• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,470 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

17. What it is and what it means.

Nate woke Pinkie and brought into the main room.

"*Gasp* Princess what are you doing here!?" Pinkie asked once she spotted the Princess who had found a jar of pickles and begun eating them.

Nate gestured for Pinkie to sit with the Princess at the kitchen counter. She walked over and sat down next to the Princess and raised an eye brow at the moon princess, who simply reached for another pickle.

"Now, Pinkie." Nate began. "The reason I've woken you up is well of a matter than involves all of us." He took a deep breath then continued. "Luna and I were drinking. We had been drinking beverages of the alcoholic nature. We got very intoxicated and we had....sex."

Pinkie's face was completely blank. She blinked; looking at Nate, then Luna. Luna nodded to indicate that Nate was not crazy or joking.

"Nate...." Pinkie said in a near whisper. "....pl-please continue."

"Well I tried to cover it up to protect you." Nate said shamefully. He looked at the floor. "Clearly. I've failed. Luna is pregnant, you're going through some sort of emotional bombardment with each word and I feel like I want to die."

Pinkie got up and walked to Nate. She put her hooves around him and kissed him hard on the lips. Thrusting her tongue into his mouth she ignore every part of her mind that told her he was at fault and should be punished. She broke off the kiss and hugged him as hard as she could. "We'll make this work." she whispered. "Okay, silly-bean?"

"Okay." Nate said nearly breaking into tears.

They de-hugged and both looked to Luna. "What about the foal?" Nate asked.

Pinkie walked to Luna. "With your permission, Nate and I will raise the foal."

Luna looked at her, then Nate, then Pinkie again, then Nate again. "I-I'm not sure I'd like that. I've always wanted to be a mother. I'm not going to simply give you my foal. I want Nate or at least the foal in my womb."

Nate's eyes widened. "Why in the world do you want me? I'm some pompous god who feels he's better than anyone who's not having sex with him." He said trying to make Luna not want him. "I'm only remotely friendly because during this little exile if I were to kill all of you, it'd be very lonely. I only keep all of your ponies around for the company."

"We both know that's not true." Luna said. She stood up and walked to Nate. "Come with me to Canterlot for a weekend. We can discuss this in length over tea."

"I'll think about it." Nate said then looked to Pinkie. "No kissing or cuddling or anything. I am with Pinkie, no matter what little seedling of mine rests in your stomach." He stated walking over to Pinkie and kissing her cheek.

"Luna can you leave?" Pinkie asked. "I want to talk with Nate." her voice was a near whisper. She didn't sound sad or disappointed, she just sounded as if all of her emotions had been removed.

Luna nodded. Then got up and walked to the door. "Nate. Please do write to me." she said as she went out the door.

Nate and Pinkie were left there. Nate wasn't sure what he was suppose to do. Pinkie just sat there looking at where the Princess had sat, clearly in deep thought. Nate was silent, she needed time to think. "Pinkie? Should I sleep on the couch?"

"No. No. I want to sleep, but I want to do it with you." Pinkie said trying to guide Nate to the bedroom.

"Well I guess we should discuss this further sometime when the sun is up." Nate said as he let Pinkie guide him to the bed.

"Just shut up and hold me." Pinkie said as she shut the door behind them.


Three of them stood in a triangle. One was human. He was tall by human standards, he wore a black pin-striped suit and black leather shoes. His hair was gelled back to look smooth and even comforting to the eyes. He was in his mid thirties, or at least appeared to be. In actuality he was older than Nate. He spoke in a deep voice to the others in the triangle. His voice was calm and collective, his dark brown eyes displayed no emotion. "Nate is doing well. One at his side, another wanting the first's position at his side with a baby in her belly."

"The child could prove to be problematic, though. Did we expect him accidentally mate with the locals?" Another asked. She was humanoid but not human specifically. She was far younger than Nate by at least a trillion years. She was of some reptilian nature, she stood on two legs but her skin was green and pasty. "The child of a god. What power could it possibly possess?"

"It could inherit all of our sibling's powers or at least most if it receives more of his genes." The third said. This one was not humanoid at all. In fact it was a simple house cat, just this house cat was three times Nate's age and capable of things unlike anything Nate could do. "It may be wise to reset the scenario. Rewind and modify a few factors. Who did we have him make first contact with last time? Was it that Twilight Sparkle? Or was it Rainbow Dash?"

"I believe we said if we had to rewind again it'd only be if Nate was about to be executed. So far there is no indication of hostile action towards him." The first one said. "And last time it was that....Bon Bon."

"Yes, let's just see how this time plays out." The reptile woman said.