• Published 21st Jun 2013
  • 8,012 Views, 357 Comments

Sparké - moviemaster8510

A human chef looking to open a restaurant in New York gets more than he bargained for when he winds up in Equestria. While there, he reacquaints with somepony from his past...

  • ...

Chapter 12: Fresh Start

Peter sat in the passenger’s seat of his dad’s van. It would be his first day of school since returning from Equestria, and with Peter’s head resting on his hand with his arm supported on the window, Peter was far from thrilled. He didn’t have any clue how these other children would treat him or if they’d even like him. All he could do was do all that he knew in Equestria and make friends that way.

“Are you ready, son?” asked Patrick, looking to him.

“Yeah,” Peter answered unenthusiastically.

The sign for Bartlett Jr. High came up and the building came even closer. Even though he skipped fifth grade due to his absence from Earth, Peter had shown himself to be a scholarly deviant, passing math and English courses that weren’t expected of a fifth grader (with Twilight as his mystery tutor). With his aptitude duly noted, Peter was allowed to transfer a grade higher than where he left off.

Surely, he might be noted for his academic success, but he wasn’t sure how the kids would take to someone of that intelligence. With Patrick’s car stopping, Peter knew that the dreaded time to exit the car was now upon him.

“Have a good day!” called Patrick as Peter slumped out of the car.

Peter began to walk to the entrance in a slouch, reluctant about starting school.

“Forget something?” shouted Patrick again.

Peter turned around to see his dad holding a plastic grocery bag that contained his lunch. Peter rolled his eyes at his clumsiness and walked back to retrieve it. As Peter grabbed it, he suddenly brought a smile to his face. If there was one thing that he was glad to have back on his home world, it was his dad’s home-cooked lunches.

“There’s a smile!” grunted Patrick with a smile of his own. “Go get ‘em, son!”

“Sure thing, pop!” Peter called back, running to the front door.

Patrick smiled, happy to see his son readjusting to normal life once again.


Peter was surprised at the school day so far. He was getting along very nicely with his teachers, and none of the kids saw him as a bother… yet. Now, it was lunch, arguably the best part of the day aside from gym. Sitting alone at the most sparsely seated table in the cafeteria, Peter began untying the knot that held his bag together, Peter took out its contents, gaining the attentions of a few students.

Inside a shallow Tupperware container was a carved turkey sandwich with gruyere cheese, a spicy Dijon mustard and mayonnaise combination, a bag of jalapeño potato chips, a Claussen pickle spear, and fresh, cubed pineapple in another plastic container.

Peter was even happy to spy a plastic fork already placed inside. Grasping his silverware, he opened the pineapple up and speared two pieces before he brought them to his mouth, the morsels still oozing with juice when he bit into them.

“Jeez,” spoke a voice. “That’s a hell of a lunch.”

A kid came up and sat across from him at the table. The kid had short, blonde hair and he wore a red t-shirt with blue jeans. With one hand, he set his backpack down on the seat beside him, and with the other, he set the tray of food from the cafeteria onto the empty space in front of him.

The tray contained a chicken sandwich wrapped in decorated foil, the sandwiches contents drawn in a design on top of the foil, a small basket of fries, and a similar basket filled with canned diced peaches.

Peter was a bit excited. A new friend was potentially in reach, and all he had to do was play his cards right.

“Not a bad lunch yourself,” Peter said.

“Pfft! As if!” he exclaimed. “Compared to my lunch, yours looks like a steak dinner or something. But I guess it helps that your dad owns that restaurant downtown.”

“You know about the restaurant?”

“Who doesn’t know about the restaurant? After you went missing, your dad was up all over the news trying to find you.”

“Oh…” Peter mumbled, knowing that he was in murky waters.

“So what happened to you? Aliens? Kidnappers?”

“I’d rather not talk about it…”

Peter looked downtrodden, wanting to avoid where he really was as much as possible. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be prying more. However, a pat on the back ensured Peter that everything was fine.

“Don’t sweat it, man,” the boy said. “I can’t imagine being away from my daddy from that long. That kind of stuff will mess with a kid’s head something fierce.”

“Right. Hey, you know what’s good on a chicken sandwich?”


“If you take some nacho cheese from that machine, put some on there and mix some ketchup in, it’s actually really good.”

The boy looked at Peter quizzically.

“No fooling?” he asked. “Well, hey, not that I’m going to doubt you or nothing, but I don’t got the fifty cents for that.”

