> Tales from a lost pony > by Zen Gale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doors to the bar opened, spilling light into the dim atmosphere. Several sets of eyes displaying a mix of emotions from curiosity to irritation all fell on the yellow-green mare. She however paid them little mind, looking past their glances with a searching stare. She was searching for somepony specific and at first glance it didn't appear that he was here despite their supposed arranged meeting. With a defeated sigh she began to turn around only to catch sight of a table that had previously eluded her vision. Sitting at this lone table was a single dark blue pegasus stallion who despite the warm temperature in the bar still wore a large red trench coat, its lengths draped over his back covering all most all of his rear half except for his hooves. Atop his head rested a rather beaten up pointed hat also red in color with it's wide brim tilted down obscurring his eyes. He was looking at her with something of a smirk, and proceeded to raise his glass in a beconing gesture towards the table. Cautiously she began to walk over, 'Okay Cheery Notes he's here, this is your big chance. This assignment was given to you from Princess Sparkle herself. Remember you need to get ans.......' her thought process was interrupted as she arrived at the table. Just as she began to take her seat, the brim of the stallions hat lifted ever so slightly revealing his eyes. Instead of the normal pony eyes and color, there were a pair of hourglass pupils with the rest of the iris a duly glowing gold. Chuckling he began to speak in a sharp, but calm voice "So am I going to have to start this conversation? And here I thought I was supposed to be the one getting interviewed." "Rrrrright....ummm...." She stuttered as her gaze finally tore away from the pegasus. Her attention found its new target, her saddlebags. Horn briefly lighting up with a light green glow a small book, quill and ink, soon levitated out and onto the table. "Where would you like to start Mr. Gale?" "With another drink, and please, just Zen is fine." "Mr. Gale, I'd like to retain a air of professionalism" her upturned face briefly showed a hint of disgust "That is assuming that you are still sober enough to provide me with literate and fully articulated answers to my." "Sskkt hehahahahaha!" "And just what is so funny?" "Sorry, sorry, but this isn't what I'd call much of a formal meeting," he said with a sweeping gesture of his wing towards the rest of the bar. "And I personally never reached the level of professional before everything went wrong." "What do you mean?" Cheery asked with suddenly wide eyes, quill raised just inches above the now open book. "Were you some kind of professor before the disastor? Did you actually see the disastor, or possibly its cause? Were you in the building when it happened? Did." The rapid assult of questions was abruptly stopped as some surprisingly articulate primary feathers fell over her mouth. "Mare...I mean Cheery, no offence meant but if I answer a random line of questions you'll only be leaving here with several more and we'll never get this done. Now lets start with my drink and what we both know." Slowly the feathers fell away only to make a gesture to the bartender who began to dig around on the shelves behind the counter. "Fine...." a mix of irritation and disppointment in her voice. "I'm ready when you are" At that point the bartender arrived at the table with the bottle of labelless booze casting an expectant look at the pegasus. He returned it with a grin and proceeded to pull out a few coins from inside his cloak. The Bartender began to leave only to stop facing towards the unicorn, once more his gaze fell on the pegasus. With the slightest of nods from Zen the bartender continued his turn and left the two. "Ummm....What was that about?" "Nothing, so lets see where to start....." his hoof rose scratching the back of his head. "I suppose we'll start eight years ago." "But thats when Twilight Sparkle became the princess of magic?" "Yep, and one years later she founded the leading company in magical and technological research, spear heading the integration of the two into usable forms for all three of the pony races as well as a few other races. one year later this company, Magi-tech industries, announced its biggest project ever." "The research into usable magics for pegasi and earth ponies!" Cheery blurted out, only to blush slightly a put a hoof over her mouth, elicitating a restrained chuckle from Zen. "Sorry, I've done a little research into the project and its ramifications. I was actually hoping to help work on it with the other scientist before the explosion." "Well, be glad you wern't there. You probably wouldn't have made it....uh no offence meant" he quickly added when her expression started to change. "Anyways, yeah the research into useable magic for the other two pony clans. It was a massive announcement that not only would the majority of the company in Trottingham, but the princess of magic herself would be leading this project from her home in Ponyville. A year after this no information had been released but rumors of a breakthrough were wide spread. This continued right up to the beginning of the disastor." "Right, the explosion" "Implosion" "Implosion?" "Yeah, implosion," the scratching of a quill roughly across the paper of the book seemed uncannily loud as she marked out the word only to replace it with the latter. As soon as the scribbling stopped her eyes rose expectantly waiting for him to continue. "Well, almost immediatly afterwards strange reports start to file in, the princess goes to investigate, and locks down the entire city and a sizable chunk of the surrounding area with an impenetrable barrier saying that a disastor of unprecedented destruction has befallen the town and for the safety of everyone she has enacted a quarentine. A few days later, some teams are sent in to investigate the scene and rescue survivors, they disappear a only a few hours in. This goes on for a while before the area is simply deemed unsafe due to an overflow of dangerous magic and to be left under quarentine until an appropriate course of actions can be enacted." "That was all five years ago" Cheery intejected, "Durring that time nothing entered or exited the quarentine, that is until three weeks ago when suddenly a strange dark purple portal opens on the north side of the wall, and you walk out through the barrier like nothing happened." "Heh, and it took all of three seconds before Twilight Sparkle herself teleports infront of me, starts barraging me with questions, then binds me magically as soon as she sees my eyes." "And despite her powerful binding spells, you manage to escape without any trace or show of struggle only to send her a request for a meeting with a representative a few days later....Zen." "Hmmm?" "How did you manage to escape her binding spells?" "That answer comes with a story, and will probably take more than a single day to answer. Tell me, do you have some place to stay?" "Yeah? I'm staying at the hotel on Mulbush and Coldridge." "Good, hope you brought some more paper with you. Theres roughly five years worth that isn't in any report I've seen since getting out." "Fi..five years.......five years of undocumented, first hand experience on a situation that not even the princess is aware of...." "Ummm....yeah? That is why you were sent here isn't it? To write a report on my experiences." "I...I wasn't told that I'd actually get anything other than the cause, but a full five years. That'd be long enough to not only see the immediate effects but also to see the beginning of long term effects....YES, promotion here I come!" "Hehehe, how about you listen to my tale before celebrating and be forwarned, there were some rather...disturbing situations inside the barrier. Even thought it trapped me inside, I'm glad she put it up fast enough to keep any of 'them' getting out." "Them?" "Ponies inside the quarentine called them the , and they're something no pony should ever have to see. Let alone do what I've had to do." Zen's eye took on a distant view as his sentence ended prompting an awkward silence between the unicorn mare and pegasus stallion. "Zen?" His eyes continued to stare at a spot on the table, but one look at the hourglass eyes was enough to tell anyone that he wasn't seeing with his physical eyes. "Zen? ZEN!" finally his eyes snapped back up at the mare who all but shouted his name, and for the briefest moments his eyes held a fear as clear the moon on a cloudless night. "Sorry, kinda spaced out there." "I'd say, are you sure you're up to this. I mean we can reschedule if its too much trouble." "No, it's time for this story to be heard. I'm going to ask though, please keep the interruptions to as few as possible, it'll be easier to answr questions before we leave rather than risk me loosing my place." "Ooookay then." She said dipping her quill in the ink "Ready." "Alright, 5 years ago..." > Chapter 2: Starting off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'A dark blue pegasus with a silvery grey mane stood at a window the sprawling city layed out before him, it's dozens of buildings both old and new creating a maze or brick, mortar, and concrete.' "zen..." 'The walkways arching up from the ground, snaking in between the buildings. All of this was possible due to the combined efforts of the three pony races. Pegasi building materials, earth pony construction techniques, and unicorn architecture all combined to turn the city into a rapidly expanding metropolis with the magi-tech tower at the center' "Zen" 'Occasionally a small airship would fly by the tower, weaving in between it and other buildings to pull up to a walkway. Ponies would either disembark or board the ship before it takes off again to continue its path through...' "ZEN!!!" "WAHH! Geez Storm, did ya have to yell so loud?" a hoof going to his ear to rub out the soreness. "Well, you shouldn't space off so much on the job." teased the ashen grey pegasus with a white and blue mane. "Ya know they'll give this internship to someone else if they see ya slacking off." "Yeah yeah, I know. It's just..." Zen's gaze went back to the window, "I've never been to a city like this before, there's just so much here..." "Well don't say I didn't warn ya," Storm shrugged as he started to walk down the hallway. "C'mon, the prof wants us in lab three." Turning away from the scene outside Zen went after his friend, "Don't see why they bother, it's not as if they let us do anything anyways" "True dat, but hey at least this time we're in a neat lab." "Huh?" "We're helping in lab three today, thats where their working on that harmony engine thing." Zen stared blankly at Storm until he continued, "Dang man, do you ever pay attention? Thats the crazy devise that's going to let us and earth ponies actually use magic. Think about it man, when this little experiment works it'll revolutionize pony society, and we'll be mentioned as assistants! I'll be famous, and you'll be able to get into any university ya want." "Heh, and just how does THEIR experiment make YOU famous?" "Well...Maybe I'll spot something on the machine and fix it. And then all the scientist will be like 'oh Storm Winds you've saved us from what would no doubt be a disastor, please accept credit for this devise,' and that hot receptionist will be." "Yeah I'm going to stop you there, one because there's no way you'd ever get her." Zen paused to chuckle at his friends glare, "and two, because we're here." "Welp," Storm said with a shrug, "just another day in paradise." With that he pushed through the double doors, Zen following a second after. The inside of the lab would have made a mad scientist pround. A bit over a dozen box like machines sat along the walls and in clumps around the room, forming small metal islands in a sparse sea of ponies in white lab coats. Each had its own array of lights and screens displaying a dizzying amount of information. Set in the center of the room was a towering circular devise reachign clear to the ceiling. Around the middle of the machine sat a metal orb covered in runic symbols hooked up to dozens if not more wires and tube. These snaked across the floor before disappearing into the various other machines. The scientist were moving about the mess of technology with carefull precision, either making adjustments or taking notes on observations. For a while Zen and Storm simply stood near the door watching the scene with bemused expressions. "Hey, there's professor Stats. Let's see if he wants us to do anything," said Storm before beginning to walk over to the tan, white bearded unicorn. "Sigh, of course you go for the one professor who likes to give us chores," Zen replied before following. Muttering under his breath, "and no doubt I'll end up doing them while you get to stick around." The older beared figure slowly rose from his crouched position infront of one of the machines as the sound of hooves approached. Turning around he regarded the two pegasi with the same strained expression of joy. "Ah, Zen and Storm, I'm glad you two are here." "Here it comes" Zen wispered to Storm. "I need one of you to take that box of samples to freezer 7," accenting his statement with a point towards a box sitting on the far wall. "I need the other one to tell the receptionist in the lobby that all meetings for today are canceled due to....recent developements." "OH! Dibs on the receptionist!" Storm blurted out just barely after professor Stats finished talking. "Sorry Zen," he quickly added offerring a sheepish grin in return to the glare he was now recieving from the other pegasi. "Sigh, It's fine Storm. I was looking forward to a walk to the opposite side of the building." The sarcasm dripping off his statement. "Now now Zen, there's no need for that kind of attitude on a day like today," remarked the professor. "Yeah? And what's so special about today?" "Why today is a day for progress! We'll be firing up the Harmony Engine in a few hours, maybe if you two hurry you'll make it back in time for it's maiden voyage hehehe." the elder stallion chuckled. "Now hurry along there's much to be done and precious few hours to do it." "Sweet!, see Zen, I told ya today was going to be awesome. Race ya to see who gets back first!" and with that Storm all but flew out the double door and down the hallway disappearing from sight around corner. "Guess I should get going too," Zen said unenthusiasticly as he picked up the box of samples. "Do try to hurry up, we'll probably actually need your help in here today." "Sure sure." was the only reply Zen offered as he also walked out the door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An hour later and a certain dark blue pegasus was feeling very lost in the labyrinth of hallways that made up every floor of the tower. He had taken dozens of turns and at least 4 flights of stairs only to find himself in a hallway he didn't know. Hanging his head in defeat Zen began trying to find his way back to some place familiar. "Why is it everytime I find you, you always look so lost?" Zen's head whipped around at the familiar sounding mares voice. "Oh Sugar Song, you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now." The pink maned lime green earth pony blushed at the comment before replying, "well isn't that the greeting every mare dreams of hehehe," she chuckled. "Uhh..I uhh...I just needed some directions," he stammered out as a hoof found its way to a spot on the back of his head that he didn't know itched. "Awww, oh well...So where are you headed anyways?" "I'm trying to find freezer seven, any clues where it's at?" She giggled at his statement, and