• Published 4th Oct 2013
  • 3,441 Views, 38 Comments

Halo: Memories. - badassgrunt

Master Chief goes to Equestia, haunted by memories of Cortana.

  • ...


You will be the protectors of Earth and all her colonies.

"Whut do ya reckon it is?" A feminine voice rang out in the darkness that filled Master Chief's head.

"A robot, maybe?" A second one, this one scratchy.

"Ah don't see any gears on it." The first one replied.

Gears, robot? The Chief struggled to think through his fogged mind. It took him a while to understand whatever voices were talking about was him.

A squeaky voice called out to the other voices. "What do you think this thing is?"

"Looks like a bird to me." The scratchy voice replied.

"Don't look like any bird Ah've seen." The one with the accent shot back. He realized they were talking about the crashed Pelican.

A gentle knock to his helmet sent lances of pain running through his head.

"Scootaloo! Don't touch that thang!" The accented one yelled, making his head hurt more at the loudness.

"What?!" The scratchy one, Scootaloo, yelled back. More pain. "It's obviously out of power, Applebloom!"

"I don't think it's a robot, Scootaloo." the squeaky one said.

Odd names. Codenames, maybe? But they sound like kids. Nicknames? Chief thought. He tried to open his eyes, but they seemed as a heavy as lead. He tried moving his fingers, barely making them do so. A moment passed.

"I think it's an alien." The squeaky one said.

"...that actually makes sense, Sweetie Belle. The bird thang must be its ship," The one named Applebloom replied. "Weird ship shape, though. It don't look lahk a flyin' saucer."

The squeaky, named Sweetie Belle, one made a squeaky noise in response. The Chief groaned and instantly the voices went quiet. "G-girls, I think we should go..." The one named Sweetie Belle said. Master Chief groaned again and heard odd footsteps run away from him. His SPARTAN training kicked in and forced himself to open his eyes, briefly blinded by the sunlight before he polarized his visor. He struggled to his feet.

He quickly took stock of the situation. He was in a clearing in a forest. The forest itself felt...odd A deep trough in the ground led to the crashed Pelican. The Pelican itself looked damaged from the crash. Weapons, supplies, and Forerunner tech lay strewn about in the clearing, mostly undamaged. There were brightly colored horses huddled in a corner of the clearing.

Wait, what? Seeing that they were not horses and certainly not Human, the Chief quickly assumed a combat stance. Quickly scanning the clearing for a weapon. Seeing a magnum lying on the ground, and ignoring his pounding head from the crash, he dashed to it. He heard the creatures scream and turned his head just in time to see them turn tail and run.

By the time he came to a stop, they were long gone. Master Chief huffed at the spectacle. He briefly considered following them to see where they were going, but decided against it. He didn't want to be anywhere near those brightly colored...things. Seeing the immediate threat gone, he took greater stock of the situation he was in. He was in a forest, that much he did know. What he did not know was what planet he was on. He looked up at the sky. The sun was directly overhead, though it was impossible to tell what time of the year it was.

On the subject of the sky, the sky itself was a shade of blue he didn't think was possible. The clouds too looked odd. Almost like they were artificial. He looked back at the ground and again came to the point that the forest was odd looking. He couldn't exactly say why, though. The ground was littered with weapons, pieces of the crashed Pelican, and Forerunner artifacts that had escaped the crate. He blinked when he spotted the container containing the cube embedded in a tree undamaged. Whoever built the container built it to last. He was suddenly thankful that the container hadn't hit him.

He also had to plan for the eventuality that more of them would come. He doubted that the three horse-things were hostile, seeing as they just turned tail and ran at his first move. If there where more of them, however, that'd be a different story. He sighed. Things were going to get complicated very soon. Now, though? Now he had to sort though all this mess.

The snapping of branches and thundering of hooves cut through the silence that normally dominated the forest. Applebloom skidded to a stop, the others doing the same. "Ah...don't think....it's followin' us..." gasped Applebloom. The others grunted in agreement, too tired to formulate a proper response. They waited a while to catch their breath.

"W-what do you think was that?" squeaked Sweetie Belle, still somewhat out of breath.

"Ah think it was exactly whut ya said it was: an alien. Or a robot. Ah don't know..."

Scootaloo sat down. "So, what now?"

Applebloom wiped a hoof across her forehead. "Ah think we should tell Twilight and th' others. Y'know, since thay seemed to handle this type of thang a lot."

"They handle aliens/robots on a regular basis?" asked Sweetie Belle.

Applebloom rolled her eyes. "Ah meant that they handle weird stuff."


Scootaloo stood back up. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The others nodded in agreement, and set off for Ponyville.

