The Return! · 1:22am May 16th, 2016
So, even though I said barely a month ago that LCS would be "cancelled" for the foreseeable future. However, I had a sudden burst of inspiration, and I'm back at it! All thanks to... Steven Universe?
So, even though I said barely a month ago that LCS would be "cancelled" for the foreseeable future. However, I had a sudden burst of inspiration, and I'm back at it! All thanks to... Steven Universe?
Why? I dunno, just felt like a thing to do. Call it a farewell gift, call it a celebration for 200 likes, or call it complete randomness. I don't care.
Just wanted to mention it in case you're the type to search for a story by image.
It's coming back tomorrow. That's right, folks, my flagship AirNata fic is finally coming back for your reading pleasure. That's about it, to be honest. I just wanted to let those of you who care know that it'll be back and it'll be better than ever (hopefully).
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Hey, remember that LCS clopfic I was talking about? When I asked you guys to ask me a bunch of questions so I wouldn't have to write it?
Well, you didn't ask enough questions.
It's finished now. I would appreciate it if you checked it out, assuming you're not squeamish to that sort of thing.
For those of you who don't know what LBS/LCS is, it's what could be considered my flagship story. A big, long collection of Aria and Sonata snippets, detailing their life as they start dating and their growing relationship. The story has been officially completed roughly 2 years ago. It was a big part of the reason why a lot of people who follow me do so, and it's probably the most important thing to me personally that I've ever written.
I update this story so infrequently and irregularly that I feel the need to post about it when I actually do post a chapter.
Well, yes and no. Cancelled as in more hiatus than hiatus, but not finished. Down but not out, as it were. I'll come back to finish it off, but not for a while. A really, really long while. An absurdly long while.
What it says on the tin, guys. LCS is now over, done, finito, out the window, wrapped up, dead, buried, etc. It had a good run Just wanted to blog about it because of my erratic update schedule.
To LBS/LCS fans, I thank you for your time, and I bid you farewell.
Hey, what's up? How've you been? Good? Good.
For those wondering where I've been, this is for you. I haven't been continuing my story "Lavender Citadel Syndrome" due to a simple reason. I've had many potential ideas that may be in the works for some time, so I've gone a bit side-tracked. Not to worry, though. The story'll (hopefully) be finished by late June or July.
I thought I was done. Twice now, I said that this tale had run its course. But something has changed. I realized that I had one more story to tell. So I'm bringing it out of retirement.