• Published 18th Jun 2013
  • 844 Views, 3 Comments

Trapped! - rainb0w_dash

Rainbow Dash, gets trapped in Ghastly Gorge and tries to survive.

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Ch 2: One Bad Move

Rainbow was whizzing past the clouds in a dash for speed. The day was unlike any other. She was practicing another new trick every day so she could show off and try to get into The Wonderbolts.

She was having so much fun just flying around in the sky not a care in the world. She did a few flips here and a couple of spins there. She was enjoying her flight through the sky.

She closed her eyes just for a second when she started to fall. She tried to flap her wings but there wasn't any feeling in her wings anymore. She looked behind her and saw that her wings had completely disappeared. Oh no! I'm going to die! Trying her best she yelled and screamed "HELP!" But obviously she knew that nopony could ever hear her for she was a little too far away from Ponyville. She looked at the town, remembering all the fun and great adventures that she and her friends had shared like the Nightmare Moon incident when she found out that she was the element of loyalty. She thought about all the times she had helped her friends with their problems and she knew that a better life was going to come soon. She had lived a pretty good life all in all even if she was going to die right now. I hope I don't let my friends down. She closed her eyes and waited for her appending death...

"Rainbow! Come on! You gotta wake up!!" Rainbow snapped awake and opened her eyes and was blinded by the morning sunlight and a silhouette of a pony had her wondering where she was and what was going on. Am I dead? Is this where all the ponies go when they die?

She tried to focus on the silhouette as hard she could and realized that she had to wait for a minute for her eyes to get adjusted to the morning sunlight. She closed them and thought about the nightmare she had just had.

She looked back up, her eyes almost fully adjusted to the light and opened her eyes, She saw a tan Pegasus standing right next to her it was Scootaloo! "Rainbow! You're awake! You were sleeping and you were talking in your sleep! You kept saying some pretty weird things." Oh thank Celestia that was just a dream. I really I thought I was going to really die for a second, heh. How long was I asleep for? What was I saying? Should I ask? Rainbow thought to herself and she stood up. She noticed a half eaten basket full of apples and remembered everything that had happened the day before. "Whats up Scootaloo. I was talking in my sleep?

"Yeah, It was pretty weird, me and the Crusaders were walking around the farm and talking about new ways to do to get our Cutie Marks and we saw you sleeping under this tree. You were saying things like, 'No, I can't. I don't wanna die.' Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom decided to walk off without me, I told them I would catch up after I woke up Rainbow and so I'm here with you now. What were you dreaming about?"

Rainbow looked down from Scootaloos questionable gaze and thought about her nightmare. Should I tell Scootaloo? If I do I might look like a scared little filly though. She then came to the conclusion that she will tell the truth, "I had a nightmare, I was flying around doing tricks in the sky and my wings disappeared and I fell to my death. Just don't ever tell anypony about this."

Scoots, thinking about what she had just heard was thinking of soemthing to say about that interesting description of a nightmare that her idol had just told.

Rainbow stood up and told Scootaloo, " Look, lets just get off the subject. I was going to see you actually, i wanted to teach show you some of my new flying tricks and I wanted to know how you think."

She then took her mind off the dream and was excited that Rainbow Dash had asked her to come and see her perform amazing feats of flying, "Oh man that sounds like fun! I can't wait for you to show me those awesome new tricks." Scootaloo was smiling as happily and was quaking with joy. Rainbow Dash!? Going to personally show me some of her new tricks before everypony else gets to see them? This is going to be the best day ever! She could only imagine what kind of interesting, amazingly awesome tricks she was going to show.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were walking around a green field just outside of Ponyville. Rainbow, still wondering why she had had that nightmare. "Okay Scoots, you sit here and I'm going to show you my best trick yet!"

She sat Scoots down and whooshed off into the sky. Oh man! Where to start? I know! lets start with a flips here and a few turns there... Rainbow Dash was soaring in the sky flying as fast as she could. The Wind blowing through her multi colored mane. She was loving every second of it.