Master Chief sighed. The Pelican was thoroughly trashed; there was no way it was getting up back in the air. One wing was missing, and despite thoroughly checking the surrounding area, he couldn't find it. Almost as if it just disappeared. As his luck would have it, most of the weapons were in surprisingly good condition. The only damaged weapon was a rocket launcher. The barrel was bent, which would cause a deadly misfire. He just hoped he didn't have to fight any tanks on this planet.

His stash currently contained a sniper rifle, shotgun, two pistols, one DMR, a battle rifle, two SMGs, and two assault rifles, and a couple of frag grenades. He had plenty of ammo for all of them. Still, he should still use it sparingly for now. No tell when, or if, he could get a resupply. He was low on food, he guessed that the MREs would only last him about five days. He had no water except for a canteen. Luckily some Marine had brought a wilderness survival kit, left behind when they disappeared, so he could light a fire and purify water. He put all of the Forerunner tech, including the cube into a pile and stashed the weapons in the Pelican when it had stopped smoking.

His first priority was to find a water source. Problem was, that he had no idea where to look. Fortunately, there was a hill to the east. It was fairly close, so he wouldn't have to walk far. He grabbed the sniper rifle and an assault rifle and set off. He tried to shake the feeling of him being watched.

"Welp, we're back," said Applebloom. "We should go to Twilight's now."

"What about Rainbow Dash? She could get the girls together faster than Twilight would." said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, but we don't know where exactly she is. Wit' Twilight, we at least know where she is," replied Applebloom. "Ah just hope th' guards let us in."

"I agree with Applebloom. We should go to Twilight's castle." said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, but--we could-- UGH fine." Seeing the dreaded logic in their arguments, Scootaloo reluctantly agreed.

They then set off in the direction of Twilight's castle. The town had been heavily damaged from Tirek's rampage but repairs were coming along nicely, due to a jointed effort of average citizens and construction workers. Everypony was doing their part, even the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Granted, they were only allowed to do small and non-dangerous tasks, as everypony in town knew they tended to accidentally mess things up. As they made their way to Twilight's castle, Applebloom thought about the events that led up to this kind of situation.


They had been playing in a field outside of Whitetail Woods when it happened. A faint pop, loud enough for them to easily hear it, but faint enough that nopony in Ponyville could hear it. As they looked at the source, a glowing pink portal that wasn't there before, what could only be described as a giant bird or a average sized oddly proportioned dragon come out of it. One of the wings seemed to be missing, and was making a nosedive to the ground. A loud crash signaled the end of its journey.

"Whut do ya think was that?" asked Applebloom.

"I don't know. A dragon, maybe?" replied Scootaloo.

"It didn't look like any dragon I've ever seen," put in Sweetie Belle. "Do you think we should tell somepony?"

Scootaloo and Applebloom looked at each other, both coming up with the same idea. "Naw, not yet. Let's see whut it is first."

"Won't that be dangerous?" said Sweetie Belle.

"We'll be real sneaky. Heck, we may even get our Cutie Marks in stealth!" said Scootaloo.

At this prospect, Sweetie Belle visibly brightened and nodded. She put her hoof out to the others. The others put theirs to her's.


They then proceeded into the Whitetail Woods.

They tried to be stealthy, but that was hard if you're a pony walking in a forest littered with twigs and leaves. They could see smoke lifting up through the tree canopy. All of them hesitated; they knew forest fires could be nasty. Curiosity got the better of them, though, and they trudged onwards. As they neared the crash site, Applebloom noticed that there was a distinct lack of the smell of burning wood in the air. In its stead was an acidic smell that she couldn't quite place. She instinctively wrinkled her nose at it.

They came into a clearing, where the crash was located and took in the surroundings with widened eyes. The bird-thing was in one side of the clearing. It was the thing that was smoking. The ground was displaced where it ran into the ground. The ground was littered with debris and items Applebloom couldn't even begin fathom their purpose.

What was most interesting of all, was the giant green...thing on the other side of the clearing, facing the bird-thing. The ground, too, was displaced around it. The majority of the thing was covered in green...stuff. It looked like metal. Black...stuff covered it where the green didn't. The black stuff looked like rubber. What was even more interesting was what she guessed was the head area. The majority of it was green, with the most defining feature being what she thought was the eye. It was gold, pupil-less, and shiny. It had no white where a normal eye had.

It had the general shape of a Minotaur's body( she had heard the story of Iron Will from Fluttershy when she foalsat.) in that it had a torso( again, Applebloom knew what a torso was from Fluttershy along with other various body parts) with legs at the bottom. Or what she thought was the bottom. For all she knew, the thing could've been upside down. It had two arms, each ending with claws like Spike had.

Applebloom motioned the girls to stop, and waited for it to move. It didn't. Very slowly, they stepped into the clearing. It still didn't move. Seeing that the thing not moving gave them courage, and they wandered around looking at the various trinkets lying on the ground. Applebloom cautiously approached the green thing. The others followed her. Scootaloo and Applebloom went over to the green thing while Sweetie Belle branched off of the group.