“Oh, here!”

Peter fished into a zippered pouch on one of his backpack straps. From it, he pulled out two shiny quarters, which he held out to the boy in pinched fingers.

“Well, aren’t you the bomb?”

“I try,” Peter said with a smug smile.

“Cool, then,” he exclaimed, holding a hand out. “I’m Jake.”

“Peter,” he responded, shaking Jake’s hand.

“I’ll be right back. Thanks for the change!”

Peter watched as Jake went back in line for his cheese and condiment. Peter thrust his elbow backwards, happy to have made a friend on the first day.


Peter’s eyes fluttered open to the bright sun shining through the windows. He also felt as a hoof was poking him on the shoulder to get him to wake.

“Peter, wake up!” called Twilight. “We’ll be arriving in Ponyville any minute!”

Peter could make this out beyond his hazy, early-morning hearing and he shot out of his seat, grabbing his laptop bag. That’s when he remembered. He forgot to call his dad. He knew he wouldn’t have enough time for a conversation, but he still had to let his dad acknowledge his safety.

Pulling out his phone, Peter went to message his father and typed in the following text:

Kind of busy getting into ponyville now talk to you when convenient.

It was rushed and had little punctuation, but he needed to let his father know somehow. Once he hit the send button, he was feeling far less flustered. With his belongings all accounted for and Twilight and Spike ready with their things, all they needed to do now was get off once they reached the station. Peter looked out the window to see the quaint little town of Ponyville again. It was certainly an idyllic little town from the distance and would no doubt be a great place to introduce his brand of cooking to Equestria.

“Next stop,” called a conductor through the intercom, “Ponyville.”

“So,” asked Peter. “What should we do first? I still have all of my stuff at Applejack’s and… shit.”

“What’s wrong?” asked Twilight.

“You don’t think since the news was presented across Equestria, she told anyone else about my real origins?”

“What, you mean with you coming here as a boy?”

“Yeah. If that got out, that might raise some suspicions not just towards me, but to you and Celestia as well.”

“Relax, Peter. If there’s one pony I can trust above anyone, it’s Applejack. Plus, if she knew about your tale and told somepony, she and her family would come under fire about it too, and I don’t think she would risk that for the world. I’m also sure she put the fear of Celestia into those three fillies to make sure not to say anything, so your secret should be safe.”

“…Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Tell you what. I’ll lead you to my house, and I’ll get my friends to come and take a look at you, get to know you, and then we’ll all help move all of your belongings there.”

“How are we going to do that? Will my truck and trailer being at Applejack's raise any questions?”

“Why should it? We can tell everypony the truth here. All we need to say is that you ended up here in Ponyville, and when we went to Canterlot, we kept you hidden so you wouldn’t cause a calamity before people could see you fairly.”

“Hmm. Not bad, Twilight.”

“I do my best.”

The train began to ride through the town, passing the buildings that were set on both sides of the tracks. With this, the train began to slow down as it approached the station. Once it stopped, Peter stepped out the second the doors opened.

“Wow, there he is!” murmured a pony from the distance.

“It’s really him!” spoke a yellow earth mare with a puffy orange mane and tail and a trio of carrots for a cutie mark just outside the station.

“He’s actually here!” said a blue earth stallion with a short, spiky blue mane and tail with two duo-eighth notes for a cutie mark.

“Oh my!” exclaimed a light blue unicorn mare with a blue-and-grey mane and tail with an hourglass cutie mark.

Peter scanned the area. They certainly took to him with reverence, but off in the distance, he saw three mares near a flower stand who looked more shocked and surprised by his appearance than the rest.

They were all earth ponies but each with different coats manes and tails. One was a cream-colored with a cropped mane-and-tail that was a scarlet-red and a dark pink. Her cutie mark was that of a rose with two leaves on its stem. The second was a raspberry color with a brushed, golden mane and tail with three lilies for a cutie mark, as well as a lily snugged in between her head and her right ear. The last one was coated hot-pink with a puffy lime-green mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a pair of daisies.

Peter knew that if first impressions were to be made, now would be the best time. They certainly had a fear of him that he didn’t want them to have. He began making their way towards them, much to Twilight’s surprise.

“Um, Peter?” she asked him, trotting close behind him. “Where are you going?”

