• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,467 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

5. "You want to...what!?"

"Why is this called a 'hay-shake'?" Nate asked as he poked at the small lidded cup with one hoof.

"Well, now as far as I know its made from hay. Although really I've never seen them use hay when they make it so it could be made out of chickens or dirt. Bleh! If it was made of dirt it would probably taste terrible! Wait? What if this is made out of dirt and its hay that tastes terrible!" Pinkie gasped poking her cup.

"I'm sure it not made of dirt." Nate reassured as he took off the lid to give the beige liquid inside a sniff. It smelled like a wheat field flooded with milk. "I've had other shake items before. Most of them milk-shakes."

"Wait? Milk shakes?" Pinkie asked. "Is that like a hay shake made out of only milk?"

"Basically." Nate said with a shrug.

Pinkie had led Nate through Ponyvile. She had decided to break out into a musical number while she bounced at his side. Nate only got some lines. Others were said quickly or sung away from him. He got most of it though. She had sung some high-pitched number about the joys of getting a wish fulfilled and how she was so happy that today was going to be an amazing day for her.

By then end of the five minute song, Nate kinda wished these ponies had evolved without mouths, and he and Pinkie had arrived at a small out-door dinner sort of establishment. Their menu displayed the names of many hay-made items. Hay-wich, hay-cola, hay-shake, hay-dog, etc. Nate and Pinkie placed their orders. They had decided to share a hay-wich cut in half and two hay-shakes. They took their lunch to one of the many wooden rectangular tables and put their rumps down at one end across from each other.

Nate had never eaten hay before so he had no idea what brutal torment or glorious heaven his taste buds were in for. He leaned in, and placed his lips on the straw. He gave it a hardy suck and go the slow liquid to go up the straw and into his mouth. It tasted sort of like bread dipped in milk. He wasn't disgusted, this gave Pinkie an inner relief. Nate took a few more slurps of his hay shake then decided it was a good time to take a bit of the hay-wich. Well, at least his half. He levitated it to his mouth, while Pinkie leaned in her head and picked hers up between her teeth. Within two bits large swallows Pinkie had fit her half into her mouth. A final swallow allowed her to send the sandwich to her stomach.

"I'm not even going ask you how that happened." Nate stated as he stared at Pinkie.

"What? You mean fit a whole sandwich in my mouth?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeeeeaaahhhh." Nate responded. He took a quick bite from the hay-which without thinking about it. Then nearly choked as he got a triple taste of bread. Or at least the wheat taste that came from bread. "You......uhhhh.......want my half, dear?"

"Oh you don't like it?" Pinkie said, her lips pouting.

"No, no. I'm just...ah never mind...." Nate said as he took a giant bite out of the sandwich. He decided to eat it quickly and simply drink in the hay shake as follow up. He was able to finish the hay wich in four bites, then took a giant slurp of the hay-shake.

Pinkie smiled. "Sooooo.............."

Nate looked up from the shake and met Pinkie's eyes. "So?"

"So.......ever been shot out a cannon?" Pinkie asked with a gentle smile.

Nate's face contorted to match his feeling of confusion regarding the question. "Not that I can remember. I was on Earth once and I got shot at with cannons that a bunch of large humans in grey were aiming at me. I think that was in the year 1860 or so."

Pinkie tilted her head 90 degrees to the right. "Humans? 1860?"

"Never mind." Nate said smiling. He was then faced with a question. "Do we have cars here in Equestria?"

"I dunno. Maybe. They could be invisible and no one notices them." Pinkie suggested.

Nate laughed. "Darling, I don't think that's the case. I just have a funny story from my time on Earth."

"Tell it!" Pinkie said nearly jumping off the ground.

"Okay, okay!" Nate said calming her. He cleared his throat and then began. "So about thirty or so years ago I was working a job on Earth. I was working for a company called 'General Motors'. We built very nice cars that would be sold at dealerships to the general population. I got an idea to get a free car without paying the dealers, though. I had a large lunch box I brought every day. After lunch I would go to the supply room where we kept the car parts and grab something and stow it in my little lunch box. I didn't care if the parts were for the same car, I'd make 'em work when my plan was complete. I did this for a few years. Work, work, lunch, part swipe. I did this every day. If the part was too big for my lunch box: I'd simply take it out to my old junk car, all the way saying it was needed some where else if someone ever questioned me. When I had all parts I had to jury rig it all but when I finally finished, I drove it work one day and parked next to the CEO of the company. He looked at me and asked 'You built that?!' I said 'Eyup' and then he gave me fifty grand and the next day thousands of them were going off the assembly lines and being given to dealers." Nate finished.

Pinkie looked confused.

"Never mind. The jist of my story is: I made an amazing vehicle out of spare parts from others and it became one of the best things to ever be made on Earth." Nate said smugly with a large grin.

"Ahhhhhh..." Pinkie said smiling at Nate as her head returned to its normal state. She put on an uncertain expression and she smiled at Nate and said "So...after this should go back to Sugar Cube Corner?"

"And do what?" Nate asked.

Pinkie's face became very determined and slightly smug. "Why don't I just show you..."

25.6235412 minutes later.

Nate screamed at the top of his lungs inside Pinkie Pie's bedroom. "You want to...what!?"