
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Nova Digi Log: Updates · 7:39am Jun 6th, 2016

Hello, subscribers! Nova here.

So, my exams begin today and end on Wednesday. So during this time, all my stories will be put on hold. Please bear with me. I really want to get over with this part of my life so I can move on.

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Revised Character List... · 1:58am Mar 24th, 2017

Well, I've decided to change the characters included on this one...

originally the plan was to get my mane 6, P. C. Celestia And of course J. DL. Discord... yet, other stories have showed me that there are others more suited to help with the shenanigans Inter Universal ... well, Shenanigans cause...

So instead of having Sunbutt and Mr Pressonality himself, I want y'all to give a Huge round of Applauses for Ms... L. H. Hearstrings!


The update · 6:10pm Jun 25th, 2016

I'll have an update soon, hopefully this weekend, though it might run a bit into next week depending on how long it takes me to wrap up.
I have a one shot, and a new chapter of Room for Two in the works, the one shot will be done first followed shortly by the new chapter.
I know that I'm not 100% on my schedule, but the projects that I'm currently working on are a bit longer than what I normally release.

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[News + Update] Flutterpony & Snow Bullet's ban, plus some other things · 7:27am Apr 22nd, 2016

Hey guys, Spoiler here, with a super-early-morning EST post. Just wanted to poke in and let you guys know that we're kinda-sorta still around. In fact, we've taken notice of the fact that a certain figure of the community has been... let's say, "unceremoniously and indefinitely evicted from the premises", now. This will surely come as good news to some, and horrible news to others, but the fact of the matter is -- as you can tell -- one Flutterpony has been permabanned from

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what the fuck it's my fimversary · 10:33am Mar 25th, 2020

why is that even still in my calendar

feel free to leave questions ig? i'm likely gonna be super bored later [unless some stuff happens idk] so i'll prob pop on again and answer them [i'd also be down to just like, conversing or smth]

also like
what are we feeling for what to do while i'm here all day in May? i have no plans it some times it feels like it's coming fast haha

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results