• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 1,570 Views, 33 Comments

The Rest Just Call Me... - overlord-flinx

What is a name? I have no idea. If I knew mine, I'd tell you. But, I really don't. Heck, other then this bag on my face, I don't even know WHO I am. But really, does it matter? Again, I don't know.

  • ...

...Soy Sauce.

Ponyville in the wee hours before the crack of dawn. A peaceful time where the amber glow of day's first yawn opens across this most majestic land. An hour of apple pickers sneaking in those precious few before-work hours, little ponies fighting to stay in bed, and birds preening their wings and chirping for a new day...

Perhaps this sounds familiar... Perhaps too much so. As if the pages of time repeat themselves. Some would find it surprising that, at times, the pages do. Chapters return, stories are retold, and characters return. But on this day, the day resembling the last, the story has moved on, the chapter has changed, but the character is the same. The pony named Soy Sauce, pushing his cart along through the empty avenues of Ponyville. The time he enjoyed the most, perhaps. Perhaps that's why he pushed his cart out so early each day.

The sounds of the sweet chirping birds off to the distance. All but one bird it seemed... While the rest chirped far outside the town, one roamed freely nearby, singing its own tune. Soy Sauce searched around, trying to find this rogue bird when chance had fallen on him. Or, perhaps more precisely, his bag. A small crinkle of shifted weight went against the roof of his bag followed by the soft ruffle of feathers. It did not take long for him to deduce that this lone bird had taken a chance to sit on top of his bagged head. He didn't swat at it, instead he shifted his bagged head this way and that with a light chuckle. Whenever he tilted, the bird would chirp again and shuffle to the other side of the bag, trying to stay level.

Soy Sauce was really enjoying himself as he played with this little bird; so much so, that he did not notice as a pegasus mare wondered up to him with her eyes fixed upon the bird. She looked on as the bird and Soy Sauce seemed to be having so much fun. Finally, when she saw Soy Sauce tilt his head straight, she took a chance to speak. "Excuse me...?" Fluttershy spoke up.

Soy Sauce took Fluttershy's presence into account now and set his black eye sockets from his bag onto her. "I'm too-so sorry... I was just having so much fun with my new little friend here," he gestured a hoof up, pointing at the little bird tip-tapping around on the top of his bag.

"Oh-my, it's no trouble," Fluttershy assured him, "In fact -why- I was just looking for the little darling. He flew off a few minutes ago when I was setting bird-feed out for him and the others. I was worried sick," the little bird hopped off from the top of Soy Sauce's bag and fluttered a short fly to land on Fluttershy's back, "Thank you so much for taking care of her... Ms...?"

Ms...? So I'm a girl...? That would make sense... "Soy Sauce. My name is Soy Sauce," the pony answered.

"Soy Sauce...? That doesn't seem right..." Fluttershy shook her head, eyeing the mare herself a little bit, "I really don't intend to be rude; but you don't look like a Soy Sauce..." I don't...? Hm. I guess I really don't, do I? "You look more like a... a Sandy."

Sandy? Yeah. Yeah! That does sound right! "Heh. Really? Wow. Sandy? Well, sure, call me that if you want," Sandy laughed a little, patting a little bit against her bag.

"Alright... I will," Fluttershy let a soft giggle out and looked to her bird on her back, "I should probably get this little guy home. Have a wonderful day, Sandy."

When Fluttershy turned to leave, Sandy quickly plopped a huff against her flank and tapped her. "Wait! I have something I want to give you. You know, since I troubled you and took your bird," stopping Fluttershy from speaking against it, Sandy went to her cart and fished out an ivory bell that she quickly put to Fluttershy's back.

Looking at it, Fluttershy was awestruck. She had only heard stories about these, but to now see one was astounding. "Oh my! I-Is this an authentic Timberwolf warding bell? They only make these in Trottania...!" Fluttershy couldn't believe this wonderful gift. A true marvel of enchanting magic, the bell was able to stop Timberwolves in their tracks at a simple ring of the bell. Farms in Trottania put the bells on strings for miles around their crops to keep the beasts away.

When finally Fluttershy took herself away from looking at the bell, Sandy had already gone back to pushing her cart away. Fluttershy felt that this mare had other things to do at this hour, so she waved a meek farewell and went on her own way back home. She didn't know who this Sandy was, but she was glad to have met her and hoped they would cross again... Maybe then she would ask about that bag on her head. It honestly felt rude to think about... But a bag over your head did seem unusual. Well, there was always next time.

Ms? Am I a Ms? 'Sandy' pondered. Hmmm... Ms. Sandy... I guess that'll do for now. Sounds a little more natural compared to Soy Sauce... Unless that IS my name. Huh... Back to pushing the cart, Sandy kept pondering what to do next, and why he or she was pushing this cart. Maybe he or she would never know; but was it really that bad a life in the end? Every day was a new birthday. Every day was a new name and a new story. And, who knows? Maybe tomorrow will be the time I find who's under the bag.