• Published 13th Aug 2013
  • 2,099 Views, 70 Comments

Putting My Idol On The Altar - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash is sent with an important message and a mission for me.

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A Secret Mission

I awoke the next morning when I felt this pressure on my chest. When my focus started to come in, I saw Rainbow Dash standing on top of my chest looking down at me.

"I'm hungry," The cyan pony said.

I couldn't help but smile because she was so adorable. "Ok, Dash. Let's get something to eat." I picked her up off of my chest and carried her into the kitchen. I placed her on the chair and began to think about what the ponies ate in the cartoon show. "Eggs.....Would you like some eggs, Dashie?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head yes.

I still had a ton of eggs. I got all my eggs from a farm I knew of that took excellent care of their hens and fed them well.

Rainbow Dash was a pony who ate a lot of food, and I could only imagine how much more food Applejack would eat if she were here with me too.

I didn't know how many eggs to make. I normally only ate two, but I wanted to be safe, so I brought out eight eggs because this pony's appetite was voracious. I also put some bread in the toaster for the both of us.

When the eggs were cooked and the toast popped out, I put it all on a plate and got out some cinnamon.

Rainbow Dash stared at the bottle as if trying to figure out what was in it.

"It's just cinnamon, Rainbow Dash. I love to put some on my eggs, would you like some?"

Rainbow Dash leaned in closer to me. She got closer to the bottle when I opened up the cap. Her nostrils rotated a few times. On the third sniff, she looked up at me and said, "Yes, I would like some please."

I poured some all over her eggs. I loved cinnamon and it was very good for balancing out blood sugar. I took my side of what looked like two eggs to me and put them on a smaller plate with my toast, and then I shoved the plate over to the little cyan pony who was already licking her lips. She drove her head down and ate all of the food within a matter of seconds. I couldn't believe how fast this pony could eat! "Is your tummy satisfied, Rainbow? You ate that food awfully fast. I can get something else, like oatmeal or cereal for you."

Rainbow Dash shook her head no and said, "I'm full now, thank you."

I smiled at her and scarfed my food down as fast as I could. I was always a fast eater, but I ate even faster today, because I wanted to do some special things with her. I knew she loved to exercise and play games because that's how she is in the show. When I finished the last bit of my breakfast, I looked at her and said, "Rainbow Dash, I just have some questions for you. Where did you come from and why are you here? Do you have any ideas about how you got here?"

"I am a gift, and I am sent here on a mission to help you," she replied.

"A gift?" I asked. "Who sent you here as a gift for me and what is your mission?"

"It is not the proper time to tell you right now, but when we get to that time, your eyes will be opened."

I leaned back against the chair and was in utter confusion. I had no idea what she was talking about nor did I want to make her uncomfortable by further probing her with more questions. I just took her word for it that I would understand soon. I began to think of ways to please her and make her happy. "Hey Dash, would you like to play some kind of game or would you like to take a walk with me at night time when there will be less of a chance of other people being around? I know how much you love to move your body, and I'm sure you must be bored right now."

Rainbow Dash hopped off of her chair and walked over to me. She jumped into my lap and said, "No. That is not a part of my mission. We have to do something together. We have to build something. I am here to help and guide you to something bigger and better. I am here to fix what went wrong in your life."

I stared at her with the most dumb founded look on my face. Rainbow Dash is supposed to be a wild, tom-boy pony, similar to Applejack who got down and dirty. I had no idea what she wanted me to build, and I couldn't figure out what she meant by guiding me to something bigger and better. What on earth could be bigger and better than having my own little real life Rainbow Dash? I also couldn't pin point what she meant by fixing what went wrong in my life. I had to be the happiest man on the planet right now. "What do you want to do, Rainbow Dash? Please show me what you mean."

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and hovered in the air. She began to drift away from me.

I got up out of my chair and followed her into the livingroom.

She landed on the floor next to the front door and said, "We have to go outside. We have to start it."