"Whut do ya reckon it is?" asked Applebloom.

"A robot, maybe?" replied Scootaloo.

"Ah don't see any gears on it." Applebloom said back.

"What do you think this thing is?" squeaked Sweetie Belle. The others turned to where Sweetie Belle was pointing. She was pointing at the bird thing. Applebloom could now see it in more detail than it could when it was "flying". It was a pale green in color. At the front, or what she assumed was the front, part of it was glass. Or, it at least looked like glass. Regardless, it was broken now. One of what she assumed to be the wings was missing, the side of it glowing a dull red. It tapered off at the back and had two smaller secondary wings. There was a hole that led inside of it. Strangely enough, there were what looked like seats inside. Maybe it was just teeth.

"Looks like a bird to me." said Scootaloo.

"Don't look like any bird Ah've seen," Applebloom turned back to the green thing and her eyes widened at what she saw. Scootaloo just touched the thing. "Scootaloo! Don't touch that thang!"

Scootaloo jumped at the sudden yell. This in turn made her yell back. "What?! It's obviously out of power, Applebloom!"

"I don't think it's a robot, Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle put in her two cents. "I think it's an alien."

Applebloom paused. It did make sense. "...that actually makes sense, Sweetie Belle. The bird thang must be its ship. Weird ship shape, though. It don't look lahk a flyin' saucer." Sweetie Belle squee'd.

It was then that the green thing groaned. Applebloom's heart seemed to stop, and stood stock still. Scootaloo quickly backed up towards the other girls. Dozens of scenarios played in her head, most of them gruesome, as the thing stood up. The thing was giant. The girls barely measured up to what she guessed was its knees. It looked around the clearing quickly before setting it's unblinking eye on the trio. Time seemed to crawl for hours when it suddenly dashed to the side, fast as lightning. Applebloom then decided it was time to skedaddle with gusto. They didn't get to see what the alien was going to do, as the turn tail'd and ran, screaming on the way. Leaves crunched and branches snapped as they thundered through the forest, running for their lives.


Applebloom came out of her pondering when she almost ran into somepony.

"Hey," Applebloom turned her head to see Sweetie Belle had a worried look in her eye. "You okay?"

Applebloom nodded. "Yeah, Ah guess so. Juss thinking."

Twilight's castle was in view now. Two guards were stationed on either side of the stairs that led up into the castle. The guards gave the trio sideways glances as they passed through the doors. They made their way towards the throne room of the Mane Six. Twilight was sitting in her seat, while Spike was staring at his crush, Rarity who was also sitting in her seat. The two stopped talking at each other as the trio came in the room.

Twilight Sparkle smiled at them. "Hello, girls. What's up?"

The girls looked at each other. "We...found something." said Applebloom, scuffing her hoof across the floor.

"And what did you find?" asked Rarity.

"A robot!" said Scootaloo.

"An alien!" cried Sweetie Belle.

Twilight and Rarity shared bemused glances at each other.

Applebloom hesitated. "We don't rightly know what we saw, Princess."

Twilight smiled. "Girls, you don't have to call me 'Princess'. We're friends, aren't we? Could you describe it to us?"

"Well," Applebloom started. "It was green."

"And black." piped in Sweetie Belle.

"And big." said Scootaloo.

Applebloom nodded. "Real big. I'd wager 'twas bigger than Princess Celestia*."

Twilight and Rarity shared a look at this statement. "What else?" asked Twilight.

"It stood on two legs and moved fast," said Applebloom and noted that Twilight's eyebrow arched at the two legs part. "It was th' shape of a Minotaur an' had a giant eye."

Twilight 'hmm'd' "And what makes you think it wasn't a Minotaur?"

"Its legs were wrong," said Sweetie Belle. "And it had a space ship."

"Uh huh..." said Twilight.

Applebloom's ears folded back. "Ya don't believe us, do ya?"

Twilight sighed. "Girls, while aliens may exist, the chances of them landing here on Terra is astronomical. It would take hundred of years to reach us."

Applebloom gave Twilight her best puppy dog look. "Please, Twilight. Can ya juss fly over there real quick?"

Twilight valiantly held her stare as long as she could, but with the other Crusader's stare that soon joined Applebloom's she was doomed from the start. She sighed "Fine, I'll give it a flyover. Where is it?"

"Whitetail Woods," Applebloom said. "And please be careful. "

Twilight nodded. "Don't worry, I will. And Rarity, please take the girls home." and with that she set off for Whitetail Woods.