Peter hopped off the platform and came to the three mares, who cowered even lower behind the counter with each step they took. As Peter came closer however, he slowed his pace down to slow, patient, hoping to ease them. Upon coming to the counter, Peter leaned his body over it, wanting to see the mares who were shuddering. Nearby ponies just rolled their eyes at their usual cowardice.

“Hey there,” he said in the calmest voice possible. “Looks like we’re going to be neighbors now.”

“Girls,” Twilight answered, “it’s okay. He’s a nice guy. Don’t be afraid of him like you were afraid of Zecora.”

The three of them stopped shaking and looked at each other. They certainly made fools of themselves over their prejudice of her. They stood behind the counter cautiously, still waiting for Peter to prove his innocence.

“I’m not sure if you remember me from the news,” Peter said, slowly giving his hand out to either of them, “but my name is Peter Falwell. Let’s try and get along, shall we?”

The mares in their apprehension, found Peter’s outstretched hand a foreign gesture.

“He just wants to shake your hooves,” Twilight whispered to them. “Please, don’t be rude.”

The cream-colored one with the red mane was the first to put her hoof out to him. Peter, much like he did for Lyra, gently clasped her hoof with his hand and continued to shake.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“I’m…” she muttered. “Rose. I’m Rose.”

“Rose. I really like that name.”

At this moment, Rose’s unsure frown became a warm smile, enamored by his kind words. The other two watched with shock as their friend was taking well to him. Peter let go of Rose’s hoof and moved his hand to the raspberry colored one. As if compelled to do so, she allowed Peter to shake her hoof too.

“I’m Lily Valley,” she greeted, giggling at the feel of his soft, hairless fingers.

“Also a nice name.”

Lily Valley blushed at the compliment as he moved on to the final mare, who, with much more enthusiasm, let Peter shake her hoof.

“Daisy,” she spoke. “It’s, uh… really nice to meet you Peter.”

“The pleasure’s mine,” he responded, pulling his hand back. “Well, I’m back off to Twilight’s place. I hope to see you soon.”

“Bye, Peter!” the three mares called out with waves at different times as their new friend walked away.

Peter waited until he turned the corner before he let out a hearty exhale.

“Boy!” he exclaimed. “I never had to make such a corny introduction in all my life.”

“That wasn’t corny!” refuted Twilight. “I thought the way you handled that was very nice.”

“Well, it was your words that brought them from behind the counter. By the way, who is this Zecora?”

“She’s a friend of mine. I’ll have you meet her one of these days.”

Peter and Twilight with Spike on her back continued to make their way through the streets of Ponyville, the former waving and saying, “Hi,” to the ponies that recognized him and bid him welcome to their town.


Peter walked inside the treehouse where Twilight lived. While he was just astounded that her home was a tree from the outside of it, as his agape, smiling mouth and wide eyes indicated, his demeanor intensified upon seeing the interior. The first floor was a very spacious, round room with hollowed in shelves lined with books.

Upon following Twilight up the stairs, they came to the first level, was a round study that featured more shelves of books, an ergonomic desk for writing on, some windows for sunlight, a fireplace in the back, and a balcony for when it was nice outside to sit and do whatever.

“This is friggin’ cool!” Peter admitted. “How can this tree even be stable with it being all hollowed out?”

“It keeps its composure through and anti-aging spell that keeps it from weathering, wilting, or rotting.”

“Huh. Neat.”

Going up one last flight of stairs that went up and above the walls of the study, he saw what appeared to be the main housing quarters that formed a ring around the study. Directly in front of him, there was the bedroom, which featured a carved, wooden-framed bed with blue, starry covers draped over it on the right and another bookshelf on the left. To the right, there was a door, which he guessed was the bathroom, but he’d check on that later.

To the right of the supposed bathroom door, there was a closet, which Peter sighed in appreciation, happy to find a place for some of his clothes. Behind him in the other quarter of the third level was what appeared to be the kitchen with featured a large, manual iron stove and oven, a table that seemed to serve as a counter, a sink, cabinets for cookware, silverware, and plates, and another fireplace with a black kettle inside of it. To the left of all of that was an magic-powered icebox/fridge and a table with two chairs at both ends.

“There we go,” Peter growled hungrily upon seeing the kitchen and prowling there.

He was also glad to see that there was still plenty of room with which he could place some of his stuff from his trailer.

“I hope this is okay for you,” asked Twilight.

“Twilight,” Peter squealed, as if trying to explain himself to a stubborn five-year old, “this is perfect! I mean, there’s treehouses, and then there are tree houses! This is going to be so cool!”

