
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Long time, no see... · 6:04am May 30th, 2022

Hey y'all. Just writing this to reassure everyone that Rules for Bodyguards isn't dead and apologize for how long this chapter had taken. Inspiration has been scarce these last months, and I've been pretty unhappy with what I've written till recently. As it stands right now I've got a little over 3000 words in the newest chapter, mostly written in the past week. Seeing how I try very hard not to go over 5000 words per chapter I'm fairly confident it will be in my editor's hands this week and

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Update on Rules stuff. · 2:44pm Jun 18th, 2022

Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a nice day today. I wanted to start by saying just how sorry I am for missing my previous deadline. The last few weeks have been pretty busy for me, and I was aiming to upload chapter 8 right before I left on vacation. As you can see, that didn't happen, but I was able to finish up and get it out, albeit a week later then I intended. I want to promise updates in the future will be more regular, but that would depend on life not throwing any more

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results