Master Chief looked out to the landscape surrounding the hill. It had been a bit of a hike to the hill, but the trip itself was uneventful. There was a river due south from his 'camp' and spotted some deer, so both food and water was taken care of. He was about to make his way down the hill when he spotted something in the air flying to his camp. It was purple. He activated the zoom on his sniper rifle. It was... a flying purple horse. What. He shook his head expecting it to be a hallucination, hopefully caused by the crash. That he could deal with. When he looked again, it was still there.

He quickly moved behind a tree that was on the hill and zoomed in on the creature. He briefly thought of shooting it down, but decided against it. He really didn't want to attract more attention to himself. The creature paused its path, and hovered there. He followed it's line of sight and grimaced. It was looking at the crashed Pelican. It stared at crash site, and the thought of shooting it became tempting. After a while it turned around and went back the way it came. It was undoubtedly going to bring more of its kind. Master Chief was quickly growing to hate this planet. He let out a long sigh, and started to make his way down the hill and back to his camp.

Twilight Sparkle flew as fast as she could without being reckless. The Crusaders were right. Something did crash in those woods. She saw no creature that the Crusaders described. Still, that didn't mean it wasn't around. She needed help from the other Princesses. She slowed down as the castle came into view. She barged through the doors, ignoring the startled guards and rushed to the throne room. "Spike!"

Spike, who had been reading, lifted his head from the comic book replied. "Yeah?"

"Please take a letter to Princess Celestia." Spike got up and left the room to retrieve the writing supplies. Rarity walked to Twilight.

"Twilight? What's wrong? What did you see?"

Twilight turned to her. "Rarity, can you gather the rest of the girls? Tell them it's urgent," as Rarity began to leave, Twilight spoke again. "And to answer your question, something crash landed in that forest, and I think it's just like Sweetie Belle said; there's an alien somewhere in that forest." At that, Rarity's eyes widened before settling on a determined look. She nodded and galloped to her duty.

It was then that Spike re-entered the room with the supplies. "What's going on, Twilight?" he asked.

She turned to Spike. "You'll find out soon enough. Are you ready?" at his nod, she cleared her throat. "Dear Princess Celestia,
This morning the Cutie Mark Crusaders saw something crash in the Whitetail Woods. After exploring the crash, they reported it to Rarity and I. After confirming that something did indeed crash in the forest, I believe that the Crusaders are right in saying it is extraterrestrial. I also think that there is an alien alive somewhere in the forest. I would like to know what we should do. Sincerely yours, Twilight Sparkle. Send it, Spike."

Spike took a breath, and blew magical fire onto the scroll, sending it to Celestia. After a few moments, Spike burped out the response letter. He cleared his throat. "My fellow Princess, I think this would be a great opportunity to exercise your Princess duty to Equestria. I would like you to make first contact with the alien, along with your friends. Who else better than the Princess of Friendship to do this job? I will come tomorrow to prepare to meet this alien. Yours, Princess Celestia."

It was then that the door to the throne room burst open, the rest of the Mane Six galloping through with Rainbow Dash in the lead. "Yo, Twi! What's wrong?"

Twilight then told them what was going on, and what they would do. After she was finished Rainbow Dash jumped into the air. "Aw yeah! We get to meet an alien! How awesome is that?"

She was brought back down to earth by Applejack pulling down on her tail "Settle down there. We don't know if it's a friend or not."

Rarity nodded her head in agreement. "We don't know what this alien is like, we should be careful," She looked to Twilight. "You should bring your guards."

Twilight nodded her head in agreement before realizing something. "Where's Pinkie?"

The pink pony was indeed absent from the group. "She didn't tell you? She's visiting her family's rock farm." said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight blushed and scratched the back of her neck. "Oh, heh heh, I think I was reading a book when she was told me," she frowned. "That wasn't very nice of me, to ignore her like that."

Rainbow pff'd "It's not like that was the last time we're ever gonna see her. Any way, when are we going?"

Twilight was brought out of her funk by the prospect of a schedule. "Tomorrow morning. That gives us the rest of the day to prepare. We'll wake at nine and have a quick breakfast. You girls should stay here."

Rainbow whined, "Aw c'mon Twi. I wanna see the alien now."

Twilight shook her head. "It'll be dark by the time we arrive at the crash site," she looked out at the window and saw that it was indeed getting dark. "Let's try and get some sleep."

True to their schedule, they woke up at nine and had a delicious, if somewhat fast, breakfast. After the girls made themselves ready, Twilight looked at all of them. Determined looks were on all but Fluttershy who, naturally, had a look of apprehension. "You girls ready?"

After they nodded she too nodded and spoke, "Then let's go." and with that the five girls plus two guards set off for Whitetail Woods.

Author's Note:

*Headcannon: Princess Celestia is the height of an average Human, horn included.

Changelog: Added something to fix a plot hole I found: I will come tomorrow to prepare to meet this alien. Yours, Princess Celestia.