
Viewing 201 - 220 of 324 results

Thumb Discount · 1:17am Dec 19th, 2020

How does the custodian with thumbs for fingers pick her nose? Having 4 extra maneuverable digits compared to her associates, their fine motoric is splendid and articulate. Through some practice they overshoot the limits of their coworkers and deliver results with accuracy and precision. Through this obscene altercation of biology, they grasp further. Though some tasks are made difficult.
The custodian with thumbs for fingers, have wide nostrils.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


The ship of Theseus · 9:55pm Sep 8th, 2023

I have heard the story of the ship of theseus: a vessel you gradually replace, bit by bit, until none of the original remain. Then if you took all the discarded parts and assembled those into a ship, which is the true ship?
I have also heard this likened to the the body of living creature; if each cell is gradually replaced along a person's life, what remains of them at the end is not a separate entity from what they began as. Or even what were were just a few months ago.

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Days Marked with importance · 8:39pm Aug 19th, 2022

Is art, without observer? Is, any work, without a beneficiary? Is there creation, without a creator?

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Filthy Friday Birthday~. · 9:15pm Aug 26th, 2022

For all the planning, for all the emphasis, for all the time laid down to perfect a single moment, that moment as all others will pass. I can tell myself that it was different, I can value that one moment higher than a hundred others. And perhaps, at certain times, I should.
At other times, I will put the weight towards who those moments were spent with, rather than what I was doing.

Happy birthday to me.

Happy Filthy Friday to you~.


Consequences · 11:00pm May 24th, 2019

Relapse. Rejuvenating a behavior you had long since hoped would be buried in your footprints. Have you stepped back on yourself? Tread ground you have been at before, knowing there is no grace hidden in that path? Or are your steps merely betraying you, likening one mistake to another, one fall for the next? What if they represented the same events? A life is riddled with woe, and we remain as the one we always are, an mistake in the present, is the same as the mistakes of the past.

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Ape the Monkey · 9:48pm Mar 17th, 2023

Whatever horrors come our way we overcome them. We have far better horrors than that, nature continues to surprise us with the terror and dread that is out there, but the human mind has reached beyond it, it is from the human mind that the term nature and horror even exist. We have defined the tools, and thus we determine what scares us.

Happy Filthy Friday~.
Might be seeing some pony content next week.


Dark above, Light Below. · 10:48pm May 3rd, 2019

What wonders awaits us, none. As simple as that, for nothing waits for those walking, all that is we have now, and nothing more can be created from nothing. Withing ourselves, it is what we think that becomes a reality, how we act and how we portray ourselves is what matters for the world. If you strive to be responsible, then you will forever strive.
You are what you are, and all that matters is what you are now. For what you are now, you will be for the rest of your life.

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A Peculiar Angle · 6:24pm May 6th, 2022

Space is a curious thing, the larger something is, the harder it is to see it, the smaller something is, the more keen we are to see it, and noting every detail we can find.
Though perhaps that is a reductive way to look at it. Were we to change perspectives, and say "Experience" instead of seeing... Then the larger something is, the harder it is to experience as a whole. And the small details we do catch, we take care to experience and savour.

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The Eye of a Summer Storm · 10:52pm Jun 5th, 2020

Wash your hands for 30 seconds.

How easy our mind shifts from one to the next, even what we appreciate makes up not but a fraction of all that goes on within us, connections crafted and paths forged, walkways ready for us to tread them, and yet we can only strive so far away from the main road.
Are the additional thoughts wasted effort? Or what makes us living?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Darkest Of Days In Celebration · 9:38pm Dec 22nd, 2023

How much longer will it take to complete this task?
How often do I think about that? How often is the question not, what am I doing? Why am I doing it? But: When am I done?
Yet, sometimes, for very few tasks, this melts away. Everything revolves around the what, how, and why. And in those rare moments, if the question of when comes up... the answer is the same: There is no after, there is only this.

Happy Filthy Friday~, and Happy Darkest night.


Around Eternity · 10:32pm May 22nd, 2020

A snake coils around the word.
It has laid continents and oceans under its grasp, wading through the dirt on its quest.
It sees something rise up over the horizon, a prey befitting its hunger.
It strikes.
It feasts.
It keeps feasting.
It moves forwards, filling its mouth, yet there is always more ahead.
It continues.
It continues for an indefinite amount of time. A symbol of infinity.
If infinity has no end, and this one moment has no end, is infinity, nought but one moment long.

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Back to regular Broadcasts. · 10:02pm Nov 5th, 2021

Time stretches on, with you in tow or not. It asks not to keep up pace, merely to stay on the path. Each a step, after another.
But what if, there really was something beyond?
Beyond the veil of the route that engraves existence, beyond our grasp of life?
Is that a place we can walk to, or do we simply fall over the edge?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Matter Of Focalpoint · 10:37pm May 29th, 2020

There are times when you stare downwards, at your feet, your path, your problems. It is all you see, everything directly around it feels unimportant, distant. Stare too long, and you will not know where you are headed.
Once you look forwards, you cannot see yourself, problems are still there, but there is a goal.
It is uplifting, and sad, to think that is the way to handle any crisis.

What happens when you look up?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Sharp Sight · 10:02pm Jun 19th, 2020

Seeing is believing. That is what is said, right? Though that changes drastically with context. In the world as we perceive it, we trust what we can see, we all collectively believe in this interpretation. However, in belief, the object of worship is not, if ever, to be seen. Other than those who believe to have seen it.
But who sees them?

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Happy All Ass Day~. · 10:16pm Feb 14th, 2020

What is it like to come to terms with one's conception? That brief moment where void and existence married, the instant our lives began. What was before? A question often left by the wayside, and yet as relevant as what happens afterwards. Most conclusions draw back to the moment, where we are simply happy to be.
I am happy to be, and I will be happy to have been, for that brief instance in my future.

Happy All Flanks Day~.


The Joys of Sight · 9:52pm Sep 18th, 2020

Are transient joys, even joys to begin with? Can you be satisfied with something if you are well aware that it is not to last? For some it is fine to live moment by moment and enjoy times as they come. For others it is not the joy itself but the promise of future pleasures that sustains them.

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Time Compensation · 10:31pm Apr 3rd, 2020

We keep contact brief
and hope it is leading,
to a sigh of relief,
once no one's left breathing.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.

Wash your hands, 30 seconds.


One pod at a time · 12:55am Jan 23rd, 2021

Three peas in a pod laid resting,
while the morning sun laid cresting,
the pod opened a creak,
from the peas no a peep,
as the first pea tumbled through.

In their slumber, more space felt welcome,
though keeping still neither did seldom,
and so with a bump,
an impromptu jump,
and the second pea tumbled through.

The third pea had all space it'd desire,
fading off in the dream court's choir,
but without a support,
the pod would contort,
so the third pea, tumbled through.

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And so we spinn a new wheel · 2:11am Jan 4th, 2020

Perception and interpretation: Key to the establishment of connection, between living beings, and said beings to their surrounding. Two creatures holds different perspectives, yet if they share the same interpretation, they can communicate and relate to one another. Perception is grown from birth, the moment we gain an understanding of the world around us. Interpretation is taught, and lays as the foundation for our communication and triumph.

Happy new decennium~.


Who is the beast · 8:56pm Jan 17th, 2020

A human sees flowers, all in a row, they lean in and smell them, make time as they go.
A beast sees flowers, down their list, they grasp and pick them, leaving dew in mist.
Down the list goes, the judge reads them all, passes the beast a sentence, to lay down the law.
The human keeps walking, away the judge gaze, for crime is the act of beasts, abstained the human's ways.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 201 - 220 of 324 results