the glass windows. “Diced Carrot told us that she invited a special somepony over tonight, so her sister is taking care of her station. The two of them are pretty good at veggies, but Diced is definitely the best. She’ll be here shortly.

The host soon returned to Flim and Flam and showed them their seats. It was located in a room to the right of Big Mac’s location and was placed behind a large griffon that was eating his meal. In some way it almost seemed deliberate.

“What can we do, brother?” Flam asked.

“I guess we just eat our meal and hope for the best,” Flim responded. It looked like their quest to help Big Mac was over and now in his hooves.

“Hey Diced! He’s already here. Let me show you,” the host said. Big Mac looked in the direction of the entrance to see if he could see her. Coming from behind the corner, Big Mac’s jaw suddenly dropped a good five inches upon seeing her. She was wearing a green dress from Rarity’s shop and had her hair done as well. When she saw Big Mac she suddenly stopped in her tracks as well, surprised to see how handsome he was in a tux. The host helped her out by pushing her all the way to her seat and sitting her down.

“Now, how may I help you?” he asked them.

“Ah’ actually gave Jerry the list of what we’ll be havin’ tonight. Just let him know we’re here an’ he’ll get started,” Diced told him. Big Mac noticed that it was unusual for the host to take orders, but then remembered that she was with the staff, so he probably made an exception.

“So, nice tux,” she started. “How long have you had it?”

“Since pa passed,” Big Mac answered.

“Oh. How sad.” Big Mac noticed that Diced wasn’t fumbling with her words like before. She must have calmed down before dinner. “Ah’ know what that’s like. Sis took care of me after both our parents passed when Ah’ was just five and she was sixteen. We had to take care of the veggies ourselves after that. And-“ Diced’s eyes started squinting, as if she were trying to see something behind Big Mac. Big Mac turned around and saw the kitchen staff just preparing the food. He faced back to continue the conversation.

“Hey! You have any music preferences?” she changed the subject to.

“Can you tell what they’re talking about?” Flim asked his brother. They were peeking around the griffon, trying to get a read on the situation.

“I have no idea,” said Flam, trying to get a view of the two ponies. “I wish we could somehow get closer without being seen.”

“You guys realize I can hear everything you’re saying, right?” the griffon told them.

“Sorry sir. We’re just two wingcolts trying to help our pal here, but we can’t get a view of the situation,” Flim explained.

“Well then I’ll let you know that things seem to be going fine. Odd though, because I keep catching that lady there squint her eyes as if she were trying to read something,” the griffon told them.

“Really? Could we bother you to go and check out the situation closely” Flam asked.

“I will, but first I need you to do something for me first. See, I actually forgot my wallet at home and realized that after I’d finished my meal. For the past hour I’ve been ordering desserts that take a while to make so I could think of a way out of this, and neither I nor my stomach can handle it anymore. You guys mind paying for it?” The Griffon’s story actually touched the hearts of the two brothers. They’d been in similar situations before where they hadn’t earned any money recently and had to dash out before they were caught.

“We absolutely will,” Flam promised.

“Awesome. The bill’s about two hundred bits,” he told them. The two’s hats spun around at that statement. They checked their wallets and found they had one hundred bits each. They put the money on the table and the griffon went out.

The brothers saw their ally walking around the restaurant, staying within earshot of Big Mac and Diced Carrot. They saw what he meant when he said that Diced Carrot would start squinting to check out what looked like something behind her. The griffon soon returned with intel on the situation.

“Well, from what I can tell the girl there is getting help from the kitchen staff. They’re holding up poster cards with topics and replies for her to say.” This news flabbergasted the two brothers.

“So they’re doing what we came here to do then?” asked Flim.

“Yeah. Not only that, but there actually are other tables for you guys to have sat over there. I think they placed you guys here to get you out of the way.”

“Why that twists my bowtie!” Flam yelled out. “I bet they’re giving out horrible advice that’s making her say ridiculous things to Big Mac. Come on brother! Let’s sort them out.”