Peter turned back to the bedroom to see Twilight laying her bags down on the floor. The thought then occurred to him.

“Twilight?” he asked. “Where am I going to sleep?”

“Huh?” she questioned, almost stupefied by the question. “You’ll be sleeping with me in my bed, silly!”

“You mean… together?”

“Well how else can we sleep in the same bed? Why? We used to sleep together as foals. I slept with you yesterday.”

“Yeah, but…”

Peter couldn’t find a proper excuse, and he really did enjoy his nap with Twilight the day before.

“Okay,” he answered. “That’s fine.”

“Great. You can put any of your clothes in the closet. There’s a lot of hangers and space for your things as well as some drawers on the left side if you need some.”

“Really?” that actually sounds great.

“Now, I’m going to go get the girls. You and Spike keep each other company alright?”

“You got it!” answered Spike with a salute.

“I shouldn’t be too long.”

With that, Twilight descended the stairs to her door to gather her friends.

“So,” Spike asked, “whatcha’ want to do?”

“Um…” Peter tried to say without disappointing Spike as he walked to the bed, “I was going to Skype my pop.”

“Oh,” Spike said, a bit disappointed, “I was going to suggest playing a card game or something, but alright.”

“Maybe afterwards,” he answered, slipping his laptop out and tossing the bag to the floor. “I doubt talking to dad will take too long, and Twilight needs to bring her friends over… wherever they are. “

Peter sat on Twilight’s bed and flipped the laptop open, turning it on.

“Come on,” Peter beckoned with a patting of the space beside him. “Come talk to him with me.”

Spike jogged over to the spot on the bed and jumped up beside him as Peter started Skype up. Finding his dad, he clicked the icon to call him. With a couple sets of ringing, Patrick finally answered.

“Hey, there you are,” Patrick said. “I was getting worried.”

“Did you get my text?” asked Peter.

“Yeah, but I still wanted to talk to you before I left for work. Where are you by the way?”

“I’m at Twilight’s house in Ponyville. I’m moving in with her.”

“Ponyville? Equestria, Canterlot, Ponyville… these names just keep getting sillier and sillier.”

“Hey, Mr. Falwell!” Spike called out, his hand waving in front of Peter’s face.

“Is that Spike?” he asked.

“Yeah,” answered Peter, tilting the screen and moving the camera towards the baby dragon. “I don’t think you’ve been introduced yet.”

“No. I just saw him a couple of times with Twilight during the test yesterday. Hey, Spike. I’m Peter’s dad, but please call me Patrick.”

“Hey, Patrick. I’m Spike, Twilight’s assistant.”

“Really? What kind of stuff do you assist her with?”

“Lots! Writing her checklists, sending her letters, housework, getting her supplies…”

“You sound pretty busy.”

“It can get that way sometimes.”

“Are you going to help Peter move in.”

“Well, since I guess he’s our new housemate, I suppose I will.”

“Good for you. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it, won’t you Peter?”

“Very much so,” Peter answered. “I mean, most of my luggage that I’ll need to pack is my clothes, my toiletries, and all my spices, oils, and other cooking stuff. The rest is for the restaurant, so moving in shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“Right. Do you have others helping you?”

“There’s a friend that I met when I first came here that gave me a place to stay before Twilight took me to Canterlot. Her name is Applejack, and she and a bunch of Twilight’s other friends are coming over to meet me in a bit, and once I’m done with you, me and Spike are going to play some games and stuff while we wait.”

“Sounds like fun. It’s a bit later than usual, but I’ve gotta’ go and take a shower and get ready for work. Tell the new friends that you meet that I said, ‘Hi!’”

“I’ll be sure not to forget. Alright, bye pop.”


With the image gone and replaced by Patrick’s contact page, Peter closed out of Skype and put his computer away.

“So,” Peter said, looking at Spike. “Got a deck of cards?”


Twilight walked up to her house with Applejack and four other mares beside her. One mare was a cyan pegasus with a messily cut mane and tail streaked with six colors of the rainbow, as well as having a cutie mark of a cloud shooting a red-yellow-and- blue lightning bolt. The next mare was a white unicorn with a purple mane and tail that all flowed together in one large curl. Her cutie mark was three ice-blue gems.

