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Techie's SPICY Smokin' Toasted Self-Roasted Reviews #5: [Remnants of Glory] · 4:34am Oct 3rd, 2019

I should start tagging the stories in question here. Why wasn't I doing that before?

Anyway, here's today's story:

ERemnants of Glory
After the departing of the Equestrian Pride, and Sombra along with it, the Crystal Empire has been laid ruin, and it's up to it's citizens to pick up where Equestria left off, and start anew. (A sidestory to Spacebound Equestria)
TheMajorTechie · 8.7k words · 441 views

Yup. Fifth story in and we're already on a sidestory. Though, that isn't bad, per say. Just an observation.

Anyway, without further ado, let's jump right into tearing this thing apart! (Or maybe you do want more ado?)

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