when he shot her a critical look it only caused her to start openly laughing. "What? What's so funny?" "Did you happen to just come down that hallway?" "Yeah?" "It's back that way," she said chuckling some more, "I swear I have no idea how you manage to get so lost in this place." "Well it's not my fault they built this place like a maze." Rolling her eyes with her reply, "sure, blame somepony else. Do you need me to escourt you?" "Nah, I should have it," his gaze traveled down the hallway he'd just came from completely missing the teasing in her statement. "Same old Zen, well take..." The rest of her statement died off and a worried tone filled her voice. "What's that?" "What are you talking abou....." His statement died as well as his head turned around to see what had stopped Sugar mid speech. At the far end of the hallway a wall of white light started to expand towards them. It's almost blinding shine completely obscurred everything it touched from sight. Slowly, the wall crept towards the two lone ponies in the hallway, Sugar took a hesitant step towards it as well, "Careful Sugar." The mare and wall continued to close the gap between them, when she was only a few feat away she held a hoof out towards the light patiently waiting while the wall kept its steady pace. Without stopping the light engulfed her hoof, and for a few seconds she simply held it there while Zen watched. Time seemed to slow as as she withdrew a her foreleg only to begin screaming when no hoof came with it. Blood began to fountain from the shortened limb as she flailed it about. Turning around her frightened expression met Zen's shocked blank stare. The terrfied mare started to take a step only to slip on the bloodied tile floor. Her eyes shut at the impact, only to shoot open as she looked behind her. There the wall, which hadn't halted it's advance, had reached her hind legs and was beginning to work its way up. Her head turned back around, her pinprick sized pupils held nothing but fear. She reached out her one still whole foreleg towards Zen, tears welling up in her eyes as the light progressed over her tail and continued its march up her back. Her mouth formed words but no sound came and then there was nothing but light as the rest of her was simply swallowed up. "SUGAR SONG!" Zen yelled as his mind finally caught up with what had just transpired, the shock still slowing his thoughts. No reply came except for the walls continued expansion. At this something finally clicked into place in the pegasuses mind, a sole thought that went back to basic instinct, RUN. He humored the thought, turning on his hooves and tearring down the hallway. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going, just trying to get away from the light, but no matter how many turns he took it still followed simply going through the walls expanding outward. Just keep running, it'll have to stop sometime. Just got to, 'SLAM!' His thoughts were interrupted as he took a turn slaming face first into a set of hard metal doors, Freezer 7 tittled in blocky letters above them. Turning about sure enough there was the wall of light still expanding towards him. Zen pressed himself against the metal doors even rising to his hind legs to try and take up the least amount of room possible. He shut his eyes in anticipation of the inevitable, 'well, it's been a decent run. Hopefully it'll be quick,' he then began a prayer to Celestia. And then one to Luna after he'd finished. And then another to Cadence? He was just about to start one for Twilight when his mind started another thought process. It went along the lines of 'well it sure is taking it's time.' Cracking one eye open, only for both to shoot open to regard the wall of light mere inches from his muzzle. 'Well, now what?' he thought as a high pitched whinning sound filled the air. The noise continued to spike in volume and pitch becoming almost inaudible. Just as the sound was becoming unbearable a visible ripple passed thought the wall of light. Rapidly it began receding only to reveal that all the light had come to encompass was no longer there. Tile, brick, steel, and no doubt ponies were seemingly erased by the still receding light. Zen watched as the wall shrank back towards it's point of origin eventually showing that it was actually more sphereical in nature. Onwards it shrank till it disappeared into a small metal ball covered in brightly glowing symbols. 'CRACK! BOOOOM!' Went the orb as a crack splintered down from the top of the orb, then with a visible horizontal shockwave a fountain of energy erupted skyward. The only thoughts Zen managed as the horizontal shockwave rapidly approached were ones of awe at the terrifyingly amazing sight before him, and a half formed thought of 'this is going to...' The rest was lost as the ring slammed into him sending him through the doors, and the walls behind them. As a feeling of falling took hold, darkness flooded his vision as his brain gave up trying to keep up with all that was happening. The rest of city however was able to witness the fountain of energy reach it's apex where it exploded outward. The energy began to disperse in the form of a sparkling rainbow colored rain. This went on for a few minutes before rain tapered off and the screaming began. > Chapter 3: Waking up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gradually the black void receeded from his vision. In its stead a rough circle of light purple outlined by greyness. Blinking his eyes brought focus back into it's rightful place showing that the circle was a hole in the white roof, and the purple was...the sky? Somewhere in the cloudy storm that was his thought process something stuck out. A purple sky didn't seem to make sense, and for that matter, why was there a hole in the ceiling? The dark blue pegasus tried to sit up, only to double over, hooves shooting to his head that pulsed with pain. After what seemed to be hours the pain in his head dulled down only for the various other parts of his body to begin their own complaints. His wings burned, his hooves throbbed, and his back carried searing itch of pain. For a while he simply laid where he was, the overload of physical stress rooting him to the spot. After minutes that seemed like hours, the throbs and aches died away enough to allow some movement and other thoughts. 'Well, let's figure out where we are.' Mindful of the headache, Zen carefully turned his head to the left and right. Scattered about the building were racks of clothes on hangers and several mannequins some of which were toppled over. Other than that the only other things he could se were some pieces of broken wood and plaster from the roof. 'Hmmm, guess I sorta fell through the roof...WHAT!' his eyes shot open quickly looking over his sore body as he began to pat himself down and extend his wings in search of injury. With a sigh of relief at finding nothing other than bruises and some small cuts his gaze shifted back to the hole above him and the purple sky above that. 'Well thats a relief, still doesn't explain the purple sky though,' his thought had just finished when the sky shimmered. Choosing to not worry about sky he lowered his gaze."Hey, anyone here?" He tried to call out with a hoarse voice, 'how long was I out for? And why hasn't anyone bothered to help me?' Sitting up he called out again, the words scratching his sore throat, "hello? Look I'm sorry if I sorta crashed through your roof." No answer. Shakily he rose to his hooves, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Hello? Guess no ones home." Looking around the dark blue pegasus noticed a door off to his left. On unsteady limbs he began walking over towards it only to be met with a moments reluctance before opening it. Brushing the thoughts aside he pushed open the door, taking a few steps through the threshold while shielding his eyes from the much brighter outside. When his eyes finally adjusted his mouth fell open at the sight before him. He was still in the city that much he was for sure of, but it had changed drastically in the time he spent unconscious. It looked like a bomb had gone off, buildings where in various states of destruction ranging from just a few broken windows to being nothing but piles of rubble. The skywalks were littered with chunks of rubble, or broken and simply missing from the rest of the path. Airships of all sizes had seemed to crash into whatever was around, and off in the distance on the edge of his vision Zen could just make out the magi-tech tower, seemingly unharmed, but it was impossible to tell from his distance from the structure. He was starring so intently at the damage that he didn't even notice the first body until his hoof brushed against it. For a second or two he stared at the sight, unable to recognize what he had accidently bumped into. Then his mind stared whirling again and he noticed the bright aqua color fur, stained with a darkened crimson in various places. The white and seafoam green mane and tail lay flat and matted against the still form of the horned pony that was lying on its side.... Gingerly he tapped the side with a shaking hoof "Hey, are you....alright? Hey," but the body didn't move. He began to nudge it with the other hoof, still calling out to the form "Hey, can you hear me? Are you okay?" Still the body layed still. Visably shaking now he began to yell as both hooves fell on the ponies body shaking it "HEY, C'MON WAKE UP! PLEASE BE..." his shaking came to abrupt halt as his movements finally caused the body to roll over facing towards him. The muzzle looked scrunched up and distorted, and one bloodshot eye was still open but held no life. The other eye had what looked like a shard of glass sticking out of it burried an unknown depth into the pony. Backing away with a jump he began to feel sick. Now he saw them all, scattered about the broken rubble or burried partially beneath it. The bodies were everywhere and of all kinds. The sick feeling returned with greater force and his fotitude failed to keep the contents down. When he was done dizziness filled the void left by nausia and his quiverring feet nearly gave out from under him. Shaking his head from side to side he locked his feat under him and took a few deep breaths. Somewhere off to his left some rocks shifted sending a few rolling down the pile. His head whipped towards the noise as he called out in an unsteady voice, "Hello, who's there? Listen I don't know what's going on, but... these ponies look really hurt. I think some of them might be dead." His gaze shifted back to the still unmoving unicorn. He wasn't sure how long he looked at it or when the slight shadow overtook his form, but suddenly everything got a bit darker and when he turned back towards the pile something was standing infront of him with another thing raised above it. "What the?" BANG! "OW!" BANG! "OW, HEY!" BANG! "OW, HEY STOP!" BANG! "OW, please stop." BANG! "ow, please..." BANG! "ugh...." The shadow stopped it's assult mid swing. Gazing up weakly at the form Zen could finally tell it was a pony, but sun obscurred all the details, still now it wasn't swinging the large black object at his head anymore. "....ow...." "Talk, again. Say something..... inteligent." commanded a refined mare's voice. "Thanks for not hitting me again?" The figure seemed to relax at that and porceeded to lower the blunt instrument. "Good, now tell me your name." "Zen, Zen Gale. Look can you tell me what's going on?" "And where were you born." "Cloudsdale, hey look I don't need to be interrogated here, there's hurt ponies over there." Somewhere behind Zen something roared. "Where were you hiding?" "Hiding? I just woke up in there, who are you and what the hell was that?" "No time," the mare said beginning to walk past him. "But if you don't hurry, you'll wish I'd never stopped hitting you." With that she rushed over to the door ducking inside instantly. Zen followed only after a moments hesitation but a second roar, this time much closer, was more that enough to get him moving. Just as he ducked inside the door it was slammed shut and he found a grey hoof stuffed in his mouth. It's owner raised the other to her muzzle and made a shushing gesture before lowering herself beneath the door's window, all but draging Zen with her. After a while another sound made itself present besides their forced breathing. Footsteps of some kind, but it sounded as if it coulding make up it's mind between a clop of a hoof, the click of a claw, or the plop of something softer and possibly wet. Occasionally there would be some other noise along with it. A gurgle, or a screech, for a second it sounded like whatever was outside spoke, but it was too fast and high pitched to actually tell what it said. At one point there was a draggin sound followed by a crunch that made both ponies stomach's churn, and then the creature continued it's 'walk' past the store. Still the grey mare held Zen down and his mouth shut. Eventually she released her hold on him, breathing a sigh of relief she began to walk towards the large black object she'd arrived with. As she began to fiddle with it Zen spoke up "What the hell was that thing?" "A monster." "But what kind? I've never heard of anything sounding like that?" "I've heard a few ponies calling them the turned." she replied, again without looking up from the oblong black object. "Turned? I've never heard of them, what do they look like?" "It's different every time." "What do you mean?" "Each one looks different." "How can that be? Where'd they come from?" "They didn't 'come' from anywhere." "But they had to come from somewhere." "It's polite to ask a lady her name before barraging her with questions you know." "Sigh, fine. What's your name?" There was a couple of clicks and the top of the black object opened slightly. Raising it's lid with a grey hoof the mare reached inside it with the other. First she withdrew a bow, which she promptly deposited on the ground next to her, then she raised a large cello. It's polised wood still held a sheen in the dim atmosphere. After looking at the instrument lovingly for a moment she turned back towards the pegasus. "My name is Octavia Philhamonica, and let me say despite it all, it's a pleasure to meet you." > Chapter 4: Explanation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait a minute." "Hmmm? I thought you were enjoying my tale." Zen remarked with the slightest hints of irritation. "Well yes, but do you honestly expect me to believe it?" Cheery said flatly. "Ummm.... Well you're the one who asked for me to retell of what all happened while I was inside." "And I thought there was an agreement that this would have been a truthfully told tale." "There is, and I've yet to tell you a lie. Well I might have not been quite accurate when describing the pain of waking up in that store. I might have been doubled over a bit longer, and getting to my feet might have been a bit more awkward and time consuming than I mentioned." "But that's just it. While it'd be a long shot I suppose I could believe that you did meet the Octavia Philharmonica." "And traveled with her for some time, and dang did she know how to swing that cello." Zen interrupted without looking at Cheery, his hoof went up caressing a spot on his muzzle. "Anyways" Cheery said with a look between disgust and confusion, "there's no way you survived that fall." "Maybe then I'm only a ghost, ooooohh" Zen teased while spinning his hooves in the air. "Seriously Mr. Gale," she said dully. "Argh, I really don't care for Mr. Gale. Makes me sound older." "MR. GALE." "Yes?" "How did you end up in that store? You can't expect me to believe you fell from the 50th floor of the magi-tech building." "Actually it was more like beign shot out of it because of the explosion." Cheery continued despite Zen's interjection, "Going through multiple walls, one of which was the solid metal door to the freezer, and finally ending up on the floor of a building only to wake up without the slightest lasting injury. It's simply not possible, not even the toughest pony could suvive that." "And yet that's what happened." Cheery stared at the pegasus for a while, trying to guage him for some hint of a lie. But he sat there simply returning the look while adding a mocking smile. "How." "Well, I'm not a true pegasus anymore. Hell, probably not even a real pony anymore." "Huh?" "But you'll just have to sit and listen to the rest of my tale to find out all my secrets. So shall I continue?" Cheery looked at the annoying pegasus for a while. That mocking smirk of a smile never leaving his face. After a moment of thinking how she'd like to just smack the grin right off his face, she heaved a defeated sigh, "Alright, go on." "Good, now where was I...." