
Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results

UPDATEs · 7:51am Jul 15th, 2018

Working on chapter 3 (possibly the final chapter, but we'll see) of Diamonds in bloom, I'd say it's about halfway done, then I'll work on the next chapter of Room for two, who knows, maybe we'll finally get to the damned fair.

anyways, was just wanting to throw out a quick update for the people who still keep up with me.

Report Sunatta · 363 views ·

Room for two, where it's been, what's going on, and when it's coming back. · 9:56pm Jul 13th, 2017

So to start things off, holy fuck has it really been nine months since my last update? I want to apologize for everyone who has been waiting so patiently. These past few months have been kinda crazy for me. I got a promotion, that has been taking up a lot of time, I got engaged, and have been spending most of my free time with her, and I found myself less and less interested in writing. Here lately however, with no small thanks to my fiancee, I've been writing again, and feeling pretty good

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Woohoo · 3:18am Jan 21st, 2017

I hit 2000 veiws today. Thank you very much to everyone who checked out my story, and sorry it's been so long since my last update. I assure you all that I haven't forgotten, it will be finished, it's just taking some time. Anyway, I'm not much one to prattle, so thanks again, and I'll see ya around:raritywink:

Report Sunatta · 509 views · #2000 veiws #excite

100 · 12:28am Nov 28th, 2016

Woo 100 likes on Room for Two. Thanks to everyone who up voted. More is coming, just need a little more inspiration

Report Sunatta · 459 views · #100

Eqg4 · 9:53am Oct 5th, 2016

So I just watched Legends of Everfree, I loved it. Rainbow Rocks is still probably my favorite, but this is definitely a close second. Let me know what you thought in the comments.

Did anyone else notice that Twilight's ringtone is bloody tears from Castlevania ?

Oh, and I might as well sneak an update in while I'm at it. The new chapter is nearly finished. I've got the rough draft all written out, and now all it needs is a few tweaks, and a pass through editing.

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And it's done · 7:48pm Sep 19th, 2016

It is done. I've finally finished drafting the new chapter, it still needs to be revised, but I'm fairly happy with it as is, so hopefully I can get it up today, or tomorrow. It is on the shorter side, as it's mostly a bridge chapter, but I still hope you all enjoy it. I'm sorry it took me so long for something so short, but I'm finding my groove again. So maybe it won't be so long for the next chapter.

As always I love you, thank you for reading.

Report Sunatta · 394 views · #finally

Progress report · 8:53pm Sep 14th, 2016

The chapter is coming along nicely. I've got a few things going on for the next few days, so it might not be up till next week sometime, but I do plan to go ahead and try to push it out this week.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule, but I'm doing what I can to bring this chapter out as soon as possible, while maintaining my standard quality.

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Been awhile · 9:06pm Aug 23rd, 2016

Writing tonight, not gonna stop till I'm done. Add in revision, and editing time, and it should be about a week. I'm notoriously lazy, so if it's not up by next week, by all means, ride my ass until it is.

As always, thank you for reading:heart:

Report Sunatta · 324 views · #writing #lazy

Writing · 7:53pm Jul 28th, 2016

There where some set backs getting my new story up and running. First it got revoked, then I made some alterations, then it got revoked again, then I got kinda frustrated and stopped writing for awhile. But ive recovered and am in the mood again so expect updates soon. I think I've finally got the new story "MLP" enough. If it doesn't pass this time I'm going to shelve it and get back to it later. Regardless of what happens, Room for Two will continue soon.


The update · 6:10pm Jun 25th, 2016

I'll have an update soon, hopefully this weekend, though it might run a bit into next week depending on how long it takes me to wrap up.
I have a one shot, and a new chapter of Room for Two in the works, the one shot will be done first followed shortly by the new chapter.
I know that I'm not 100% on my schedule, but the projects that I'm currently working on are a bit longer than what I normally release.

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Guess who's back · 11:57pm Jun 11th, 2016

This is your local news anchor with an important announcement.
NEW CHAPTER! Now back to Natta with the weather.

Well as you can see we've had one hell of a drought these past few months, but it looks like it's finally over. There are clouds on the horizon, and it's looking like quite the storm. Hey, don't you dare change the channel, I am still talk...

Report Sunatta · 191 views · #Natta #update #news

The new chapter 2 is up · 12:06am May 2nd, 2016

Took me way too damn long, but it's finished. Time to sit back, relax, and... shit I still have to work on the next chapter. More on that when I get closer to finishing it.

Report Sunatta · 96 views ·

Chapter 2 revamp incoming · 4:40pm Apr 26th, 2016

As the title says, chapter 2 is getting a revamp. I've been dissatisfied with it for awhile now, and I've finally got a little free time so I'm going to rework it. It will still more or less cover the same content, so a reread won't be necessary. The new version should be up some time later today or tomorrow. After that I will continue to work forward with the story, and perhaps get around to finishing one of my side projects. Thank you for your time, have a wonderful day.


So, it's been nearly a month · 8:08am Feb 14th, 2016

I hate that it takes me so long to update, but the new chapter WILL drop next week. Hopefully before I pass the month threshold.
I have high hopes for this next chapter, I think you guys are going to love it.
While I'm talking about my story, it just hit 700 views. I know that isn't a lot, but that's 700 people who've given me a shot. And that makes me happy. Anyway I'm not one to prattle on, so I'll keep this next bit short and sweet.

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Viewing 1 - 14 of 14 results