• Published 14th Feb 2012
  • 1,032 Views, 4 Comments

Gizmo and Tinker - LaeviG

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The Begining of Orthus

Authors Note: This is a flashback chapter so expect to see some stuff you won't understand till later, and you all know the drill. I apologize in advance for the rushed feel of this but Things kept coming up and drawing me away from finishing this. I will no doubt attempt to make it up to you all by making the next chapter a little less rushed and more entertaining.

Standard Disclaimer: I only own the OC's the rest goes to the respective owners.


Manehatten in winter can be a brutal place for the lost, downtroden, and undesireables of society. Needless to say that the homeless were always miserable this time of year. The rich however, could not be happier as they go about their lives oblivious to the suffering around them.

The weather had recently taken a turn for the worse and it was on nights like this you would find ponies clutching to whatever brought them happyness in their final quiet hours. It was also nights like this that brought out the worst in the best of ponies.

A young scruffy looking orange coated colt was walking down the road with a small bag of bits in his saddlebags. His mother told him it was for food and nothing else. The little one didn't know why his mom was always so insistent on him not spending it. He really didn't want anything, he had all he wanted back home. A loving family and a warm home. What more could he want?

This trip to the store in particular was a very cold and quiet one. He had on his warmest coat and still managed to feel the cold bite of winter on his muzzle. He liked this coat in particular so he had his name stitched on the collar.

"Psst, hey kid come here" heard the little colt. He peared around to see where the sound had come from. After a moment of silence passed he continued on his path until he passed the nearby alley. A set of hooves reached out of the darkness and grabbed a hold of the colts coat. His coat was promptly ripped off and his saddle bags removed.

"Gizmo aye, what a fitting name for a colt living around in this town"

"What do you want with me?" Asked Gizmo.

"Oh I already got what I wanted, you can go now."

"But without my coat I'll never make it home" cried Gizmo.

"Not my problem kid, now scram" the thief gave Gizmo a swift kick and sent him tumbling back out into the street.

Gizmo sat in place until an oncoming carriage forced up onto the sidewalk again. He turned back towards home and began the long trek ahead of him. He only made it a quarter of the way back home before he became to cold to continue and was forced to seek shelter under a bush. Gizmo layed down under his bush and began to whimper out in dispair. Not for himself you see, he was more worried about how hurt his family would be when they finally found out what happened to him. He huddled up against the clear side of the bush and accepted his fate. Even he knew there was nothing to be done to help him. As his eyelids began to droop he thought he saw a little brown and black furball climb under the bush with him. The fur all began making a yipping noise and continued doing so as Gizmo faded in and out of conciesnes. Gizmo came to momentarily and saw a very large dog stareing him in the face.

Great, now I become puppy chow for these adorable furballs Gizmo thought to himself right before he blacked out again.

The weather took a turn for the worse and a blizzard played into Manehatten with it's icy grip. It was amid the gusting winds that Gizmo began to stir. He realized that he was completely surrounded by fuzzy warmth and total darkness.

So this is what its like being dead, I could get used to this Gizmo thought to himself.

Gizmo rolled over and cuddeled into the warm fur. It wasn't until the mass of fur cuddeled back that he realized he wasn't alone and there for probably not dead. He squirmed his way out of the fur and took a look at his surroundings. He was in some kind of cave and he could see the blizzard raging outside of the enterance. He then looked back to his fluffy cocoon and realized that it was made of two large beasts. He leaned over the edge of one of the creatures to get a look at what it actually was and realized it was the same dog from earlier. He looked down towards its neck to see if it had a collar but found none. He repeated this withthe other dog and found that it too had no collar. He climbed the rest of the way out of the fur and lost his balance. Much to his dismay he tumbled right over the head of the closest one waking it from its slumber.

The beast stood and began to stretch allowing Gizmo to notice two things, It had a brand on it's side with the name "Echidna" and that it was actually female. Echidna yawned loudly causing her partner to wake up. The other beast decided to join the other and stretch allowing Gizmo to also see this ones name and gender(unfortunately). It was a he and his name was "Typhon". The two lightly howled in unison and summoned two little pups. Neither of which, to Gizmo's relief, had names branded on their sides. They were however very aggressively playful. Gizmo was still in fear of becoming lunch for the pups so he was very cautious with the way he handled them.