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "My name is Octavia Philharmonica, and despite everything it's a pleasure to meet you." "If it's such a pleasure, then why'd you hit me with that oversized violin!" Zen nearly yelled still rubbing a sore spot on his muzzle. "It's a cello." Octavia remarked with barely masked annoyance, "And I thought you were one of them." she made a pointed motion towards outside the store. "Clearly I'm not though." "Really?" She paused in her inspection of her instrument, "Have you seen yourself recently? I know I've never met a pegasus that looks like you, assuming you are a pegasus." "Ugh, is that a compliment?" She returned his question with a bored stare before pointing towards a section of wall. Zen followed the gesture to find himself looking at a pegasus that was starring right back. It had the same dark blue coat, but it's grey mane and tail had a streak of purple running down them. As the two walked towards each other finer details made themselves apparent. The teeth were all pointed, but fit together neatly. The eyes were a dully glowing gold with pupils that looked like hourglasses. Extending the wings revealed that they'd changed shape as well but it wasn't until one had been brought infront for closer inspection that it revealed why, a draconic wing lay burried beneath the feathers. Even his cutie mark had changed, it still had the wind blown cloud obscurring a circle that was half moon half sun, but now all of it was cut in half with the two pieces shifted away from each other, a set of purple lines where the two halves were once connected. "Umm... Octavia, this is a mirror isn't it." "Yes, that's why I pointed at it," she replied without looking away from the instrument she'd set about tuning. "Rrrrriiiiigth, I think I'm about to freak out." "Please don't," Octavia stated with a slight amount of irritation, she'd set down her instrument and was now inspecting the case. "You might draw somethings attention and personally I don't have the slightest intention of fighting any 'turned' today." All the while she simply continued to look over the case inspecting the claps and ridges. "How can you be so calm?!" Zen nearly yelled. "The city's in ruins, ponies are dead, and I look like a monster. Not to mention the real monsters, these 'turned', what the hell are they anyways?" "I'm calm because we're safe enough for now, as for the 'turned', I'm not really sure what they are anymore. At least some of them used to be ponies." "That thing outside used to be a pony?" "Yes, I saw it happen to somepony else. I can only count myself lucky that I wasn't outside when the rainbow colored rain fell." "Rainbow rain?" asked Zen raising an eye brow. Octavia looked over at the pegasus quizically for a moment before speaking, "yes, it was this rainbow colored rain. It fell right after the explosion." "There was an explosion?!" His voice raising again. "Now I know you couldn't have missed that. It came from that ball of light at the magi-tech tower. First that ball of light formed, then it exploded shooting up into the sky." Zen simply stared blankly at the grey earth pony as she continued. "Then a terrible storm formed and started raining this sparkling rainbow colored water. The few ponies I saw get caught in it changed horribly. Then somepony put up that barrier. You say you just woke up? How long were you asleep?" "Umm...maybe a few hours? I think I remember that ball of light though." He winced as a phantom pain made itself known along his back, "And I deffinately remember the explosion, but it must have knocked me out." "That was 3 days ago." "What?! You mean I've been out for 3 days. Oh man I'm so fired." "That's your big concern? Theres monsters running around and dead ponies lying in the street, and you're worried about some job." "Hey it wasn't just any job, I was an intern at the magi-tech tower." As soon as he said that Octavia's eyes widened to his surprise. "Heh, not just some job now was it?" "You were working in the tower. When the explosion went off?" "Yeah I...I guess I was." Another wince and his hoof rose to rub the side of his head. "I remember, I was going to one of the freezers and ran into Sugar Song. Then there was that wall of light that... it almost got me like it did Sugar, then it shrank and exploded. Oh my god, Storm was still in there!" "He's probably dead or worse." Zen looked at her with a mixture of terror and shock, "how can you say that so casually?" From Octavia's down cast face a quiet mumble escaped her lips, "because I've seen too many die in these last few days. I'm not a cold hearted mare," she said lifting her head. Their eyes met and for the first time Zen saw the saddness that was nestled behind her cold mask. "But when you see ponies you've known for years turn into monsters only to turn around with all the intents and purpose of killing you and everypony around you, well, I had to stop crying rather quickly to be here. It still hurts, but I've got no intention of dying here, and I'm going to assume you don't want to die as well." "Well yeah, dying isn't exactly a high prioity of mine. Especially after surviving that fall." "What fall?" "Well, when I was knocked back by the explosion, I wasn't exactly on the ground floor, and I'm pretty sure I fell through the roof over there when I landed," shrugged Zen while gesturing to the only rubble covered area in the store." "Hmmm." "What?" "Nothing, anyways you'd best get some sleep." suggested Octavia while she began to put her cello back in its case. "And maybe find some clothes to cover up some of your.....changes." "Why bother, it's not as if the monster's are going to care what I look like." "True, but other ponies might get afraid and react before you can, and not all of them swing around an enchanted cello case. There were some soldiers from all three guards before the barrier went up. I imagine some ponies have probably grabbed their weapons by now, if the guards aren't dead as well that is." "Where are we going anyways?" "The magi-tech tower, it's probably the best place to start getting some answers." "Why not try to get to the edge of the barrier? Theres probably some ponies patrolling around it. They could let us out, and we're much closer to it that the tower." "Already tried, there's no pony around, and the with everypony making their way to the edge, all the turned are following right behind them. Those poor ponies end up pinned between an impenetrable barrier and some bloodthirsty abominations." "Oh, right then. To the tower it is." he said starting to go to the front door. "Not in the dark. Trust me, you don't want one of those sneaking up while you're asleep. We'll spend the night here and set out in the morning, and like I said, find something to cover up the noticable changes." "Okay, okay, well I guess I'll be over this way then." And with that Zen worked his way over to the other side of the store to look at some of the outfits as the sun began to disappear behind the horizon. Finished putting her prized instrument away, Octavia settled about pulling some of the more full dress off the racks and mannequins forming a makeshift bed. Settled in with the sun almost gone she found her eyes heavy after the long days of uneasy sleep. She could still hear Zen rummaging around the other half of the store, but that too drifted away from her as sleep took it's hold. Meanwhile Zen continued to look through the various outfits and clothing on the racks, but nothing seemed to offer the cover Octavia had wanted him to have. That is until he found a long red coat on a mannequin in the back. Slidding it on, he found it to be a loose fit but it did cover up he cutie mark as well as a chunk of his tail, and if he needed too he could always cut some wing holes in the coat. Looking around there were some tall black boots to go with it, and a wide brimmed red hat resting on a hook on the nearby wall. Slipping these on as well Zen went back over to the mirror to see how he looked. While the outfit portrayed a slightly shady look the bright color easily off set this factor, and as a whole it covered nearly all of him. With a smirk he turned around to ask Octavia her opinion, only to stop open mouthed at the sight of the sleeping mare. Slightly disapointed Zen began the work of construction his own sleeping arrangements for the night. Once his work was done, he wasted little time in getting comfortable, and was asleep within moments. The night, far from peaceful, passed in a eerie quiet that was only broken by the unpony like sounds of what lurked in the darkness and what awaited the two ponies as their journey began. > Chapter 5: One step at a time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose slowly the next day. As it's rays fell upon the quarentined city the light passed through the barrier only to bathe the city in it's purplish tint. When the sun finally rose high enough for the rays to pierce through the windows of the clothes store Octavia woke with her ground in routine. She rose quietly and checked to see if her cello was still by her side. Thankfully it was, she sighed with the relief that she wouldn't have to do what she did the one time she awoke to find her cello in the process of being moved. Standing up she cranned her next to one side and then the other eliciting a series of cracks and pops from the stiff joints. Looking about the store her eyes fell on the only other source of noise in the room. A light snorring sound was coming from a red coat and hat laying on the floor, rising and falling with the sound. Octavia walked over to the sleeping form and lifted off the hat to reveal a still soundly asleep Zen. Coughly lightly to clear her throat, "Zen, we'd best be going now, wake up." The sleeping Zen raised a hoof weakly and lightly flailed it at this before rolling over and mutterring something incoherent. "Zen, get up. It's light out and we need to get some ground covered," but he only seemed to start snorring louder. Octavia sighed before using a hoof to bring Zen's face back towards her, and then proceeded to send the other hoof across his muzzle with enough force to whip it back around and bounce off the floor. That had a very instant effect she speculated as the flabbergasted pegasus's eyes shot open. "Oww! What the hay Octavia?" He started to rub the side of his face. "That really hurt ya know." She replied while turning her head up slightly "Well, you wouldn't wake up." "But did ya have to bounce my head off the floor?" "It worked, didn't it?" When all she got was a annoyed glare she continued, "besides we need to get moving. The rest of city should still just be starting to wake up and I'd like to get on the move before somepony or something decides to check out this store." "Oh, think this'll work for cover" asked Zen as he grabbed the hat and set it back on his head with a slightl flourish. "Doesn't look half bad if I say so myself." "You couldn't have found something that didn't stand out so much?" "Geeze are you alergic to a little fun?" Octavia hesitated for a second. "No, I'm alergic to dying." The moments hesitation however went by without being noticed. "Well sorry, but this isn't exactly where you'd go to get camoflauge clothes." At Octavia's disapproving look Zen went on, "And I'm the one dealing with being a monster here, so cut me some slack." "Sigh, fine but if something does spot you and starts chasing us. You find your own hiding place." "Heh, deal. So where are we going again?" "The tower, we need to get some answers and that seems like the best place to get any." Octavia replied while walking back to her cello. "Hmm, think I should grab a weapon?" Zen asked while remembering his first encounter with the grey earth pony. "It couldn't hurt, just make sure you know how to use whatever you find. I've seen ponies try and swing things far too heavy only to leave themselves more vulnerable." As Zen began to look about the store for a makeshift weapon something in his mind fought for attention. "Octavia, it keeps sounding like you were with some ponies before we met. What happened to them?" Zen didn't see her freeze up, or hear the slight crack in her voice, but when she spoke it held enough of a different tone that he stopped what he was doing to give her a concerned look. "A turned attacked us. I got seperated. I'm not sure if they made it or not." "Oh, I...I'm sorry, were any of them close to ya?" "A few were. Some good friends from the ochestra." Her ears layed flat against her head as it drooped. "We might run into them if they survived. We were going to the tower as well." "Well then what are we waitin for? Let's get going!" "Wern't you going to grab a weapon?" "Eh, nothing in here that wouldn't break to easily. I'll just keep my eyes open while we walk." "Alright then, Let's...." Octavia's eyes widened. "Zen.....RUN!!" She yelled before turning around and sprinting to the door. Zen looked at the mare in confusion before looking back to the rest of the darkened store. 'What the hay? Wait, dark store, there should be a circle of light from the hole I made. Where is...' His thought process ended as he looked up to see a pony's head looking back at him with a manic grin that revealed far sharper teeth than what should ever be in a ponies mouth. The rest of the head looked almost normal, but the neck it was connected too was long and streched downward like a serpent. The thing continued to look at him before rearing back slightly and lunging forward. Zen barely jumped to the side as the head struck the ground open mouthed. At the thought of the creature having just broken those teeth a grin spread across his face only to disappear a second later when the head rose, looked at him, and smiled again revealing it still had the entire set of sharp pointed teeth. As the head struck again Zen dodged before turning to the door and running towards it as well. Bursting through he caught sight of Octavia running down a skywalk quite a ways ahead. Zen tried to spread his wings only to be met with an unfamiliar resistance. As he looked back he could see where his wings were trying to spread out under the coat that was unintentionally making flight an impossibility. A feral roar drew his gaze upward to the top of the store to where the creature was. It wasn't much bigger than an average pony, but was deffinately longer. The body was elongated and wrapped about the store. With several sets of hooves dotted along it like a centipeed. At the tail twitched a large set of mandibles while at the other end the neck split showing that the creature actually had two heads. One was being pulled out of the hole in the stores roof while the other was looking at the pegasus with savage hunger. When the other head finally pulled itself out of the store, the creature let out another roar from both heads and began to decend the building, it's dozens of hooves all clicking along the buildings surface. Zen turned and ran after the trailing form of Octavia while his wings still tried to work their way out of their cloth cage. Ahead Octavia disappeared around a corner. Zen struggled harder to speed up, behind he could hear the monster catching up, giving him more than enough motivation to keep going. He rounded the corner he saw Ocatavia disappear behind only to have a second before his vision was obscurred by a rather familiar large black object. 