• Published 20th Jun 2013
  • 11,961 Views, 243 Comments

With Morning, Comes Surprises - Cheer

Twilight's Friends come to visit her at the castle and end up being the ones surprised.

  • ...

Strikes, Wires, Clocks and Shadows

Octavia looked over the sleeping form of Vinyl as her near-manic grin slipped into a gentle smile. ’Maybe It’ll work for once. Wouldn't that be nice?’ She hoped as she leaned down to Vinyl’s ear and whispered.

“Scratch? Scraaaatch? Time to wake up Vinyl.” After receiving no reply, Octavia heaved a sigh as the gentle look she sported left. ’Strike one.’

Leaning even closer she attempted again, no longer whispering. “Scratch? Vinyl? Wake up. You get three chances. This is two. You won’t like it when you use up all three.”

The neutral look from earlier had completely changed into a full frown now as she nearly yelled at the rock like, pony. “Wake your lazy hind end up or else.” Heaving yet another heavy sigh Octavia heaved another large sigh.

Now sporting a grin once again, Octavia shrugged. “Can’t say I didn’t give you a chance Scratchy.”

Luna lowered her ears for what was to come.

Octavia spread her fore legs out wide as she took in a large breath. With all the strength she had acquired from years of playing her cello she slammed her hooves together as she yelled, ”Get up!”

The result was almost instantaneous. Almost. There was a bit of stumbling, half-asleep yelps and a number of new bruises courtesy of the table.

“Ah! What the hay was that for?” Vinyl shouted as she fumbled about to steady herself.

“We have company.” Octavia simply stated.

“Yeah? You coulda told them I was out.” Vinyl retorted, not noticing where she was. Her mind still fuzzy from the dredges of sleep.

“Royal company,” Octavia clarified, hoping that the white unicorn would finally get it.

“But we were just with Twi.” Vinyl asked as she struggled to bring her mind to clarity. As she was doing that, Octavia merely pointed her hoof towards the two ancient alicorns. Vinyl’s eyes followed the outstretched hoof and widened when the situation finally clicked in her mind.

“Oh…We weren’t that loud last night were we?” Vinyl asked causing another bout of facial trauma to Octavia.

“Vinyl!” Twilight cried out, having decided to ask Luna if she would teach her shadow molding magic so she could hide after all, there is no way something as simple as an invisibility spell could hide the glowing red of her cheeks as illogical as it sounded.

’You would have been if not for my spell,’ Luna mentally quipped, suppressing a laugh.

“What? When you, Octy and Trix get into it, even I nearly go deaf, and that’s saying something,” Vinyl stated, causing deep shades of red all around.

“Ugh,” Twilight groaned, having given up at this point.

“Besides, why do I have to be awake when she gets to sleep?” Vinyl pouted, pointing to Twilight’s wing.

“What?” Lifting her wing Twilight revealed Trixie, sleeping soundly curled up next to her.

As the light invaded the inside of Twilight’s wing, Trixie began to wake. The first thing Trixie saw when they opened was Twilight looking down on her with a small smile. Without thinking, Trixie moved forward and rubbed her nose against Twilight’s and stared into her eyes afterwards. “Trixie loves you.” A cough broke Trixie out of her stupor and she crash-landed straight into reality.

Trixie waved her hoof slowly in front of the group as she slowly moved back into her previous spot inside Twilight’s wing. “You saw nothing.”

“Well, that was-“ Rarity began, only to be cut off.

“Nothing!” Trixie yelled as her hoof poked out of Twilight’s wing and blindly waved in front of the group.

“Adorable,” Fluttershy quietly said as the spectacle ended.

Vinyl looked at the group, most of whom were wearing either looks of surprise or disbelief. “Why are you all acting so surprised? She’s always like this. In Twi’s wing is like, her second bed, or would it be her third? Either way, she’s the cuddle bug of us all. When none of us are around we usually find her sleeping with a –“

“Vinyl, so help Trixie, she loves you but, if you say a word about Snuggle she will hide all your wires,” Trixie threatened as she extricated herself from the wing, having decided that keeping an ear on Vinyl will require being awake.

“Got it,” Vinyl said as she shook her head quickly.

“Snuggle?” Rainbow repeated, as she laughed.

“Anyway,” Vinyl began, ignoring Rainbow’s inquiry. After all, Trixie was not a pony to anger. If you were warned, she considered it free game. “I was woken up for a reason right? No offence to you all but, I usually sleep later than…whatever time it is now.” Vinyl said, as she looked around the room, trying to figure out what time it was.

“Three twenty-five and 32 seconds in the afternoon.” Celestia automatically answered.

As the ponies in the room turned to look at the solar powered clock of a princess, her wings began to fidget a little. ’I really need to break that habit,’ She thought as she prepared to explain. “Well, being the Princess of the day, I need to know what time it is at all times so that I know exactly when to raise and lower the sun.”

“She used to actually call out what time it was.” Luna explained, much to her sister chagrin. Clearing her throat Luna began to imitate her sister “The time is now nine thirty-nine and three quarters. The time for night has arrived.” Going back to her normal voice she continued, “I never really saw the point of it but, it seems that she’s still the all-powerful clock of Equestria.

Twilight saw a pleading look on Celestia’s face that she knew all too well. A look that said, “Help me. My face can’t keep going red like this.” Twilight had been giving the very same look throughout most of the day and though Celestia was never able to save her from her embarrassing marefriends, Twilight would do what she could. “Celestia and Luna asked to be introduced to my marefriends and we just finished up Octavia, which leaves only you.” Twilight explained, glad to finally be getting back on track.

“And?” Vinyl asked, still not hearing an explanation.

“Introduce yourself, and please, try not to embarrass me.” Even though Twilight wanted to be firm, her expression came across more as pleading. Even her parents wouldn't embarrass her this much. ’Oh, Celestia. I dread the day I introduce them to my parents. Maybe I should ask Luna about shadow molding sooner. I’ll need it then.’

“Go for it. The rest of us have already had our fun.” Octavia whispered into Vinyl’s ear, with a mischievous grin on her face.

Author's Note:

So yeah. Kinda filler. I suppose. I started this chapter intent on finally introducing Vinyl and starting to write the backstory of their meeting (Which will come afterwards) and ended up with another chapter like this. I've had that NOTHING idea in my head for way too long. So happy to get it out. Next chapter WILL be vinyl. sorry.

Oh, also. Snuggle came from this.


Yeah. Sorry for another tease chapter. But i'm going back to bed, then I have the night shift.