• Published 8th Jun 2013
  • 1,379 Views, 69 Comments

The Fighter Filly Girls! - Mod On Death

When trying to find some way to earn their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders come across Discord, who decides to give them super powers! With their abilities, these three will form the Fighter Filly Girls and fight crime and the forces of evil!

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Chapter 12: GO GO DYNAMO!

The day after Fighter Filly Girl Day was sunny and calm. Birds were singing, bees buzzing, and no rain scheduled for that day. It looked like a good day for Ponyville. Other cities could not say the same though.

“Hey, girls, check this out!” Sweetie Belle yelled out as she approached her friends in the tree house.

“What is it, Sweetie Bell?” Apple Bloom asked. Sweetie Belle slammed the newspaper onto the desk and the three of them looked at the headline:


The group read further into the paper and saw that all these robberies had happened yesterday while they had been fighting Diamond Tiara.

“Girls, don’t you know what this means?” Apple Bloom asked her teammates. The two of them looked as if they were about to reply, but then suddenly stopped when they had no idea what she was talking about. “Diamond Tiara was just a distraction! Those guys were just using her to keep us from stopping their robberies!”

“Oh!” They exclaimed, understanding what the big deal was.

“If that’s what they were doing, what did they need to distract us for?” Scootaloo asked.

“Says here that each of the robberies involved stealing a whole bunch of scrap metal, electrical stuff, and a bunch of tools. Apparently, when put together, it’s one of the biggest heists in Equestria’s history.”

“But what could they be doing with all that stuff?” Nopony knew how to respond to Sweetie Belle’s question. All they could do for now is speculate and hope that they could find clues.

“Looks like they all pulled their weight, don’t it Torchel?” Royal Flush said to the tortoise that had decided to use Furry’s head as a permanent stoop for him to move around it. Furry was somehow okay with this, not being the smartest bear in the woods.

“Affirmative, my green friend. With all of these supplies that we have taken from their rightful owners, we will now begin the single most important aspect of our carefully constructed plan.” Torchel then let out a villainous laugh, joined by the two nearby supervillains, as they saw their compatriots and the inmates working on their ultimate plan.

3 Months Later

There had been no sign of the escaped criminals whatsoever. The girls searched wherever there were possible leads, such as strange bear sightings or groups of green goblins, but nothing came up. The girls soon lost hope of finding the crooks and hoped that they would turn up soon so they could finally end this once and for all. In the meantime, the girls lived their lives semi-normally once again, actually appreciating the peace they had. Apple Bloom now had straight A’s in her classes and used her free time to help tutor other ponies. Scootaloo used her skills to join a soccer team and help them get to regionals with her speed. She would be known as the start player on their team. Sweetie Belle took a more interesting route, helping out Fluttershy with any dogs she had. Apparently the vast majority of dogs in town was actually males and was a bit angry that they were always assumed to be girls. The town was surprised to learn this, apparently never having actually taken them to the vet to check that out. She became known as a sort of ‘dog whisperer’ to the ponies, helping them understand the problems between pet and owner. It was a good time for the three, and for a while they had forgotten their troubles.

“Today was pretty good! Finally got Truffle Shuffle to understand multiplication dealing with two-digit numbers,” Apple Bloom told her friends as they were walking home together.

“Yeah. I also managed to convince the Timberwolves to stop using the chicken coop as a source of food. Now Fluttershy won’t have to worry about keeping them out there,” Sweetie Belle told them about her day.

“My day had me scoring three goals! It was pretty awesome! There was apparently a scout out there today and he says that I have the makings of a professional!” Scootaloo was excited that she was getting even better at sports. That had always been something of a dream to her.

“Great ta’ hear, Scoots! Say, I’ve been wondering; does anypony here worry much about those supervillains anymore?” their yellow friend asked.