'Not again,' he thought as he ran face first into the cello case. The blow stopped his upper body instantly while the rest tried to continue it's forward momentum ending with the pegasus on his back. While Zen layed on his back stunned, Octavia wasted little time in dragging the semi-consciouse pony into the building she was hiding in. The creatures roars passed by closely, she even saw it's shadow on the far wall. It paused in front of the building, the shadows of it's twin heads dancing about as it search for it's prey. Octavia held her breath for what seemed to be hours before the creature twisted about and took off down the walkway, probably after soom other unlucky pony Octavia mused before turning her attention to the waking pegasus. "Ugh, wah......ow?" "Shhhh, it went away, but could easily come back." Octavia whispered turning back to the window. "We should probably wait for a little bit before moving on." "Ugh, why did you hit me again?" "I didn't hit you, I held out my cello and you ran into it. Besides I needed to stop you, and this cello case is heavy enough to stop most ponies." Zen glared at her irritatedly before speaking. "Why do you even carry that thing around? There's got to be something lighter you could use." She simply gawked at his question. "Get....Get rid of my cello? Why I never! I could never get rid of my cello. It's just too important." She said the last part of her outbust with a downward cast gaze. "Then why swing it around like an oversized hammer?" "Ugh, the case is enchanted to protect it from harm." "Looks pretty shoddy to me. Sure it'll hold?" "I know it will, this case was a gift from somepony who knows how important my cello is to me." "Whatever you say." "Hmph, I suppose I couldn't get you to understand. You're what a college student? Probably still too young and stupid to get it." "Get what?.......Oh! You've got a special somepony, don't you?" He asked with a sly grin. "Must have been quite the stallion to capture your cold heart." "I don't have a cold heart!" She snapped. "You've hit me with a cello case, twice." "And...it wasn't a stallion." She said in a much quieter voice while a small smile tugged at her lips. "Oh? Wow, not only has Octavia finally said something without glaring at me," which did earn him a glare, but he continued without noticing, "but a mare has stolen her heart as well. I would have never guessed with how you are." "And what's that supposed to mean?" This time Octavia was nearly yelling. "Well, it's just that usually the aristocracy and higher ups usually embrace that traditional values crap." "They havn't been the most accepting crowd..." Octavia sadly remarked. "Huh? How so?" "Sigh, it's not important now, let's just get moving again. If that thing was coming back it'd be here by now." Octavia said before re-shouldering his cello case, and walking towards the door. "So, who is the lucky mare?" Asked Zen, Octavia didn't reply. "You're not going to leave me in the dark are you?" He asked, but Octavia was still silent as they once more set off down a skywalk, being sure to take a different path than the turned disappeared down. The duo trotted past broken buildings and downed airships as they made their way deeper into the cities heart. Despite the destruction, the city was eeriely quiet as to two walked on. The silence stretched on well past a point of awkwardness until Zen felt compelled to speak. "Is this mystery mare the reason you're trying to hard to get out of here?" "Yes." "Great, and we're back to the simple emotionless remarks." "Then change the subject." "Why? It's not as if I care who you choose to date." "You don't?" "Why should I, let alone why should you care? In your own words I'm a young and stupid college student." His statement laced with teasing sarcasm. "Right, sorry about that. I've just caught a lot of grief and torment because of it. Even my career has suffered because of it." "Eh, don't worry about it. You're not the first fillyfo-oh," Zen stopped mid speech when he noticed her glare. "Sorry." "It's fine, just don't say that derogitory word again. Although, what about yourself?" "What about me?" "There a special somepony you're trying to get back to?" "Oh, uh no. I mean there was a few cuties back at the tower, but I wasn't too close to a lot of them. Except Sugar...." Zen trailed off as his gaze fell in sadness. "Who?" "Sugar Song, she was a friend of mine. I'm not really sure what happened to her, but....it wasn't pretty." "What happened?" Octavia asked showing genuine interest. "That sphere of light, I don't know, disolved her? Whatever it touched it erased, or disintgrated. Either way, she's gone." Zen stated with obvious irritation, "Let's just change the subject." "Okay," Octavia said but her mind had gone blank from the sudden shift in Zen's demeanor. Just as silence was beginning to dominate the area Zen spoke up. "Sorry." "For what?" "For snapping at you, guess I'm still in a bit of shock." "Now now, it's no problem. I shouldn't have pushed you to talk about it." "Okay then. Subject change, you play the cello, professionally?" Octavia swelled with pride as she answered. "Why yes, I've played in the grand symphony orchestra, as well as being comissioned to play at a variety of other highly reputable establishments. I've even had the prestigious honor of playing at the Grand Galloping Gala a few times." "The Grand Galloping Gala?" When Octavia nodded he continued first with a whistle, "Wow, so that means you've met the three princesses?" "Well, Celestia and Luna I've had the incredible pleasure of having a full conversation with. Princess Twilight however I have met, and recieving her compliments are always an honor, but she always seemed to be burried in a list of some sort. It's almost a bit off-putting how she can be addressing you without ever actually looking at you." "I'd heard she can get a bit caught up in those lists. Course running Magi-tech, that kind of organization probably helped a lot." "Still, it'd be nice to have her actually look at the pony she was talking to." "I know that story." Octavia shot him a questioning glance, "you've met her in person as well?" "What, oh no, but working in a lab with a bunch of scientist who are far too busy with their work to look at anything else, unless its in frustration at questions. They never did seem to get that we were just interns and didn't know everything." Lightly chuckling Octavia replied "you have no idea how many directors have that same mind set." The two continued their conversation as they walked further into the destroyed city. Light laughs occasionally worming their way in almost as often as awkward silences. Oblivious to the dangers they were walking towards or the ones that were watching from a broken window. > Chapter 6: The new rules > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above in a destroyed building a pair of vibrant green eyes sat looking out at the destroied city, or more specifically the pair of ponies that currently slept on one of the skywalks. It had been watching the two ponies for a while now, following them for a couple of days. Now it had managed to wake up before they did, as usual, and was able to watch them for a while before the stirrings of the grey one signaled that she'd woken up. Now she'd have to be more careful. She'd been careful so far, but she still almost got caught once trying to steal some of the food they had. Now though she had enough food, but still she kept watching them. Slowly the grey one rose just a little bit after the sun itself had risen up into the sky. It was durring this time that it still followed out of curiosity, for the grey pony went to a large black weirdly shaped box, and opened it revealing the gleaming brown of the instrument inside. As the grey pony pulled out the instrument and she began to string together notes into a song with her eyes shut peacefully. It wanted to capture moments like these, to cherish them as the beautiful music drifted up the destroyed city scape. After a while the playing slowed before it stopped altogether. It's eyes opened in time to see the pony putting away the instrument, and a small sigh escaped from a set of unseen lips. It'd have to wait till tonight to hear that playing again, so it turned back towards the two ponies down on the walkway below and continued to watch them, for now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octavia looked through her saddlebags at the food they'd managed to scavenge so far. They'd been lucky being in one of the more residential areas at the start of their journey, even if it was really far from where they were going. At the rate they were going it was still going to take at least a 3 more days, and thats if they didn't have to double back to find a different route. Sometimes it amazed her that the city could grow so exponentially to the point where it had suburbs developing around it. All the more reason it made it impossible to believe that this crazy pegasus believed he'd actually survived a fall after being shot out of the magi-tech tower. That building was in the center of the city itself, miles away. Still no matter the truth it was helpful to have an extra set of hooves to travel with even if their owner did want to sleep in way too much. "Zen, wake up. We need to get moving." A mumbled reply was all that escaped the crumpled pile of red clothing. "Zen, if you don't get up I'm going to continue testing the durability of that cello cases enchantment." At that point the pegasus rapidly shot to his hooves wearing a paniced expression. "I'm up! I'm up!" "Good" Octavia replied tossing him an apple. "Eat up we need to get moving." "Whats the rush?" "Just a feeling, and we're going to need to find some more food soon." "Ugh, more scavenging." "Oh be positive, maybe we'll find you something to actually defend yourself with." "Maybe, maybe we'll finally run into some other ponies." Stated Zen beginning to brighten up as he ate. "There we go, so let's get going." At Octavia's statement the duo trotted off along the sky walks. They passed by buildings and downed airships, eventually spotting a still standing resturant. "There, think it might have anything still safe to eat." "Only one way to find out" replied Zen as he stepped into the lead. Pushing open the door brought the ringing of a bell, but they paid it little mind. Rummaging about the shelves they found some boxes of pasta, and some dried fruits. Both of which were quickly deposited into their saddle bags as well as a few bottles of cider. As they were getting ready to leave, Zen eyed the registar. Walking over to it, he hit it a couple of times. "What are you doing!" Hissed Octavia. "What's it look like? I doubt anyponie's coming back to get these. They'd be in better use with us." "But." "What? We're already stealing." "But that's just what we need to survive. This....this is different." Octavia exclaimed, stomping her hoof to make her point. "Sigh, fine I won't take them." Zen said as he looked about for a moment trying to find something else to talk about "Think that'll be enough that we can focus on travelling for a few more days?" "Probably." Octavia said checking her own saddlebags. "This might even be enough for us to reach the tower, if we don't have to take any more detours." "Thats good, this quiet is starting to get to me, and I'm dying for a change of scenery." "I find myself in agreement. The broken buildings with bodies scene is getting rather old." Octavia remarked passively as she looked out the window. "Sometimes it all seems like a dream, all the destruction and death. Oh, are you still having those nightmares?" After a few moments of no response Octavia turned to look at Zen. He stood still with his head down starring wide eyed at the ground before responding. "Yeah, they still happen. The darkness, the monster, that name...Zalgene? And they're only getting worse." "Are you going to be alright?" Octavia asked taking a few steps towards the disgruntled pegasus. Zen violently shook his head for a second before flashing smirk of a smile, "Don't worry I'll be fine. C'mon let's." 'tap.' The sudden noise drew both ponies attentions towards the front of the store where a bunch of ponies were walking past the store, each seemed to be carring some kind of weapon from just a few rocks and bricks to a official solar and lunar guard weapons. "Oh my dear Celestia, Zen look, Other survivors!" Octavia excitedly exclaimed. "Yeah, maybe we should be seeing if this place has a back exit." Zen said with much less enthusiasm and actually a bit of nerousness. "Now why would we do that? Zen these are other ponies, not turned monsters. We should be rushing out to greet them, maybe we could even travel with them." "Uh-hu, and did you not notice the weapons they're carrying? Octavia I really don't think..." "HELLO! Hey we're over here, are you all okay? Hey..." At Octavia's yelling the group of ponies began to trot and then gallop towards the store, most holding their weapons high and ready to strike. "Uh Zen, why are they charging towards us like that? Zen?" But the pegasus wasn't in sight. "ZEN?!" Octavia shouted as the mob grew closer and she began franticly searching for her missing companion. "OCTAVIA! Back here!" Zen suddenly called out from the back of the store. Octavia turned to see that Zen was halfway out a door in the back waving for her to come. She wasted little time in bolting towards the exit trailing just behind Zen. Together they fled the store with the crowd of ponies not far behind. Running down the maze of borken skywalks and through destroyed buildings the pair took every zig-zag turn they could in their atempt to lose their pursuers. Ducking into a building through a shattered window the pair hid while the noise of ponies grew and grew until they were sure the group had found them, and then the noise started to fade. When the commotion dropped to nothing but a faint echo the duo risked a peak outside at the now empty walkway. Panting Zen spoke out first "I 'pant' I think 'pant' we lost'em. You alright Octavia?" "Yeah 'pant' who 'pant' were those ponies?" "I don't know 'pant' probably just some gang. We should move 'pant' try and get as far away from them as possible." "Alright," Octavia replied as she rose to her hooves before Zen did as well. Cautiously they began to trot away from their hiding place. As they rounded a corner Zen hit the ground. Octavia turned to see Zen sprawled out, with his wings pinned by a large earth pony. "Zen!" Octavia yelled out as she raised her cello case to swing it at the mystery pony only for it to stop over her head. Octavia looked up to see her cello case surrounded in a lime green glow of magic. It began to rise before swinging about wildly, throwing the grey mare head first into a wall. "Octavia!" Zen yelled out, but the mare didn't respond. "Octa," *THUD* The pony on Zen raised his hooves again. Bringing them down into another haymaker, darkness once more invaded Zen's mind and vision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was dark. No, that was an understatement. This void was something beyond dark, like it actually drained away all other color till there was nothing left but a blackness devoid of any trace of anything. Except that red light way off in the distance. 