• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,018 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

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Welcome to Fairhaven

You love Fairhaven at this time of year. The sun is shining, the wind is pleasant as you drive down the road...

All units, fifty-one, we need to escalate this pursuit.

Copy that, fifty-one, we’ll need a description of the Code Three vehicle.

Suspect vehicle is a white Land Rover.

And, of course, the police who just keep trying to take you off the road. Of course, they aren’t going to succeed, but you admire the effort.

But that doesn’t mean you let it go unchallenged.

Wrenching the wheel to the side, to ram right into a cruiser trying to get in front of you, knocking them off the road and into a ditch. You always were known for playing rather dirty.

Glancing in the back, you spot the bags of clothes thrown about on the floor and on the back seats. You were on an errand for an old friend, who apparently needed two bags of women’s clothing for some reason. Whatever it was, you don’t judge, and it gave you an excuse to go out for a drive, one of your favorite things to do.

After all, you’re the most wanted street racer in the Fairhaven area for a reason.

Still, this chase had gone on long enough for you to get your enjoyment out of it, and your friend probably didn’t want you to bring the entire police force with you to his doorstep, so it was time to go ahead and end this.

You glace out your windows. Three police cars around you, too far away to ram reliably. Up ahead, you could see a line of cars making up a roadblock. In a beast like the Land Rover, it shouldn’t be any problem to smash through it.

Which is exactly what you do.

All units, he smashed right through the roadblock, we need to get more units together to put an end to this!

As the police radio frequency fills with reports of units being knocked out of commission, you laugh. Behind you is a scene of chaos and pandemonium, only one squad car making it out to trail you.

You look at the road ahead, instantly recognizing where you are. You don’t become the best street racer by not knowing the roads of where you race, after all. Now that you know exactly where to go, you let off the gas to let the cop catch up, and they go right in front of you.

Big mistake.

You gun both the gas and your nitrous, slamming into the back of the police car at over a hundred miles an hour. The car flies off to the side, before rolling down the road some more.

I lost him, get all units in search formation.

Content that there were no cops around, you pulled into a dirt side road and parked under a bridge, right next to the edge of the forest. Turning off your engine, but not the radio, you sit back and listen as police cars pass right over you without realizing it.

All units, we lost the suspect. Return to normal duties while keeping an eye out.

You nod your head in success. That chase was shorter than they usually were for you, but still just as fun. Doing some counting in your head, you figure that you took out about fifteen cop cars, not counting roadblocks or cops that wrecked from their own nerves. All in all, a good day.

Your cell phone rings in your pocket. Taking it out, you answer with a casual “Hello?”

Hey,” your friend greets you on the other end, “you know those clothes you were gonna bring me?

“Yeah, what about ‘em?”

Forget about ‘em, I don’t need ‘em no more. Go ahead and throw ‘em out, or something.

Most people would be angry that they did this for nothing, but you were happy to have a drive, anyway. “Eh, alright.” With that, you hang up. Checking the police scanner, you make sure no cops are nearby before you reach for the ignition.

When suddenly, a bright purple light flashes deep inside the forest. It wasn’t blinding, but it was definitely enough that you noticed it. You don’t know anything that could make a light like that, so you decide to go and investigate. You leave your SUV, which had a fair number of scratches and dents on the sides, and was missing part of the front bumper. Readying yourself, you head into the forest, towards the mysterious light.

While the urban jungle was your natural habitat, you weren’t clueless in the wilderness. After a minute or so of walking through the ankle-high grass, you begin to hear voices up ahead. Not able to make out what they’re saying, you move in that direction.

Once you come to a set of bushes, you can hear the voices pretty clearly, now, and they all sounded female.

“Now, could ya tell us where we are, Twi?” a Southern voice asked. “An’ why we’re like... this?”

You reach the edge of a clearing, where you see the source of the voices: a group of six girls. Notable was that among them there was one with kind of purplish hair, one with rainbow colored hair, one with pink hair, another one with purple hair, another one with lighter pink hair, and one with blond hair that was also wearing a Stetson on her head.

It’s also probably worth noting that the hat was the only piece of clothing between all of them.

