• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 372 Views, 6 Comments

Tales from a lost pony - Zen Gale

Follow Cheery Notes as she interviews the one strange pony to make it out of the quarentined Trottingham after a mysterious disaster at Sparkle's Magi-tech industries.

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Chapter 2: Starting off

'A dark blue pegasus with a silvery grey mane stood at a window the sprawling city layed out before him, it's dozens of buildings both old and new creating a maze or brick, mortar, and concrete.'


'The walkways arching up from the ground, snaking in between the buildings. All of this was possible due to the combined efforts of the three pony races. Pegasi building materials, earth pony construction techniques, and unicorn architecture all combined to turn the city into a rapidly expanding metropolis with the magi-tech tower at the center'


'Occasionally a small airship would fly by the tower, weaving in between it and other buildings to pull up to a walkway. Ponies would either disembark or board the ship before it takes off again to continue its path through...'


"WAHH! Geez Storm, did ya have to yell so loud?" a hoof going to his ear to rub out the soreness.

"Well, you shouldn't space off so much on the job." teased the ashen grey pegasus with a white and blue mane. "Ya know they'll give this internship to someone else if they see ya slacking off."

"Yeah yeah, I know. It's just..." Zen's gaze went back to the window, "I've never been to a city like this before, there's just so much here..."

"Well don't say I didn't warn ya," Storm shrugged as he started to walk down the hallway. "C'mon, the prof wants us in lab three."

Turning away from the scene outside Zen went after his friend, "Don't see why they bother, it's not as if they let us do anything anyways"

"True dat, but hey at least this time we're in a neat lab."


"We're helping in lab three today, thats where their working on that harmony engine thing." Zen stared blankly at Storm until he continued, "Dang man, do you ever pay attention? Thats the crazy devise that's going to let us and earth ponies actually use magic. Think about it man, when this little experiment works it'll revolutionize pony society, and we'll be mentioned as assistants! I'll be famous, and you'll be able to get into any university ya want."

"Heh, and just how does THEIR experiment make YOU famous?"

"Well...Maybe I'll spot something on the machine and fix it. And then all the scientist will be like 'oh Storm Winds you've saved us from what would no doubt be a disastor, please accept credit for this devise,' and that hot receptionist will be."

"Yeah I'm going to stop you there, one because there's no way you'd ever get her." Zen paused to chuckle at his friends glare, "and two, because we're here."

"Welp," Storm said with a shrug, "just another day in paradise." With that he pushed through the double doors, Zen following a second after.

The inside of the lab would have made a mad scientist pround. A bit over a dozen box like machines sat along the walls and in clumps around the room, forming small metal islands in a sparse sea of ponies in white lab coats. Each had its own array of lights and screens displaying a dizzying amount of information. Set in the center of the room was a towering circular devise reachign clear to the ceiling. Around the middle of the machine sat a metal orb covered in runic symbols hooked up to dozens if not more wires and tube. These snaked across the floor before disappearing into the various other machines. The scientist were moving about the mess of technology with carefull precision, either making adjustments or taking notes on observations. For a while Zen and Storm simply stood near the door watching the scene with bemused expressions.

"Hey, there's professor Stats. Let's see if he wants us to do anything," said Storm before beginning to walk over to the tan, white bearded unicorn.

"Sigh, of course you go for the one professor who likes to give us chores," Zen replied before following. Muttering under his breath, "and no doubt I'll end up doing them while you get to stick around."

The older beared figure slowly rose from his crouched position infront of one of the machines as the sound of hooves approached. Turning around he regarded the two pegasi with the same strained expression of joy. "Ah, Zen and Storm, I'm glad you two are here."

"Here it comes" Zen wispered to Storm.

"I need one of you to take that box of samples to freezer 7," accenting his statement with a point towards a box sitting on the far wall. "I need the other one to tell the receptionist in the lobby that all meetings for today are canceled due to....recent developements."

"OH! Dibs on the receptionist!" Storm blurted out just barely after professor Stats finished talking. "Sorry Zen," he quickly added offerring a sheepish grin in return to the glare he was now recieving from the other pegasi.

"Sigh, It's fine Storm. I was looking forward to a walk to the opposite side of the building." The sarcasm dripping off his statement.

"Now now Zen, there's no need for that kind of attitude on a day like today," remarked the professor.

"Yeah? And what's so special about today?"

"Why today is a day for progress! We'll be firing up the Harmony Engine in a few hours, maybe if you two hurry you'll make it back in time for it's maiden voyage hehehe." the elder stallion chuckled. "Now hurry along there's much to be done and precious few hours to do it."

"Sweet!, see Zen, I told ya today was going to be awesome. Race ya to see who gets back first!" and with that Storm all but flew out the double door and down the hallway disappearing from sight around corner.

"Guess I should get going too," Zen said unenthusiasticly as he picked up the box of samples.

"Do try to hurry up, we'll probably actually need your help in here today."

"Sure sure." was the only reply Zen offered as he also walked out the door.

An hour later and a certain dark blue pegasus was feeling very lost in the labyrinth of hallways that made up every floor of the tower. He had taken dozens of turns and at least 4 flights of stairs only to find himself in a hallway he didn't know. Hanging his head in defeat Zen began trying to find his way back to some place familiar.