'That wasn't there before?' Cautiously, Zen tried to move closer to the only light in this bleak darkness. Slowly he approached the now pulsing red light. As he drew nearer the light he could see it was coming from some sort of mirror. At first Zen was merely starring at his reflection, moving about to see if the image would copy which at first it did. When Zen tried to stand on one hind hoof the figure kept all 4 hooves planted and looked at the pegasus quizicly. Zen lowered himself down and began walking closer to the mirror. When he was close enough he reached out a hoof to touch the mirror. As the two hooves neared each other the reflections suddenly reached out taking Zen's hoof in a painful grip while a phycotic grin appeared on it's mouth displaying it's sharp teeth. Zen instinctfully pulled away, but the image only gripped harder and pulled Zen closer. The image's eyes split in the middle both horizontally and vertically forming red plus signs in it's eyes. From the intersection of red lines the color spread out turning the both eyes completely red. "LET GO!" Zen yelled, but the image only pulled itself closer as Zen continued to struggle in it's grasp. Zen threw his other hoof out at the image, but it passed right through it's face and body, even the arm the held him couldn't be touched. "I SAID LET GO!!!" Zen screamed as he pumped his wings in a last ditch effort to get away from the terrifying image. For a moment the creatures arm was pulled taunt before it realed Zen back in. Face to face it spoke in a hollow raspy voice "I am Zalgene, and you're holding onto something of mine. Something I want NOW." "Wah?" "GIVE. ME. MY. BODY!" Zalgene screamed as the flesh on his face pulled away, revealing a pony skull with two red glowing orbs for eyes and a web work of pulsing veins. Zalgene then threw Zen out into the void. Darkness swallowed him again, and into it he plunged. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Zen" a hushed voice sounded near him, but seemed so far away. "Zen." there it was again, but closer this time. "Zen, wake up already." That one got through... "Ugh..wah, what happened?" Zen weakly mumbled. He tried to move, but found his limbs bound to his sides. His head was pounding, and there was something else he was leaning against, it felt warm. "Finally Zen! I don't think I ever realized how much you snore." "Octavia? what's going on, where are we?" Zen's cloudy mind slowly got up enough speed to realize he was leaning agaisnt a certain grey mare. "That 'gang' of ponies ambushed us. One of the bigger ruffians nearly beat your skull into the stone. Now we're tied up, are you okay?" "Not really, my heads pounding, I'm bound in a lunatic camp, and all our stuffs missing." "Well the first parts are true, but our stuff isn't really missing, It's right over there." Octavia whispered before turning her head to the right, Zen's gaze followed and sure enough there was her cello case and their saddle bags a couple of yards away. "Well, now we just need to get out of these ropes. You got some way to manage that?" "Regretably not..." "....Dang..... Any thoughts on what'll happen to us?" Zen inquired as he continued to squirm in the ropes. The only real success he was having was in making them tighter. "Well, I only overheard some parts of what they were saying, but suffice it to say, it didn't sound all too pleasent." Octavia winced slightly as her own bounds were suddenly tightened from the stallions struggles. "Ow, would you quit struggling so much. Your just tightening the ropes and they're starting to hurt." At her protest Zen's struggling stopped immediately. "Well that was slightly unexpected, but thank you." "Umm....Octavia..." "Yes Zen?" She replied with slight annoyance at his continued questions. "Do large shards of glass usually just float through the air." Zen said with rising worry creeping into his voice. "What are you talking about Zen? Did they give you a concussion when they knocked you out, or are you just going crazy?" Octavia hissed at her companion's statement. "No, I'm fairly certain there's a large piece of glass floating towards us." Zen said completely missing the sarcasim and inssult from Octavia. Octavia twisted her head around to where she could see Zen looking. Following his gaze, her eyes fell on a large piece of glass surrounded in a pale glow of magic slowly floating close the ground and towards the duo. Both ponies were watching in silence as it floated closer to them, pausing just for a moment to re-align itself before moving forward to saw through the rope bonds between them. With the faintest of snaps the ropes fell away. Cautiously lifting his limbs, Zen pulled away at the ropes before shifting over onto his hooves. "Well that was, unexpected?" "I feel as though I've missed something." Octavia said still locked in shock at their new found freedom. "Well, if ya don't get a move on, you're going to miss your chance at escaping." Zen spoke quietly but forcefully as he moved over to their belongings. "Rrright," and with a brief shake of her head Octavia was up and joinging Zen's side as they went through their supplies. Once they made sure they had everything that was theirs, Octavia made to turn and leave hoisting her cello case onto her back. "Where ya going? There's tons of stuff here." Zen said over his shoulder as he continued to rummage through the remaining supplies. "The longer we stay, the more danger that we'll be caught." "Thats why you should help me look through this stuff, it'll go faster." With a huff Octavia made to turn around, ready with stronger counter argument, but she stopped mid turn as another voice echoed out from behind them both. "Oi, wot you two think ya doin?" called out the thickly accented voice an earth pony. The dulled copper orange of his coat was marred with dirt and scars, but did little to hide the thick muscles that laid beneath. The stallion bent down picking up a piece of piping before trotting towards the duo stopping only a short distance away. He continued speaking through his clenched teeth, "Now you's two are gonna step away from de stuffs, sit your stinking plots down over there, and we're gonna tie you's up again. Even think o' runnin, and I'll knock both of ya out cold." Zen and Octavia had frozen, Octavia still in her mid turn looking franticly at the stallion, Zen looking over his shoulder with his back still to the other two. Neither moved a muscle at the stallions demands, nor when he repeated them. The copper earth pony snorted before walking up to Octavia who began to cower slightly as the towering stallion stood over her. "I's said MOVE!" he bellowed out swinging the pipe down on the Octavia. The mare cringed at the coming blow, but the pain never came. There was still the sound of something solid hitting flesh and bone, and when Octavia opened her eyes she saw the Stallion doubled over with a hoof coving his left eye howling in pain. Blood was oozing out beneath the stallions hoof, dripping onto the ground around a bloody brick. In the next instant she heard Zen yelling her name before she felt him pulling at her hooves. "C'mon Octavia, we gotta go NOW!" Zen all but yelled into Octavia's ear while trying to drag her away from the scene. A second later the pair were fleeing, Zen flying low to the ground and slightly ahead of Octavia who galloped hard to keep up. Behind them, the sounds of their attackers grew as the situation became aparent to more and more ponies. "Zen" Octavia called up between pants, "where are we going, hay how can you see where you're going?" It was true that outside the decently lit camp, the city itself was mostly dark. A cloudly night like this with no moon or stars fro light left the city almost pitch black. "I...I don't know," Zen replied while flying the fringes of doubt creeping into his voice. He flew a little farther, rounding another corner before stopping abruptly. "There Octavia," She could just barely see the outline of Zen's hoof pointing towards a downed airship. The vessel was partially resting on the skywalk while the front half sat at the bottom of a large crevise carved out of the side of another building. "We can hide in there, hurry I can still hear them." As fast as they could, both ponies climbed over the railings of the ship and proceeded inside the hull. The first thing they noticed was roughly the only thing to be noticed, and that was that it was dark. Outside, the clouds had blocked out most of the light creating a very dark atmosphere, but now solid matter stood between the ponies and what meager light had managed to pierce through the less dense clouds. It was also quiet, the solid hull of the ship blocked out all noise except the creak of wood and their own panting breaths. After a few minutes huddled together in the darkness with nopony breaking down the front door, Octavia began fiddling around with her saddle bags. After a few seconds of searching blindly, she pulled out a small lantern, which illuminated with the pale blue glow of magic when a button on top of its hood was pushed. Grasping the handle with her mouth she held the light high enough so that most of the space was coated in the magical light. The inside of the ship was a mess from the crash. Boxes and crates previously full of supplies were scattered with a few broken, their contents lay sprawled out and about the floor. They were near the stern of the ship, it's reinforced wooden wall still holding firm despite the impact it must have recieved when it fell, while the bow up ahead was still bathed in darkness. "Think we'll be safe in here?" Zen asked as he began to walk about the space. His tone distracted as he looked about the broken crates. "I'm not sure, but they don't seem to have found us yet. Still I'd like to keep moving away from their camp, the greater distance between us and those ruffians the better." Octavia replied as she watched Zen look about the room and drift gradualy to the bow. "Where are you going?" "I want to see if we can get out through the front of the ship and into the building." Zen said after he stopped searching and simply began to walk towards the still darkened part of the ship. Octavia followed after him, letting the light illuminate a few feet in front of Zen. Soon the wooded hull began to close in, only to abruptly change as the rest seemed to be opened up on hinges like a large pair of double doors. "Hah, see it's like a bridge with the deployment doors open. Let's see what this place was," Zen called out as he began to run into the sky scraper. "Zen wait, we still need to be quiet." Octavia hissed as she followed after him. Zen took a quick turn around a corner only to be launched backwards, sliding across the ground and hitting the wall on the other side of the hallway where he slumped and didn't move. "ZEN!" "Heh, knew I'd find ya's, dat's for dat brick ya bucker," called out an all to familiar accented voice. Around the corner stepped the same orange pony they'd escaped from before, this time his left eye covered in bandages while the other held Octavia in a fury filled gaze. "An you, you an me is gonna have some fun." The stallion continued taking a few steps towards her. "No, if...if you try anything." Octavia warned back peddling some while a hoof went to her cello case, but before she could get the cumblesum strap off, the stallion charged her kocking the grey mare to the ground. In a panic Octavia went to buck the Stallion, but he caught her hooves in his own and forced them to the ground standing on them with significant force. "Now, is dat anyway ta be treatin da pony who gonna be givin ya tah night of yer life?" The earth pony teasingly questioned at Octavia's continued struggles. Protest and curses, all unbecoming of the canterlotian muscian, flew from her muzzle at her attack, but he mearly laughed at them. "Heh, ya's got a bit o' fire' to ya. I like dat." He said giving her a malicious grin. "Now, ow's about we..." The rest of the statement was cut off at the sound of slicing metal. The stallions eyes lost color and rolled up into his head as blood started to pour down his face. Octavia followed the growing stream up to a wicked curved blade sticking out of the ponie's head, it's tip burried somewhere inside. The large body went limp starting to fall towards her, but it shifted and fell to the floor with a thud to her side. Behind, and now almost pulled on top of the dead pony stood Zen. the shaft of the weapon clutched in his fore hooves. His panting breath is the only noise as shock covers his and Octavia's faces. With a shift of his hooves and a few flaps of his wings to keep him upright, Zen easily pulls the scythe's blade out of the ponie's skull. At first he simply stared at the weapon, particuarly the blood covered blade, in disbelief. Shaking, he let the weapon fall where it clattered noisily on the ground with Zen following suit nearby. The pegasus scooted away from the scythe, as if it would suddenly turn towards him and try to repeat what it had done to the copper stallion. "Zen..." Octavia said, worry filling her voice. Octavia's voice finally broke his shock. "I...I didn't mean to....to kill him....It's just he was....and you were.....and I couldn't....and oh my Celestia have mercy..." Zen rambled and sputtered on, trying to come up with an excuse he'd believe justified his action. "Zen." Octavia called to him, but he kept rambling on. "Zen!" this time she'd grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Thank you. If you hadn't done what you did. It might be me lying there." As her words sunk in, Zen's shaking died down. Gradually his eyes refocused, and the babbling ceased. "There, now let's get moving before those other ponies show up." Weakly Zen nodded before beginning to walk down the hallway. "and bring that lunar guards scythe, we may need it again." If Zen had been more in his mind, he might have objected, but as he was Zen merely obeyed the command. Scooping up the weapon in his hooves while using his wings to move he hefted the weapon onto his shoulder making it easier to carry before following Octavia further into the building. > Chapter 7: A brief respite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Zen, are you going to be okay?" Octavia's concern filled voice softly called out to the darkness surrounding the light glow from her magic powered lantern. When she got no answer, her voice became more of a whisper. "You saved me you know, you shouldn't feel bad about that." "Octavia, I...I killed somepony," Zen finally responded flatly before frustration and sorrow crept into his voice. "How could I not feel bad about that. Sure he was going to hurt you, but." "He would have done much worse and you know it!" Octavia sharply retorted. "But." "No, Zen, no buts. Now listen." The slightly darker part of the room they were in a solid shifted about at Octavia almost nurturing tone. "You did a terrible thing, but to a terrible pony who was going to do worse to me. I think in this case it's justified, and I'll thank you appropriately in time, but now isn't that time nor is it the time to wallow in self pity. We may be safe for now, but how long before that group finds this spot? We need to keep moving as soon as the sun rises." The figure shifted and lowered itself to the ground, but made no noise of protest. With a sigh, Octavia followed suit turning off the light before laying down herself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning came, and as it's