“Not really,” they both replied. It had felt so long since they’d fought any of them that it seemed like an eternity ago. Only several times since their escape did they need to don their costumes, such as when an earthquake had struck the city, or when a group of dragons tried to have their way with the town. The girls still helped, but they never experienced the level of super-villainy those guys had provided. As if to respond to her question, an enormous boom was heard, followed by another one shortly after.

“What was that?” Scoots wondered.

“I dunno, but we’re gonna find out!” their leader led them into an alley where each of them flung their costumes into the air and flew right into them. They then flew off to where they could hear the noise coming from.

The city of Canterlot! Home to not only the elite of Equestria, but also the Princesses that rule the land as well! In this hallmark location of Equestria is the finest military defense possible, with ponies of all different kinds working together to ensure the safety of its citizens. To face these ponies would be the same as digging your own grave. Leading the defense of the city was Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard.

“Good morning, sir!” greeted the guards as their Captain walked by, inspecting the security of the castle. Ever since the attack by the Changelings he had made sure to look over the defenses in case of a suddenly invading army.

“At ease,” he told the troops as he passed by. After several hours, he was just about to finish his inspection when he heard a sudden noise. It was a loud boom, resonating throughout the halls of the castle. The unicorn would have looked past this noise as something negligible, until he heard the same noise for a second time.

“Captain,” a young recruit looked up to him, asking, “do you know what that noise is?”

“I actually don’t know. I’m going over to the city walls to check it out as we speak.” The guards went over to the city walls, hearing the noise grow louder and louder as they approached it. Citizens of the city heard it as well, voicing concern to each other as it didn’t seem to be going away. They climbed up to the top of the wall looking outward from the city and didn’t notice anything yet. More booming was heard, followed by flocks of birds flying away from the target location. Soon they noticed something strange; it looked as if trees were broken, as if stepped on. At that moment, the Captain had a terrifying realization.

“The target is invisible! Everypony, get ready to defend!” The horn signaling the guards was blown, sending citizens running away for their lives while the rest of the guards got into position for whatever was approaching. The unicorns prepared their spells while the Earth ponies prepared the catapults. Pegasi were on standby, armed with spears. Shining Armor got into position, ready to give the signal to fire out on their unseen target before it approached the walls.

“Ready,” he announced as another boom was heard, creating another clearing. “AIM!” he yelled, seeing horns readied and catapults prepped. “FI-“was all he could yell as the target uncloaked. “Oh…um…this is bad.” That was the thought on everypony’s mind when they saw the thing that was making the loud noises. It was a gargantuan machine, dwarfing the 50 foot walls with what appeared to be a 300 foot tall body. It was colored leaf green all over with what appeared to be a large shell attached to its back. It had what appeared to be large limbs that resembled that of a tortoise’s. None had ever seen anything like this.

“FIRE!” Shining Armor yelled. Magic Missiles and catapults were fired at the target, hitting it straight into its belly. After a full minute of fire, the assault was ceased as they reloaded, noticing that the belly of the beast was still gleaming, not showing any signs of damage at all. It then started to move.

“Run away!” some of the guards yelled as they saw the beast of a machine move forward. While Shining Armor was about to order them to hold, he saw that they were right as the creature moved its left leg forward and smashed right through the wall. Crackling was heard coming from the machine, followed by a voice.

“MWUAHAHAHA! I can see that each of you ponies that guard this city is realizing that your current methods of defense are futile. Nothing that any of you do could break through the impenetrable armor of the MALLET. That is the reason why the armor is considered impenetrable, for no force can break through it. Now, disarm your forces and be prepared to transfer control of this nation over to the pilots of this unstoppable war machine,” demanded what Shining Armor realized was the voice of the escaped genius Torchel Chelchel. Other voices soon joined in, each of them the voices of other supervillains.

“Heh, yeah! This here metal guy will rip you a new one!” Furry bellowed over the speaker.

“These guys ain’t gonna know what hit em’, right boys?” asked Royal Flush to his gang, all of whom responded positively.

