
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

What happened to the dating game? · 2:55pm Oct 15th, 2019

Honestly, I figured I'd give it a shot, but honestly I didn't like how it seemed like there was a little bit of ponies not seeming to like the fact of ocxoc rather than ocxcanon and since I didn't want to cause a fight in the comments I decided to take it down. However if YOU are still interested in seeing it, I will put what I have in a docs, however I don't know when I'll be able to write more as I'm focused on getting Bonds Chapter 4 out. Thanks. Love you all.

Report Nailah · 210 views · #mlp #comments #oc #canon character

What happened to the dating game? · 2:55pm Oct 15th, 2019

Honestly, I figured I'd give it a shot, but honestly I didn't like how it seemed like there was a little bit of ponies not seeming to like the fact of ocxoc rather than ocxcanon and since I didn't want to cause a fight in the comments I decided to take it down. However if YOU are still interested in seeing it, I will put what I have in a docs, however I don't know when I'll be able to write more as I'm focused on getting Bonds Chapter 4 out. Thanks. Love you all.

Report Nailah · 204 views · #mlp #comments #oc #canon character

Creating Compelling Characters · 9:38am Nov 24th, 2020

Creating a ‘good’ character is an evergreen topic in many groups on this site, so I thought it might be worth a shot to dedicate another miniguide to it. Here I’ll focus primarily on some aspects of a character’s role in a story and the ways in which these aspects affect character creation. The guide might be also a bit messier than usual as putting together these various tidbits of advice would require a far longer text to be somewhat coherently connected.

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The Rookie Raffle! · 1:57am Oct 21st, 2020

~ I'm home so you know what that means, a raffle to celebrate 1k views! ~

This is something completely new I want to try out to have others involved in my fanfictions! Especially future ones. While this won't be available for every current story I have I at least want to try and do a raffle or contest for The Rookie whenever we hit a milestone!

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results