rays of sunlight cascaded through the broken windows,they fell upon the sleeping form of Octavia. As the beams struck her face, the mares eyes fluttered open. Not one to break routine, Octavia sat up groggily and stretched before walking over to her cello case. Retrieving the instrument from within, she began to play a series of exercises that slowly transitioned into songs. After her morning practice was complete, and the instrument put safely away, she turned to regard the distraught Pegasus from last night, only for her eyes to fall on the broken floor. Casting her gaze about the room, Zen was nowhere to be seen. "Zen?" She called out with worry and irritation. "Zen, where are you," but she didn't get a reply. With a huff, she exited the room and wandered down the hallway, looking into the various offices on either side. Most of which were either filled with rubble, or missing half the room. Four rooms down, she finally caught a flash of red. Zen came into view as she trotted into the room, he was trotting around a desk which he'd laid the cleaned scythe on. The pegasus seemed to be studying the weapon with a keen eye and a giddy expression. "There you are Zen!" the mare yelled causing him to jump in surprise, "what are you doing? Do you have any idea how worried I was when I woke to find you missing." "Gah!!!, sorry Octavia. I just couldn't seem to sleep." "Because of yesterday?" She said. The statement's effects were immediate as Zen's ears drooped and his head lowered, but only for a few moments before they shot right back up. "Yeah, partially that....., and partially this!" He finished with much more energy and a gesture to the weapon on the desk. "Do you have any idea what this is?" He asked as excitement crept into his voice. Octavia took a step closer to inspect the weapon herself and see if she could figure out why the pegasus was so excited. This was certainly no farm tool, with the straight metal shaft, a spiked pommel, it's long double edged curved blade with some weird looking etching done on the flat of the blade, The top edge continued onto the other side of the shaft where formed another spike. This was a lunar guards weapon, but it was just one of a dozen, nearly every other lunar guard went with the differently styled pole weapon. "It's just a lunar guard scythe, what's so special about that?" "Ugh, it's not the scythe, but this." He gestures to specifically the engravings on the blade. "Do you have any idea what these are?" Zen was almost bouncing in his excitement. "Some fancy decoration?" Octavia asked with a raised eyebrow. "Wah?! No, no, these are runes! This scythe is enchanted with runes, and I think I might know what these particular ones do." Bringing himself to a low hover just off the ground, Zen hefted the scythe in his fore hooves. "Now all I should have to do is focus and..." the runes on one side of the scythe began to glow in a pale whitish blue. "Haha, yes it still has a charge!" Zen yelled excitedly, before looking back at Octavia. She didn't share his enthusiasm though. Her expression was shifting from one of surprise to worry as her gaze remained on the scythe. Confused by her reaction Zen looked back at the weapon to see the glow still growing brighter. Small sparks of energy we beginning to dance in the air around the blade as the energy built up. "Oh, they don't seem to have put in the limiter..." Zen said in a shrinking voice. As realization donned it's place at the forefront of his mind his eyes shot open. "Oh crap...." "What?" Octavia asked with growing concern. "What'll happen?" "Well, if I don't release the energy soon....it'll.....kind of.....explode?" Zen continued in uncertainty as the glow continued to grow the sparks becoming more erratic and violent. "WHAT!?!" Zen cringed away at the outburst from Octavia. As the pent up energy reached a point where it made a faint humming sound. "Oh that's not good." "Then what are you waiting for! Release the energy already!" Octavia screamed in panic. "Right, right, ummm.....Let's see, this is a offensive rune, with no limiter, and rapid charge time, which means it's a less complicated spell..." The pegasus mumbled to himself as he shifted the scythe over his shoulder. "If I'm reading it right, this should...." Zen swung the weapon over his head in a downward slash while focusing on his innate pegasus magic. The effects were instantaneous, as the pent up magic launched itself from the scythe in the form of a blade like column of energy. The condensed magic cut through the thin wall of the building and sailed through the open air on the other side, disappearing out of sight somewhere in the cities lower districts. Distantly there was a small explosion of smoke followed by the shifting and collapse of a small building. Both Zen and Octavia merely stared open mouthed as they watched the scene play out before them. Zen broke the silence first, "Wow, Octavia, did you see that!" His enthusiasm exploded by the end of that short statement as he turned to regard the mare at his side. Octavia didn't return the enthusiasm. In fact, she didn't even look at him. Her eyes were locked on the gaping hole and dust could from the destroyed building far below, while her mouth slowly opened and closed in shock. "Umm...Octavia? Hello, Equestria to Octavia." Zen continued, waving one hoof in front of her face. Octavia blinked a couple times before she finally shifted her head to look at anything other than the gaping hole in the wall. Unfortunately for Zen, her eyes fell on him. 'WHAM!' Octavia had brought a hoof across Zen's muzzle, knocking him out of the air and into the desk the scythe had been sitting on earlier. "OWW! Geeze Octavia, what was that for?!" Zen yelled at her as he rubbed his stinging face. "You nearly killed us!" Octavia glared a hole through him as she continued, "what if you hadn't figured out how to release the energy hmmm? How did you even know what kind of rune that was?" "Well, I think I mentioned it before but, I was an intern at Magi-tech industries." Zen says with a wave of his hoof. "They developed the runes, and it was partially because of a paper I wrote on them that I got into the program." Zen's statements did little to ease Octavia's glare. "So, you knew that was going to happen?" She asked with cold rage as her eye twitched. "Well, not exactly. I didn't really have too much time to...." Zen trailed off as the mare's glare somehow managed to get even more intense. When she lifted a hoof, Zen cringed and threw up his own to cover his face. "Please don't hit me!" "Now why would I do that?" Octavia forced through gritted teeth and forced smile. "Umm" "That was a rhetorical question..." "Oh...Well, at least we know it works and, 'WHAM'," Zen didn't have time to finish before a striking similar grey hoof slammed into him again, once more knocking into a wall. From his now upside down position, he watched as Octavia stormed out of the room leaving him with nothing but the scythe and his thoughts that went something like this. 'Dang she hits hard. A few minutes after Octavia left, Zen rolled onto his hooves. One rubbed his now very sore right cheek, while he limped over to the scythe that had flown from his grasp when Octavia hit him. Using his wings to bring him into a hover, he hefted the scythe in his fore hooves before gently flying out of the room. The trip back to their makeshift camp wasn't long enough for further contemplation, and he arrived to see Octavia already packing up their things. With a sigh, Zen landed and threw his pack over his shoulder and wing. "Sorry..." he muttered while adjusting the strap. "It is alright Zen," Octavia replied in a calm and level voice. Zen's head shot up before she continued, "I should trust your judgment, especially on matters that I'm not as knowledgeable about. Just do keep in mind, if you ever scare me like that again, it won't be my hoof hitting you upside the head." She finished the threat with a soft smile that was colder than ice as she trotted out the door. Zen shivered at the remark before flying after her. "Hey wait up," he called to the departing mare. The two ponies set off down corridors, gradually working their way back to the crashed airship they'd used to get inside. As they walked down one last corridor they passed the corpse of the copper stallion, the blood from his head wound having long since coagulated. Off to the side however lied another corpse, or rather, the remains of a corpse. There was a torn up suit of armor, completely soaked in blood, covering some chunks of flesh. A splatter of blood covering a large portion of the wall behind the heap. Zen stopped by the remains to look down on them for a moment. Noticing the pegasi's stop, Octavia turned to regard her companion. "Zen? Did you know that pony?" She asked seeing him eye the former guard. His dark armor had kept him hidden from her sight the night before. "No, but it's thanks to his death that I got the scythe and was able to save you. I...I just wanted to say 'thank you'. Kinda wish we could bury him, but the grounds a long way down, and even then it's unlikely we'd find dirt." His head lowered as he continued, "still though, we should get going Octavia. Thank you guard, I'll keep the scythe for now, and use it to keep others safe." With those parting words, the duo left the building. Climbing out of the armored hull of the guards ship, they set off down a skywalk once more headed towards the tower that continued to linger in the distance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back in the bar, Zen had stopped speaking for the longest pause in his story yet. Cheery Notes looked up in confusion as to why he wasn't continuing. He was watching her with curious eyes, that would drift to the notebook, that had moments ago been rapidly filling up with notes and quotes from his tale. "Why did you stop? That can't be all of it." Cheery asked hopefully, her eyes actually taking on a slight gleam of excitement at the strange stallion continuing the story that sounded almost too much like fiction to be real. "Heh, well aren't you just 9 kinds of excited. Sorry, but it's getting late," he said with a sweep of his hoof gesturing to the almost entirely empty bar, "and I've got some ponies waiting on me." As he stood, Zen continued talking. "Don't worry, we'll continue tomorrow," and with that he stepped out of the doors chuckling while leaving behind the still question loaded Cheery Notes at the table. After a moment she turned about to regard the barkeep who was busying himself cleaning glasses. Clearing her throat to get him to look up she asked one of dozens of questions that jumped about in her mind. "Do you have any open rooms for the night?" > Chapter 8: Loss and gain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the morning, Cheery notes trotted down the stairs fully expecting to have to wait at least another thirty minutes for her client to show up. This only served to increase the shock she had when she perceived said stallion sitting at the same table watching her descend the stairs with a mocking grin on his face. Begrudgingly she approached the table, and just as she was taking her seat he spoke. "Well, wasn't expecting you to be the one keeping me waiting. Ya sure ya got enough sleep?" Zen said in a mocking tone while lifting the bottle in his hoof to his lips for a long swig. "Ugh, how can you be drinking this early?" She replied in disgust which served to only get a chuckle out of the stallion. "Rather easily my dear," his said lifting the bottle once more to his lips for a quick drink to demonstrate. "But I didn't think we were talking about my morning ritual. How about we get back to my story telling. It's doin wonders bringing back all these old memories." "Actually, before we begin, I had a question. You said you were traveling with Octavia Philharmonica, where is she?" Cheery asked oblivious at first to Zen's shocked expression. When she finally saw it, her face showed it's own level of surprise, "What?" Before he responded, Zen lowered his head. He brought the bottle to his mouth, threw his head back for his third quick drink, and returned to the downcast expression he'd had just seconds before. "We'd....actually be talking about that today......C'mon, take yer seat and I'll start." Cheery, still interested in the dodgy answer, obeyed Zen's command. "Alright now, Octavia and I had just left the building. We set off down another one of the skywalks, and for a while everything was going about as well as anypony could really hope for.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was high in the sky as Octavia and Zen continued down another Skywalk. In the two days since the incident with the raiders, the two had managed to make a sizeable difference in the distance to the tower. Only two more days, and they'd be at it's base by noon. For now though, they walked in silence, that is until Octavia decided to break it. "Zen, have you been sneaking extras out of our food?" Octavia asked, her voice rising in suspicion. "Uh, no? Why ya ask?" "Because we're over halfway through our stock after we just resupplied the day before yesterday. We had enough food to last for 5 days easily, and now we're down to barely 2." "What?!" Zen exclaimed in shock. "But where could it have all gone?" "That's what I was wondering...maybe I just looked at what we had wrong, or something." Octavia muttered to herself. "So are we going to have to go scavenging again?" Zen droned. The dread similar to filly suddenly forced to do chores. "If you want a decent breakfast tomorrow, then yes." rebuked Octavia already looking for another off shoot that would lead them to a food source. Finding a likely one, she set off to a descending ramp. "Ugh, fine." Zen huffed in defeat before following Octavia down the ramp. As they entered a nearby store the pair split up, each knowing what to look for. Clearing out that one, they went to the next and so on until they'd cleared out the better part of the block. They spent the greater part of the day searching for supplies, only meeting up briefly for a quick lunch. That evening, the two sat around a fire enjoying the fruits of their labors. While Octavia took stock at what they'd managed to gather, Zen was munching on an apple. "We did really good today Zen. We should have enough to last an entire week." Octavia said finishing up taking stock. "Ah, finally some good news." he replied finishing his apple. "So then the day after tomorrow we'll reach the tower?" Zen asked while digging out his sleeping bag. "Unless we run into some other problem, and even then it should only delay us by a day at most." Octavia spoke offhandedly as she set up her own sleeping bag. Finishing that she made sure to set their saddlebags between them before returning to her makeshift bed and getting comfortable. Zen was already on his back, laying on top of his own sleeping bag. "Think we'll finally run into some sane ponies when we get to the tower?" Zen asked starring up at the sky beyond the translucent barrier. "Of course we will. I'm willing to bet if anypony knows what all is going on then the ponies at tower will." Octavia replied turning over in her bedding to face both the fire and Zen. "Then we'll finally get out of this nightmare filled city and be away from all of this." "Heh, you make it sound like we'd just be waking up to find out this is all just a bad dream." "Maybe I'm still kind of hoping this is a dream, as stilly as that sounds." Octavia said in a nostalgic tone. "It'd be some kind of miracle to find out this is just some crazy dream." "I've gotten a few too many lumps to still believe that level of craziness," Zen said with a slight chuckle. "But it would be