I put my hand to my heart and cringed at the idea of going out in broad daylight. It wasn't like I lived in a terribly busy town, but there are many people out there and it was broad daylight. "Do we have to go now, Dashie? Is it part of your mission to do this in the day time?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head yes. "We have to do it now. Please, let's go."

I bit my lower lip hard. I grabbed my coat and wrapped it around her body. I put the hood over her head and cradled her in my arms. "Where do we have to go, Dashie?" I asked her.

"To the same spot where you found me," she replied.

I closed my eyes shut tightly and said a prayer, hoping that no one would see us and that we would be safe. I opened up the door and we ventured outside.

A person happened to walk by the moment I stepped out with my most prized possession. I gripped her so tightly against my chest and turned my body to the side, hoping that this person wouldn't see anything. When the person walked by, I made my way back over to the woods. I took a few different routes that I felt had the least chance of running into more people. Sure, I had to walk by a few others, but I made sure to veer off the path and turn my back to them. I tried not to look too suspicious and acted like I was just looking around in the sky and enjoying the beautiful day. Little did the people know that my heart was pounding in my chest with such force from anxiety and fears going through my mind. Eventually, I was able to make it to the woods and I was now standing still with her in my arms. I removed the hood off of her head and said, "Ok, Rainbow. We are here now. What do we need to do?"

Rainbow Dash hopped out of my arms and stood on the ground next to me.

I started looking around everywhere making sure that no person was in sight. I started to panic when I noticed that Rainbow Dash was galloping away from me. I started to chase after her. "Wait! Rainbow Dash! Where are you going? Please wait for me."

Rainbow Dash ignored me and continued to run. It appeared as if she was looking for something on the ground. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "I found it. This will be the start of our project together," Rainbow said. She bent down and picked up a stone in her mouth. It was very flat and long. Rainbow Dash perked up a lot and she looked very happy as she trotted over back to the place where I had originally found her. She laid the stone on the ground and looked up at me with those eyes that I was so mesmerized by. "It's your turn. We need to do this for you. Find a stone and we will work on this together."

I stared at her with a bit of a puzzled look on my face. "What is it that we are doing here, Dashie? What are we building together?"

"Your time to know is premature and you will not understand until we finish. Please do this," she said.

I didn't dare question her. All I wanted to do was to make her happy and if it meant not understanding and putting piles of stones together, then I would be more than willing to do it. I would do almost anything for her to make her happy.

Rainbow Dash and I searched all over the woods collecting stones. We brought many stones back and Rainbow Dash was helping me organize them into some kind of circular fashion. I still couldn't figure out what was going on, but we kept doing this together until night settled in.

I was beginning to get fatigued and it was getting very dark.

Rainbow Dash grabbed a hold of my pant leg with her teeth and tugged on it. You need to rest now. Your body is a temple."

"What did you say?" I asked her.

She said it again. "Your body is a temple and you need to rest."

That sentence sounded painfully familiar to me, but I had forgotten where I had heard it from. I untied the jacket that I had tied around my waist and scooped up my lovely little pony. I covered her up and made my way back home.

We were both starving and ate an enormous dinner. Thankfully, I realized that I still had tons of leftovers and we feasted on that together. We didn't even get to eat lunch because we were so busy together outside.

Rainbow Dash hopped off of the chair and came over to me. She began to tug at my clothing with her teeth. I got up and followed her into the bedroom.

She hopped onto the bed and settled down on her pillow.

I looked at the clock and couldn't believe how late it was. I normally couldn't go this long without food in the day, but somehow I made it through and it was now time for bed. Perhaps I was so fascinated by Rainbow Dash that I forgot about my hunger.

I pulled the blankets over Rainbow Dash, tucked her in and laid down in the bed next to her. She looked at me and said, "Thank you for doing this. You will understand soon and your eyes will be open. I love you."

The words "I love you" pierced right through my heart, and I was so very happy that I was able to make her happy. "I love you too, Rainbow Dash," I said with a beaming smile. I watched her slowly close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

Of course, it took me several hours to fall asleep myself because I was so excited that she was still here with me. I did fall asleep within time as I pondered what this was all was about.