“I’ll help you guys out,” the griffon told them. “After all, things might get hairy in there. I’m pretty experienced in combat, so I’ll give support if you guys need it.”

The three of them walked over to the kitchen and entered it. They saw several chefs holding up the posters and then quickly putting them down before anypony noticed what was going on.

“Stop right there!” both Flim and Flam yelled out. The chefs turned to see that there were three unwelcome visitors in the kitchen. One chef stepped forward; she had a green-yellow coat with an orange mane. Her cutie mark was that of a carrot.

“Just what do you think you’re doing in our kitchen?” she asked.

“We know about you and your poster cards. We’re Big Mac’s wingcolts and we can’t allow you to possibly ruin this date. Big Mac is a sensitive pony and we’re here to make sure that you don’t make him lose the only mare he’s truly shown interest in.” Flim looked determined, but the chef just laughed at what he said.

“You’re worrying about us? We know what happened yesterday with you and that mob. We’re keeping you away so you don’t give Big Mac bad advice and scare away my sister. The name’s Carrot Top, and I’ll make sure that this date goes perfectly. Jean, shut the shutters.” The openings that allowed diners to see the kitchen were suddenly blocked with shutters coming down. They also fell at the entrance to the kitchen, blocking the griffon friend, who was just outside, from entering.

“Oh dear. This can’t be good,” Diced said.

“What?” Big Mac asked.

“Um, well, uh,” she started to stutter again. Her face was turning red as she tried to explain what was going on. She took a deep breath and finally managed to tell the truth. “My sister an’ the rest of the staff have been helping me talk ta ya by showing me post cards about topics Ah’ should talk about behind yer back.” She was finally relieved to let him know that. Now she awaited his response.

“That’s alright. Flim and Flam came along to help me out tonight as well. Too bad they couldn’t. Probably made you feel awkward with all this silence.” Big Mac hoped he was coming across as understanding.

“Oh no! That’s alright. Ah’ mean, Ah’ only talk this much because Ah’ feel like if Ah’ stop then people will stop paying attention an’ be bored by me.” Diced Carrot was surprised by what she had said. Even she had never realized that fact about herself.

“That’s alright. I keep quiet ‘cause I just don’t have much I need to say. Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna say something. Just don’t need to all the time.” Big Mac noticed that he was actually saying a lot more than he usually was. He didn’t mind that.

“Well, one thing that Ah’ actually did want ta talk about was my family. See, my parents passed when Ah’ was real young an’ my sis took care of me after that. They left enough money behind so we didn’t go hungry, an’ we got enough from farming ta help pay the bills. Ah’ found that my talent was cooking veggies an’ decided to use that in order ta help my sis out fer all her help.” Diced was so happy to finally tell somepony all of that and not feel like she needed to talk out of need. Big Mac really did pay attention to everypony who wanted to really talk to him.

“Eeyup. My family pretty much had the same thing happen. We had Grannie smith to help out though. Apple Bloom doesn’t remember them at all though. Hope she never has the yearning to know more about them, or she’ll feel sad about never meeting them.”

“That’s not good! At some point she’ll wonder about them an’ wanna know more. Tell her about them when you feel it’s ready, ‘cause someday she’ll notice that an’ feel empty. Trust me on that.” Diced couldn’t believe how open she was being with her feelings today. Not only that, but she wasn’t stuttering either.

“That’s true,” Big Mac replied. He was actually saying things other than ‘eeyup’.

“Anyway, Ah hope yer friends aren’t tryin’ anything stupid right now in the kitchen. That’s never a good thing ta do.”

While Big Mac and Diced Carrot were finally having a real conversation with each other, the two groups of wingcolts were about to have a throw down.

“So, you think you can just come into this restaurant and wreck our plans, eh?” Carrot Top said. “You’ll have to fight us first.”

“Bah! You ponies don’t look so tough!” boasted Flam.

