New video on "Flutter Brutter" · 12:42am Jun 14th, 2016
By the way, just saw the newest episode, will work on the review soon. Hope you enjoy this one. Thanks for reading and watching!
By the way, just saw the newest episode, will work on the review soon. Hope you enjoy this one. Thanks for reading and watching!
I filed a copyright dispute, and now my video might be working.
For now, at least.
Here it is again:
Take dat video witchu before I go to work. Enjoy!
A countdown of my ranking of season 6 episodes so far, from worst to best.
Hope you enjoy.
Working on "Dungeons & Discords". Will have it up soon. Promise.
Good God, what a terrible episode. Worst of the season so far.
Full shift today, so I can't watch today's episode. I hope it was good. And I have a long work week next week, so that'll make it harder . . . .
But I'll review it as soon as I can. Looking forward to it!
Yes, I attack Dash. Don't like her. Get used to it.
Yes, I cuss a lot. I don't like censorship.
And yes, this episode is pretty much a mixed bag for me.
I don't have a name for him, so I just call him Guido.
As many of you may have caught in one or two of my videos, I can't sing worth a damn.
But that didn't stop me from trying:
It's no big secret to those who know me that I adore "The Nightmare Before Christmas". It's my favorite animated movie of all time. I know all the songs, lines, and movements all by heart.
Or "The Saddle Row Review". Or whatever. Loved it!
Now to watch "Applejack's 'Day' Off". Be back shortly.
If you are a Dash fan, don't bother telling me I'm going to Hell for hating her or whatever. I've gotten enough of that already.
800 follower special coming soon!
Please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work, please let it work!!!!!
This time, I included the Fair Use section that SHOULD protect this video. Hopefully this time, they won't touch it.
Hope you enjoy!
(Also, when I first posted this video, fourteen of the twenty recommended vids on the side were Sketchy Changeling's vids. I think YouTube is trying to flatter me. Perhaps to make up for killing TWO of my videos. )
There's a sort of rant-y part in the middle that I realize some of my "loyal followers" will probably find ironic, maybe even hypocritical. So, take that however you will.
Watch it, or don't. Whatever.
I'll start working on the new episode as soon as possible. Thanks for watching!