nice," he quickly added when he saw the look Octavia was shooting him. "Oh just try and get some sleep." Octavia hissed before turning over and curling up to go to sleep. *Sigh* "fine," he said before turning over and falling asleep himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the two ponies slept, another figure slunk into their camp. A small being crept as silently as she could up towards their amassed supplies. It tried to stay hidden in the shadows, but their saddlebags were too close to the fire for it to remain completely hidden. With a quiet sigh, a small unicorn filly stepped into the light of the dying fire. The flickering light illuminated her white coat and green mane while dancing in her dark green eyes. The filly cast a nervous glance at the two sleeping ponies before refocusing on the saddlebags. She slowly opened them to begin her search. She'd had to lay off how much she stole recently, these two were getting suspicious. As she dug through the bags, the little filly grabbed a couple bottles of water, some packaged food, but nearly squealed in delight when she found a bright and juicy red apple. She wanted to take it, but there was only one, and they'd notice it missing for sure. Even still, it seemed like forever since she'd had an apple, and this one looked so good. The pegasus suddenly shifted violently, mumbling in his sleep before turning over and going in a deeper sleep. Meanwhile the little filly had went shock still and was fretting that her rapid heart beat would be enough to wake up both ponies. Slowly her panic dripped away, and before she could reconsider, she scooped up the apple and scurried back into hiding inside a building to enjoy her ill gotten treats. That morning she woke up later than usual, and this time it wasn't to the eerie quiet of the city, it was to the sound of hoofsteps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier that morning, Octavia woke up first as usual. She went through her motions of tuning and playing her cello which in turn woke up Zen. While she continued to play Zen went to the packs to get his own breakfast. After searching the bags for a minute his head shot up as he yelled out "Hey! Somepony stole my other apple!" The outburst snapped Octavia out of the her playing trance. "What are you talking about?" She exclaimed, angry that her practice session had been interrupted. "Somepony's been stealing our supplies, and now they've stolen my apple! Now it's personal!" He seethed while speaking. "Oh just forget it Zen, is that all that's missing?" she asked in a flat tone. "Umm.......I think so?" "Then let's just ignore it, and get going." Octavia continued. "Buh but, my apple?" "If it means that much to you, I'll buy you a bag of them when we get out of here. Just so long as we get going." Octavia remarked. "What's your rush Octavia?" Zen asked. "I just want to get out of here." She remarked forlornly. "I miss the outside, and I miss Vinyl." "Vinyl? As in DJ-Pon3 Vinyl Scratch? That's the special filly you're fighting so hard to see?!?!" Zen yelled out while Octavia's eyes shot wide open at the secret she'd accidently let out. "Umm...No, of course not. How in the name of Equestria could you think that I, a renowned cellist in the only the grandest of Equestria's orchestra's, could ever fall for such a ruffian like that." She stammered out, finishing her statement with a wide nervous grin. Zen returned the grin, only his considerably more sly. "Well, well, well, the renowned Octavia Philharmonica falling for the also renowned Vinyl Scratch." Zen continued much to Octavia's chagrin. "You'll have to tell me this story some time hehehe." "Zen I swear if you tell anypony" "Oh relax Octavia, I won't tell a soul. Hehehe, though I still want to hear the story sometime." With a flap of his wings he brought himself to hovering above the ground so he could carry the scythe easier while the saddlebags rested just behind his wings. With a few easy flaps he began to fly down the walkway, "Now weren't you the one saying we should hurry, c'mon." With forced quiet, Octavia threw on her saddlebags, grabbed her cello and set off to follow the pegasus ahead of them. After walking for roughly an hour, the ponies found themselves looking at one of the many massive buildings that filled the city. The skywalk they'd been following had brought them to a lobby near the top of the office where before ponies had gotten into and out of the building while still several stories up, but the devastation hadn't spared the structure. Numerous cracks and pieces of walling were missing, nearly all the glass windows were shattered, and a massive hole in the wall marked where something had crashed into the building. Now, the two ponies looked at the building with mixed reactions, Octavia indifferent, Zen rather wary of going into the enclosed and possibly unstable building. "You aren't seriously considering going in there are you?" "Of course I am, it's the quickest way to the tower." Octavia stated while looking at Zen questioningly. After a moment her face twisted into a sly grin as she continued. "What's the matter Zen, scarred?" she teased. "Wah, no. Me scarred? please," he remarked without sounding very sure of himself. "Hehehehe, whatever you say Zen. Why don't you lead the way then?" Fixing her with a challenging glare, Zen started into the building with Octavia following close behind and still chuckling slightly. As the two ascended flights of stairs and navigated blocked hallways by cutting through partially destroyed walls, feelings of unease crept into both. The maze like interior of the building was steadily grinding on Zen's nerves until he couldn't take it anymore. "Argh! We're so lost." he exclaimed brandishing the scythe, "I should just cut our way out of here!" "No Zen, the buildings unstable enough, it doesn't need you tearing through walls making things worse. Just calm down and we'll be out of here in no time." Octavia said in a rather annoyed voice that was strained to be calming. "Fine, but we'd better at least get to a window soon. I need some room without the threat of the roof falling on my head." Zen huffed clearly still upset about the situation. As the they continued to walk in relative silence another pony was panicking, something was getting closer. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh no, something's coming!!!! The young filly thought as she tried to run away from the approaching sounds of hoofsteps, but the destroyed state of the building kept forcing her to turn around. Still she kept running, her small hooves making soft clips on the tile flooring while her heart seemingly tried to pound itself through her chest, but still she pressed on. "Zen, do you here that?" a muffled mare's voice called out from a few walls over causing the filly to let out a squeak in surprise. "That sounded like a pony! C'mon Octavia." A different voice called out, this one a stallion. Now that her pursuers had fresh motivation so did she, get away at all costs. She blindly charged up a set of stairs taking turns at random. At one point the filly made a poor choice and found her self looking over the edge of a massive hole going several stories down, but what frightened her was the two ponies on the other side one floor down. The same two ponies she'd been stealing from all this time, and they were looking at her! "There she is, hold on Octavia!" "What are you, AHHH!!!" the grey mare, and the filly screamed as Zen grabbed her and flew up to the same floor as the filly, who as soon as Zen had lifted off the ground, took off screaming down another hallway, up another set of stairs, and through a series of rooms. The two ponies behind her were still following and getting closer, she needed an escape and fast. Looking as she ran, she saw a doorway that was almost completely blocked by rubble, except for a small hole near the bottom, it'd be a tight fit, but she was certain she could make it. Without time for a second thought, the filly scrambled through the opening and into another square, dimly lit and partially destroyed room where she dove behind a desk to block herself completely from sight. The voices got closer, they sounded like they were arguing, but then they passed by. The ponies had missed her, and she was safe. Letting out a nervous quiet laugh the filly took a few steps towards the center of the room, before she began to jump about in happiness. She'd managed to escape! She'd out smarted the big bad ponies that were chasing her! She was invincible, that is until the floor started to crack." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a nearby hall, Octavia and Zen continued their hunt for the small white filly they'd seen. "Why'd she run off like that?" Zen asked while he flew to another door, nearly ripping it off it's hinges with how hard he slammed it open. "Probably because you scarred her half to death with your antics." Octavia replied while she checked a different room, with a bit less force. "Me? What's scary about me?" He asked while turning to face the mare, temporarily forgetting about the search. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the scythe or maybe the way you just charged after her." Octavia replied while opening another door. "Okay I get it, maybe not my brightest moments, still we've got to find her. A little filly like that running around a city like this, she'll be eaten in no time." Zen said hanging his head in defeat. "Not exactly an encouraging set of words Zen." "Oh ha ha, you can make fun of me later Octavia, right now-," Zen didn't get to finish his statement before the sounds something collapsing and a high pitched scream echoed through the building. They were followed by a loud splash and more screams. Both Zen and Octavia's eyes shot open at the noise, sharing only a brief nod before tearing down the hallway towards the sounds of the fillies screams. Finding the room the noise seemed to be coming from took only a few seconds, and Zen wasted no more in flying through the door revealing what laid inside. The rooms floor had sunk in partial collapse, creating a dip where some kind of translucent rainbow colored liquid had formed a shallow pool. Chunks of rubble from the ceiling above formed islands in the inch deep water, and among them stood a white coated unicorn filly screaming. Her eyes were shrouded in the glowing white of immense magical power as sparks erupted around her horn. Her mane and tail violently waved about in a typhoon of ethereal wind that neither Zen or Octavia could feel and were also shrouded in a similar glowing white, only slightly tinted green from their original color. "What the?" Zen started to ask while he hovered when a thud sounded behind him, and a grey blur shot past. "OCTAVIA WAIT!" he yelled, but she'd already shot past him, and leapt towards the filly. Her jump placed her right next to the little unicorn, but as soon as her hooves touched the liquid, her screams joined the filly. Zen could only watch in horror as her eyes became shrouded in white, and her own mane began to whip about violently. Mere moments after Octavia jumped, the little filly's screams began to quiet and something black began to sprout from her back. The tentacle like limbs, each roughly an inch or two long, swiped at the air and twisted around themselves as the filly's screams turned into a terrifying cackle. The madpony laugh sent chills down Zen spine as he continued to watch the scene unfold. Octavia however seemed less fazed by the change in the filly. Forcing her mouth shut to stop the screams she bent down to the filly. While magic made visible ripples along her fur and flesh, she scooped the filly up in her fore hooves. Rising to her back hooves like when she played the cello, Octavia threw the filly out of the pool and right into Zen. "Oof" Zen weezed as the ball of fur slammed into his stomach, knocking him out of the air. The filly that now found herself in his arms continued to laugh for a few minutes before it died down along with the glow in her eyes and mane. The black tentacles sprouting from her back retracted, leaving no traces of their existence. Zen continued to watch the filly as the lingering traces of magic left their mark upon her, changing her manes color, making her eyes red with slit like pupils. A fresh scream from Octavia however ripped his attention back to her, and the sight made him pale. A mass of grey fur covered flesh sat where Octavia had used to stand. The bulbous mound pulsed and throbbed as parts started to grow in a way, only to change and suddenly change into something else. Amongst the disturbing sight Octavia's face still screamed out it's pain filled wail. "Octavia?" Zen called out, "Oct-" he started to say but suddenly Octavia's eyes which had changed into golden orbs with horizontal line shaped pupils, settled onto him. One of it's hooves shifted towards Zen. When the limb was pointed at him, it shot outwards, smashing through the wall next to his head. By the time Zen was able to 'eep' in nervous panic, the limb was already retracting back to it's normal size. Seconds after the end whipped past him, Zen flared his wings and took off with the filly still cradled in his fore hooves. As Zen fled, the former Octavia chased after him on two hooves and some other new fleshy protrusion while still letting out blood curdling roar after roar. Even with the head start, pumping his wings as hard as he could, and cutting the corners close enough to spring off them, the creature continued to gain ground as it just charged through walls and rubble alike. After another turn, Zen could see a more open section, The pit I had to fly Octavia over, YES! he thought making the right angle turn and zipping towards the open shaft with the creature right behind him. Clearing the ledge, he angled his flight down into the hall where he'd left his scythe. A massive shadow fell over him as the monster didn't hesitate in jumping after it's target. Before the mass could land on him Zen ducked into the hall where he'd left his weapon, crashing into the ground. As the monster plummeted past landing somewhere below, Zen inspected the filly. The mane had finally settled on a shade of lavender with a single green streak running the entire length, even going so far as to stretch across her tail. Her eyes were still shut as the unconscious filly continued to sleep. Zen set her down next to the wall while he went to retrieve his scythe, still lying abandoned on the ground. As he picked it up, another roar resounded behind him. Panic seized Zen as he rushed over to the pit. Gazing over the side he saw the monster forcing itself back upwards and when it's eyes fell on him it let out another bloodthirsty roar while aiming another hoof to shoot out at him. Zen didn't give it time though, when the limb shot, he'd turned around, throwing the filly onto his back and leapt to try and get into the air, only for his wings to seize up in pain. Cursing under his breath, Zen took off running down the hallway with the filly resting between his wings, and the scythe held by one. After a sharp turn and sprinting down a hallway Zen found himself in a dead end. His mouth dropped open at the terrible luck that'd he would turn down a hallway only to find it blocked off by another collapse just around the next corner. Behind him came the sounds of the creature still pursuing the poor pony, and as they grew closer Zen tried desperately to think of something to do. Shifting the filly off his back, he set her behind the corner right in front of the rubble. With a deep breath he brought the scythe into one of his fore hooves, and as tears began to form in his eyes, he began to charge the runes on the weapon. As