
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me. · 3:12am Jan 24th, 2018

Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

Challenge for white people: make an actually funny original meme that isn't just Stepin Fetchit or Mammy Jemima, but with a hip new millennial internet flavor.

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Go, Netherlands! · 4:15pm Nov 21st, 2022

This may be the stupidest World Cup ever (not made better by Senegal's coach looking like my weed guy), but we have to finally win it for once.

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