She heard a shout from below on the ground, "Woo Hoo! Yeah Rainbow Dash!!!"

Rainbow Dash flew back safely down to earth. "Oh man! Rainbow Dash that was awesome!!! Can you do a Sonic Rainboom?"

Sonic Rainboom? She hadn't done one since the Best Young Flyers Competition when she saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts from falling to their deaths. "Sure. I might not be able to get it the first time though because it's been a while since I've done anything like this."

"It's ok! At least you will try your best!" Scootaloo jumped with joy, excited to actually see a Sonic Rainboom. She had never seen one before ever in her lifetime so this is a dream come true. And she gets to see it being performed by her pegasus idol Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow took off flying as high as she could and before she knew it she was even higher than Cloudsdale. She stopped and looked and admired the scenery. She could see everything for miles around. The She could see past the Everfree forest to Ghastly Gorge.

After a few moments of admiring she looked straight down and even though she couldn't see Scootaloo she knew she was there watching and adoring her hero who was Rainbow Dash.

"Wings, dont fail me now." Rainbow dash spoke to her wings and then she bolted off towards the ground. She hadn't flown this fast since the first Sonic Rainboom she did and she was already getting flashbacks about how she was trying her best to fly as fast as she can to save her friend. She strained herself trying her hardest to creating that Sonic Rainboom. She barely opened her eyes and saw that there was a mach cone forming around her. She gained an even greater speed as she pushed her self one last time and finally, BOOM! She did it! She looked behind her and saw the distinct rainbow following behind her as she flew around making shapes with the rainbow. She heard a sound coming from the ground and looked down to see Scootaloo jumping around and cheering for her.

She landed safely on the ground worn out by the amazing feat that she had just created. "Rainbow Dash that was awesome!!! I can't believe you did that! I really knew you could do it on your first try!"

She looked back up into the sky and saw the colorful rainbow trail from her Rainboom. She was tired and hungry, she wanted to get some rest after doing all those tricks. "Look, I'm tired so I'm gonna have to go and get something to eat and..."

"Can I come with you!?" Scootaloo asked with delight in her little filly voice.

"Umm... Thanks but no thanks. I wanna go and eat by myself. But hey tomorrow we can hang out and I can maybe teach you to fly."

"Oh boy! I cant wait!" Scootaloo screamed with delight!

They both said their goodbyes and Rainbow Dash flew off.

She had eaten for the first time in the entire day and once she had finished she flew back to the spot where she was showing off her tricks to Scootaloo. She looked around for any signs of a pony but she was pretty sure this time she was alone. She flew up onto a cloud and layed down to rest on top of it. She moved around on top of her cloud bed and couldn't take a nap. She wanted to do another Sonic Rainboom. She sat up and thought about what she was about to do. Oh why not! I need to work on that anyways. She stood up on the cloud and lifted off and soared into the distance.

"Flying over the Everfree Forest isn't so bad." As she ascended above the Everfree Forest she once again got up to a height that was higher than Cloudsdale. Se once again surveyed the landscape, Look at every possible landmark since she usually never goes out this far from home.

She started off towards the ground again. Clouds that were not Pegasus controlled were whizzing past her at great speeds. She flew faster and faster until the mach cone started to come around her again. With all the strength that she had pushed her wings a little bit harder and she once again heard the signature BOOM!

She was flying so fast and she was getting close to the ground. She leveled out of the nosedive and saw that Ghastly Gorge was right in front of her. She dove straight into the gorge and flew as close to the canyon walls as she could. She flew through the canyon excited to feel that rush of doing a Sonic Rainboom again. She was so pround of herself that she had done two Sonic Rainbooms in one day! She landed at the bottom of the canyon and screamed, "This is so AWESOME!"

Rainbow heard some kind loud noise that resembled a bunch of rocks falling. She looked behind her and saw that the Canyon was collapsing. "OHNONONO!!!" Her mind was racing as she quickly got up and tried to fly as fast as she could out of the canyon but it was too late. One of the rocks had caught on her wing and she fell straight to the ground. Another rock had hit her in the head and she was knocked out.