the levels of energy rose, so did the howling roars from the former Octavia, and just as the energy began to crackle about the blade, it rounded the corner slamming into the wall and stopping momentarily to glare at Zen standing at the far end of the hall. "Octavia," Zen began with a pain yell. "Please, I....I don't want to do this. If you're still you at all, please...." He shut his eyes at this point in a vain attempt to stem the tears that threatened to pour down his face. "Octavia!!!" he yelled out again, but the creature only let out another roar and charged down the hallway. "Please...." He said while lifting the scythe. "Octavia," the monster was almost on top of him. "I'm sorry.....," and with a downward swing, the stored energy was released in the familiar blade of magic. Slamming into the monster and forcing it's way through while pushing her back. The attack continued outward after forcing it's way through the monster that screamed in pain. As the dust settled, the creature lay on the ground cut in half, both leaking blood and rainbow colored liquid that evaporated almost instantly. Zen let the scythe fall to the ground, collapsing right next to it "I'm so sorry." He screamed while crying, "Octavia, why, dammit." Zen began to pound the floor with his hoof in his frustration all the while cursing and yelling as he cried. "Zzzen..." Zen's eyes shot open at his name being called. He looked over to where the monster lay, steady streams of the multi colored smoke rising off the two halves. The one that had Octavia's head was moving slightly, and with a little more strength it called out again, "Zzen.." Pumping his wings despite the fresh surge of pain that shot through them, he was at her side in seconds, starring at the face with wide tear filled eyes. "Oct..Octavia?" He asked hesitantly, waiting to see if she'd actually respond. He got his answer when one of the eyes rolled around and focused on his form, and a weak smile tried to spread across her face. "Hhhey Zzzzen, I....I'm sorry." She said wheezing. "Sorry? Why are you sorry, we....we'll fix this somehow. I'll go find a doctor, or a unicorn, or or....just hold on." He'd started to turn around to leave, but froze when a hoof brushed against him. Instead of grabbing on him, it merely brushed his leg before falling to the ground, but it was enough to get the pegasus to turn back to his injured friend. "Zen.....don't be stupid.....I...I'm nnot going to make it...." "Octavia, don't say things like that. Nothing good will ever happen if you already think it's going to be bad." Zen replied in saddened denial. He tried to force a smile, but the effect was ruined as tears streamed down his face. "Heh, Zen...I need you....to do something for me." As she spoke, her voice began to get weaker. "Anything Octavia, anything you need." "In my cello case, if it's not too destroyed, th....there's a letter. I...I was going to give it to her.....when we got out......but now..........please Zen promise me..............give it to her....................tell her........................it would've made me.......................the happiest mare in Equestia." As Octavia said the last word in a wheezing breath, that she didn't breathe back in. Her eyes slid shut with a soft smile on her face. "octavia....." Zen spoke in barely a whisper. "Octavia......OCTAVIA!" He was yelling now, "OCTAVIA!!! Please you have to get up, Octavia!....please, just open your eyes....*sniff*..Octavia......" When Octavia's form continued to remain still, except for the magical steam, Zen broke down again burying his face in her grey fur as he cried. After a few minutes, he gathered himself up and trotted over to the still unconscious filly laying against the wall. Picking her up and setting her on his back between his wings again, Zen numbly wandered over to his scythe. With it secured under one of his wings, he strode past his friend, pausing just before the turn to cast one last look back. "I promise," he whispered before turning back around and setting off back towards the pool of mystery liquid that'd caused so many problems, to find an intact cello case. Opening it to reveal the polished wood of the instrument hidden inside, he searched along the edges for the note. Finding none, he next lifted the cello to see a single white envelope with only two words wrote on it. 'Vinyl Scratch'. Sliding the letter into his saddlebags, Zen set about wandering the hallways, occasionally sniffling and stifling a few errant cries as he tried to leave the building, this time without Octavia..... > Chapter 9: The little one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The filly felt numb. The outside world was distant and obscured by the black void that the she drifted through. For her, there was nothing in this darkness. No sight, no feeling, no sou.....'What was that?' She thought as something stirred in the distance. Some distant cry sounded off, but the muddled sound was indecipherable. When it sounded again, from the same direction, the little filly turned towards the source. Weakly flailing her hooves, she began to try and swim towards the noise. Mythic the sound called out again, still weak, but this time just barely understandable. It....It sounded like her name? But who would be calling for me here....wherever here is..... Mythic, the stranger called out again. This time though, a light appeared in the distance. A little globe of luminescence, the only change in the otherwise pitch black world. Now she had a goal, and with that goal the little filly re-doubled her efforts in trying to reach the orb of light. The name sounded out again and again as she tried to get closer and each time it was just a little bit louder. Gradually it started to sound familiar, the filly knew that voice, it was one that she'd known for as long as she could remember. Mommy? Suddenly, the light exploded outwards and completely enveloped the little filly. Temporarily blinded by the quick shift from pitch black to bright light, Mythic was barely able to make out the multi-colored shapes moving in her vision. There were more sounds now, they were still muddled but they were there none-the-less. It sounds like...like screaming? Gradually the colors came into focus as well as the sounds. There were ponies, dozens of them, all running along side her even though she was sure she wasn't running. No, she was being carried on a body of yellow fur. Turning her head slowly revealed a thick green mane blowing behind the pony she was riding on. Occasionally this strange pony would call out her name while speaking, even though it was barely audible over the screams of the ponies that surrounded them. A much louder boom followed by an increase in the screams drew Mythic's attention upwards, towards the ending scenes of an airship crashing into a building. The whole mass, now a burning wreck, plunged past them and towards the city floor below the skywalks. "Keep your head down sweetie, we just need to keep running and we'll be safe. Daddy's waiting for us with a ship." The mare said as she kept running. Mythic complied as the press of bodies began to tighten around the pair, even burying her eyes in her mothers mane out of fear. Once more Mythic's world was shrouded in darkness, but this time the sound didn't go away, or the feeling of her mother under her. Until a almost painful jolt, and Mythic was once more floating through space. Snapping her eyes open at the feeling of separation from her mother, Mythic was greeted with the sight of flying just over the heads of several ponies. "MOMMY!" she screamed just as the filly fell beneath the river of bodies she saw and heard her mother scream out "MYTHIC!!!" The filly landed hard on the ground, and the thunder of the hundreds of hooves drowned out any other calls of her mother might have yelled. Mythic struggled to stand only to be kicked, hard, knocking off her hooves and a few away. She tried to stand again, only for her to be knocked to the ground again, this time accompanied by a stomp from another fleeing pony. Mythic cried out in pain as the mass of colors kept moving past her, curling into a ball and starting to cry for her mother. "Mythic!". The filly's ears perked up as she heard the call and felt her body being lifted off the ground. Her tear filled eyes looked about until they landed on her mother, fighting against the current of ponies swarming past her as she levitated the little filly towards her. The yellow mare took off running again as soon as the filly was on her back again. "Try to hang on Mythic, it's going to get a little bumpy sweetie," the mare told Mythic as she continued to run with the others. Together they kept running, occasionally getting bumped and shoved by other fleeing ponies, but Mythic kept a firm hold on her mother. The screams spiked in volume and pitch as a massive explosion erupted in the air ahead. Craning her head around her mother, Mythic saw the now blazing airship explode a second time and begin listing towards them. As the ropes holding the gondola snapped the ship began to at first tip and then change direction towards the pony filled suspended walkways. Mythic's eyes widened as the burning ship closed in on them and remained locked on it even as her mother turned around with the other ponies who were suddenly trying to flee the oncoming wreck. She watched in horror as the flaming craft came closer and closer till finally it crashed into the walkway. The jarring impact nearly knocked Mythic's mother off her hooves, but the determined mare kept her legs beneath her and kept running. Mythic however never noticed the stumble, her eyes were still trained on the ship that had hit the walkway and was now sliding across the smooth stonework towards them. She watched in horror as the ship either crushed ponies underneath it's bulk or knocked them over the edge of the path. "mom," she said, her voice rising in pitch and volume as the ship began to close in on them. Mythic's mother kept running, now actively shoving ponies out of the way as the mare tried to simply get away from the wreckage that, when she glanced behind her, could see was still in hot pursuit. She was extremely worried though as now they were approaching a dead end, the path continued off to the right side, but rubble from a building had blocked off the pass. Several ponies were trying to climb over the pile of rubble, others were simply jumping off the walkway in vain attempts to reach the buildings to the sides. A few made it, some were saved by near flying pegasi or airships speeding by, but many plunged to the city floor far below. Mythic's mother was forced closer and closer to the edge by the wreckage behind her and the crowd of ponies surrounding her. Just as she was forced to the ledge itself, the shoving ponies as well as the ship stopped. The screams were mixing with Mythic's cries but the older mare drowned it out as she thought of what to do next. They were trapped here on the skywalk between a mountain of rubble and the wreckage of a burning airship. The buildings were too far away to try and jump to and she'd already seen far too many ponies plummet to their deaths to truly consider it. It was only a matter of time until the walkway collapsed or another ship crashed into them now. She scanned the area, desperately hoping for something to appear and such a miracle happened to come by in the form of another airship. The craft was descending, but it was at least descending slower than if she were to just jump. She readied herself for the leap, preparing to land on the deck as it flew by. "Hold on tight Mythic, mommy's going to make sure we're safe." She told the terrified filly clinging to her back and mane. The time came, and she bounded off the skywalk. Her jump was perfect and her hooves aimed to land on the airship clacked loudly on the deck. There were dozen of other ponies on the ship, but none seemed to mind the two hitch hikers as the ponies scurried about the deck. Some taking care of various things along the ship while others were just trying not to be in the way of the working ponies. Mythic's mother joined the latter crowd and relocated herself near the side. "It's okay now sweetie, we're on a ship, we'll meet up with dad, and then we'll all be safe." She said to try and soothe the upset filly. "It'll all be.... oh no." The older mare said as her eyes widened in fear, which also drew Mythic's eyes around her mothers head to see what was going on. Another airship, this one on fire and descending, was on a collision course with their own ship. Ponies started screaming as the crew of the ship desperately tried to shift the course of their own ship. Time seemed to slow as the two aircraft closed in on each other until finally... 'CRASH'!!! The two craft collided with a jarring clash that sent everypony on either deck sliding across the surface. Mythic's mother was tossed hard into the rail that bordered the other ship, the impact knocking the breath out of her and launching Mythic clean off her back. The older mare screamed 'MYTHIC!' and lunged for the little filly just barely missing her as she sailed over and onto the other ship. "MOMMY, NOOO!!!!" Mythic screamed before hitting the other ship's deck. She tumbled head over hooves before scrambling back to her hooves, and looking up with tear filled eye at the other ship. Her mother was still leaning over the side, hooves outstretched and horn glowing as she tried to reach the rapidly descending filly, but it was too late. "Mommy! Please, mommy!" Mythic continued to cry as the ship kept descending, down into the depths of the city and farther away from her mother. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mommy!" Mythic screamed waking up with a start. Her now bright red eyes with slit pupils took a moment to adjust from the dream to what she was really seeing. In front of her was a small fire casting shadows about the small room she was in. Sniffling a little and wiping away the tears that were left over from the nightmare, she shifted about noticing the bright red blanket covering her. Curious, Mythic lifted up the garment only to find that is wasn't a blanket, but a coat. And one that was somehow familiar but she couldn't quite remember where she'd seen it before. Letting the coat fall back tot he ground, she looked about the room. Aside from the fire, there was a small pile of cans, bottles, and other various things sitting next to a few saddlebags. "He-hello?" Mythic called out quietly, not really expecting an answer, but curious none the less. "So you're awake," replied a voice from behind her causing the filly to jump. "Woah now, you're alright, calm down." "Wh-who are you?" She asked hesitantly. "Zen Gale, and you are?" Zen asked as he sat down around the fire. The light reflecting off his strange hourglass eyes. "M- M- Mythic Sketch, what happened to your eyes?" Mythic asked, still clearly a little nervous. "It's a long story, and I bet you've got one as well. Why don't we take some time and we'll recall what's happened to us okay?" Zen asked, earning a nod from the filly. For the rest of the night, and most of the next day, the two recapped what had happened to each of them before gathering up their things and setting off. "You sure you want to follow me?" "Yeah, you're pretty nice and you've got that scythe if more monsters show up." Mythic replied as she trotted alongside Zen. "Heh, well let's hope I don't have to use this thing too much," Zen said with a quick look back at the scythe that rested between his wings. "I haven't really had a lot of practice with it ya know." "It's still better than nothing." "Heh, if ya say so." Zen replied as they continued onward deeper into the ruined city.