• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,470 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

12. Lunar Squish.

Nate waited at one end of the dark maroon brown/red table in the Royal Dining room. There was a sort of waiter, waitress system in place to take the order of anyone in there. He had been able to get coffee, a grilled cheese sandwich, and was offered a mint. He hoped Pinkie remembered their agreement to meet here.

Some diners who would be working the night court started coming in for their technical breakfast. Nate folded up one of his napkins into a little paper-pony and sat it on the empty plate next to his. Whenever somepony would ask about it he would say he was saving the seat. While he waited for Pinkie he looked out for potential suspects. A light blue pony. Cadence hadn't defined gender so it was open season on any light-blue pony. Thus far, he had spotted nine of them.

Wonderful, he thought. More work for me.

He sipped a coffee and kept an eye out for Pinkie as well as light blue ponies. Four more light blue ponies came in before Pinkie arrived on the scene. She appeared distressed. She rushed over to Nate and whispered. "I want to go."

Nate raised an eyebrow. "We can't I've got a bit of work on my plate."

"I want to leave." Pinkie repeated in a near growl.

Nate didn't take kindly to being growled at. "If you want to leave. Get on a train and go, and watch your tone around me. I like and respect you with my young heart but if you use that tone with me ever again I might snap and take your mouth away from you."

Pinkie stormed off and left Nate to his meal. He sighed then caused a letter to appear wherever Pinkie's close friend Applejack was. The words formed as he thought of them.

Dear Applejack

Pinkie Pie is returning to Ponyvile. Something is on her mind. She will appear before you when you finish reading this message. Beware, she seemed highly upset. Over what? I didn't catch that. I'm sorry to put this on you, you're the only one of Pinkie's friend, still in Ponyvile, whose names I either forgot or wasn't told.

Your un-met friend.

He sent it off then gave the message a minute or two and telepathically caused Pinkie to teleport exactly one meter from the letter.

"Sent here on punishment; decides to solve petty problems. Isn't life grand?" Nate muttered to himself as he sipped coffee. "If that Princess would ask I'd gladly give them a star ship and show them how to use it. Then again...it probably wouldn't end well if I introduced tech from the 24th century to a nation that appears to be stuck in either the early 20th or late 19th. I wonder what a pony would do if I gave one a laser." He mumbled with a chuckle.

Nate caught movement of a purple-blue figure moving to his left where Pinkie would have sat. He looked away from his meal and met eyes with Princess Luna. "Oh hi." Nate greeted with a light smile.

"Good day." Luna greeted. "May we..I mean I join you or is Pinkie about?"

"She seemed aggravated and has returned to Ponyvile." Nate stated dully.

"Really? Did she take your interesting mode of transport?" Luna asked as she waved over one of the waitresses that serviced the staff and royalty.

"The car? No. If I allowed for her to drive my car, she would surely exterminate the population of Equestria in a matter of days." Nate joked as he looked down at his coffee.

Luna gave a light laugh at the statement. "Are you certain of that? Well then please never let her drive that...thing." Luna giggled.

"Is there anything in specific you wished to discuss with me or is this just some sort of social inquiry to learn of me?" Nate asked as he finished the coffee.

"It's more or less a personal inquiry. Learning about the handsome god that I first saw arrive on a mechanical carriage. You seem to be quite interesting, and I simply wish to learn more." Luna said interrogatively. "So....ummm....do or have you ever drank? As in alcoholic beverages, that is."

"Mostly in human form. I'm not sure if this pony body can handle it's fluids all to well. I've urinated about twelve times since my arrival on Equestria." Nate said.

"Wonderful. So you'll have a 'Lunar squish' on the rocks?" Luna said as she called over the waitress near by. She placed an order for two 'Luna squishes'.

"Luna squish?" Nate repeated.

"Something I've taught the brewers to make." Luna said. "I made it after one night of scotch."

"Really? Well the best drinks are made after a night of drinking." Nate said as a waitress set down a dark blue liquid set inside of a wine glass. Nate lifted it with a magical aura and brought it to his lips. It was tangy and very sweet, he tasted a light blue-berry. "Hmm.....pretty good." He was immedaitly kicked in the head by the drink. "Well.....theeeeeeennnnnn......that.....is.......strong."

Luna smiled broadly at him. "It is a very strong concoction." She said as she herself sipped and winched from it. Nate took a deep breath, then downed the entire wine-glass of Lunar-Squish in one go. He fell backwards onto his back and laughed aloud. "WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA! That is good!"

"Impressive." Luna complimented as she sipped her drink. "Waitress!" She called. "Bring me a bottle of my Lunar Squish!"