He never did become lunch and was instead fed lunch by Echidna. She left a boxed snack cake at his hooves and sat back as it was quickly destroyed and devoured by the hungry little colt in front of her. She also took the liberty to feed her pups by laying in a corner and allowing them to suckle. Gizmo sat at the cave entrance and enjoyed his temporary respite from the pups attacks. He was joined by Typhon who sat next to him and pawed at the snow in front of himself. Gizmo watched in awe as the dog began drawing runes in the snow. Gizmo couldn't read them but he knew they were meant for him.

"I'm sorry but i can't read what it says, I don't even know if you can understand me"

Typhon nodded his head and wiped away the runes. Gizmo was surprised by the beast's intelligence as it began too draw his family and Gizmo inside the cave. He then circled the two pups and Gizmo and drew a line leading out of the cave. Typhon sat silent for a moment and stared at gizmo awaiting some kind of reply.

"I still don't get it"

Typhon face-pawed and wiped away the drawing. he then just drew the two pups and Gizmo and between them he drew a sword and shield.

"So, what? Am I supposed to guard them outside the cave or something?"

Typhon pointed at the pups, the shield and sword, and then Gizmo. He drew a house and pointed to it last.

"Ok, so they are gonna help me get home, that makes sense"

Typhon held up a paw and then erased the house. He replaced it with an infinity sign.

"And you lost me again, are they supposed to follow me around forever or something?"

Typhon nodded once more and directed his attention to the two pups now sleeping next to their mother. Echidna, knowing the outcome of the conversation already, nodded just as Typhon had. Gizmo sat in silence and allowed himself to absorb the final pieces of information thrown at him.

'There is no way my mother will let me keep A dog, let alone two' Gizmo thought to himself.

The blizzard ragged on into the night and lifted before Gizmo awoke the next morning. Typhon was already awake and standing once more at the mouth of the cave. Gizmo attempted to pretend like he was still asleep but had already rolled around to see what time it was. This woke up Echidna and the two pups and they started lightly whimpering to their mother for breakfast. She lay down on her side and allowed her pups to feed. Gizmo's stomach growled as he saw the pups get their fill and was hoping he could leave soon to get home to his family.

Gizmo decided to take a place at the mouth of the cave again with Typhon. Typhon waited there patiently for the pups to finish and join them. It only took another five minutes before they were full and waddled over to their father. Typhon scrawled some more runes into the snow and directed the pups to stand next to them. The runes started to glow a deep golden hue and a small patch of fur on the sides of both pups began to do the same. The glow subsided and a barren patch of skin could be seen in its place. Typhon then scrawled more runes and these began to glow an ominous red. the bald spot on the pups did the same and they both howled out as there was a searing sound and the smell of burnt flesh permeated the air. The glows again subsided and both pups began to chew at the patches.

Gizmo was surprised when neither Echidna nor Typhon did anything about the pups chewing the spots raw. Typhon scrawled yet another line of runes into the snow and walked into the cave. A pink glow surrounded the wounds and the pups immediately stopped chewing as the wounds were healed to the point that only the burnt marks were seen. Gizmo got a look at the marks and noticed that they were names just like the other two had. To the little male pup went the name Cerberus and to the female pup went Orthus.

Echidna nuzzled her two pups and pushed them out of the cave. She bent down to look Gizmo in the eyes and stood that way for a moment. Gizmo became very uncomfortable and backed away a few steps out of the cave. When he was sure that she would not break her gaze he backed the rest of the way out of the cave. The two pups were waiting for him out in the snow and began jumping through the snow in a seemingly random direction. Gizmo followed them and was surprised when they had directed him back to the bush that he had taken shelter under. He stood for only a moment and pondered how lucky he was that they had taken him and not eaten him. He shook the thought away and started towards home with his two new guardians in tow.

Gizmo began to whistle a tune to himself and realized that this was the happiest he had been in a long time. He was excited and had every right to be, these two new friends would change his life in a way he could not even fathom.

PS: I know I wrote sand instead of snow at least once and missed it so if anyone noticed it just throw it into the comments or a message and I'll fix it right away.