The day was like another other day in Ponyville. Twilight was trying to perfect a spell that she had been working on for a few weeks, Fluttershy was helping the animals with whatever problems they had, Rarity had some new dresses to make, and Applejack and Pinkie were making some delicious Apple pie together.
Mmm... Apple pie. That would really hit the spot right now. Rainbow thought to herself. She had been sitting in a tree for most of the day, thinking about a new trick that she could do to try and get into the Wonderbolts with. She realized that she had not eaten anything all day when her stomach started grumbling.
She had started her way towards Sugarcube Corner flying as fast as she could despite not having a lot of energy to fly fast she then flew past some apple trees as she was passing Sweet Apple Acres. She saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders Club House as she was passing. She was thinking maybe to stop there and see Scootaloo but she was too hungry to care.
Her flight to Sugarcube Corner had been a breeze. She had gotten there as quick as she possibly could have and he made her way inside the building. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were talking and she could see that were talking about something important. She also heard some noises coming from inside the kitchen. As she walked by Mr. and Mrs. Cake she said, "Hey there Mr. and Mrs. Cake. How’s Pound and Pumpkin?"
"Oh! Their doing great Rainbow Dash! They said their first words the other day! Pound said 'Pinkie' and Pumpkin said 'Pie'! Oh this made me so happy!" Mrs. Cake replied.
"I'm so glad that Pinkie Pie is our foal sitter, even if she can be a little bit crazy at times." Mr. Cake added.
"Did somepony say my name?" Pinkie Pie jumped out of the kitchen covered in Apple pie filling and bit and pieces of pie crust.
"Pinkie! I was looking for you! Could you hook me up with some of those apple pies?" Rainbow asked with an urgent and hungry tone in her voice.
"Rainbow! Come with me! I need to show you something!" Pinkie replied with her usual happiness.
As she ran back into the kitchen and Rainbow soon followed. When she walked into the kitchen she slipped and fell right on her rump onto the floor.
"Ow! Why is the floor so slippery!?" Complaining as she found that the floor had been covered in pie filling and slippery butter.
"Oh! Sorry! I’ve been making pies all day Rainbow! I think I got caught up in it so much that I've almost forgot that all those slippery things were on the floor! Hehehe!" Pinkie was just about to say something when she got interrupted by Applejack who was behind a mound of apples, "Don’t forget about me Sugarcube! It’s a darn pain having to make all these apple pies for the cakes. But I reckon each one of these pies'll be the best Apples pies that you've ever tasted!"
"Thanks AJ! Actually, that's the reason I came over here. I wanted to have one! Rainbow Dash stared at the pies lined up on the kitchen counter.
"Well sure you can have one of them Apple pies! For 5 bits." Applejack chuckled as she said.
"5 bits!? Are you serious?! They don’t cost THAT much!"
"Well when I make'em they do." Applejack humorously replied.
"No. I won’t pay a ridiculous price like that!" Rainbow stammered. She stomped out of the room outraged at the price of one Apple pie.
She started off through Ponyville trying to find something to eat when she came to the Library. "Twilight will give me something to eat! I know she'll understand how hungry I am! Rainbow walked into the Library...
"No Rainbow! Now look I got to get back to this spell! I need to perfect it within the next two days or else..."
"But Twilight! I’m really hungry!!! I’m going to die!" Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight.
"I highly doubt that you're going to die. Don’t you have food at your house?" Twilight was having difficulty concentrating as she was trying to read a book and talk to Rainbow at the same time.
"Fine Twilight! If I die then I’m blaming it on you!" She lost her temper and whooshed out the door and flew away into the sky.
"What was all that about?" Spike asked as her peered out from the top of stairs looking down at Twilight.
"It’s ok. She'll get something to eat... I’m sure."
The sun was starting to touch the horizon as Rainbow Dash flew towards Sweet Apple Acres. She was starting to get a little weak and tired from not being able to eat anything all day.
She just made it to the edge of the farm when she heard laughing and playing in the distance. "Those silly filly Cutie Mark Crusaders, always trying to find a way to get their Cutie Marks!" Rainbow Dash spoke her mind knowing that there was nopony that could hear her. At least that’s what she thought.
Rainbow jumped. She turned around to see Big Macintosh standing right behind her. "Oh hey Big Mac. Is it okay if I take some apples to eat?"
Big Mac just stood there with that normal inexpressible look on his face and said, "Sure Rainbow Dash." He walked over to an apple tree and with a buck; apples came falling down to earth into a bucket, set under the tree.
"Thanks! Oh man, I can’t wait to eat all of these!"
Without leaving him to acknowledge her thanks she trotted off with the bucket on her back.
She trotted for a while trying to find a place to just sit down and eat and as she trotted around the farm she could hear the laughing and playing getting louder.
She saw a light up ahead and realized that was getting close to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. She had found a tree to lean sit down at and chowed down on all the apples that she had in front of her.
After she had gotten her fill of apples the sun had already set. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and Luna’s moon was looking great as usual. The night was beautiful. She was full, she had eaten finally and now she was relaxing on tree. "Life’s good sometimes." She drifted off to sleep.
Just a few spell errors but everything else is awesome! !!