“Uh, Flam? Those other chefs are all griffons.” The two looked around and noticed that the only actual pony there was Carrot Top. At least they could take her, they thought before she took up a rolling pin and broke it in half with her bare hooves.

“Beat those trouble-making con men to the point where they can’t tell who’s Flim and who’s Flam,” Carrot ordered.

“Par Mademoiselle Diced!” the griffons yelled out as they began their onslaught. The first wave included a flurry of different knives thrown at their position. The two ducked behind cover before being filleted.

“Huh. So they can’t speak Pony, but understand it,” Flim mused.

“Flim! Not now!” his brother yelled. “We need to activate Emergency Plan Kitchen!”

“Already on it!” he said, grabbing the nearby sack of potatoes.

“I’ll move in for the bonking. Keep throwing and don’t worry about me!” Carrot ordered. The room of mad chefs kept throwing their supplies at the brothers when they saw them rise up.

It almost appeared like something in a movie where everything was slow. Using tubes and cans of compressed air, Flim and Flam had constructed a potato cannon. The rounds fired out quickly, slamming into the griffons’ faces and becoming mashed in the process. Carrot was able to take cover quickly, but the rest of the staff had been pummeled with potatoes.

“I’ll take you guys out myself!” she yelled out as she rushed forward. Flim kept with the fire, but Carrot use the broken pieces of the rolling pin to knock them out of the air.

“Oh yeah!” the griffon who was aiding Flim and Flam yelled as he finally managed to burst through. “What’d I miss?” He was promptly beaten to the ground by Carrot as he got in the way of her rampage.

“This’ll teach ya ta mess with me ya consarn fool!” she yelled out. Carrot looked horrified as she heard the sound of her own voice. “Mah accent! Consarn ya two! Ah’ spen’ years tryin ta get rid a it, an’ you two make it come right back! Now Ah’ sound like a bumpkin!” Carrot Top fell to the floor, no longer looking like she was ready to eat anypony. “Ya cost us our farm, an’ now ya wanna mess with ma family? Yer rotten.”

“Wait a moment,” Flam said, speaking up. “How exactly are we costing you your farm?”

“Ya’ll think we can pay fer our farm? Our Veggie Farm is part of Apple Family Acres. Grannie Smith took it in when our parents passed away. She’s helped pay fer it ever since.” Flim and Flam were surprised when they learned that. They never realized that the farm had even further responsibilities. Now it made sense as to why the Apple Family needed all that money; they were essentially supporting two farms.”

“Uh, listen,” Flim said, trying to console Carrot, “if we do end up getting the farm, me and my brother both promise to help you and your sister. Hay! If you want, we could even help you gain more profit by selling your profits to other businesses farther away. We promise not to interfere with your family and only wished to help Big Mac behave like a gentleman to your sister.”

Carrot Top heard what Flim was saying and said, “Well, that certainly does sound nice. Both things, I mean. Sorry about being a bit presumptuous. And trying to kill you. I think that was overreacting to the situation.” She looked at her staff, lying and the floor and yelled, “Get up! We’ve got food to serve!” The staff instantly stood in formation and saluted Carrot, cleaning off the potato on their faces with whatever they could use. Carrot then took the tallest chef’s hat that was on the rack and placed it upon her head. “Us Executive Chefs should know better than to rush into things without getting all the details.” Her telling Flim and Flam her title didn’t seem to link to anything they were talking about. Apparently she just liked boasting about her position.

“Oh snap!” Flam yelled. “How are those two doing?”

Flim, Flam, and Carrot Top peeked outside to see how things were doing. Both Big Mac and Diced Carrot were now smiling and giggling. Their hooves were touching each other’s on the table as well.

“Huh. Guess they didn’t need our help after all,” commented Carrot Top.

“Well, if you don’t mind, we’ll be leaving now,” Flim and Flam said, ducking out of the restaurant as fast as they could. The two of them considered today a success and wanted to leave before anything else insane happened. At that very moment, the two brothers wondered what Twilight’s group had been up to.