"Why is it everytime I find you, you always look so lost?"

Zen's head whipped around at the familiar sounding mares voice. "Oh Sugar Song, you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now."

The pink maned lime green earth pony blushed at the comment before replying, "well isn't that the greeting every mare dreams of hehehe," she chuckled.

"Uhh..I uhh...I just needed some directions," he stammered out as a hoof found its way to a spot on the back of his head that he didn't know itched.

"Awww, oh well...So where are you headed anyways?"

"I'm trying to find freezer seven, any clues where it's at?" She giggled at his statement, and when he shot her a critical look it only caused her to start openly laughing. "What? What's so funny?"

"Did you happen to just come down that hallway?"


"It's back that way," she said chuckling some more, "I swear I have no idea how you manage to get so lost in this place."

"Well it's not my fault they built this place like a maze."

Rolling her eyes with her reply, "sure, blame somepony else. Do you need me to escourt you?"

"Nah, I should have it," his gaze traveled down the hallway he'd just came from completely missing the teasing in her statement.

"Same old Zen, well take..." The rest of her statement died off and a worried tone filled her voice. "What's that?"

"What are you talking abou....." His statement died as well as his head turned around to see what had stopped Sugar mid speech.

At the far end of the hallway a wall of white light started to expand towards them. It's almost blinding shine completely obscurred everything it touched from sight. Slowly, the wall crept towards the two lone ponies in the hallway, Sugar took a hesitant step towards it as well, "Careful Sugar."

The mare and wall continued to close the gap between them, when she was only a few feat away she held a hoof out towards the light patiently waiting while the wall kept its steady pace. Without stopping the light engulfed her hoof, and for a few seconds she simply held it there while Zen watched.

Time seemed to slow as as she withdrew a her foreleg only to begin screaming when no hoof came with it. Blood began to fountain from the shortened limb as she flailed it about. Turning around her frightened expression met Zen's shocked blank stare. The terrfied mare started to take a step only to slip on the bloodied tile floor. Her eyes shut at the impact, only to shoot open as she looked behind her. There the wall, which hadn't halted it's advance, had reached her hind legs and was beginning to work its way up. Her head turned back around, her pinprick sized pupils held nothing but fear. She reached out her one still whole foreleg towards Zen, tears welling up in her eyes as the light progressed over her tail and continued its march up her back. Her mouth formed words but no sound came and then there was nothing but light as the rest of her was simply swallowed up.

"SUGAR SONG!" Zen yelled as his mind finally caught up with what had just transpired, the shock still slowing his thoughts. No reply came except for the walls continued expansion. At this something finally clicked into place in the pegasuses mind, a sole thought that went back to basic instinct, RUN. He humored the thought, turning on his hooves and tearring down the hallway. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going, just trying to get away from the light, but no matter how many turns he took it still followed simply going through the walls expanding outward.

Just keep running, it'll have to stop sometime. Just got to, 'SLAM!' His thoughts were interrupted as he took a turn slaming face first into a set of hard metal doors, Freezer 7 tittled in blocky letters above them. Turning about sure enough there was the wall of light still expanding towards him. Zen pressed himself against the metal doors even rising to his hind legs to try and take up the least amount of room possible.

He shut his eyes in anticipation of the inevitable, 'well, it's been a decent run. Hopefully it'll be quick,' he then began a prayer to Celestia. And then one to Luna after he'd finished. And then another to Cadence? He was just about to start one for Twilight when his mind started another thought process. It went along the lines of 'well it sure is taking it's time.' Cracking one eye open, only for both to shoot open to regard the wall of light mere inches from his muzzle.

'Well, now what?' he thought as a high pitched whinning sound filled the air. The noise continued to spike in volume and pitch becoming almost inaudible. Just as the sound was becoming unbearable a visible ripple passed thought the wall of light. Rapidly it began receding only to reveal that all the light had come to encompass was no longer there. Tile, brick, steel, and no doubt ponies were seemingly erased by the still receding light. Zen watched as the wall shrank back towards it's point of origin eventually showing that it was actually more sphereical in nature. Onwards it shrank till it disappeared into a small metal ball covered in brightly glowing symbols.

'CRACK! BOOOOM!' Went the orb as a crack splintered down from the top of the orb, then with a visible horizontal shockwave a fountain of energy erupted skyward. The only thoughts Zen managed as the horizontal shockwave rapidly approached were ones of awe at the terrifyingly amazing sight before him, and a half formed thought of 'this is going to...' The rest was lost as the ring slammed into him sending him through the doors, and the walls behind them. As a feeling of falling took hold, darkness flooded his vision as his brain gave up trying to keep up with all that was happening.

The rest of city however was able to witness the fountain of energy reach it's apex where it exploded outward. The energy began to disperse in the form of a sparkling rainbow colored rain. This went on for a few minutes before rain tapered off and the screaming began.

Author's Note:

Well, chapter 3 is up and yay, because now this story has gotten farther than every other atempt I've ever made on it, and personally I feel pretty good about it so far. Again still unedited, and I know I'm no amazing author so critique is welcome (although positive is preferred) Thanks and hopefully you all enjoy it.