
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

quick question: · 10:11pm Jun 18th, 2015

What do you think of me?

1. Stranger
2. Friend
3. Close friend
4. p.f.f.
5. really close
6. crush
7. I want to be with you

Let me know!

Report Paradox Theory · 91 views · #whynot

What is my defining trait? · 5:06am Jul 29th, 2015

Like, am I funny, crazy, down-to-earth, smart, or whatever.

List the top three traits that define me, I wanna know what y'all thimk of me!

Oh, and maybe the top three things I do in general around Fimfic that define me.


Report There At The Close · 116 views · #WhyNot?

hellows · 10:55pm Feb 2nd, 2021

so I want to know a little bit about yall if that's fine with you so I'll go first
my user name is as follows but if you don't want to call me fennekin then Star would work to
I'm 15 right now but I will turn 16 in a few days
my main language is English but I know a little Spanish from what I've learned in class I want to know every language and I like the Russian alphabet and how it sounds when it is spoken.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results