The third unknown mare was another pegasus, but she was a creamy-yellow in color and she had a long, flowing pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a trio of blue butterflies with pink wings. The last of them was a pink earth pony with a poofy, curly pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark consisted of three balloons, the left and right ones being blue while the middle one was yellow. Unlike the other five, who were walking, she bounced up into the air with all four hooves as if they were made of springs.

“Oh, I can’t believe he’s actually getting to stay in Ponyville!” exclaimed the white unicorn. “I feel so privileged!”

“I sure hope he likes cake!” squealed the pink pony.

“Like Celestia said,” Twilight answered, “he’s a chef where he comes from, so yes, I’m pretty sure he likes cake.”

“Oh boy! We already have so much in common! I wonder what else he likes. For all I know, he could be my twin!”

“I highly doubt that,” Applejack mentioned. “Just wait until you see this guy.”

“Pfft,” huffed the blue pegasus. “He can’t be all that special. Just wait until he gets a load of me!”

“Yeah,” Twilight groaned, unsure of herself, “we’ll need to talk about that.”

“And you’re sure he’s not dangerous?” asked the yellow pegasus.

“I’m certain of it,” Twilight assured her as they reached the front door. “I’ll explain everything to you when you come inside.”

Twilight opened the door with her magic, bringing her other friends inside. From upstairs, Peter and Spike heard the clamoring of the girls, all wondering what they were going to expect upon meeting him.

“Peter!” called Twilight. “We’re home! We’re coming up to the study! Meet us down there!”

“Got it!” Peter called.

Peter put his fanned hand of cards in a stack next to his seat across from Spike, who had a fanned set of cards of his own. As Peter went down the stairs, Spike, looking in both directions, picked up Peter’s hand and began to memorize its contents.

Peter came down to the study just as Twilight’s head came through the stairway. Following her in order was Applejack, the cyan pegasus, the pink earth pony, the white unicorn, and the yellow pegasus. Despite her previous words, the blue pegasus stared at Peter with an agape mouth, as did all the others minus Twilight and Applejack. However, the first to break the silence that followed was the yellow pegasus.

“Oh, wow!” she exclaimed with a bright, happy smile. “Just look at you! You’re so big!”

The eager pony began to fondle Peter’s bare arms, all to the sheer amusement of Peter.

“And you… have no fur!” she examined. “That must be why you have clothes! And those claws, they’re so stubby and… soft!”

The pegasus lovingly rubbed the side of her face against the back of Peter’s motionless hand. Peter then rotated it to scratch under her chin, but as soon as his hand moved, her pleasant and joyful demeanor was replaced by fear as she let out a loud squeak and quickly flew behind her friends. Peter, realizing his actions immediately, felt regret.

“Oh, shi…oot,” he corrected. “I’m sorry about that. I was just trying to pet you is all. It’s okay,” he cooed, kneeling down with his arm outstretched towards her. “I won’t hurt you. Promise.”

Whether it be his gentle voice or her fervent curiosity, the timid pegasus broke through her friends and walked up to him. She stared at his hand just inches away from her face. Peter, hoping she’d accept him again, was happy to see as Fluttershy dipped her head under his arm an lifted it up to place his hand right at the top of her mane.

Peter, completely blown away by the soft, silky texture of the mane, gave a few giddy chuckles before he couldn’t take it anymore. Being as gentle but as quick as possible, he took both arms and pulled her towards him by her neck, giving her a hug. The yellow pegasus, while surprised by the act, understood what he was doing and put her own arms around his torso while snuggling her head into his neck.

The others watched with amazement as their normally timid friend took to the alien stranger as warmly as she would a baby kitten.

“By the way,” Peter said, allowing Fluttershy to back away for a proper introduction, “my name is Peter. What’s yours?”

“Hi, Peter,” she sighed in a sweet voice. “I’m Fluttershy. I… I look forward to your time here in Ponyville.”

“Peter,” Twilight said, stepping in front of her friends to introduce them. “These are the friends I’ve made in Ponyville since we’ve last seen each other.”

“Wait!” shouted the rainbow-maned pegasus, encroaching into Twilight’s space. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What do you mean by, ‘last saw each other?’”

“You know him?” asked the white unicorn in complete shock.

“What a tweest!” the pink pony exclaimed in an exaggerated Indian accent.

“Huh?” Fluttershy questioned. “What does this mean?”

Twilight looked at each of her four confused friends while Applejack just stood by to watch until called upon. Twilight bowed her head and took a sigh before she looked back to her friends.

“I think I have some explaining to do,” she admitted.