
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Post 01: First Blog Post! :heart: · 9:11am Aug 12th, 2015

Might be working on an intense action/comedy fic in the near future. I would really love some ideas since most of my stories don't last more than 1,000 words or so


My next project? · 2:53am Jan 11th, 2018

Sooooo, I just learned The Black Library just put out an open call for submissions based on Games Workshop IP. 'Official' fanfic, basically.

And hey, I'm kind of good at fanfic.

The kicker is, I'm fairly certain they won't let me write Ciaphas Cain-- not right off the bat, at least. More's the pity. Still, Games Workshop's got a pretty deep sandbox to play in, so that's a plus.

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Announcement Number Whatever · 5:18pm Nov 7th, 2017

Hello everybody! I have a couple of announcements, mostly good, some bad, so here goes:
1. I'm back! Yay! I've finally gotten past my writer's block, which was more of a continent or an ocean, but whatever. I am pleased to say that I should be back to writing more soon!

2. Sweetie Belle Plays Games is officially complete! Again, apologies to those who's games weren't included. I MIGHT make a second one in the future, but it all depends.

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New Side Hustle · 5:26pm Jun 21st, 2022

So, I'm still doing GrubHub delivery, which remains as exhausting and soul-crushing as usual (if not moreso sometimes, given the way their tech will now take jobs away while I'm stuck in traffic with no options!) It also does quite the number on writing time, though I think I'm getting the gears grinding a little more on that all now!

But I'm looking for other options. And I see that one of the things happening now is paid GMing. I'm hesitant to call it 'pro' at this point, but paid.

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results