The Players
Apple Bloom... As Herself
Applejack... As Herself
Berry Punch... As Annoyed Dancer
Big Macintosh... As Himself/The Headless Horse
Cadance... As The Bride
Chrysalis... As Gargoyle #1
Cutie Mark Crusaders... As The Singing Busts
Derpy... As Guest
Discord... As The Gravedigger
Flam... As Dueling Ghost #1
Flim... As Dueling Ghost #2
Fluttershy... As The Librarian
Gilda... As Gargoyle #2
Octavia... As Guest
Pinkamena... As The Butcher
Shining Armor... As The Groom
Spike... As Ghost Host
Surprise... As Guest
Twilight... As The Tragic Dancer
Vinyl Scratch... As Guest
Zecora... As The Gypsy
*More Characters shall be added as the story progresses.
**If there is a certain character you would like to see make an appearance, leave ideas and suggestions in the comments.
I cannot promise your idea will be used, but if it is, your name will be credited.
Flim and Flam as the Ghost Paintings who always shoot at one another?
I'm trying to think of a use for Rarity and RD, but not coming up with anything.
Also, you can't have a haunted mansion story without the Hitchhiking Ghosts.