Now, you were no stranger to the nude female form, but finding a group of six naked girls in the middle of the forest like this, and with all of them ranging from somewhat attractive to absolute bombshells, was something else entirely.

Looking past that, you noticed that only the blonde one, the first purple haired one, and the pink haired one were standing; the others were either sitting or just lying down, looking at their hands for some reason.

“I don’t know, Applejack,” purple hair number one said. “I’m not sure what could’ve gone wrong with the spell...”

“Well, I kinda like being like this!” darker pink hair exclaimed. “It’s so... bouncy!” After she said this, she began jumping up and down, sending her generously sized... assets bouncing along with her. You catch yourself staring, but you shake your head to snap back to reality. One of them mentioned a spell, so either you stumbled upon some kind of cult in the middle of the forest, or they had been smoking some really strong stuff.

“At least it didn’t take long to get used to this new body,” rainbow hair speaks up, now standing with the others. “Sucks that I have no wings though.”

“And I can’t seem to use any magic,” purple hair number two says in a refined voice, looking at a nearby rock, as if waiting for something to happen. “Odd.”

“I wonder...” Purple hair number one looks at another nearby rock, squinting her face in concentration. You’re about to laugh at the display, until you see the rock float up, surrounded in a purple glow. Your amusement gave way to sheer confusion and some horror.

She just did goddamn magic! your mind screamed at you. Get the hell out of there!

You decide to do just that, backing up slowly, hoping to every higher power imaginable that you won’t step on a twig while making your-



All six of the girls look in your direction, the levitated rock dropping to the ground.

“W- What was that?” lighter pink hair said, her voice just barely audible to you.

“Probably nothin’ good,” blondie says, assuming a somewhat clumsy-looking fighting stance.

The others look towards your position, with looks of either fear or aggression. Thankfully, they don’t seem to have seen you yet.

You quickly think about this entire situation. You happened upon six naked women in the middle of the forest, and at least one of them know actual, for real magic. You’re no wizard, but you’re sure that they could do something rather painful to you with it. And even without magic, blondie and rainbow both look like they could kick your ass with minimal effort. True, that isn’t saying much, considering that you’re actually rather physically weak, but it was still threatening.

Deciding on a plan of action, you back up slowly, slightly rustling the bushes. You can barely see them now, but they seem to tense up at the noise.

“Alright, who’s there!” rainbow shouts in challenge. Now’s probably a good a time as any to make your entrance and peacefully talk with them. You weren’t exactly a lady-killer, but you had enough of a way with words to score a date most of the time. You could probably convince them to not assault you.

Taking one last deep breath, you walk out into the clearing, hands held up. “Hello, ladies,” you greet, in your best impression of what most people would say James Bond sounds like.

The girls don’t seem to be impressed. “Who are you? Where are we?” rainbow asks.

“You’re in Fairhaven, one of my favorite towns ever. As for who I am...” You pause for both dramatic effect, and to give you time to think of a way to describe yourself that doesn’t reveal you to technically be a highly wanted criminal. “...I’m a racer, of sorts.”

All at once, rainbow’s aggression gives way to curiosity. “Racer? Really?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” You look at the other five, who don’t seem to be concerned with their nudity. At that moment, you remember the unused clothes in the Land Rover. “Do any of you need some clothes?”

“Now why would we need clothes?” blondie asks. “And why should we trust you?”

“You should trust me because I seem like a nice guy, and you need clothes because...” you broadly gesture at their bodies. They all look down, and suddenly begin covering up, slightly embarrassed, as if you pointing it out made them realize their situation. The dark pink haired one, however, just shrugged, not caring, while the lighter pink haired one seemed most embarrassed of all of them.

“I guess I’ll get some clothes, then,” you say, as you move back towards your SUV. As you walk, you think over everything again. Should you tell them you saw that little display of magic? Should you demand answers? Or should you make them think you’re oblivious, and let them tell you themselves?

Screw it, you’ll ask. Opening the banged-up back door, you remove both bags of clothes before heading back towards the girls. Now it’s just a matter of either bringing the matter up subtly, or outright asking. You’re still not sure what kind of magic they could be packing, so it’s best to err on the side of caution. Who knows, maybe you just hallucinated it. But that still wouldn’t explain the apparent lack of knowledge about nudity. Maybe they really were part of some kind of cult...

