• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 2,550 Views, 16 Comments

The Haunted Mansion - lunabrony

Desperate for a vacation, Applejack finds herself thrust into a world of dark spirits and darker secrets. The mansion she finds herself at is filled with very familiar looking residents, residents who have no intention of letting her leave.

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00 - The Cast (Character Spoilers)

The Players

Apple Bloom... As Herself

Applejack... As Herself

Berry Punch... As Annoyed Dancer

Big Macintosh... As Himself/The Headless Horse

Cadance... As The Bride

Chrysalis... As Gargoyle #1

Cutie Mark Crusaders... As The Singing Busts

Derpy... As Guest

Discord... As The Gravedigger

Flam... As Dueling Ghost #1

Flim... As Dueling Ghost #2

Fluttershy... As The Librarian

Gilda... As Gargoyle #2

Octavia... As Guest

Pinkamena... As The Butcher

Shining Armor... As The Groom

Spike... As Ghost Host

Surprise... As Guest

Twilight... As The Tragic Dancer

Vinyl Scratch... As Guest

Zecora... As The Gypsy

*More Characters shall be added as the story progresses.

**If there is a certain character you would like to see make an appearance, leave ideas and suggestions in the comments.

I cannot promise your idea will be used, but if it is, your name will be credited.