“Can we get on with this?” added Produsa. “I just can’t wait anymore to CRUSH something with all this firepower.”

“Me too, my dear,” the deep voice of She responded. “Let’s continue with our rampage now, shall we?” The large mecha named MALLET soon started moving again, making its way into the city. Buildings were being knocked down like dominos as it plowed through. Guards tried to take pot shots at the mighty behemoth as it strode through the place. The second defensive line of guards was now in place though, hoping to fare better than the front line.

“Oh, will you look at that? They’ve set up more defenses. Guess they haven’t learned yet, have they?” Produsa giggled at the idea of what they were about to do.

“Yeah. Boys, let’s show these bozos the full power of this fully operational robot guy!” Following Royal Flush’s orders, the gang activated the weaponry on the MALLET. The grinding of gears was heard as the green giant’s belly opened up to reveal an entire arsenal of weaponry armed and ready. Laser cannons, missile launchers, rotating cannons, and bomb launchers were several of the weapons located in the chest. The guards saw this and were in awe with this display of deadly weaponry. If only they had scientists who knew how to make weapons such as that. They were about to get a taste of that technology first hand as MALLET fired on them. The sky smelled of ozone as the lasers pounded into the guards’ station. The wall and surrounding area was completely annihilated by the assault let loose, turning the beautiful city into a site of chaos and destruction.

“FALL BACK TO THE CASTLE!” ordered Shining Armor to whoever was still able to fight. A mass exodus of guards occurred as they attempted to flee to the best chance they had at surviving this encounter.

“MWUAHAHAHA! YES! YES! NOW THEY BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND!” cackled Torchel as he saw his foes scattered before him. “Now, only one thing remains.”

“Incoming sssssssssignals at 3 o’clock boss,” Slender warned the crew. On the radar were three tiny bleeps headed in fast. It was time.

“Alright girls! That’s the target!”

“Uh, Apple Bloom, is that a giant green tortoise?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Eeyup, and you all know what that means. Torchel’s back.” Apple Bloom was actually relieved to say that, as the group finally saw what those villains had been up to. The only issue was now being able to deal with that thing they created.

“Well, if it isn’t the Fighter Filly Girls. I hope you have enjoyed your time of relaxation from combat with us, for now you will see what this machine is truly capable of!” Torchel considered activating the weapons at that very moment, before deciding, “Actually, I will let them try to attack us for a moment, just to see what happens. MWUAHAHAHA!”

“Let’s take him out, just like before!” The two followed Apple Bloom as they went to attempt the same technique they had used before on Torchel’s other robot. The three of them flew up and grabbed the giant by the chin and started pushing up, trying to tip it over. After fifteen seconds or so, no progress was made. This time the robot was far too big to be budged.

“It’s not working!” Scootaloo was the first to admit that their plan wasn’t working. The two others agreed and soon stopped. While flying right in front of the robot’s mouth, Furry had decided he’d done enough waiting as is and opened up the MALLET’s mouth. Almost immediately, a flood of flames poured out from the mouth, torching the three girls and sending them crashing into the ground.

“While I admit that I had wanted to test the full capabilities of the MALLET’s defenses by letting those three have their time with their futile attacks, I must admit that was pretty smooth,” complimented the tortoise on top of the bear.

“Ugh,” was all the leader of the Fighter Filly Girls could say as she recovered from her fall. The two friends were still out, but there was no time for rest as the death machine opened its chest and aimed it straight at the girls, sending chills of terror through the young filly’s spine. “GIRLS! GET UP, NOW!”

“I…I’m okay,” muttered Scootaloo as she got up, feeling like she was freshly roasted. Sweetie Belle was still moaning and didn’t look as if she’d be moving soon. She’d have to though, as the weapons on the MALLET were just about to fire. “NO!” she yelled out when she saw the first shot come from one of the rotating laser cannons. At that moment, the impossible happened. An orange blur came out from nowhere and grabbed the three ponies just as the barrage started on their position. Scootaloo looked up to see their savior and saw that it was…herself?

