
Viewing 981 - 982 of 982 results

2014-2019 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2019

RIP My old laptop. My new one isn't completely set up yet and ready for writing, so I've got the old one up one last time. I typed over a million words on this thing, amassed hundreds of memes, bookmarked too many goddamn things, and fumed at poorly written Netflix drivel on this idiot hunk of plastic. I covered it with far too many stickers, let my cats near it far too many times, and dropped it once or twice. The keyboard is pretty funky too, if I do say so myself because everyone who has

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What We Don't Talk About (New Fic Out!) · 1:54am March 2nd

Hello ladles and gentlespoons! I wrote a fic! Missed me? I missed you all!

TWhat We Don't Talk About
Rarity and Applejack put the romance in necromancy.
Silent Whisper · 6.8k words  ·  42  5 · 385 views

Does this mean I'm so back? We'll see. Lots of real-life stuff going on right now for me, but I'm still here, and I still have more stories to tell.

Also, pro tip, don't work for Kroger (even just on a temporary basis), folks, it saps the life out of you. Lessons learned, yo.

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Viewing 981 - 982 of 982 results