• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,471 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

8. Driving Lesson.

"You're a pony without a license or any sort of driving experience. Why in Equestria or on Earth would I let you drive, this very nice car?" Nate asked gesturing towards the Buick Super.

"It would be fun, wouldn't it?" Pinkie said with a shrug and a smile.

"Fine. Let's get in and I'll teach you to drive." Nate said. "Hmm... I just thought of something that could be fun."

"Tell me! Is it a volleyball game? With cakes?" Pinkie squealed as she clapped her hooves.

"No, nothing like that. If we pack some picnic supplies we could stop around mid-day and have a nice little picnic. That could be fun." Nate said with kind-smile.

"*Gasp* That would be better!" Pinkie screeched. "I'll go get some picnic stuff!" She said hopping and spinning in mid air to go back into the building.

"Pinkie!" Nate called as she almost fully went through the doorway. She turned her head as far back as it would go to look at him.

"Yeah!?" She called back as Nate stood by the car.

"Ahem. The in-exile god took care of that already." Nate said gesturing towards the trunk of the car. "I loaded the car the moment I had the picnic idea because the likelihood of you saying no to it was about 0.00005%." Nate said with a smile. He levitated a small key chain with one key on it to Pinkie. "Take this. It starts the bloody things."

Pinkie nearly broke out in song but settled for a school girl squeal and took the key between her teeth and galloped to the car as Nate opened the passenger for himself and the driver door for Pinkie with his magical aura. "Now this thing was made for a human so I made this once a bit strangely. Longer pedals" Nate said pointing to the large metal pedals coming from the floor board and practically up to the seat on the driver side.

"How do I operate those?" Pinkie asked as she climbed up in the car and sat on her rump. "Oh wait I see, I just kinda have to sit oddly and I press 'em with my little hooves." She looked at the steering wheel. "What's this thing?"

"Steering wheel. You twist it around it controls which direction the car is going. The pedals down there are your acceleration and brakes. Left stops the car. Right makes it go depending on how far in you press it in towards the floor. Then Nate pointed Pinkie towards the transmission between their two seats. "These are your gears. You shift them by pushing this little lever forward and backwards. It snaps into place and that lets you know your in a certain gear. Top two are drive and reverse. Then its gears 1 to 3 and then we have the parking brake for making sure the car stays where you leave it. You can see this little list of them next to the lever. Everything from 'd' for drive to 'p' for park. Well then. I suppose we'd better take her for a spin. Let's try not to run anyone over, okay? So, we'll just do a light, tap on the right pedal." Nate said as he took the key and inserted it in the ignition. He gave it a twist and the motor hummed to life. "You can tell your speed from the gauges here beyond the steering. You only need to pay attention to the one marked "Speedometer" the others won't change. On a normal car they would, but this is car meant to be driven by a god not a man. The higher that speed one goes means the faster we're going. This car would probably only be able to hit 120 if it were designed to, but we should peak out at 80 or 90 if you slam the pedal down."

"Can I press in on the right pedal, now?" Pinkie asked politely.

"Do it lightly and hold it down at the position when you press it in so we continue going at the speed. We can get a bit faster when we leave Ponyvile." Nate said.

Pinkie shifted so her rear hooves rested against the pedals. She had to lean back so her head was against the back head-bit of the seat and her fore-hooves had to extend fully to operate the steering wheel. The street in front of Sugar Cube Corner was reality clear except for ponies walking to and from shops around it. Nate noticed a lot of them staring over at the car and giving it a scratch of their heads. He wondered if they were wondering why it was there or why Pinkie was behind the helm. Nate leaned over and put his left hoof on the middle of the steering wheel.

"Horn." He said then pressing it in and generating a loud roar from beneath the hood. Nate rolled down his window and shouted out at the pedestrians. "This is 3,262 pounds of metal, get outta it's way!" He rolled up the window as the ponies cleared out of the middle of the street. Pinkie pressed in on the pedal. Probably a tad harder than she should have. Before she could have looked down at the speedometer she and Nate were traveling through Ponyvile at 60 miles per hour. Nate was panicking and shouting for her to slow down as he mashed down on the horn.

"Pinkie slow it down!" He shouted as he honked the horn with one hoof and held himself steady on the dash board with the other.

"Ah!" Pinkie shouted back as she plowed down the dirt road making many ponies dive for cover. She swerved left before hitting a hay-shack and continued down another road heading right for Twilight's library. As the two of them rocketed towards the library she swerved right and the front of her car went through a small kiosk belonging to young filly selling lemonade. Luckily the little mare had dived for cover instead of remaining with the kiosk. As wood broke beneath the force of 60 mile per hour metal and lemonade splattered over the windshield. Pinkie continued bellowing down the road, she had forgotten which pedal or switch was the brakes and simply tried to avoid hitting any pony. As the car rocketed towards a bridge at the end of a dirt road many ponies had ducked for cover long before the car even came close to them. The bridge curved upwards and acted like a ramp as the car hit it.

Nate felt his body float off the seat for a few seconds as the Buick Super caught a amount of air beneath its wheels. As their vehicle peaked at about sixty or so feet in the air and arched down. Nate caught sight of the ground as they fell towards it. The car was able to land on all fours and come to a complete stop since Pinkie had lost her hold on the pedals.

Nate took a few deep breaths as his million-beat-per-minute heart slowed down to it's normal pace. "I...think it would be best if I drive."

Author's Note:

Be sure to live a thumbs up, and a comment, guy and gals! Both inspire me to keep writing! :)