“There’s no time! Just fly REALLY fast right now and grab everypony the second you see them. NOW!” ordered the future pony. Scootaloo, just going along with it, did just that. As Scootaloo managed to fly at what she could only assume 88 miles per hour, everything went into a bright static shock. When the light had cleared, she was able to see that she had suddenly travelled back in time several seconds and was going to grab the three. When herself from several seconds ago was about to ask something, Scootaloo quickly said something.

“There’s no time! Just fly REALLY fast right now and grab everypony the second you see them. NOW!” Scootaloo witnessed as her past self suddenly sped off, disappearing in a bright flash. At that moment, she realized that she had just managed to travel through time. “That. Was. AWESOME!” she exclaimed before falling down from exhaustion. Apple Bloom witnessed in horror as she saw both her teammates fall before her, unable to move. While they were several hundred feet or so from MALLET, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but be worried that they were soon about to face their end.

“Wow. This doesn’t look so good. Glad I popped by to check on you three,” a familiar voice said. Apple Bloom turned around to see that it was Discord. There was a slimmer of hope after all.

“Mr. Discord, sir! We need your help! Can’s you snap your fingers and make that giant baddy go away?” Apple Bloom begged.

“I REALLY wish I could, but that giant robot is protected from ALL kinds of magic thanks to its shields. Doesn’t matter how strong you are when the shield dissipates it all,” Discord explained, draining the small sliver of hope Apple Bloom managed to hold onto. “Thing is, I’ve actually been developing a way to solve a situation just like this. Come with me!” Obviously not understanding that saying such a thing involved voluntary participation, Discord snapped his fingers and sent the three away from the scene of destruction just before they were spotted.

The three ponies were suddenly awoken from their short respite by the clicking of lights being turned on. Discord then greeted the three as they got off of their hospital beds all bandaged up.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you as good as new with my magic, girls. Those fellas really know how to make anti-magic tech, that’s for sure. Almost none of my magic could be used to help you recover from that roast. Anyway, it’s fairly obvious that this is the toughest thing you three have faced so far, so for such a foe we have such a weapon.”

“What kind of weapon?” the three asked, curious as to what Discord planned.

“THIS!” All the lights in the room, revealed to be a massive hangar, were lit, revealing Discord’s true plan. Right in front of the three girls was a giant robotic version of a filly just like them, fit with a blue bow on top of a painted red mane. This giant machine was almost as big as the one currently rampaging through Canterlot.

“I call her Dynamo!” announced discord as he showed off his pride-and-joy. “I was gonna come up with some initials for it, but just thought the name was pretty cool. Anyway, I designed this robot for situations just like this where your powers simply weren’t enough. The controls are simple and should be easy to learn. You three are the only ones capable of piloting this thing and saving Canterlot, no, Equestria this very moment. Can you do it?”

“BUCK YEAH!” they yelled out, getting out of their beds sorely. The three approached the platform leading into the robot’s head to enter the main control panel and took their seats. A robotic voice soon came over the intercom.

WELCOME, FIGHTER FILLY GIRLS, TO DYNAMO. I WILL QUICKLY EXPLAIN THE CONTROLS TO THIS MACHINE IN A MANNER THAT THE INFORMATION IS AUTOMATICALLY UPLOADED INTO YOUR BRAIN. SIDE EFFECTS WILL INCLUDE MASSIVE HEADACHES, NOSE BLEEDS, FEELINGS OF NIHILISM, AND EAR ACHE. WE WILL-“ the voice’s instruction was cut off as what appeared to outsiders as random sounds started coming through the speakers. The three crime fighters quickly understood how to operate their machine and set off to save the world.

“Good luck, girls!” Discord announced before the girls jumped out through the new opening in the roof of the structure. When the girls came out, they realized that they were located right at the abandoned part of the Apple Family Farm and set off to Canterlot, hoping to save the world.