You snap out of your thinking as you re-enter the clearing, where the six girls are waiting, all standing now. You whistle and toss the bags toward them, and they immediately begin opening them and looking at the garments inside. Your friend may have strange hobbies, but he seemed to have good taste in clothes, as pretty soon all of them are clothed, and they look pretty good in the outfits they chose. The second purple haired one seemed particularly interested in the clothes, as well.

“Well, with that out of the way,” you start, “whaddya say I take you all back to my place?” You have to fight with yourself to keep lewd thoughts out of your head. “We can get everything straightened out there.”

“How far is your home?” magic purple hair asks.

“About ten miles,” you guesstimate.

“So, are we taking a train, or a carriage?”

You laugh. “Trains are only used for long distances, and carriages haven’t been used for at least... a hundred years, almost? Something like that.”

“Really? Fascinating...” The look in her eyes tells you that she’s mentally recording this fact, though you can’t imagine why.

Regardless, you motion for them to follow you, and they do. The light pink haired one and magic purple hair both look at the trees and occasional wild animals with great interest, which again confuses you. The answers behind all this better be good...

Soon, you all reach the parked SUV, and you sweep your arm towards it dramatically. “This is our ride.”

Rainbow hair snickers. “Looks like a piece of junk.”

“That’s because I just got out of a... wreck,” you say, quickly. No need to tell them that you got it from an all out police pursuit.

They pile in, magic purple getting in the passenger’s seat up front, as you start up the Land Rover. They jump as the engine roars to life, especially light pink hair, who looks as if she’s about to faint.

“W-What was that?” she asks, in a slight panic. You chuckle.

“That was just the engine. No need to get frightened.”

This calms them down a bit, though they tense up again as you start moving. Checking your GPS and police scanner, you get onto the road proper, accelerating up to the speed limit. As much as you wanted to, it wouldn’t be good to get into a police chase right now. Besides, there’s the chance your ride would be recognized, and it would start up again anyway.

During the car ride, the girls introduce themselves to you, and you do the same. You must say, their names seem rather odd. ‘Fluttershy’? ‘Pinkie Pie’? ‘Rainbow Dash’? Who names their kids like that?

“So, I must ask,” you begin, “what was that about, floating that rock in mid-air?”

“Duh, haven’t you seen magic before?” Rainbow asks.

You pause. “No, actually.”

Next to you, Twilight gasps. “No magic?”

“...no.” Really, all of this is smelling rather fishy to you. For all you know, this could be a team of highly skilled thieves, who are out to steal your impressive collection of cars. Or maybe they’re even undercover cops. Then again, neither of those make sense given what you’ve seen and what they’ve said.

Silence overcomes the inside, and you glance at the GPS. Still a couple miles to go. You decide to break the silence and forgo subtlety. “Alright, tell me, what’s up? Why were you all in the forest, naked, and why do you not seem to know the most common of knowledge?”

Again, silence fills the interior, until Twilight speaks up. “Well, we’re all from a place called Equestria, which is populated almost entirely by ponies...”

You slam on the brakes, causing everyone to scream. “What the hay was that for?” Applejack asks.

“Nearly missed the turn,” you answer, somewhat truthfully. You did almost miss it, but Twilight’s explanation just made your head hurt. Whether it was from disbelief or proximity to such bullshit is debatable. You park in your usual spot, before turning off the car. “We’re here.”

As you all get out, you watch as the girls take in the sights of the airplane junkyard that has also served as your home of sorts for the past couple years.

You started leading them inside, but before you went in, you spun around to face them, catching them off guard. “Now, I think you owe me an explanation of what the hell this ‘Equestria’ is.”

Author's Note:

To be clear: This will not be a clopfic, by any means. However, if it's demanded enough, I might add a scene or two down the road (ha!), with the rating being adjusted accordingly. This would not change the planned story of this fic majorly, so no matter what the same basic things will happen, and the emphasis would always be on the racing.