
Viewing 221 - 240 of 324 results

Time and Time for Bdays · 8:53pm Aug 25th, 2023

Sometimes I wish it wasn't time again. And the fact I do tells me a lot about myself, there is still a lot to learn, a lot to accept, a lot to make peace with. If I ever wake up, and wish I had but one more day, then eventually there will be no days left. So one day, I will wake up, and feel... content? Perhaps. Or perhaps when all preparations are fulfilled, there will just be emptiness.

Happy Birthday to me~.


Toiling Worm · 8:49pm Sep 15th, 2023

I would like to be a worm. A carefree existence, where I eat as much dirt as my stomach can hold, and unload it all the same.
Where I remain hidden from view under a cool, safe rock.
Where if I were split in twain, I would have a new friend to nurture together.

The more I think of it, the more my life resembles that of a worm already.
We even bleed the same.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Do I crave? · 12:12am Sep 23rd, 2023

It is a funny thing, because I haven't thought about it much. That thing which many crave, to which so much prose is drafted, to which so many tunes are sung. Perhaps it has been easier to not think about it. Perhaps it is something I desire, despite the fact I have not sought it. There is a nagging sensation in my mind, asking me if I can truly be satisfied without it. The answer has always been foregone for me. But, perhaps it is just foreign to me. Unlike so many others, who claim: we're no

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Maybe I shouldn't · 10:08pm Sep 24th, 2021

Where do I go when my path weighs even across both sides? I always think I can observe it closer, deeper and deeper, on the scale of worth and value, there should be a dent that puts one side over the edge. And if not, I scrutinize closer. And if it is still even, I go deeper. The more I observe, the more my surroundings alter and adapt to the lens of my vision.
however, if the scale remains even through the most minute of observations, then I will tip it myself.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Revolving · 10:19pm Apr 10th, 2020

We rise, we fall, a curve in every step.
We rise, once more, each fall another prep.
We fall, so often, and yet each day we move.
We fall, we rise, to persevere through doom.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Bent · 12:00am Feb 8th, 2020

When one is bent,
to feel content,
you might resent,
to pay your rent.

"What good's it for?",
"They need no more".
Then they appear,
at your front door.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Oddness Ahead · 11:27pm Jun 22nd, 2018

These are odd weeks. moving so quickly, yet taken up by nothing.

The world is odd now,
however I see it change,
soon won't be the same.

Hope you are all enjoying your filthy fridays.

There is an event coming, a month long event.


journey to self fullfillment · 10:13pm Sep 4th, 2020

Stuck in a nutshell,
riding on a rut-o-hell,
with a wingless angel and a witless thief,
a journey to surpass the limits of belief.
For what can expect the ones lacking expectations?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~


What An oddly even day · 9:11pm Apr 24th, 2020

What lie does one lead to impress oneself? Does it coincide with one which is desirable to others as well? Or are the two forces in opposition to one another?
How far does cooperation get you, when you spend more than you receive?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Lighter times ahead · 10:05pm Mar 30th, 2018

Today we do not have a new story, but it should be coming up next week~.
And it is fun one~. It has some of the funnest ponies out there.

But that is for later.
For now, you mares enjoy your grass, I am gonna go get high on life.

Have a pleasant Filthy Friday~.


Rolling up once more · 9:01pm Apr 20th, 2018

Glad to have been back and posted a bit more on here lately~.
It comes and goes when I get a chance to write about something relevant for this site, but it is always nice to share.

This week we do not have much of anything new, but there are projects in works. Projects that -- like a lot currently -- have been put on delay until I have handled some personal business.

But we might be seeing a new story here as soon as next week.

Keep your ears peaked and your eyes bulged,

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Those little moments · 2:37am Dec 5th, 2020

Distractions are what makes up life. Down to its core. Joy, pleasure, sadness, grief. Whatever it is, it is something to do. And the times where we have nothing to do, is the time where we get closest to that fateful, dreadful moment. That which followed us from the beginning. What we are distracting ourselves from.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Sparkling Relationship · 9:30pm Aug 20th, 2021

Hey there, Happy Filthy Friday to you all,
Today we have a new story, one with Twilight and booty escapades.
A calm, laid back snuggle, at least for one of the parties involved.

Some things are so big, that they become insignificant. Others are so far away, they do not exist. Some things, take so long, that they never happen. And others seem to happen at a constant basis.

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A Welcome Shade · 10:10pm Oct 11th, 2019

Can we see our footprints when they are swallowed by our shadows? Does it matter, when the road ahead lay clad in mystery? To stop is to sink, contemplate not the step you are on, but the one you will take. Darkness or light, all pass. They affect our stride, as much as our last step did.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Salvo of Sickness, Standing Strong · 9:42pm January 12th

Fine print, is a skill check. But what skill does it fall under?
Perception is possible, particularly when perusing parchment.
Knowledge is a candidate, considering ones curiosity.
Falsehood is factual, fortune favours fakers.

But in the end, it does not matter which way it is failed, only that it happens.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Enter, The Empress · 9:25pm Jan 10th, 2020

Today marks the first story we publish to Fimfiction of 2020, the start of a new chronicle, with a familiar franchise peeking in behind the veil~.

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A Day off ahead. · 11:56pm Jan 15th, 2021

When I was young, there was a daily need that stewed within me. A desire to fill. Often this was met with food. Though, hunger could be sated, a physical hole to be filled and plugged. But this desire was different. Impressions, ideas, media, stories, items, exploration... If all desires were slaked, all holes filled, it dug new ones, always moving to the next, shifting, running, pouring into several at a time. Yet also it kept moving. Spare little time spent to dedicate oneself to a single

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A Visit From Dringle · 12:36am March 2nd

Quite strange, it feels as if a year had just passed by in an instance... So many voices calling out to be muted by aethereal filaments. Of untapped potential and personality. Wherefore hath this presence made itself manifest?
Will it ever return, or will we then have changed too much to recognize it?

Happy Filthy Leapyear Friday~


Collective Quests · 1:08am Jan 25th, 2020

What is the road? We tread upon it during our journey - the quest of walking, waking, understanding - yet the road itself does not exist, merely a concept brought about underneath us through a collective will to have it there. We see because others see it. Because we need to walk? We need a destination. We have to put one foot after the other. How deep does it go? Will someone who does not believe in the wall have it cease existing for them, or does it run deeper? Is there a collective

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End of Twin Month · 10:14pm Feb 25th, 2022

It is a curse to live during interesting times, despite the ravenous hunger one has for stories.
Interesting times, make for wondrous stories, though a miserable experience. As always, any good story requires conflict.

Happy Filthy Friday~. And Happy Twin Month~.

Viewing 221 - 240 of 324 results